Član 1.
Potvrđuje se Finansijski ugovor između Republike Srbije i Evropske investicione banke „Rehabilitacija i bezbednost puteva”, koji je potpisan 27. novembra 2013. godine u Beogradu, u originalu na engleskom jeziku.
Član 2.
Tekst Finansijskog ugovora između Republike Srbije i Evropske investicione banke
„Rehabilitacija i bezbednost puteva”, u originalu na engleskom jeziku i u prevodu na srpski jezik glasi:
FI N° 82.640 (RS)
Serapis N°2012-0367
European Investment Bank
Belgrade, 27 November 2013
The Republic of Serbia, represented by the Minister of Finance, Xx.
Xxxxx Krstic (the ‘‘Borrower)
of the first part, and
The European Investment Bank having its seat at 000 xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx, X-0000 Xxxxxxxxxx, represented by the Head of Division, Xx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx and by the Legal Counsel, Xx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx,
(the ‘‘Bank)
of the second part.
(1) The Borrower has stated that, through the public company established and operating in the Republic of Serbia (Decision Establishing Public Enterprise for State Roads Management, No.023/8228/2005, dated December 22, 2005 and published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 115/05) under the corporate title Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia” (hereinafter called the “Promoter”), it is undertaking a project of the rehabilitation and safety improvement of approximately 1,100 kilometres of trunk roads throughout Serbia as a part of a five-year programme, as well as measures of institutional strengthening in respect of safety management, investment planning and maintenance management, as more particularly described in the technical description (the “Technical Description”) set out in Schedule A (the “Project”).The Promoter will be responsible for Project implementation with all the necessary support from the Borrower.
(2) The total cost of the Project, as estimated by the Bank, is EUR 390,000,000(three hundred ninety thousand million euros) and the Borrower has stated that it intends to finance the Project as follows:
Source European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | Amount (EUR m) 100 |
World Bank | 73,8 |
Credit from the Bank | 100 |
Borrower | 116,2 |
TOTAL | 390 |
(3) In order to fulfil the financing plan set out in Recital (2), the Borrower has requested from the Bank a credit of EUR 100,000,000 (one hundred million euros).
(4) By Decision No. 1080/2011/EU the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union have decided to grant a guarantee to the Bank against losses incurred by it under loans and loan guarantees granted from 2007 to 2013 in accordance with its own rules and procedures for projects carried out in certain countries outside the European Union listed in the said Decision.
(5) On 11 May 2009 the Republic of Serbia concluded with the Bank a Framework Agreement governing the Bank's activities in the territory of the Republic of Serbia (hereinafter the "Framework Agreement") and the present project falls within the scope of the Framework Agreement.
(6) The Government of the Republic of Serbia has acknowledged by letter dated 13 June 2011 that the loan financing to be provided hereunder falls within the scope of the Framework Agreement. The Borrower confirms the Bank’s preferred creditor status as an international financial institution.
(7) The Bank considering that the financing of the Project falls within the scope of its functions, and having regard to the statements and facts cited in these Recitals, has decided to give effect to the Borrower’s request providing to it a credit in an amount of EUR 100,000,000 (one hundred million euros) under this finance contract (the “Contract”); provided that the amount of the Bank loan shall not, in any case, exceed 50% (fifty per cent) of the total cost of the Project set out in Recital (2).
(8) The Statute of the Bank provides that the Bank shall ensure that its funds are used as rationally as possible in the interests of the European Union; and, accordingly, the terms and conditions of the Bank's loan operations must be consistent with relevant policies of the European Union.
(9) The Bank considers that access to information plays an essential role in the reduction of environmental and social risks, including human rights violations, linked to the projects it finances and has therefore established its Transparency policy, the purpose of which is to enhance the accountability of the EIB Group towards its stakeholders and the citizens of the European Union in general.
(10) The processing of personal data shall be carried out by the Bank in accordance with applicable European Union legislation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the EC institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data.
NOW THEREFORE it is hereby agreed as follows:
(a) Interpretation
In this Contract:
(i) references to Articles, Recitals, Schedules and Annexes are, save if explicitly stipulated otherwise, references respectively to articles of, and recitals, schedules and annexes to this Contract;
(ii) references to a provision of law are references to that provision as amended or re-enacted; and
(iii) references to any other agreement or instrument are references to that other agreement or instrument as amended, innovated, supplemented, extended or restated.
(b) Definitions
In this Contract:
“Acceptance Deadline” for a notice means:
(a) 16h00 Luxembourg time on the day of delivery, if the notice is delivered by 14h00 Luxembourg time on a Business Day; or
(b) 11h00 Luxembourg time on the next following day which is a Business Day, if the notice is delivered after 14h00 Luxembourg time on any such day or is delivered on a day which is not a Business Day.
"Authorisation" means an authorisation, permit, consent, approval, resolution, licence, exemption, filing, notarisation or registration.
“Business Day” means a day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which the Bank and commercial banks are open for general business in Luxembourg.
“Change-of-Law Event” has the meaning given to it in Article 4.03A(3).
“Compliance Certificate” means a certificate substantially in the form set out in Schedule D.2. “Contract” has the meaning given to it in Recital (7).
“Credit” has the meaning given to it in Article 1.01.
“Criminal Offence” means any of the following criminal offences as applicable: fraud, corruption, coercion, collusion, obstruction, money laundering, financing of terrorism.
“Deferment Indemnity” means an indemnity calculated on the amount of disbursement deferred or suspended at the percentage rate(if higher than zero) by which:
- the interest rate that would have been applicable to such amount had it been disbursed to the Borrower on the Scheduled Disbursement Date
- EURIBOR (one month rate) less 0.125% (12.5 basis points), unless this value is less than zero, in which case it will be set at zero.
Such indemnity shall accrue from the Scheduled Disbursement Date to the Disbursement Date or, as the case may be, until the date of cancellation of the Notified Tranche in accordance with this Contract.
“Dinar” or “RSD” means the lawful currency of the Republic of Serbia.
“Disbursement Date” means the date on which actual disbursement of a Tranche is made by the Bank.
“Disbursement Notice” means a notice from the Bank to the Borrower pursuant to and in accordance with Article 1.02C.
“Disbursement Request” means a notice substantially in the form set out in Schedule C. “Disruption Event” means either or both of:
(a) a material disruption to those payment or communications systems or to those financial markets which are, in each case, required to operate in order for payments to be made in connection with this Contract; or
(b) the occurrence of any other event which results in a disruption (of a technical or systems-related nature) to the treasury or payments operations of either the Bank or the Borrower, preventing that party:
(i) from performing its payment obligations under this Contract; or
(ii) from communicating with other parties,
and which disruption (in either such case as per (a) or (b) above) is not caused by, and is beyond the control of, the party whose operations are disrupted.
“Environment” means the following, in so far as they affect human health and social well-being:
(a) fauna and flora;
(b) soil, water, air, climate and the landscape; and
(c) cultural heritage and the built environment,
and includes, without limitation, occupational and community health and safety. “Environmental Approval” means any Authorisation required by Environmental Law.
“Environmental Claim” means any claim, proceeding, formal notice or investigation by any person in respect of any Environmental Law.
“Environmental Law” means:
(a) EU law, including principles and standards;
(b) the Serbian laws and regulations; and
(c) applicable international treaties,
of which a principal objective is the preservation, protection or improvement of the Environment. “EURIBOR” has the meaning given to it in Schedule B.
“EUR” or “euro” means the lawful currency of the Member States of the European Union which adopt or have adopted it as their currency in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union or their succeeding treaties.
“Event of Default” means any of the circumstances, events or occurrences specified in Article 10.01. “Final Availability Date” means 30 November 2018.
“Fixed Rate” means an annual interest rate determined by the Bank in accordance with the applicable principles from time to time laid down by the governing bodies of the Bank for loans made at a fixed rate of interest, denominated in the currency of the Tranche and bearing equivalent terms for the repayment of capital and the payment of interest.
“Fixed Rate Tranche” means a Tranche on which Fixed Rate is applied.
“Floating Rate” means a fixed-spread floating interest rate, that is to say an annual interest rate determined by the Bank for each successive Floating Rate Reference Period equal to EURIBOR plus the Spread.
“Floating Rate Reference Period” means each period from one Payment Date to the next relevant Payment Date; the first Floating Rate Reference Period shall commence on the date of disbursement of the Tranche.
“Floating Rate Tranche” means a Tranche on which Floating Rate is applied.
“GAAP” means generally accepted accounting principles in the Republic of Serbia, including IFRS.
“Guide to Procurement” means the Guide to Procurement published on EIB’s website[1] that informs the promoters of projects financed in whole or in part by the EIB of the arrangements to be made for procuring works, goods and services required for the Project.
“IFRS” means international accounting standards within the meaning of IAS Regulation 1606/2002 to the extent applicable to the relevant financial statements.
“Indemnifiable Prepayment Event” means a Prepayment Event other than those specified in paragraphs4.03A(2) or 4.03A(4).
“Loan” means the aggregate amount of Tranches disbursed from time to time by the Bank under this Contract.
“Market Disruption Event” means any of the following circumstances:
(a) there are, in the reasonable opinion of the Bank, events or circumstances adversely affecting the Bank’s access to its sources of funding;
(b) in the opinion of the Bank, funds are not available from its ordinary sources of funding in order to adequately fund a Tranche in the relevant currency and/or for the relevant maturity and/or in relation to the reimbursement profile of such Tranche;
(c) in relation to a Tranche in respect of which interest is or would be payable at Floating Rate:
(A) the cost to the Bank of obtaining funds from its sources of funding, as determined by the Bank, for a period equal to the Floating Rate Reference Period of such Tranche (i.e. in the money market) would be in excess of the applicable EURIBOR;
(B) the Bank determines that adequate and fair means do not exist for ascertaining the applicable EURIBOR for the relevant currency of such Tranche or it is not possible to determine the EURIBOR in accordance with the definition contained in Schedule B.
“Material Adverse Change” means, any event or change of condition, which, in the reasonable opinion of the Bank, has a material adverse effect on:
(a) the ability of the Borrower to perform its obligations under this Contract;
(b) the financial condition or prospects of the Borrower; or
(c) the validity or enforceability of, or the effectiveness or ranking of, or the value of any security granted to the Bank, or the rights or remedies of the Bank under this Contract.
“Maturity Date” means the last or sole repayment date of a Tranche specified pursuant to Article 4.01A(b)(iv) or Article 4.01B.
“Notified Tranche” means a Tranche in respect of which the Bank has issued a Disbursement Notice. “PIT” has the meaning ascribed to such term in Article 6.05.
“Payment Date” means: the annual, semi-annual or quarterly dates specified in the Disbursement Notice until the Maturity Date, save that, in case any such date is not a Relevant Business Day, it means:
[1]xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx. Note it is the version of the Guide in force at the time of the project procurement that it applicable.
(a) for a Fixed Rate Tranche, the following Relevant Business Day, without adjustment to the interest due under Article 3.01 [except for those cases where repayment is made in a single instalment according to Article 4.01B, when the preceding Relevant Business Day shall apply instead to this single instalment and to the final interest payment and only in this case, with adjustment to the interest due under Article 3.01]; and
(b) for a Floating Rate Tranche, the next day, if any, of that calendar month that is a Relevant Business Day or, failing that, the nearest preceding day that is a Relevant Business Day, in all cases with corresponding adjustment to the interest due under Article 3.01.
“Prepayment Amount” means the amount of a Tranche to be prepaid by the Borrower in accordance with Article 4.02A.
“Prepayment Date” means the date, which shall be a Payment Date, on which the Borrower proposes to effect prepayment of a Prepayment Amount.
“Prepayment Event” means any of the events described in Article 4.03A.
“Prepayment Indemnity” means in respect of any principal amount to be prepaid or cancelled, the amount communicated by the Bank to the Borrower as the present value (as of the Prepayment Date) of the excess, if any, of:
(a) the interest that would accrue thereafter on the Prepayment Amount over the period from the Prepayment Date to the Maturity Date, if it were not prepaid; over
(b) the interest that would so accrue over that period, if it were calculated at the Redeployment Rate, less 0.15% (fifteen basis points).
The said present value shall be calculated at a discount rate equal to the Redeployment Rate, applied as of each relevant Payment Date.
“Prepayment Notice” means a written notice from the Bank to the Borrower in accordance with Article 4.02C.
“Prepayment Request” means a written request from the Borrower to the Bank to prepay all or part of the Loan, in accordance with Article 4.02A.
“Project” has the meaning given to it in Recital (1).
“Qualifying Expenditure” means expenditure (including costs of design and supervision, if relevant, and net of taxes and duties payable by the Borrower) incurred by the Borrower or the Promoter for the Project, in respect of works, goods and services relating to items specified in the Technical Description as eligible for financing under the Credit, which have been the object of contract or contracts executed on terms satisfactory to the Bank, having regard to the most recent edition of the Bank’s Guide to Procurement, as published on its website.
For the purpose of calculating the equivalent in euro of any sum spent in Dinar, the Bank shall apply either (i) the relevant reference exchange rate computed and published by the National Bank of Serbia, or(ii) failing such rate, the relevant exchange rate or rates then prevailing on any financial market reasonably chosen by the Bank.
For the purpose of calculating the equivalent in euro of any sum spent in any currency other than euro (EUR) and Dinar (RSD), the Bank shall apply the reference exchange rate computed and published for that currency by the European Central Bank on such date falling within 15 (fifteen) days before the date of disbursement as the Bank shall decide (or, failing such a rate, the relevant exchange rate or rates then prevailing on any financial market reasonably chosen by the Bank).
“Redeployment Rate” means the Fixed Rate in effect on the day of the indemnity calculation for fixed-rate loans denominated in the same currency and which shall have the same terms for the payment of interest and the same repayment profile to the Maturity Date as the Tranche in respect of which a prepayment is proposed or requested to be made. For those cases where the period is shorter than 48 (forty-eight) months (or 36 (thirty-six) months in the absence of a repayment of principal during that period) the most closely corresponding money market rate equivalent will be used, that is EURIBOR minus 0.125% (12.5 basis points) for periods of up to 12 (twelve) months. For periods
falling between 12 and 36/48 months as the case may be, the bid point on the swap rates as published by Reuters for the related currency and observed by the Bank at the time of calculation will apply.
“Relevant Business Day” means a day on which the Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer payment system which utilises a single shared platform and which was launched on 19 November 2007 (TARGET2) is open for the settlement of payments in EUR.
“RPF” has the meaning ascribed to such term in Article 6.06.
“Scheduled Disbursement Date” means the date on which a Tranche is scheduled to be disbursed in accordance with Article 1.02C.
“Security” means any mortgage, pledge, lien, charge, assignment, hypothecation, or other security interest securing any obligation of any person or any other agreement or arrangement having a similar effect.
“Spread” means the fixed spread to EURIBOR (being either plus or minus) determined by the Bank and notified to the Borrower in the relevant Disbursement Notice.
“Tax” means any tax, levy, impost, duty or other charge or withholding of a similar nature (including any penalty or interest payable in connection with any failure to pay or any delay in paying any of the same).
“Technical Description” has the meaning given to it in Recital (1).
“Tranche” means each disbursement made or to be made under this Contract. In case no Disbursement Notice has been delivered, Tranche shall mean a Tranche as requested under Article 1.02B.
Credit and Disbursements
1.01 Amount of Credit
By this Contract the Bank establishes in favour of the Borrower, and the Borrower accepts, a credit in an amount of EUR 100,000,000 (one hundred million euros) for the financing of the Project (the “Credit”).
1.02 Disbursement procedure
1.02A Tranches
The Bank shall disburse the Credit in up to 20Tranches. The amount of each Tranche, if not being the undrawn balance of the Credit, shall be in a minimum amount of EUR5,000,000 (five million euros).
1.02B Disbursement Request
a) The Borrower may present to the Bank a Disbursement Request for the disbursement of a Tranche, such Disbursement Request to be received at the latest 15 (fifteen) days before the Final Availability Date. The Disbursement Request shall be in the form set out in Schedule Cand shall specify:
(i) the amount and currency of the Tranche;
(ii) the preferred disbursement date for the Tranche; such preferred disbursement date must be a Relevant Business Day falling at least 15 (fifteen) days after the date of the Disbursement Request and, in any event, on or before the Final Availability Date, it being understood that notwithstanding the Final Availability Datethe Bank may disburse the Tranche up to4 (four) calendar monthsfrom the date of the Disbursement Request;
(iii) whether the Tranche is a Fixed Rate Tranche or a Floating Rate Tranche, each pursuant to the relevant provisions of Article 3.01;
(iv) the preferred interest payment periodicity for the Tranche, chosen in accordance with Article 3.01;
(v) the preferred terms for repayment of principal for the Tranche, chosen in accordance with Article 4.01;
(vi) the preferred first and last dates for repayment of principal for the Tranche;
(vii) the IBAN code (or appropriate format in line with local banking practice) and SWIFT BIC of the bank account to which disbursement of the Tranche should be made in accordance with Article 1.02D.
(b) If the Bank, following a request by the Borrower, has provided the Borrower, before the submission of the Disbursement Request, with a non-binding fixed interest rate or spread quotation to be applicable to the Tranche, the Borrower may also at its discretion specify in the Disbursement Request such quotation, that is to say:
(i) in the case of a Fixed Rate Tranche, the aforementioned fixed interest rate previously quoted by the Bank; or
(ii) in the case of a Floating Rate Tranche, the aforementioned spread previously quoted by the Bank,
applicable to the Tranche until the Maturity Date.
(c) Each Disbursement Request shall be accompanied by evidence of the authority of the person or persons authorised to sign it and the specimen signature of such person or persons or a declaration by the Borrower that no change has occurred in relation to the authority of the person or persons authorised to sign Disbursement Requests under this Contract.
(d) Subject to Article 1.02C(b), each Disbursement Request is irrevocable. 1.02C Disbursement Notice
(a) Not less than 10 (ten) days before the proposed Scheduled Disbursement Date of a Tranche, the Bank shall, if the Disbursement Request conforms to this Article 1.02, deliver to the Borrower a Disbursement Notice which shall specify:
(i) the currency, and amount of the Tranche;
(ii) the Scheduled Disbursement Date;
(iii) the interest rate basis for the Tranche, being: (i) a Fixed Rate Tranche; or (ii) a Floating Rate Tranche all pursuant to the relevant provisions of Article 3.01;
(iv) the first interest Payment Date and the periodicity for the payment of interest for the Tranche;
(v) the terms for repayment of principal for the Tranche;
(vi) the first and last dates for repayment of principal for the Tranche;
(vii) the applicable Payment Dates for the Tranche;
(viii) for a Fixed Rate Tranche the Fixed Rate and for a Floating Rate Tranche the Spread applicable to the Tranche until the Maturity Date.
(b) If one or more of the elements specified in the Disbursement Notice does not reflect the corresponding element, if any, in the Disbursement Request, the Borrower may following receipt of the Disbursement Notice revoke the Disbursement Request by written notice to the Bank to be received no later than 12h00 Luxembourg time on the next Business Day and thereupon the Disbursement Request and the Disbursement Notice shall be of no effect. If the Borrower has not revoked in writing the Disbursement Request within such period, the Borrower will be deemed to have accepted all elements specified in the Disbursement Notice.
(c) If the Borrower has presented to the Bank a Disbursement Request in which the Borrower has not specified the fixed interest rate or spread as set out in Article 1.02B(b), the Borrower
will be deemed to have agreed in advance to the Fixed Rate or Spread as subsequently specified in the Disbursement Notice.
1.02D Disbursement Account
Disbursement shall be made to the account as the Borrower shall notify in writing to the Bank not later than 15 (fifteen) days before the Scheduled Disbursement Date (with IBAN code or with the appropriate format in line with local banking practice). The Borrower acknowledges that payments to such account shall constitute disbursements under this Contract as if they had been made to the Borrower's own bank account.
Only one account may be specified for each Tranche.
1.03 Currency of disbursement
The Bank shall disburse each Tranche in EUR
1.04 Conditions of disbursement
1.04A First Tranche
The disbursement of the first Tranche under Article 1.02, which will not exceed EUR 10,000,000(ten million euros), is conditional upon receipt by the Bank, in form and substance satisfactory to it, on or before the date falling5 (five) Business Days before the Scheduled Disbursement Date, of the following documents or evidence:
(a) evidence that the execution of this Contract by the Borrower has been duly authorised and that the person or persons signing the Contract on behalf of the Borrower is/are duly authorised to do so together with the specimen signature of each such person or persons;
(b) a favourable legal opinion on: (i) the capacity, authority of the Borrower and due execution of this Contract by the Borrower, and (ii) the legal, valid, binding and enforceable nature of the obligations of the Borrower under this Contract.
(c) evidence that a technical assistance consultant, with terms of reference to the satisfaction of the Bank, will be mobilised in support of the PIT;
(d) evidence that all exchange of control consents specified by the Bank or indicated in the legal opinion given under paragraph (c) above as being necessary have been obtained to permit the Borrower to receive disbursements as provided in this Contract, to repay the Loan and to pay interest and all other amounts due hereunder.
1.04B All Tranches
The disbursement of each Tranche under Article 1.02, including the first, is subject to the following conditions:
(a) that the Bank has received, in form and substance satisfactory to it, on or before the date falling5 (five) Business Days before the Scheduled Disbursement Date for the proposed Tranche, of the following documents or evidence:
(i) a certificate from the Borrower in the form of Schedule D.1, signed by an authorised representative of the Borrower and dated no earlier than the date falling15 (fifteen)days before the Scheduled Disbursement Date;
(ii) confirmation that the project indicators specified in Article 6.08 are achieved within the schedule; and
(iii) demonstrating that, following drawdown of the relevant Tranche, the aggregate amount of the Loan or Loans will not exceed the aggregate expenditure incurred or contractually committed by the Borrower in respect of the Project up to the date of the relevant Disbursement Request;
(iv) evidence, satisfactory to the Bank, that the Promoter (i) has incurredin Qualifying Expenditure on the items to be financed by the Bank in accordance with the Technical Description for an aggregate amount equal to 80% (eighty per cent.) of all previous Tranches disbursed by the Bank as well as all the amounts disbursed by the World Bank and the Borrower and (ii) will have incurred, by the 180th day falling after the
preferred date for disbursement specified in the Disbursement Request, Qualifying Expenditure in an amount at least equal to the aggregate of 80% (eighty per cent) of the amount of the Tranche to be disbursed;
(v) in connection with the relevant section (as better specified under Schedule A1) of the Project, the social screening according to the RPF and, if a resettlement action plan (RAP) is required, the RAP and evidence of its proper implementation;
(vi) in connection with the relevant section (as better specified under Schedule A1) of the Project, copy of the Environmental Approvals, including the environmental screening decision by the competent authority and, if the environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required, the EIA and the non-technical summary (NTS); and
(vii) in connection with the relevant section (as better specified under Schedule A1) of the Project, written confirmation from the competent authority concerning the impacts on nature conservation (from A/B or equivalent).
(b) that on the Disbursement Date for the proposed Tranche:
(i) the representations and warranties which are repeated pursuant to Article 6.12 are correct in all respects; and
(ii) no event or circumstance which constitutes or would with the passage of time or giving of notice under this Contract constitute:
(aa) an Event of Default, or
(bb) a Prepayment Event,
has occurred and is continuing unremedied or un waived or would result from the disbursement of the proposed Tranche.
1.05 Deferment of disbursement
1.05A Grounds for deferment
Upon the written request of the Borrower, the Bank shall defer the disbursement of any Notified Tranche in whole or in part to a date specified by the Borrower being a date falling not later than 6 (six) months from its Scheduled Disbursement Date and not later than 60 (sixty) days prior to the first repayment date of the Tranche indicated in the Disbursement Notice. In such case, the Borrower shall pay the Deferment Indemnity calculated on the amount of disbursement deferred.
Any request for deferment shall have effect in respect of a Tranche only if it is made at least 5 (five)Business Days before its Scheduled Disbursement Date.
If for a Notified Tranche any of the conditions referred to in Article 1.04 is not fulfilled as at the specified date and at the Scheduled Disbursement Date (or the date expected for disbursement in case of a previous deferment), disbursement will be deferred to a date agreed between the Bank and the Borrower falling not earlier than 5 (five)Business Days following the fulfilment of all conditions of disbursement (without prejudice to the right of the Bank to suspend and/or cancel the undisbursed portion of the Credit in whole or in part pursuant to Article 1.06B). In such case, the Borrower shall pay the Deferment Indemnity calculated on the amount of disbursement deferred.
1.05B Cancellation of a disbursement deferred by 6 (six) months
The Bank may, by notice in writing to the Borrower, cancel a disbursement which has been deferred under Article 1.05A by more than 6 (six) months in aggregate. The cancelled amount shall remain available for disbursement under Article 1.02.
1.06 Cancellation and suspension
1.06A Xxxxxxxx’x right to cancel
The Borrower may at any time by notice in writing to the Bank cancel, in whole or in part and with immediate effect, the undisbursed portion of the Credit. However, the notice shall have no effect in respect of (i) a Notified Tranche which has a Scheduled Disbursement Date falling within 5 (five) Business Days of the date of the notice or (ii) a Tranche in respect of which a Disbursement Request has been submitted but no Disbursement Notice has been issued.
1.06B Bank’s right to suspend and cancel
(a) The Bank may, by notice in writing to the Borrower, suspend and/or cancel the undisbursed portion of the Credit in whole or in part at any time and with immediate effect upon the occurrence of a Prepayment Event or an Event of Default or an event or circumstance which would with the passage of time or giving of notice under this Contract constitute a Prepayment Event or an Event of Default;
(b) The Bank may also suspend the portion of the Credit with immediate effect in the case that a Market Disruption Event occurs.
(c) Any suspension shall continue until the Bank ends the suspension or cancels the suspended amount.
1.06C Indemnity for suspension and cancellation of a Tranche
If the Bank suspends a Notified Tranche, whether upon an Indemnifiable Prepayment Event or an Event of Default, the Borrower shall pay to the Bank the Deferment Indemnity calculated on the amount of disbursement suspended.
If pursuant to Article 1.06A, the Borrower cancels:
(a) a Fixed Rate Tranche which is a Notified Tranche, it shall indemnify the Bank under Article 4.02B;
(b) a Floating Rate Tranche which is a Notified Tranche or any part of the Credit other than a Notified Tranche, no indemnity is payable.
If the Bank cancels
(i) a Fixed Rate Tranche which is a Notified Tranche upon an Indemnifiable Prepayment Event or pursuant to Article 1.05B, the Borrower shall pay to the Bank the Prepayment Indemnity; or
(ii) a Notified Tranche upon an Event of Default, the Borrower shall indemnify the Bank under Article 10.03.
Save in these cases, no indemnity is payable upon cancellation of a Tranche by the Bank.
The indemnity shall be calculated as if the cancelled amount had been disbursed and repaid on the Scheduled Disbursement Date or, to the extent that the disbursement of the Tranche is currently deferred or suspended, on the date of the cancellation notice.
1.07 Cancellation after expiry of the Credit
On the day following the Final Availability Date, and unless otherwise specifically agreed to in writing by the Bank, the part of the Credit in respect of which no Disbursement Request has been made in accordance with Article 1.02B shall be automatically cancelled, without any notice being served by the Bank to the Borrower and without liability arising on the part of either party.
1.08 Sums due under Article 1
Sums due under Articles 1.05 and 1.06 shall be payable in EUR. They shall be payable within 15 (fifteen) days of the Borrower’s receipt of the Bank’s demand or within any longer period specified in the Bank’s demand.
2.01 Amount of Loan
The Loan
The Loan shall comprise the aggregate amount of Tranches disbursed by the Bank under the Credit, as confirmed by the Bank pursuant to Article 2.03.
2.02 Currency of repayment of the principal, interest and other charges
Interest, repayments and other charges payable in respect of each Tranche shall be made by the Borrower in the currency in which the Tranche is disbursed.
Any other payment shall be made in the currency specified by the Bank having regard to the currency of the expenditure to be reimbursed by means of that payment.
2.03 Confirmation by the Bank
Within 10 (ten) days after disbursement of each Tranche, the Bank shall deliver to the Borrower the amortisation table referred to in Article 4.01, , showing the Disbursement Date, currency, the amount disbursed, the repayment terms and the interest rate of and for that Tranche.
3.01 Rate of interest
3.01A Fixed Rate Tranches
The Borrower shall pay interest on the outstanding balance of each Fixed Rate Tranche at the Fixed Rate quarterly, semi-annually or annually in arrears on the relevant Payment Dates as specified in the Disbursement Notice, commencing on the first such Payment Date following the Disbursement Date of the Tranche. If the period from the Disbursement Date to the first Payment Date is 15 (fifteen) days or less, then the payment of interest accrued during such period shall be postponed to the following Payment Date.
Interest shall be calculated on the basis of Article 5.01(a).
3.01B Floating Rate Tranches
The Borrower shall pay interest on the outstanding balance of each Floating Rate Tranche at the Floating Rate quarterly, semi-annually or annually in arrears on the relevant Payment Dates, as specified in the Disbursement Notice commencing on the first such Payment Date following the Disbursement Date of the Tranche. If the period from the Disbursement Date to the first Payment Date is 15 (fifteen) days or less then the payment of interest accrued during such period shall be postponed to the following Payment Date.
The Bank shall notify the Floating Rate to the Borrower within 10 (ten) days following the commencement of each Floating Rate Reference Period.
If pursuant to Articles 1.05 and 1.06 disbursement of any Floating Rate Tranche takes place after the Scheduled Disbursement Date the EURIBOR applicable to the first Floating Rate Reference Period shall apply as though the disbursement had been made on the Scheduled Disbursement Date.
Interest shall be calculated in respect of each Floating Rate Reference Period on the basis of Article 5.01(b). If the Floating Rate for any Floating Rate Reference Period is below zero, it will be set at zero.
3.02 Interest on overdue sums
Without prejudice to Article 10 and by way of exception to Article 3.01, if the Borrower fails to pay any amount payable by it under the Contract on its due date, interest shall accrue(subject to mandatory provisions of the applicable laws, including Article 1154 of the Luxembourg Civil Code) on any overdue amount payable under the terms of this Contract from the due date to the
date of actual payment at an annual rate equal to the EURIBOR plus 2% (200 basis points) and shall be payable in accordance with the demand of the Bank. For the purpose of determining the EURIBOR in relation to this Article 3.02, the relevant periods within the meaning of Schedule B shall be successive periods of one month commencing on the due date.
However, interest on any overdue sum under a Fixed Rate Tranche shall be charged at the annual rate that is the sum of the rate defined in Article 3.01A plus 0.25% (25 basis points) if that annual rate exceeds, for any given relevant period, the rate specified in the preceding paragraph.
3.03 Market Disruption Event
If at any time (i) from the issuance by the Bank of the Disbursement Notice in respect of a Tranche, and (ii) until the date falling 30 (thirty)calendar daysprior to the Scheduled Disbursement Date, a Market Disruption Event occurs, the Bank may notify to the Borrower that this clause has come into effect. In such case, the following rules shall apply. The rate of interest applicable to such Notified Tranche until the Maturity Dateshall be the rate (expressed as a percentage rate per annum) which is determined by the Bank to be the all-inclusive cost to the Bank for the funding of the relevant Tranche based upon the then applicable internally generated Bank reference rate or an alternative rate determination method reasonably determined by the Bank. The Borrower shall have the right to refuse in writing such disbursement within the deadline specified in the notification and shall bear charges incurred as a result, if any, in which case the Bank shall not effect the disbursement and the corresponding Credit shall remain available for disbursement under Article 1.02B. If the Borrower does not refuse the disbursement in time, the parties agree that the disbursement and the conditions thereof shall be fully binding for both parties.
In any case, the Spread or Fixed Rate previously notified by the Bank in the Disbursement Notice shall no longer be applicable.
4.01 Normal repayment
4.01A Repayment by instalments
(a) The Borrower shall repay each Tranche by instalments on the Payment Dates specified in the relevant Disbursement Notice in accordance with the terms of the amortisation table delivered pursuant to Article 2.03.
(b) Each amortisation table shall be drawn up on the basis that:
(i) in the case of a Fixed Rate Tranche, repayment shall be made annually, semi-annually or quarterly by equal instalments of principal or constant instalments of principal and interest;
(ii) in the case of a Floating Rate Tranche, repayment shall be made by equal annual, semi-annual or quarterly instalments of principal;
(iii) the first repayment date of each Tranche shall be a Payment Date falling not earlier than 60 (sixty) days from the Scheduled Disbursement Date and not later than the first Payment Date immediately following the fourth anniversary of the Scheduled Disbursement Date of the Tranche; and
(iv) the last repayment date of each Tranche shall be a Payment Date falling not earlier than 4 (four) years and not later than 15 (fifteen)years from the Scheduled Disbursement Date.
4.01B Single instalment
Alternatively, the Borrower may repay the Tranche in a single instalment on a Payment Date specified in the Disbursement Notice, being a date falling not less than 3 (three) years or more than 9 (nine) years from the Scheduled Disbursement Date.
4.02 Voluntary prepayment
4.02A Prepayment option
Subject to Articles 4.02B, 4.02C and 4.04, the Borrower may prepay all or part of any Tranche, together with accrued interest and indemnities if any, upon giving a Prepayment Request with at least 1 (one) month's prior notice specifying (i) the Prepayment Amount,(ii) the Prepayment Date,
(iii) if applicable, the choice of application method of the Prepayment amount in line with Article 5.05C(i) and (iv) the contract number (“FI nr”) mentioned on the cover page of this Contract.
Subject to Article 4.02C the Prepayment Request shall be binding and irrevocable.
4.02B Prepayment indemnity
If the Borrower prepays a Fixed Rate Tranche, the Borrower shall pay to the Bank on the Prepayment Date the Prepayment Indemnity in respect of the Fixed Rate Tranche which is being prepaid.
The Borrower may prepay a Floating Rate Tranche without indemnity on any relevant Payment Date.
4.02C Prepayment mechanics
Upon presentation by the Borrower to the Bank of a Prepayment Request, the Bank shall issue a Prepayment Notice to the Borrower, not later than 15 (fifteen) days prior to the Prepayment Date. The Prepayment Notice shall specify the Prepayment Amount, the accrued interest due thereon, the Prepayment Indemnity payable under Article 4.02B or, as the case may be, that no indemnity is due, the method of application of the Prepayment Amount and the Acceptance Deadline.
If the Borrower accepts the Prepayment Notice no later than by the Acceptance Deadline, it shall effect the prepayment. In any other case, the Borrower may not effect the prepayment.
The Borrower shall accompany the prepayment by the payment of accrued interest and indemnity, if any, due on the Prepayment Amount, as specified in the Prepayment Notice.
4.03 Compulsory prepayment
4.03A Prepayment Events
If the total cost of the Project falls below the figure stated in Recital (2) so that the amount of the Credit exceeds 50% (fifty per cent) of such total cost, the Bank may forthwith, by notice to the Borrower, cancel the undisbursed portion of the Credit and/or demand prepayment of the Loan up to the amount by which the Credit exceeds 50% (fifty per cent) of the total cost of the Project. The Borrower shall effect payment of the amount demanded on the date specified by the Bank, such date being a date falling not less than 30 (thirty) days from the date of the demand.
If the Borrower voluntarily prepays (for the avoidance of doubt, prepayment shall include a repurchase or cancellation where applicable) a part or the whole of any Non-EIB Financing and such prepayment is not made out of the proceeds of a loan or other indebtedness having a term at least equal to the unexpired term of the Non-EIB Financing prepaid, the Bank may, by notice to the Borrower, cancel the undisbursed portion of the Credit and demand prepayment of the Loan. The proportion of the Loan that the Bank may require to be prepaid shall be the same as the proportion that the prepaid amount of the Non-EIB Financing bears to the aggregate outstanding amount of all Non-EIB Financing.
The Borrower shall effect payment of the amount demanded on the date specified by the Bank, such date being a date falling not less than 30 (thirty) days from the date of the demand.
For the purposes of this Article, “Non-EIB Financing” includes any loan, (save for the Loan and any other direct loans from the Bank to the Borrower), credit bond or other form of financial
indebtedness or any obligation for the payment or repayment of money originally granted to the Borrower for a term of more than 3 (three) years.
The Borrower shall promptly inform the Bank if a Change-of-Law Event has occurred or is likely to occur. In such case, or if the Bank has reasonable cause to believe that a Change-of-Law Event has occurred or is about to occur, the Bank may request that the Borrower consult with it. Such consultation shall take place within 30 (thirty) days from the date of the Bank’s request. If, after the lapse of 30 (thirty) days from the date of such request for consultation the Bank is of the opinion that the effects of the Change-of-Law Event cannot be mitigated to its satisfaction, the Bank may by notice to the Borrower, cancel the undisbursed portion of the Credit and demand prepayment of the Loan, together with accrued interest and all other amounts accrued or outstanding under this Contract.
The Borrower shall effect payment of the amount demanded on the date specified by the Bank, such date being a date falling not less than 30 (thirty) days from the date of the demand.
For the purposes of this Article “Change-of-Law Event” means the enactment, promulgation, execution or ratification of or any change in or amendment to any law, rule or regulation (or in the application or official interpretation of any law, rule or regulation) that occurs after the date of this Contract and which, in the opinion of the Bank, would materially impair the Borrower's ability to perform its obligations under this Contract.
If it becomes unlawful in any applicable jurisdiction for the Bank to perform any of its obligations as contemplated in this Contract or to fund or maintain the Loan, the Bank shall promptly notify the Borrower and may immediately (i) suspend or cancel the undisbursed portion of the Credit and/or
(ii) demand prepayment of the Loan, together with accrued interest and all other amounts accrued or outstanding under this Contract on the date indicated by the Bank in its notice to the Borrower.
4.03B Prepayment mechanics
Any sum demanded by the Bank pursuant to Article 4.03A, together with any interest or other amounts accrued or outstanding under this Contract including, without limitation, any indemnity due under Article 4.03C and Article 4.04, shall be paid on the date indicated by the Bank in its notice of demand.
4.03C Prepayment indemnity
In the case of an Indemnifiable Prepayment Event, the indemnity, if any, shall be determined in accordance with Article 4.02B.
4.04 General
A repaid or prepaid amount may not be re borrowed. This Article 4 shall not prejudice Article 10.
If the Borrower prepays a Tranche on a date other than a relevant Payment Date, the Borrower shall indemnify the Bank in such amount as the Bank shall certify is required to compensate it for receipt of funds otherwise than on a relevant Payment Date.
5.01 Day count convention
Any amount due by way of interest, indemnity or fee from the Borrower under this Contract, and calculated in respect of a fraction of a year, shall be determined on the following respective conventions:
(a) in respect of interest and indemnities due under a Fixed Rate Tranche, a year of 360 (three hundred and sixty) days and a month of 30 (thirty) days;
(b) in respect of interest and indemnities due under a Floating Rate Tranche, a year of 360 (three hundred and sixty) days and the number of days elapsed;
(c) in respect of fees, a year of 360 (three hundred and sixty) days and the number of days elapsed.
5.02 Time and place of payment
Unless otherwise specified in this Contract or in the Bank’s demand, all sums other than sums of interest, indemnity and principal are payable within 15 (fifteen) days of the Borrower’s receipt of the Bank’s demand.
Each sum payable by the Borrower under this Contract shall be paid to the relevant account notified by the Bank to the Borrower. The Bank shall notify the account not less than 15 (fifteen) days before the due date for the first payment by the Borrower and shall notify any change of account not less than 15 (fifteen) days before the date of the first payment to which the change applies. This period of notice does not apply in the case of payment under Article 10.
The Borrower shall indicate in each payment made hereunder the contract number (“FI nr”) found on the cover page of this Contract.
A sum due from the Borrower shall be deemed paid when the Bank receives it.
Any disbursements by and payments to the Bank under this Contract shall be made using account(s) acceptable to the Bank. For the avoidance of doubt, any account in the name of the Borrower held with a duly authorized financial institution in the jurisdiction where the Borrower is incorporated or where the Project is undertaken is deemed acceptable to the Bank.
5.03 No set-off by the Borrower
All payments to be made by the Borrower under this Contract shall be calculated and be made without (and free and clear of any deduction for) set-off or counterclaim.
5.04 Disruption to Payment Systems
If either the Bank determines (in its discretion) that a Disruption Event has occurred or the Bank is notified by the Borrower that a Disruption Event has occurred:
(a) the Bank may, and shall if requested to do so by the Borrower, consult with the Borrower with a view to agreeing with the Borrower such changes to the operation or administration of the Contract as the Bank may deem necessary in the circumstances;
(b) the Bank shall not be obliged to consult with the Borrower in relation to any changes mentioned in paragraph (a) if, in its opinion, it is not practicable to do so in the circumstances and, in any event, shall have no obligation to agree to such changes; and
(c) the Bank shall not be liable for any damages, costs or losses whatsoever arising as a result of a Disruption Event or for taking or not taking any action pursuant to or in connection with this Article 5.04.
5.05 Application of sums received
(a) General
Sums received from the Borrower shall only discharge its payment obligations if received in accordance with the terms of this Contract.
(b) Partial payments
If the Bank receives a payment that is insufficient to discharge all the amounts then due and payable by the Borrower under this Contract, the Bank shall apply that payment:
(i) first, in or towards payment pro rata of any unpaid fees, costs, indemnities and expenses due under this Contract;
(ii) secondly, in or towards payment of any accrued interest due but unpaid under this Contract;
(iii) thirdly, in or towards payment of any principal due but unpaid under this Contract; and
(iv) fourthly, in or towards payment of any other sum due but unpaid under this Contract.
(c) Allocation of sums related to Tranches
(i) In case of:
- a partial voluntary prepayment of a Tranche that is subject to a repayment in several instalments, the Prepayment Amount shall be applied pro rata to each outstanding instalment, or, at the request of the Borrower, in inverse order of maturity,
- a partial compulsory prepayment of a Tranche that is subject to a repayment in several instalments, the Prepayment Amount shall be applied in reduction of the outstanding instalments in inverse order of maturity.
(ii) Sums received by the Bank following a demand under Article 10.01 and applied to a Tranche, shall reduce the outstanding instalments in inverse order of maturity. The Bank may apply sums received between Tranches at its discretion.
(iii) In case of receipt of sums which cannot be identified as applicable to a specific Tranche, and on which there is no agreement between the Bank and the Borrower on their application, the Bank may apply these between Tranches at its discretion.
Borrower undertakings and representations
The undertakings in this Article 6 remain in force from the date of this Contract for so long as any amount is outstanding under this Contract or the Credit is in force.
6.01 Use of Loan and availability of other funds
The Borrower shall, and shall ensure that the Promoter shall, use all amounts borrowed by it under the Loan for the execution of the Project.
The Borrower shall ensure that it has available to it the other funds listed in Recital (2) and that such funds are expended, to the extent required, on the financing of the Project.
6.02 Completion of Project
The Borrower shall, and shall ensure that the Promoter shall, carry out the Project in accordance with the Technical Description as may be modified from time to time with the approval of the Bank, and complete it by the final date specified therein.
6.03 Increased cost of Project
If the total cost of the Project exceeds the estimated figure set out in Recital (2), the Borrower shall obtain the finance to fund the excess cost without recourse to the Bank, so as to enable the Project to be completed in accordance with the Technical Description. The plans for funding the excess cost shall be communicated to the Bank without delay.
6.04 Procurement procedure
The Borrower undertakes to purchase equipment, secure services and order works for the Project by acceptable procurement procedures complying, to the Bank's satisfaction, with its policy as described in its Guide to Procurement.
6.05 PIT
The Borrower shall, and shall ensure that the Promoter shall, maintain the relevant existing project implementation team (“PIT”) adequately staffed with appropriate technical assistance support.
6.06 Implementation of the Project
The Borrower shall, and shall ensure that the Promoter shall, implement the Project in accordance with the respective resettlement policy framework (“RPF”) and environmental management framework (EMF).
6.07 Work, supply and service contracts
The Borrower shall, and shall ensure that the Promoter shall, upon signature of each work or service contract relating to the Project, in line with the most recent edition of the Bank’s Guide to
Procurement, as published on its website, promptly submit to the Bank copies of the relevant contract and the signed covenant of integrity.
6.08 Project Indicators
The Borrower shall, and shall ensure that the Promoter shall, take the actions and achieves the project indicators as specified below:
Due date Indicator | End of 2014 | End of 2015 | End of 2016 | End of 2017 |
Road safety Actions | ||||
Perform road safety inspection for a total of: | 250km inspected | 500km inspected | 750 km inspected | 1000 km inspected |
Implement low cost road safety measures for a total of: | - | 250 km | 500km | 700 km |
Capacity building and awareness campaigns | - | 20 persons trained to undertake road safety audit/inspection | - | Awareness campaigns in 20 schools in the vicinity of the Project’s sections |
Maintenance Management Reforms | ||||
Performance Based Maintenance Contracts (PBMC) | Adoption of revised maintenance & rehabilitation design standards; Preparation of strategic plan for the introduction of PBMC. | PBMC for 1500 km competitively tendered | PBMC for an additional 500 km competitively tendered; PBMC for 1500 km in implementation. | PBMC for an additional 1000 km competitively tendered; . PBMC for a total of 2,000 km in implementation. |
6.09 Continuing Project undertakings
The Borrower shall, and shall ensure that the Promoter shall:
(a) Maintenance: maintain, repair, overhaul and renew all property forming part of the Project as required to keep it in good working order;
(b) Project assets: unless the Bank shall have given its prior consent in writing, retain title to and possession of all or substantially all the assets comprising the Project or, as appropriate, replace and renew such assets and maintain the Project in substantially continuous operation in accordance with its original purpose; provided that the Bank may withhold its consent only where the proposed action would prejudice the Bank's interests as lender to the Borrower or would render the Project ineligible for financing by the Bank under its Statute or under Article 309 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;
(c) Insurance: insure all works and property forming part of the Project with adequate insurance companies in accordance with the most comprehensive relevant industry practice;
(d) Rights and Authorisations: maintain in force all rights and Authorisations necessary for the execution and operation of the Project;
(e) Environment:
(i) implement and operate the Project in compliance with Environmental Law;
(ii) obtain and maintain requisite Environmental Approvals for the Project; and
(iii) comply with any such Environmental Approvals.
(f) Integrity:
Take, within a reasonable timeframe, appropriate measures in respect of any member of the management bodies of the Promoter who has been convicted by a final and irrevocable court ruling of a Criminal Offence perpetrated in the course of the exercise of his/her professional duties, in order to ensure that such member is excluded from any activity in relation to the Loan or the Project.
(g) Integrity Audit Rights:
ensure that all contracts under the Project to be procured after the date of signature of this Contract in accordance with EU Directives on procurement provide for:
(i) the requirement that the relevant contractor promptly informs the Bank of a genuine allegation, complaint or information with regard to Criminal Offences related to the Project;
(ii) the requirement that the relevant contractor keeps books and records of all financial transactions and expenditures in connection with the Project; and
(iii) the Bank’s right, in relation to an alleged Criminal Offence, to review the books and records of the relevant contractor in relation to the Project and to take copies of documents to the extent permitted by law.
6.10 Compliance with laws
The Borrower shall, and shall ensure that the Promoter shall, comply in all respects with all laws and regulations to which it or the Project is subject.
6.11 Books and records
The Borrower shall ensure that the Promoter keeps and will continue to keep proper books and records of account, in which full and correct entries shall be made of all financial transactions and the assets and business of the Borrower, including expenditures in connection with the Project, in accordance with GAAP as in effect from time to time.
6.12 General Representations and Warranties
The Borrower represents and warrants to the Bank that:
(a) it has the power to execute, deliver and perform its obligations under this Contract and all necessary corporate, shareholder and other action has been taken to authorise the execution, delivery and performance of the same by it;
(b) this Contract constitutes its legally valid, binding and enforceable obligations;
(c) the execution and delivery of, the performance of its obligations under and compliance with the provisions of this Contract do not and will not:
(i) contravene or conflict with any applicable law, statute, rule or regulation, or any judgement, decree or permit to which it is subject;
(ii) contravene or conflict with any agreement or other instrument binding upon it which might reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on its ability to perform its obligations under this Contract;
(d) there has been no Material Adverse Change since26 June 2013;
(e) no event or circumstance which constitutes an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing unremedied or unwaived;
(f) no litigation, arbitration, administrative proceedings or investigation is current or to its knowledge is threatened or pending before any court, arbitral body or agency which has resulted or if adversely determined is reasonably likely to result in a Material Adverse Change, nor is there subsisting against it or any of its subsidiaries any unsatisfied judgement or award;
(g) it has obtained or issued all necessary Authorisations in connection with this Contract and in order to lawfully comply with its obligations hereunder, and the Project and all such Authorisations are in full force and effect and admissible in evidence;
(h) its payment obligations under this Contract rank not less than paripassu in right of payment with all other present and future unsecured and unsubordinated obligations under any of its debt instruments except for obligations mandatorily preferred by law applying to companies generally;
(i) it is in compliance with Article 6.09(e) and to the best of its knowledge and belief (having made due and careful enquiry) no Environmental Claim has been commenced or is threatened against it; and
(j) it is in compliance with all undertakings under this Article 6;
(k) no loss of rating clause or financial covenants have been concluded with any other creditor of the Borrower;
(l) to the best of its knowledge, no funds invested in the Project by the Borrower are of illicit origin, including products of money laundering or linked to the financing of terrorism. The Borrower shall promptly inform the Bank if at any time it becomes aware of the illicit origin of any such funds.
The representations and warranties set out above shall survive the execution of this Contract and are, with the exception of the representation set out in paragraph (d) above, deemed repeated on each Disbursement Request, Disbursement Date and on each Payment Date.
The undertakings in this Article 7 remain in force from the date of this Contract for so long as any amount is outstanding under this Contract or the Credit is in force.
7.01 Paripassu ranking
The Borrower shall ensure that its payment obligations under this Contract rank, and will rank, not less than paripassu in right of payment with all other present and future unsecured and unsubordinated obligations under any of its debt instruments except for obligations mandatorily preferred by law of general application.
In particular, if the Bank makes a demand under Article 10.01 or if an event or potential event of default under any unsecured and unsubordinated External Debt Instrument of the Borrower or of any of its agencies or instrumentalities has occurred and is continuing, the Borrower shall not make (or authorize) any payment in respect of any other such External Debt Instrument (whether regularly scheduled or otherwise) without simultaneously paying, or setting aside in a designated account for payment on the next Payment Date a sum equal to, the same proportion of the debt outstanding under this Contract as the proportion that the payment under such External Debt Instrument bears to the total debt outstanding under that Instrument. For this purpose, any payment of an External Debt Instrument that is made out of the proceeds of the issue of another instrument, to which substantially the same persons as hold claims under the External Debt Instrument have subscribed, shall be disregarded.
In this Contract, “External Debt Instrument” means (a) an instrument, including any receipt or statement of account, evidencing or constituting an obligation to repay a loan, deposit, advance or
similar extension of credit (including without limitation any extension of credit under a refinancing or rescheduling agreement), (b) an obligation evidenced by a bond, debenture or similar written evidence of indebtedness or (c) a guarantee granted by the Borrower for an obligation of a third party; provided in each case that such obligation is: (i) governed by a system of law other than the law of the Borrower; or (ii) payable in a currency other than the currency of the Borrower's country; or (iii) payable to a person incorporated, domiciled, resident or with its head office or principal place of business outside the Borrower's country.
7.02 Additional Security
Should the Borrower grant to a third party any security for the performance of any External Debt Instrument or any preference or priority in respect thereof, the Borrower shall, if so required by the Bank, provide to the Bank equivalent security for the performance of its obligations under this Contract or grant to the Bank equivalent preference or priority.
7.03 Clauses by inclusion
If the Borrower concludes with any other financial creditor a financing agreement that includes a loss-of-rating clause or a covenant or other provision regarding its financial ratios, if applicable, that is not provided for in this Contract or is more favourable to the relevant financial creditor than any equivalent provision of this Contract is to the Bank, the Borrower shall promptly inform the Bank and shall provide a copy of the more favourable provision to the Bank. The Bank may request that the Borrower promptly executes an agreement to amend this Contract so as to provide for an equivalent provision in favour of the Bank.
8.01 Information concerning the Project
The Borrower shall, and shall ensure that the Promoter will:
(a) deliver to the Bank:
(i) the information in content and in form, and at the times, specified in Schedule A.2 or otherwise as agreed from time to time by the parties to this Contract; and
(ii) any such information or further document concerning the financing, procurement, implementation, operation and environmental matters of or for the Project as the Bank may reasonably require within a reasonable time;
provided always that if such information or document is not delivered to the Bank on time, and the Borrower does not rectify the omission within a reasonable time set by the Bank in writing, the Bank may remedy the deficiency, to the extent feasible, by employing its own staff or a consultant or any other third party, at the Borrower’s expense and the Borrower shall provide such persons with all assistance necessary for the purpose;
(b) submit for the approval of the Bank without delay any material change to the Project, also taking into account the disclosures made to the Bank in connection with the Project prior to the signing of this Contract, in respect of, inter alia, the price, design, plans, timetable or to the expenditure programme or financing plan for the Project;
(c) promptly inform the Bank of:
(i) any action or protest initiated or any objection raised by any third party or any genuine complaint received by the Borrower or any Environmental Claim that is to its knowledge commenced, pending or threatened against it with regard to environmental or other matters affecting the Project; and
(ii) any fact or event known to the Borrower or the Promoter, which may substantially prejudice or affect the conditions of execution or operation of the Project;
(iii) a genuine allegation, complaint or information with regard to Criminal Offences related to the Project; and
(iv) any non-compliance by it with any applicable Environmental Law; and
(v) any suspension, revocation or modification of any Environmental Approval, and set out the action to be taken with respect to such matters.
(d) provide to the Bank, if so requested:
(i) a certificate of its insurers showing fulfilment of the requirements of Article 6.09(c);
(ii) annually, a list of policies in force covering the insured property forming part of the Project, together with confirmation of payment of the current premiums.
8.02 Information concerning the Borrower
The Borrower shall:
(a) deliver to the Bank from time to time, such further information on its general financial situation as the Bank may reasonably require or such certificates of compliance with the undertakings of Article 6 as the Bank may deem necessary; and
(b) inform the Bank immediately of:
(i) any fact which obliges it to prepay any financial indebtedness or any European Union funding;
(ii) any event or decision that constitutes or may result in a Prepayment Event;
(iii) any intention on its part to grant any security over any of its assets in favour of a third party;
(iv) any intention on its part to relinquish ownership of any material component of the Project;
(v) any fact or event that is reasonably likely to prevent the substantial fulfilment of any obligation of the Borrower under this Contract;
(vi) any event listed in Article 10.01 having occurred or being threatened or anticipated;
(vii) any investigations concerning the integrity of the members of the Promoter’s Board of Directors or managers; or
(viii) to the extent permitted by law, any material litigation, arbitration, administrative proceedings or investigation carried out by a court, administration or similar public authority, which, to the best of its knowledge and belief, is current, imminent or pending against the Borrower, the Promoter or members of the Promoter’s management bodies in connection with Criminal Offences related to the Loan or the Project;
(ix) any measure taken by the Borrower or the Promoter pursuant to Article 6.09(f) of this Contract.
(x) any litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings or investigation which is current, threatened or pending and which might if adversely determined result in a Material Adverse Change.
8.03 Visits by the Bank
The Borrower shall, and shall ensure that the Promoter shall, allow persons designated by the Bank, as well as persons designated by relevant institutions or bodies of the European Union when so required by the relevant mandatory provisions of European Union law,
(a) to visit the sites, installations and works comprising the Project,
(b) to interview representatives of the Borrower and/or Promoter, and not obstruct contacts with any other person involved in or affected by the Project; and
(c) to review the Borrower’s and/or Promoter’s books and records in relation to the execution of the Project and to be able to take copies of related documents to the extent permitted by the law.
The Borrower shall provide the Bank, or ensure that the Bank is provided, with all necessary assistance for the purposes described in this Article.
The Borrower acknowledges that the Bank may be obliged to communicate information relating to the Borrower and the Project to the relevant competent institution or body of the European Union in accordance with the relevant mandatory provisions of European Union law.
9.01 Taxes, duties and fees
The Borrower shall pay all principal, interest, indemnities and other amounts due under this Contract gross without deduction of any national or local impositions whatsoever; provided that, if the Borrower is obliged to make any such deduction, it will gross up the payment to the Bank so that after deduction, the net amount received by the Bank is equivalent to the sum due.
The Borrower shall pay all Taxes, duties, fees and other impositions of whatsoever nature, including stamp duty and registration fees, arising out of the execution or implementation of this Contract or any related document and in the creation, perfection, registration or enforcement of any security for the Loan to the extentand if applicable. In such cases, the Borrower shall ensure that the proceeds of the Loan and/or any technical cooperation funds shall not be used for financing of Taxes levied by, or in the territory of, the Borrower in respect of all goods, works and services (including consultancy services) procured by the Promoter for the purposes of the Project.
9.02 Other charges
The Borrower shall bear all charges and expenses, including professional, banking or exchange charges incurred in connection with the preparation, execution, implementation, enforcement and termination of this Contractor any related document, any amendment, supplement or waiver in respect of this Contract or any related document, and in the amendment, creation, management, enforcement and realisation of any security for the Loan.
9.03 Increased costs, indemnity and set-off
(a) The Borrower shall pay to the Bank any sums or expenses incurred or suffered by the Bank as a consequence of the introduction of or any change in (or in the interpretation, administration or application of) any law or regulation or compliance with any law or regulation made after the date of signature of this Contract, in accordance with or as a result of which (i) the Bank is obliged to incur additional costs in order to fund or perform its obligations under this Contract, or (ii) any amount owed to the Bank under this Contract or the financial income resulting from the granting of the Credit or the Loan by the Bank to the Borrower is reduced or eliminated.
(b) Without prejudice to any other rights of the Bank under this Contract or under any applicable law, the Borrower shall indemnify and hold the Bank harmless from and against any loss incurred as a result of any payment or partial discharge that takes place in a manner other than as expressly set out in this Contract.
(c) The Bank may set off any matured obligation due from the Borrower under this Contract(to the extent beneficially owned by the Bank) against any obligation (whether or not matured) owed by the Bank to the Borrower regardless of the place of payment, booking branch or currency of either obligation. If the obligations are in different currencies, the Bank may convert either obligation at a market rate of exchange in its usual course of business for the purpose of the set-off. If either obligation is un liquidated or unascertained, the Bank may set off in an amount estimated by it in good faith to be the amount of that obligation.
Events of Default
10.01 Right to demand repayment
The Borrower shall repay all or part of the Loan (as requested by the Bank) forthwith, together with accrued interest and all other accrued or outstanding amounts under this Contract, upon written demand being made by the Bank in accordance with the following provisions.
10.01A Immediate demand
The Bank may make such demand immediately:
(a) if the Borrower does not pay on the due date any amount payable pursuant to this Contract at the place and in the currency in which it is expressed to be payable, unless (i) its failure to pay is caused by an administrative or technical error or a Disruption Event and (ii) payment is made within 3 (three) Business Days of its due date;
(b) if any information or document given to the Bank by or on behalf of the Borrower or any representation, warranty or statement made or deemed to be made by the Borrower in or pursuant to this Contract or in connection with the negotiation or performance of this Contract is or proves to have been incorrect, incomplete or misleading in any material respect;
(c) if, following any default of the Borrower in relation to any loan, or any obligation arising out of any financial transaction, other than the Loan,
(i) the Borrower is required or is capable of being required or will, following expiry of any applicable contractual grace period, be required or be capable of being required to prepay, discharge, close out or terminate ahead of maturity such other loan or obligation or
(ii) any financial commitment for such other loan or obligation is cancelled or suspended
(d) ifthe Borrower is unable to pay its debts as they fall due, or suspends its debts, or makes or seeks to make a composition with its creditors;
(e) if any corporate action, legal proceedings or other procedure or step is taken in relation to the suspension of payments, a moratorium of any indebtedness, dissolution, administration or reorganisation (by way of voluntary arrangement or otherwise), including in particular without however being limited to bankruptcy (faillite), controlled management (gestioncontrôlée), suspension of payments (sursis de paiement) arrangement with creditors (concordat préventif de la faillite) and judicial liquidation (liquidation judiciaire) proceedings or any analogous procedure or step is taken in any jurisdictionor an order is made or an effective resolution is passed for the winding up of the Borrower, or if the Borrower takes steps towards a substantial reduction in its capital, is declared insolvent or ceases or resolves to cease to carry on the whole or any substantial part of its business or activities;
(f) if an encumbrancer takes possession of, or a receiver, liquidator, administrator, administrative receiver or similar officer is appointed, whether by a court of competent jurisdiction or by any competent administrative authority of or over, any part of the business or assets of the Borrower or any property forming part of the Project;
(g) if the Borrower defaults in the performance of any obligation in respect of any other loan granted by the Bank or financial instrument entered into with the Bank;
(h) if the Borrower defaults in the performance of any obligation in respect of any other loan made to it from the resources of the Bank or the European Union;
(i) if any distress, execution, sequestration or other process is levied or enforced upon the property of the Borrower or any property forming part of the Project and is not discharged or stayed within 14 (fourteen) days;
(j) if a Material Adverse Change occurs, as compared with the Borrower’s condition at the date of this Contract; or
(k) if it is or becomes unlawful for the Borrower to perform any of its obligations under this Contract or this Contract is not effective in accordance with its terms or is alleged by the Borrower to be ineffective in accordance with its terms.
10.01B Demand after notice to remedy
The Bank may also make such demand:
(a) if the Borrower fails to comply with any obligation under this Contract not being an obligation mentioned in Article 10.01A; or
(b) if any fact related to the Borrower or the Project stated in the Recitals materially alters and is not materially restored and if the alteration either prejudices the interests of the Bank as lender to the Borrower or adversely affects the implementation or operation of the Project,
unless the non-compliance or circumstance giving rise to the non-compliance is capable of remedy and is remedied within a reasonable period of time specified in a notice served by the Bank on the Borrower.
10.02 Other rights at law
Article 10.01 shall not restrict any other right of the Bank at law to require prepayment of the Loan.
10.03 Indemnity
10.03A Fixed Rate Tranches
In case of demand under Article 10.01 in respect of any Fixed Rate Tranche, the Borrower shall pay to the Bank the amount demanded together with the Prepayment Indemnity on any amount of principal due to be prepaid. Such Prepayment Indemnity shall accrue from the due date for payment specified in the Bank’s notice of demand and be calculated on the basis that prepayment is effected on the date so specified.
10.03B Floating Rate Tranches
In case of demand under Article 10.01 in respect of any Floating Rate Tranche, the Borrower shall pay to the Bank the amount demanded together with a sum equal to the present value of 0.15% (fifteen basis points) per annum calculated and accruing on the amount of principal due to be prepaid in the same manner as interest would have been calculated and would have accrued, if that amount had remained outstanding according to the original amortisation schedule of the Tranche, until the Maturity Date.
The value shall be calculated at a discount rate equal to the Redeployment Rate applied as of each relevant Payment Date.
10.03C General
Amounts due by the Borrower pursuant to this Article 10.03 shall be payable on the date of prepayment specified in the Bank’s demand.
10.04 Non-Waiver
No failure or delay or single or partial exercise by the Bank in exercising any of its rights or remedies under this Contract shall be construed as a waiver of such right or remedy. The rights and remedies provided in this Contract are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.
Law and jurisdiction, miscellaneous
11.01 Governing Law
This Contract and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with it shall be governed by the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
11.02 Jurisdiction
(a) The Court of Justice of the European Union has exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute (a "Dispute") arising out of or in connection with this Contract (including a dispute regarding the existence, validity or termination of this Contract or the consequences of its nullity) or any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with this Contract.
(b) The parties agree that the Court of Justice of the European Union is the most appropriate and convenient court to settle Disputes between them and, accordingly, that they will not argue to the contrary.
11.03 Place of performance
Unless otherwise specifically agreed by the Bank in writing, the place of performance under this Contract, shall be the seat of the Bank.
11.04 Evidence of sums due
In any legal action arising out of this Contract the certificate of the Bank as to any amount or rate due to the Bank under this Contract shall, in the absence of manifest error, be prima facie evidence of such amount or rate.
11.05 Entire Agreement
This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Bank and the Borrower in relation to the provision of the Credit hereunder, and supersedes any previous agreement, whether express or implied, on the same matter.
11.06 Invalidity
If at any time any term of this Contract is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect, or this Contract is or becomes ineffective in any respect, under the laws of any jurisdiction, such illegality, invalidity, unenforceability or ineffectiveness shall not affect:
(a) the legality, validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any other term of this Contract or the effectiveness in any other respect of this Contract in that jurisdiction; or
(b) the legality, validity or enforceability in other jurisdictions of that or any other term of this Contract or the effectiveness of this Contract under the laws of such other jurisdictions.
11.07 Amendments
Any amendment to this Contract shall be made in writing and shall be signed by the parties hereto.
Final clauses
12.01 Notices to either party
Notices and other communications given under this Contract addressed to either party to this Contract shall be made to the address or facsimile number as set out below, or to such other address or facsimile number as a party previously notifies to the other in writing:
For the Bank Attention: Ops A / MA3
000 xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx X-0000 Xxxxxxxxxx
Facsimile no: x000 000000000
For the Borrower Attention: Public Debt Administration
Pop Lukina 7-9
00000Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx of Serbia Facsimile no.: x000 00 0000 000
For the Promoter Attention: Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia“ Sector for
Bulevar kralja Xxxxxxxxxx 000 00000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx of Serbia Facsimile no.: + 381 11 30 34 832
12.02 Form of notice
Any notice or other communication given under this Contract must be in writing.
Notices and other communications, for which fixed periods are laid down in this Contract or which themselves fix periods binding on the addressee, may be made by hand delivery, registered letter or facsimile. Such notices and communications shall be deemed to have been received by the other party on the date of delivery in relation to a hand-delivered or registered letter or on receipt of transmission in relation to a facsimile.
Other notices and communications may be made by hand delivery, registered letter or facsimile or, to the extent agreed by the parties by written agreement, by email or other electronic communication.
Without affecting the validity of any notice delivered by facsimile according to the paragraphs above, a copy of each notice delivered by facsimile shall also be sent by letter to the relevant party on the next following Business Day at the latest.
Notices issued by the Borrower pursuant to any provision of this Contract shall, where required by the Bank, be delivered to the Bank together with satisfactory evidence of the authority of the person or persons authorised to sign such notice on behalf of the Borrower and the authenticated specimen signature of such person or persons.
12.03 Entry into force
This Contract shall enter into force upon confirmation by the Bank to the Borrower that it has received a certified copy of the Official Government Gazette publishing the ratification of this Contract by the Parliament of the Republic of Serbia.
12.04 Recitals and Schedules
The Recitals and following Schedules form part of this Contract:
Schedule A Project Specification and Reporting
Schedule B Definition of EURIBOR
Schedule C Forms for Borrower
Schedule D Certificates of the Borrower
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed in 6(six) originals in the English language and have caused to initial each page of this Contract on their behalf
At Belgrade, this 27 November 2013
Signed for and on behalf of REPUBLIC OF SERBIA
Authorized representative Minister of Finance
Signed for and on behalf of EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK
The Head of Division The Head of Office
Xxxxx XXXXXX Massimo NOVO Xxxxxxx XXXXXX
Purpose, Location
Project Specification and Reporting A.1 Technical Description (Article 6.02)
Schedule A
The project will cover the 5 years rehabilitation programme of several trunk road sections throughout Serbia, with a great emphasis on the incorporation of road safety measures, as recommended by road safety audits.
The Project will comprise design supervision and civil works concerning pavement strengthening to 11.6t/axle, pavement widening, structures renewal, traffic signalisation and management improvements on the following sections:
Region Mark | Road No | Section | Length (km) |
C | IB 23 | M-4S (0218-0219) Arandjelovac 3 - Krcevac | 8.650 |
E | IB 27 | M-9S (0365) Vlasotince - Svodje | 12.730 |
W | IB 26 | M-8S (0342-0343) Stavalj - Susica | 8.900 |
C | IB 23 | M-4S (0212-0215) Lazarevac 4 - Arandjelovac 1 | 13.670 |
V | IB 13 | M-21V (0441-0443) IriskiVenac-Ruma 2 (Putinci) / Irig 2 (Vrdnik)-Ruma 2 (Putinci) M-21V (0444-0450) Ruma 2 (Putinci)-Sabac 6 / Ruma 2 (Putinci)-Ruma 1 (autoput) | 15.706 |
W | IA 4 | M-5S (0252) Uzice 3 - Pozega M-5S (0253) Xxxxxx - Kratovska Stena | 31.290 |
C | IB 16 | M-23S (0619-0621) Topola 2 - Cerovac M-23S (0622) Xxxxxxx - Kragujevac 5 | 29.500 |
W | IB 13 | M-21.1S (0481) Pozega - Arilje M-21.1S (0482-0483) Arilje - Ivanjica | 40.342 |
V | IB 13 | M-21V (0439) Paragovo - IriskiVenac M-21V (0440) IriskiVenac - Paragovo | 8.036 |
W | IB 23 | M-4S (0188-0191) Zavlaka 2 (Likodra) - ValjevskaKamenica | 24.750 |
E | IB 14 | M-25S (0702-0703) Kladovo - BrzaPalanka | 24.280 |
V | IB 20 | M-7V (0312) Zabalj 1 - Zrenjanin 1 (obilaznica) | 24.248 |
H | IA 3 | M-1V (0003) Adasevci - Kuzmin 1 (autoput)/ M-1V (0004) Kuzmin 1 (autoput) - Adasevci | 26.960 |
E | IB 14 | M-25S (0719-0722) Vratarnica - Knjazevac 2 | 23.600 |
W | IA 4 | M-21S (0471) BelaZemlja - Knezevici M-21S (0470) Uzice 3 - BelaZemlja | 14.985 |
W | IB 23 | M-4S (0184-0187) Loznica 5 - Zavlaka 2 (Likodra) | 18.600 |
W | IB 21 | M-4S (0176-0177) Mali Zvornik - Banja Koviljaca | 14.150 |
E | IB 27 | M-9S (0361-0363) Leskovac 5 (Bratmilovci) - Nomanica | 5.480 |
C | IB 26 | M-8S (0344-0345) Susica - Dojevice | 26.700 |
E | IB 14 | M-25S (0728) Merosina 2 (Rozina) - Prokuplje 1 (Orljane) | 11.800 |
E | IB 14 | M-25S (0735-0736) Beloljin - Rudare | 16.600 |
W | IB 13 | M-21S (0464-0465) Valjevo 5 (obilaznica) - Kaona | 14.350 |
W | IB 13 | M-21S (0466) Kaona - Kosjeric 1 (Selo) | 6.350 |
C | IB 32 | M-22.3S (0611-0612) Raska 2 - granicaAPKiM (Jarinje) | 11.486 |
E | II 130 | M-4S (0233) Svilajnac 3 (Crkvenac) - Medvedja | 14.729 |
E | IB 22 | M-24S (0665-0666) granica APV (Smederevskaada) - Ralja 6 | 10.043 |
E | IB 22 | M-24S (0667-0674) Ralja 6 - Pozarevac 4 | 23.317 |
W | IB 26 | M-8S (0337,3-0340) Prijepolje - Sjenica 3 (Medare) | 11.300 |
Region Mark | Road No | Section | Length (km) |
V | IA 3 | M-1.9V (0102) Pancevo 1 - granica APV (Pancevo) | 2.816 |
V | IA 3 | M-1.9V (0101) granica APV (Pancevo) - Pancevo 1 | 2.828 |
W | IB 21 | M-19S (0414-0419) Misar - Sabac 4 (Jevremovac) | 9.249 |
V | IB 19 | M-3V (0163-0165) Vrbas 3 (BackoDobro Polje) - Srbobran 1 (Feketic) | 10.708 |
E | II 150 | M-4S (0229) Markovac 1 (autoput) - Svilajnac 1 (Kusiljevo) | 6.530 |
E | II 128 | M-25.1S (0744-0746) Branicevo 2 (Tribrode) - Bratinac 1 (Nabrdje) | 31.870 |
C | IB 15 | M-22S (0554-0558) Usce - Raska 2 | 32.253 |
W | IB 13 | R-117S (1047-1) Ivanjica - Sjenica 1 (Sjenickojezero) | 37.500 |
W | II 144 | M-19.1S (0426-0427) Mali Zvornik - Ljubovija 1 (Bratunac) | 41.686 |
E | IB 22 | M-24S (0675-0676) Pozarevac 4 - Zabrega (Bozevac) | 19.532 |
E | IB 22 | M-24S (0677) Zabrega (Bozevac) - Ljesnica | 15.755 |
W | IB 13 | M-21S (0467-0469) Kosjeric 1 (Selo) - Pozega | 25.425 |
V | IB 22 | M-24V (0663) Pancevo 1 - Kovin 1 | 28.628 |
C | IB 15 | M-22S (0559) Raska 2 - NoviPazar 3 (Banja) | 17.872 |
E | IB 27 | M-9S (0366-0367) Svodje - Babusnica | 21.358 |
W | IB 13 | R-117S (1047-2) Ivanjica - Sjenica 1 (Sjenickojezero) | 23.978 |
E | II 130 | R-216S (1438) Cuprija 4 - Despotovac 1 (Vojnik) | 22.425 |
E | IB 22 | M-24S (0692-0693) Negotin 4 - granica SR/BUG (Bregovo) | 12.779 |
V | IB 11 | M-24V (0657) Zrenjanin 8 (Aradac) - Ecka | 8.529 |
H | IA 1 | M-1S (0060-0058) Razanj 1 (autoput) - Paracin 1 (autoput) | 25.130 |
H | IA 1 | M-1S (0064-0062) Aleksinac 1 (autoput) - Razanj 1 (autoput) | 23.645 |
H | IA 3 | M-1V (0009) Ruma 1 (autoput) - Pecinci 1 (autoput) | 12.990 |
V | IB 19 | M-3V (0160) Kula 1 (Crveka) - Vrbas 1 (Kucura) | 10.955 |
V | II 106 | M-3V (0158-0159) Odžaci 2 (Ratkovo) - Kula 1 (Xxxxxx Selo) | 25.006 |
H | IA 3 | M-1V (0008) Ruma 1 (autoput) - SremskaMitrovica (autoput) | 13.750 |
C | IA 4 | M-5S (0259) Mrcajevci - Kraljevo 1 | 18.791 |
C | IB 15 | M-22S (0560-0562) Novi Pazar 3 (Banja) - Ribarici | 28.095 |
V | IB 19 | R-101V (0779-0782) Sombor 5 (Kljajicevo) - Kula 2 (Crvenka) | 40.744 |
C | II 129 | R-107S (0922-0924) SmederevskaPalanka 1 (Azanja) - Velika Plana 2 | 13.666 |
H | IA 1 | M-1S (0061-0063) Razanj 1 (autoput) - Aleksinac 1 (autoput) | 23.655 |
H | IA 1 | M-1S (0074) Brestovac 1 (autoput) - Doljevac 1 (autoput) | 6.155 |
The exact scope of the project (number at precise length of sections) will be determined during implementation as designs are being prepared. If sections will be substantially modified, replaced or added,the Bank may appraised modified and/or added components in line with its procedures.
The project will also include an institutional support component concerning the road safety, rehabilitation planning process and maintenance management.
The project will be completed by end of 2019.
A.2 Information Dutiesunder Article 8.01(a)
1. Dispatch of information: designation of the person responsible
The information below has to be sent to the Bank under the responsibility of:
Company | Roads of Serbia |
Contact person | Mr XxxxxxxxxXxxxx |
Title | Assistant General Manager, Project Implementation Unit |
Function / Department |
Address | Xxxxxxxxxxxx 00X, 00000 Xxxxxxxx |
Phone | + 000 00 00 00 000 |
Fax | + 000 00 00 00 000 |
The above-mentioned contact person(s) is (are) the responsible contact(s) for the time being. The Borrower shall inform the EIB immediately in case of any change.
2. Information on specific subjects
The Borrower shall deliver to the Bank the following information at the latest by the deadline indicated below.
Document / information | Deadline |
Base line data for measurement/calculation of the result indicators for each section - Improved access- traffic flows served (vehicle equivs/day) - Time savings (EUR M p.a.) - Vehicle operating cost savings (EUR M p.a.) - Road fatalities saved (Nr p.a./XXXX p.a.) - Reduced recurrent costs (life-cycle)(constant M p.a.) | As the design is completed for each section |
3. Information on the project’s implementation
The Borrower shall deliver to the Bank the following information on project progress during implementation at the latest by the deadline indicated below.
Document / information | Deadline | Frequency of reporting |
Project Progress Report - A brief update on the technical description, explaining the reasons for significant changes vs. initial scope; - Update on the date of completion of each of the main project’s components, explaining reasons for any possible delay; - Update on the cost of the project, explaining reasons for any possible cost increases vs. initial budgeted cost; - A description of any major issue with impact on the environment; - Update on procurement procedures (outside EU); - Update on the project’s demand or usage and comments; - Any significant issue that has occurred and any significant risk that may affect the project’s operation; - Any legal action concerning the project that may be on-going. | quarterly | |
Performance Audit report | Yearly |
4. Information on the end of works and first year of operation
The Borrower shall deliver to the Bank the following information on project completion and initial operation at the latest by the deadline indicated below.
Document / information | Date of delivery to the Bank |
Project Completion Report, including: - A brief description of the technical characteristics of the project as completed, explaining the reasons for any significant change; - The date of completion of each of the main project’s components, explaining reasons for any possible delay; - The final cost of the project, explaining reasons for any possible cost increases vs. initial budgeted cost; - The number of new jobs created by the project: both jobs during implementation and permanent new jobs created; - A description of any major issue with impact on the environment; - Update on procurement procedures; - Update on the project’s demand or usage and comments; - Any significant issue that has occurred and any significant risk that may affect the project’s operation; - Any legal action concerning the project that may be on-going. - Update of the actual values for the indicators of the project, for inclusion in the Bank´s Results Measurement (REM) o Improved access- traffic flows served (vehicle equivs/day) o Time savings (EUR M p.a.) o Vehicle operating cost savings (EUR M p.a.) o Road fatalities saved (Nr p.a./XXXX p.a.) o Reduced recurrent costs (life-cycle)(constant M p.a.)sheet (outside EU only) | 15 months after completion |
5. Information required 3 years after the Project Completion Report (outside EU only)
The Borrower shall deliver to the Bank the following information 3 years after the project completion report at the latest by the deadline indicated below.
Document / information | Date of delivery to the Bank |
Project Completion Report, including: - Update of the actual values for the indicators of the project, for inclusion in the Bank´s Results Measurement (REM) sheet) o Improved access- traffic flows served (vehicle equivs/day) o Time savings (EUR M p.a.) o Vehicle operating cost savings (EUR M p.a.) o Road fatalities saved (Nr p.a./XXXX p.a.) o Reduced recurrent costs (life-cycle)(constant M p.a.)sheet | 51 months after completion |
Language of reports
Definitions of EURIBOR
Schedule B
(a) in respect of a relevant period of less than one month, the Screen Rate (as defined below) for a term of one month;
(b) in respect of a relevant period of one or more months for which a Screen Rate is available, the applicable Screen Rate for a term for the corresponding number of months; and
(c) in respect of a relevant period of more than one month for which a Screen Rate is not available, the Screen Rate resulting from a linear interpolation by reference to two Screen Rates, one of which is applicable for a period next shorter and the other for a period next longer than the length of the relevant period
(the period for which the rate is taken or from which the rates are interpolated being the “Representative Period”).
For the purposes of paragraphs (b) and (c) above, “available” means the rates that are calculated under the aegis of the EURIBOR FBE and EURIBOR ACI (or any successor to that function of the EURIBOR FBE and EURIBOR ACI as determined by the Bank) for given maturities.
“Screen Rate” means the rate of interest for deposits in EURfor the relevant period as published at 11h00, Brussels time, or at a later time acceptable to the Bank on the day (the “Reset Date”) which falls 2 (two) Relevant Business Days prior to the first day of the relevant period, on Reuters page EURIBOR 01 or its successor page or, failing which, by any other means of publication chosen for this purpose by the Bank.
If such Screen Rate is not so published, the Bank shall request the principal euro-zone offices of four major banks in the euro-zone, selected by the Bank, to quote the rate at which EUR deposits in a comparable amount are offered by each of them as at approximately 11h00, Brussels time, on the Reset Date to prime banks in the euro-zone interbank market for a period equal to the Representative Period. If at least 2 (two) quotations are provided, the rate for that Reset Date will be the arithmetic mean of the quotations.
If fewer than 2 (two) quotations are provided as requested, the rate for that Reset Date will be the arithmetic mean of the rates quoted by major banks in the euro-zone, selected by the Bank, at approximately 11h00, Brussels time, on the day which falls 2 (two) Relevant Business Days after the Reset Date, for loans in EUR in a comparable amount to leading European Banks for a period equal to the Representative Period.
If the rate resulting from the above is below zero, EURIBOR will be deemed to be zero.
If no rate is available as provided above, EURIBOR shall be the rate (expressed as a percentage rate per annum) which is determined by the Bank to be the all-inclusive cost to the Bank for the funding of the relevant Tranche based upon the then applicable internally generated Bank reference rate or an alternative rate determination method reasonably determined by the Bank.
B. General
For the purposes of the foregoing definitions:
(a) All percentages resulting from any calculations referred to in this Schedule will be rounded, if necessary, to the nearest one hundred-thousandth of a percentage point, with halves being rounded up.
(b) The Bank shall inform the Borrower without delay of the quotations received by the Bank.
(c) If any of the foregoing provisions becomes inconsistent with provisions adopted under the aegis of EURIBOR FBE and EURIBOR ACI in respect of EURIBOR (or any successor to that function of the of EURIBOR FBE and EURIBOR ACI as determined by the Bank)or of the British Bankers Association (or any successor to that function of the British Bankers Association as determined by the Bank)in respect of LIBOR, the Bank may by notice to the Borrower amend the provision to bring it into line with such other provisions.
Schedule C1
Forms for Borrower
Form of Disbursement Request (Article 1.02B)
Disbursement Request
Republic of Serbia – Road Rehabilitation and Safety
Please proceed with the following disbursement:
Loan Name (*
Currency & amount requested | ||
Currency | Amount | |
Contract FI number: | 82.640 | |
Proposed disbursement date: |
Reserved for the Bank
(contract currency)
Total Credit Amount:
Disbursed to date:
Balance for disbursement:
Current disbursement:
Balance after disbursement:
Disbursement deadline:
Max. number of disbursements:
Minimum Tranche size:
Total allocations to date: Conditions precedent:
Yes / No
Int. rate basis (Art. 3.01) Rate (% or Spread)
OR (please indicate only ONE) Maximum Rate (% or Maximum Spread)2
Annual Semi-annual Quarterly
Frequency (Art. 3.01)
Payment Dates (Art. 5)
Annual Semi-annual Quarterly
Interest Revision/Conversion date (if any)
Repayment frequency
Equal instalments o Constant annuities o Single instalment o
Repayment methodology (Art. 4.01)
First repayment date
Maturity Date:
Xxxxxxxx'x account to be credited:
Acc. N°: …………………………………………………………………………………………….
1 To be provided on paper bearing the Borrower’s letterhead.
(please, provide IBAN format in case of disbursements in EUR, or appropriate format for the relevant currency)
Bank name, address: …………………………………………………………………………
Please transmit information relevant to: Xxxxxxxx'x authorised name(s) and signature(s):
D.1 Form of Certificate from Borrower (Article 1.04B)
To: European Investment Bank From: [Borrower]
Date: </>
Subject: Finance Contract between European Investment Bank and [Borrower] dated </>(the “Finance Contract”)
FI number 82.640 (RS) Serapis number </>
Dear Sirs,
Terms defined in the Finance Contract have the same meaning when used in this letter.
For the purposes of Article 1.04 of the Finance Contract we hereby certify to you as follows:
(a) no Prepayment Event has occurred and is continuing unremedied;
(b) no security of the type prohibited under Article 7.01 has been created or is in existence;
(c) there has been no material change to any aspect of the Project or in respect of which we are obliged to report under Article 8.01, save as previously communicated by us;
(d) we have sufficient funds available to ensure the timely completion and implementation of the Project in accordance with Schedule A.1;
(e) no event or circumstance which constitutes or would with the passage of time or giving of notice under the Finance Contract constitute an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing unremedied or unwaived;
(f) no litigation, arbitration administrative proceedings or investigation is current or to our knowledge is threatened or pending before any court, arbitral body or agency which has resulted or if adversely determined is reasonably likely to result in a Material Adverse Change, nor is there subsisting against us or any of our subsidiaries any unsatisfied judgement or award;
(g) the representations and warranties to be made or repeated by us under Article 6.12 are true in all material respects; and
(h) no Material Adverse Change has occurred, as compared with the situation at the date of the Finance Contract.
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of [Borrower] Date:
D.2 Form of Compliance Certificate To: European Investment Bank
From: [Borrower] Date: </>
Subject: Finance Contract between European Investment Bank and [Borrower] dated </>(the “Finance Contract”)
FI number </> Serapis number </>
Dear Sirs,
We refer to the Finance Contract. This is a Compliance Certificate. Terms defined in the Finance Contract have the same meaning when used in this Compliance Certificate.
We hereby confirm:
(i) no security of the type prohibited under Article 7.01 has been created or is in existence;
(ii) no event or circumstance which constitutes or would with the passage of time or giving of notice under the Finance Contract constitute an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing unremedied or unwaived. [If this statement cannot be made, this certificate should identify any potential event of default that is continuing and the steps, if any, being taken to remedy it].
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of [Xxxxxxxx / auditor of the Borrower]
</> </>
FI N° 82.640 (RS)
Serapis N°2012-0367
Rehabilitacija i bezbednost puteva
Finansijski ugovor
Republike Srbije
Evropske investicione banke
Beograd, 27. novembar 2013
Republike Srbije, koju zastupa Ministar finansija, gospodin Xxxxx
Xxxxxx („Zajmoprimac”)
s jedne strane, i
Evropske investicione xxxxx xx njenim sedištem u bulevaru Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 100, Luksemburg, L-2950 Luksemburg, koju zastupaju gospodin Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx i pravni savetnik gospodin Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
s druge strane.
(1) je Zajmoprimac naveo da, posredstvom javnog zakonitog privrednog društva osnovanog i koje posluje u Republici Srbiji (Odluka o osnivanju Javnog preduzeća za upravljanje državnim putevima, objavljena u „Službenom glasniku Republike Srbije”, broj 115/05 od 22. decembra 2005. godine) pod korporativnim nazivom Javno preduzeće „Putevi Srbije” (u daljem tekstu „Promoter”), on sprovodi projekat uređenja i poboljšanja bezbednosti približno 1.100 kilometara magistralnih puteva širom Srbije xxx xxx petogodišnjeg programa, kao i mere institucionalnog jačanja u pogledu upravljanja bezbednošću, investicionog planiranja i upravljanja održavanjem, xxxx xx detaljnije opisano u tehničkom opisu („Tehnički opis”) izloženom u Prilogu A („Projekat”). Promoter će biti odgovoran za implementaciju Projekta uz svu neophodnu podršku Zajmoprimca.
(2) ukupan trošak Projekta, kako ga Banka procenjuje, je EUR 390.000.000 (tri stotine devedeset miliona evra) i Zajmoprimac je izjavio da on namerava da finansira Projekat kako sledi:
Izvor Iznos (EUR miliona)
Evropska banka za obnovu i razvoj
Svetska banka 73,8
Kredit xx xxxxx 100
Zajmoprimac 116,2
(3) bi ispunio finansijski plan izložen u stavu (2) Preambule, Zajmoprimac je tražio xx Xxxxx kredit u iznosu od EUR 100.000.000 (sto miliona evra).
(4) Odlukom br. 1080/2011/EU Evropski Parlament i Savet Evropske unije su odlučili da Banci odobre garanciju za pokriće gubitaka koje Banka ima po osnovu zajmova i garancija za zajmove koje je dala od 2007. do 2013. godine, u skladu sa svojim pravilima i postupcima za projekte sprovedene u određenim zemljama van Evropske Unije, navedenih u pomenutoj odluci.
(5) Republika Srbija je 11. maja 2009. godine, zaključila sa Bankom Okvirni sporazum za upravljanje aktivnostima Banke na teritoriji Republike Srbije (u daljem tekstu „Okvirni sporazum”), aktuelni projekat xxxxx u delokrug Okvirnog sporazuma.
(6) Vlada Republike Srbije potvrdila je pismom od 13. xxxx 2011. godine da finansiranje zajma koje treba da se predvidi unutar ovog ugovora xxxxx u delokrug Okvirnog sporazuma. Zajmoprimac potvrđuje da Banka kao međunarodna finansijska institucija ima prioritetan status kreditora.
(7) xx Xxxxx, smatrajući da finansiranje Projekta xxxxx u delokrug njenih funkcija, i uzimajući u obzir izjave i činjenice citirane u Preambuli, odlučila da odobri zahtev Zajmoprimca, dajući mu kredit u iznosu od EUR 100.000.000 (sto miliona evra) u skladu sa ovim finansijskim ugovorom („Ugovor”); pod uslovom da iznos zajma Banke ne pređe, ni u kom slučaju, 50% (pedeset procenata) ukupne cene Projekta izložene u stavu (2) Preambule.
(8) Statut Banke predviđa da xx Xxxxx obezbediti da se njena sredstva koriste onoliko racionalno koliko je to moguće u interesima Evropske unije; i, u skladu s xxx, termini i uslovi zajmovnih operacija Banke moraju biti dosledni odgovarajućim politikama Evropske unije.
(9) Banka smatra da pristup informacijama igra suštinsku ulogu u smanjenju rizika po životnu sredinu i socijalnih rizika, uključujući kršenje ljudskih prava, povezanih sa projektima koje ona finansira i xxxxx xx utvrdila svoju Politiku transparentnosti, xxxx xx svrha da unapredi odgovornost EIB Xxxxx xxxxx predstavnicima svojih akcionara i građanima Evropske unije načelno.
(10) Obrada ličnih informacija obavlja xx xxxxxx Xxxxx u skladu sa merodavnim zakonodavstvom Evropske unije o zaštiti pojedinaca u odnosu na obradu ličnih podataka xx xxxxxx institucija i tela Evropske komisije i na xxxxxxxx protok takvih podataka.
I S XXX U VEZI je dogovoreno kako sledi:
(a) Tumačenje
U ovom Ugovoru:
(i) upućivanja na članove, Preambule, Priloge i Anekse su, sem ako su izričito utvrđeni drugačije, upućivanja na članove i preambule, priloge i anekse ovog ugovora;
(ii) upućivanja na odredbu zakona su upućivanja na tu odredbu i onako xxxx xx izmenjena i dopunjena ili ponovno xxxxxx, ukoliko je do toga došlo; i
(iii) upućivanja na bilo koji drugi sporazum ili instrument su upućivanja na taj drugi sporazum ili instrument onako xxxx xx izmenjen i dopunjen, noviran, dopunjen, proširen ili ponovljen.
(b) Definicije
U ovom Ugovoru:
„Rok za prihvatanje” za obaveštenje znači:
(a) 16:00 časova po luksemburškom vremenu na xxx dostave, ako je obaveštenje isporučeno do 14:00 časova po luksemburškom vremenu na Radni xxx; ili
(b) 11:00 časova po luksemburškom vremenu narednog Radnog xxxx, ako je obaveštenje isporučeno posle 14:00 časova po luksemburškom vremenu na bilo koji takav xxx, ili je dostavljeno na xxx koji nije Radni xxx.
„Odobrenje” znači odobrenje, dozvola, saglasnost, pristanak, odluka, licenca, izuzeće, podnesak, notarizacija ili registracija.
„Radni xxx” znači xxx (koji nije subota ili nedelja) na koji su Banka i poslovne banke otvorene za redovno poslovanje u Luksemburgu.
„Događaj izmene zakona” ima značenje navedeno u članu 4.03A(3).
„Potvrda o usklađenosti” znači potvrda xxxx xx forma izložena u Prilogu D.2.
„Ugovor” ima značenje navedeno u stavu (7) Preambule.
„Kredit” ima značenje navedeno u članu 1.01.
„Krivično delo” znači bilo koje od sledećih krivičnih dela xxxx xx to primenjivo: prevara, korupcija, prinuda, dosluh, ometanje, pranje novca, finansiranje terorizma.
„Obeštećenje za odlaganje” znači obeštećenje obračunato na iznos odložene ili obustavljene isplate po procentualnoj stopi (ako xx xxxx xx xxxx) kojom:
- kamatna xxxxx koja bi bila primenjiva na takav iznos da je isplaćen Zajmoprimcu na Zakazani datum isplate prevazilazi
- EURIBOR (jednomesečna xxxxx) manje 0,125% (12,5 baznih poena), osim ako je ova vrednost manja od nule, u xxx slučaju ona će biti postavljena na nulu.
Takvo obeštećenje će se obračunavati od Zakazanog datuma isplate do Datuma isplate ili, kao što može biti slučaj, do datuma otkazivanja Najavljene tranše u skladu sa ovim ugovorom.
„Dinar” ili „RSD” znači zakonita valuta Republike Srbije.
„Datum isplate” znači datum na koji xx Xxxxx izvršila stvarnu isplatu Tranše.
„Obaveštenje o isplati” znači obaveštenje xx Xxxxx Zajmoprimcu prema i u skladu sa članom 1.02C.
„Zahtev za isplatu” znači obaveštenje xxxx xx osnovna forma izložena u Prilogu C.
„Slučaj poremećaja” ima jedno od sledeća dva značenja ili oba:
(a) materijalni poremećaj onih sistema za plaćanje ili komunikacionih sistema ili onih finansijskih tržišta od kojih se, u svakom slučaju, traži da funkcionišu kako bi plaćanja u vezi sa ovim ugovorom bila izvršena; ili
(b) nastupanje bilo kog drugog događaja koje ima za rezultat poremećaj (tehničke ili sistemske prirode) u trezoru ili operacijama plaćanja bilo Banke ili Zajmoprimca, koji spečava tu stranu da:
(i) izvrši obaveze plaćanja prema ovom Ugovoru; ili
(ii) komunicira sa drugim stranama,
i kada poremećaj (bilo u slučaju pod (a) ili (b) xxxx navedenim) nije izazvan i mimo je kontrole strane čije su operacije promenjene.
„Životna sredina” znači sledeće, u onoj meri u kojoj utiče na ljudsko zdravlje i socijalnu dobrobit:
(a) fauna i flora;
(b) tlo, voda, vazduh, xxxxx i pejzaž; i
(c) kulturno nasleđe i izgrađeno okruženje,
i uključuje, bez ograničenja, zdravlje i bezbednost na radu i u zajednici.
„Ekološka dozvola” znači bilo koje Odobrenje koje se traži Zakonom o životnoj sredini.
„Ekološka tužba” znači bilo koju tužbu, postupak, zvanično obaveštenje ili istragu xx xxxxxx bilo kog lica u odnosu na bilo xxxx Xxxxx o životnoj sredini.
„Zakon o životnoj sredini” znači:
(a) zakon EU, uključujući principe i standarde;
(b) srpske zakone i propise; i
(c) važeće međunarodne ugovore,
xxxx je glavni cilj očuvanje, zaštita ili poboljšanje Životne sredine.
„EURIBOR” ima značenje koje mu xx xxxx u Prilogu B.
„EUR” ili „euro” ima značenje zakonite valute država članica Evropske unije koju usvajaju ili su usvojile kao njihovu valutu, u skladu sa odgovarajućim odredbama Ugovora o Evropskoj uniji i Ugovora o funkcionisanju Evropske Unije, ili njihovim budućim ugovorima.
„Slučaj neispunjenja obaveza” znači bilo koju od okolnosti, događaja ili dešavanja navedenih u članu 10.01.
„Krajnji datum raspoloživosti” znači 30. novembar 2018. godine.
„Fiksna xxxxx” označava godišnju kamatnu stopu koju utvrdi Banka u skladu sa važećim principima povremeno propisanim xx xxxxxx upravnih xxxx Xxxxx, za zajmove date po fiksnoj kamatnoj stopi, izražene u valuti Tranše i koji nose jednake uslove za otplatu glavnice i plaćanje xxxxxx.
„Tranša sa fiksnom kamatom” označava Tranšu na koju se primenjuje Fiksna xxxxx.
„Varijabilna xxxxx” označava varijabilnu kamatnu stopu sa fiksnim rasponom, to jest, godišnju kamatnu stopu određenu xx xxxxxx Xxxxx za svaki naredni Referentni period za varijabilnu stopu, jednaku EURIBOR plus raspon.
„Referentni period za varijabilnu stopu” označava svaki period od jednog Datuma plaćanja do sledećeg odgovarajućeg Datuma plaćanja; prvi Referentni period za varijabilnu stopu će započeti na datum isplate Tranše.
„Tranša sa varijabilnom stopom” označava Tranšu na koju se primenjuje Varijabilna xxxxx.
„GAAP” (Generally Accepted Acounting Principles) označava opšteprihvaćene računovodstvene standarde u Republici Srbiji, uključujući IFRS.
„Vodič za nabavku” znači Vodič za nabavku objavljen na veb-sajtu EIB-a[1] koji informiše organizatore projekata finansiranih u celini ili delom xx xxxxxx EIB o postupcima koje treba sprovesti za nabavku radova, dobara i usluga koji se traže za taj Projekat.
„IFRS” (International Financial Reporting Standards) označava Međunarodne standarde finansijskog izveštavanja u okviru značenja Propisa za MRS 1606/2002 do opsega merodavnog za odgovarajuće finansijske izveštaje.
„Slučaj prevremenog plaćanja sa naknadom” označava slučaj prevremene otplate kredita drugačiji od onih navedenih u stavovima 4.03A(2) ili 4.03A(4).
„Zajam” označava ukupan iznos Tranši isplaćen s vremena na vreme xx xxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxx ovom Ugovoru.
„Slučaj poremećaja na tržištu” označava bilo koju od sledećih okolnosti:
(a) postoje, po razumnom uverenju Banke, događaji ili okolnosti koji negativno utiču na pristup Banke njenim izvorima finansiranja;
(b) po uverenju Banke, sredstva iz njihovih uobičajenih izvora finansiranja nisu na raspolaganju da bi se na odgovarajući način finansirala Tranša u odgovarajućoj valuti i/ili za odgovarajuće dospeće i/ili u odnosu na profil otplate takve Tranše;
(c) u vezi sa Tranšom na koju kamata jeste ili će biti plativa po Varijabilnoj stopi:
[1] xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx. Napomena: Verzija Vodiča xxxx xx na snazi u vreme projekta nabavke će biti merodavna
(A) trošak za Banku za sticanje sredstava iz njenih izvora finansiranja, xxxx xx određen xx xxxxxx Xxxxx, za period jednak Referentnom periodu za varijabilnu stopu takve Tranše (odnosno, na tržištu novca) će prevazići primenljiv EURIBOR;
(B) Banka određuje da ne postoje odgovarajuća i fer sredstva za određivanje primenljivog EURIBOR-a za odgovarajuću valutu takve Tranše ili nije moguće odrediti EURIBOR u skladu sa definicijom sadržanom u Prilogu B.
„Materijalno štetna promena” označava, bilo koji događaj ili promenu stanja, koja, po razumnom uverenju Banke, ima neko materijalno štetno dejstvo na:
(a) sposobnost Zajmoprimca da izvršava svoje obaveze prema ovom ugovoru;
(b) finansijsko stanje ili izglede Zajmoprimca; ili
(c) važenje ili sprovodivost, ili punovažnost ili rangiranje, ili vrednost bilo koje hartije od vrednosti date Banci, ili prava ili pravnih xxxxxx Xxxxx prema ovom ugovoru.
„Datum dospeća” znači poslednji ili jedini datum otplate Tranše navedene saglasno članu 4.01A(b)(iv) ili članu 4.01B.
„Najavljena tranša” označava Tranšu za koju xx Xxxxx izdala Obaveštenje o isplati.
„PIT” (Project Implementation Team) ima značenje koje je takvom terminu pripisano u članu 6.05.
„Datum plaćanja” označava: godišnje, polugodišnje ili kvartalne datume navedene u Obaveštenju o isplati do Datuma dospeća, osim u slučaju da bilo koji takav datum nije neki Odgovarajući Radni xxx, to znači:
(a) za Tranšu sa fiksnom stopom, sledeći Odgovarajući radni xxx, bez prilagođavanja xxxxxx dospele prema članu 3.01 [osim za one slučajeve gde se otplata izvršava u jednoj rati, u skladu sa članom 4.01B, gde se primenjuje prethodni Odgovarajući radni xxx umesto ove pojedinačne stope i na konačno plaćanje xxxxxx i samo u ovom slučaju, sa prilagođavanjem xxxxxx dospele prema članu 3.01]; i
(b) za Tranšu sa varijabilnom stopom, sledeći xxx, ako postoji, tog kalendarskog meseca koji je Odgovarajući radni xxx ili, u nedostatku toga, najbliži prethodni xxx koji je Odgovarajući Radni xxx, u svim slučajevima sa odgovarajućim prilagođavanjem xxxxxx dospele prema članu 3.01.
„Iznos prevremene otplate” označava iznos Tranše xxxx xxxxx ranije da se otplati xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca u skladu sa članom 4.02A.
„Datum prevremene otplate” označava datum, koji je Datum plaćanja, na koji Zajmoprimac predlaže da izvrši prevremenu otplatu kredita za Iznos prevremene otplate.
„Slučaj prevremene otplate” označava bilo koji od događaja opisanih u članu 4.03A.
„Obeštećenje za prevremenu otplatu” označava u odnosu na bilo koji iznos glavnice xxxx xxxxx prevremeno otplatiti ili obustaviti, iznos saopšten xx xxxxxx Xxxxx Zajmoprimcu kao sadašnja vrednost (na Datum prevremene otplate) doplate, ako postoji, za:
(a) xxxxxx xxxx bi se pripisala posle toga na Iznos prevremene otplate kredita tokom perioda od Datuma ranije otplate kredita do Datuma dospeća, da on nije ranije otplaćen; za
(b) xxxxxx xxxx bi se tako nagomilala tokom tog perioda, da je obračunata po Stopi za prebacivanje, manjoj od 0,15% (petnaest baznih poena).
Navedena sadašnja vrednost će biti obračunata po diskontnoj stopi jednakoj Stopi za prebacivanje, primenjenoj na svaki odgovarajući Datum plaćanja.
„Obaveštenje o prevremenoj otplati” označava xxxxxx obaveštenje xx Xxxxx Zajmoprimcu u skladu sa članom 4.02C.
„Zahtev za prevremenu otplatu” označava xxxxxx zahtev od Zajmoprimca Banci za prevremenu otplatu celog ili dela Zajma, u skladu sa članom 4.02A.
„Projekat” ima značenje koje mu xx xxxx u stavu (1) Preambule.
„Kvalifikovan xxxxxx” označava xxxxxx (uključujući troškove projektovanja i nadzora, ako su bitni, i bez poreza i dažbina plativih xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca) koji je napravljen xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca ili Promotera za taj Projekat, u odnosu na radove, dobra i usluge vezane za stavke navedene u Tehničkom opisu kao podobne za finansiranje Kreditom, koji su bili predmet ugovora ili više ugovora zaključenih pod uslovima zadovoljavajućim za Banku, uzimajući u obzir najnovije izdanje Vodiča za nabavku, koji je objavljen na veb-sajtu Banke.
U svrhu obračuna ekvivalenta u evrima bilo koje sume potrošene u dinarima, Xxxxx xx primenjivati bilo (i)primenjljiv referentni devizni kurs koji izračunava i objavljuje Narodna banka Srbije ili (ii) u nedostatku takvog kursa odgovarajući devizni kurs ili tada važeći kursevi na odgovarajućem finansijskom tržištu izabranom xx xxxxxx Xxxxx.
U svrhu obračuna ekvivalenta u evrima bilo koje sume potrošene u drugoj valuti, koja nije euro (EUR) odnosno Dinar (RSD), Banka primenjuje referentni devizni kurs izračunat i objavljen za tu valutu xx xxxxxx Evropske centralne banke na takav datum koji pada u okviru 15 (petnaest) xxxx pre datuma isplate, kako Banka odluči (ili, u nedostatku takvog kursa odgovarajući devizni kurs ili tada važeći kursevi na odgovarajućem finansijskom tržištu izabranom xx xxxxxx Xxxxx.
„Xxxxx za prebacivanje” označava Fiksnu stopu na snazi na xxx obračuna obeštećenja za zajmove po fiksnoj stopi izražene u istoj valuti i koji će imati iste uslove za plaćanje xxxxxx i isti profil otplate na Datum dospeća, kao i Tranša za xxxx xx predložena ili zahtevana prevremena otplata. Za one slučajeve gde je taj period kraći od 48 meseci (ili 36 meseci u odsustvu otplate glavnice tokom tog perioda) primenjivaće se najpribližnija odgovarajuća tržišna xxxxx, i to EURIBOR minus 0,125% (12,5 baznih poena) za periode do 12 (dvanaest) meseci. Za periode u trajanju između 12 i 36/48 meseci, što može biti slučaj, primenjivaće se ponude za svop stope koje bude objavio Reuters za određene valute, a koje Banka bude primenjivala u vreme obračuna.
„Odgovarajući radni xxx” znači xxx na koji je Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer payment system, koji koristi jedinstvenu zajedničku platformu i koji je pokrenut 19. novembra 2007. godine (TARGET2), otvoren za izmirenje plaćanja u EUR.
„RPF” ima značenje pripisano takvom terminu u članu 6.06.
„Zakazani datum isplate” znači datum na koji je Xxxxxx zakazana za isplatu u skladu sa članom 1.02C.
„Obezbeđenje” znači bilo koju hipoteku, zalog, založno pravo, opterećenje, prenos imovine, stavljanje pod hipoteku, ili drugo sredstvo obezbeđenja kojim se obezbeđuje bilo koja obaveza bilo kog lica, ili bilo koji drugi sporazum ili aranžman koji ima slično dejstvo.
„Raspon” znači fiksni raspon za EURIBOR (bilo da je plus ili minus) određen xx xxxxxx Xxxxx i o čemu je Zajmoprimac obavešten u odgovarajućem Obaveštenju o isplati.
„Porez” znači bilo koji porez, namet, uvoznu carinu ili carinu ili drugačiju naknadu ili zadržavanje poreza slične prirode (uključujući bilo koji penal ili xxxxxx xxxx se plaća u vezi xx xxxx kakvim neplaćanjem, ili odlaganjem u plaćanju).
„Tehnički opis” ima značenje koje mu xx xxxx u stavu (1) Preambule.
„Tranša” znači svaku isplatu xxxx xx izvršena ili treba da se izvrši prema ovom ugovoru. U slučaju da nijedno Obaveštenje o isplati nije dostavljeno, Xxxxxx znači Tranšu xxxx xx zatraženo prema članu 1.02B.
1.01 Iznos kredita
Kredit i isplate
Ovim Ugovorom Banka daje u korist Zajmoprimca i Zajmoprimac prihvata, kredit u iznosu od EUR 100.000.000 (sto miliona evra) za finansiranje Projekta (u daljem tekstu:
1.02 Postupak isplate
1.02A Tranše
Banka isplaćuje Kredit u najviše 20 Tranši. Iznos svake Tranše, pod uslovom da to nije nepovučeni ostatak Kredita, xxxx u minimalnom iznosu od EUR 5.000.000(pet miliona xxxx).
1.02B Zahtev za isplatu
(a) Zajmoprimac može uputiti Banci Zahtev za isplatu Tranše, takav Zahtev za isplatu treba da bude primljen najkasnije 15 (petnaest) xxxx pre Krajnjeg datuma raspoloživosti. Zahtev za isplatu u formi izloženoj u Prilogu C i treba da precizira:
(i) iznos i valutu Tranše;
(ii) željeni datum isplate Tranše; takav željeni datum isplate xxxx biti Odgovarajući radni xxx koji pada barem 15 (petnaest) xxxx posle datuma Zahteva za isplatu i, u bilo kom slučaju, na ili pre Krajnjeg datuma raspoloživosti, a podrazumeva se da uprkos Krajnjem datumu raspoloživosti Banka može isplatiti Tranšu do 4 (četiri) kalendarska meseca od datuma Zahteva za isplatu;
(iii) da xx xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx po fiksnoj stopi ili Tranša sa varijabilnom stopom, svaka saglasna odgovarajućim odredbama člana 3.01;
(iv) željenu periodičnost plaćanja xxxxxx za Tranšu, odabranu u skladu sa članom 3.01;
(v) željene uslove za otplatu glavnice Tranše, odabrane u skladu sa članom 4.01;
(vi) željene prve i poslednje datume za otplatu glavnice Tranše;
(vii) IBAN šifru (ili odgovarajući format u skladu sa lokalnom bankarskom praksom) i SWIFT BIC Bankovnog računa na koji isplata Tranše treba da se izvrši u skladu sa članom 1.02D.
(b) Ako xx Xxxxx, nakon zahteva Zajmoprimca, obezbedila Zajmoprimcu pre podnošenja Zahteva za isplatu, neobavezujuću fiksnu kamatnu stopu ili kotaciju raspona xxxx xx važiti za Tranšu, Zajmoprimac može takođe po svojoj diskreciji navesti u Zahtevu takvu kotaciju, što xx xxxx:
(i) u slučaju Tranše po fiksnoj stopi, xxxx navedenu fiksnu kamatnu stopu prethodno ponuđenu xx xxxxxx Xxxxx; ili
(ii) u slučaju Tranše po promenljivoj stopi, xxxx navedeni raspon prethodno ponuđen xx xxxxxx Xxxxx,
merodavan za Tranšu do Datuma dospeća.
(c) Uz svaki Zahtev za isplatu prilaže se dokaz o ovlašćenju lica ili više lica ovlašćenih za potpisivanje kao i spesimen potpisa od takvog lica ili više lica, ili izjava Zajmoprimca da se nikakva promena nije dogodila u odnosu na ovlašćenje lica ili više lica ovlašćenih za potpisivanje Zahteva za isplatu prema ovom ugovoru.
(d) Zavisno od člana 1.02C(b), svaki Zahtev za isplatu je neopoziv. 1.02C Obaveštenje o isplati
(a) Najmanje 10 (deset) xxxx pre predloženog Zakazanog datuma isplate Tranše, Banka dostavlja Zajmoprimcu, ako Zahtev za isplatu odgovara ovom članu 1.02, Obaveštenje o isplati koje precizira:
(i) valutu i iznos Tranše;
(ii) Zakazani datum isplate;
(iii) osnovicu kamatne stope za Tranšu, što je: (i) Tranša po fiksnoj stopi; ili (ii) Tranša po varijabilnoj stopi, sve u skladu sa odgovarajućim odredbama člana 3.01;
(iv) Datum plaćanja prve xxxxxx i periodičnost za plaćanje xxxxxx za Tranšu;
(v) uslovi otplate glavnice Tranše;
(vi) prvi i poslednji datum za otplatu glavnice Xxxxxx;
(vii) važeće Datume plaćanja Tranše;
(viii) za Tranšu sa fiksnom stopom, Fiksnu stopu i za Tranšu sa varijabilnoj stopom, Raspon važeći za Tranšu do Datuma dospeća.
(b) Ako se jedan ili više od elemenata preciziranih u Obaveštenju o isplati ne slažu sa odgovarajućim elementom, ako postoji, u Zahtevu za isplatu, Zajmoprimac može, po prijemu Obaveštenja o isplati opozvati Zahtev za isplatu pisanim obaveštenjem Banci, koje xxx xxxxx da primi najkasnije do 12:00 časova po luksemburškom vremenu sledećeg Radnog xxxx, i nakon toga, Zahtev za isplatu i Obaveštenje o isplati neće imati nikakvo dejstvo. Ako Zajmoprimac nije pisanim putem opozvao Xxxxxx za isplatu u navedenom roku, smatraće se da je Zajmoprimac prihvatio sve elemente navedene u Obaveštenju o isplati.
(c) Ako je Xxxxxxxxxxx poslao Banci Xxxxxx za isplatu u kome Zajmoprimac nije naveo fiksnu kamatnu stopu ili raspon, xxxx xx izloženo u članu 1.02B(b), smatraće se da je Zajmoprimac unapred saglasan sa Fiksnom kamatom ili Rasponom, xxxx xx naknadno navedeno u Obaveštenju o isplati.
1.02D Račun za isplatu
Isplata se vrši na račun koji Zajmoprimac dostavlja Banci u pisanoj formi najkasnije 15 (petnaest) xxxx pre zakazanog datuma isplate (sa IBAN šifrom ili sa odgovarajućim formatom u skladu sa lokalnom bankarskom praksom). Zajmoprimac potvrđuje da plaćanja na takav račun predstavljaju isplate prema ovom ugovoru, xxx xx xx izvršene na sopstveni bankovni račun Zajmoprimca.
Samo jedan račun može biti naveden za svaku Tranšu.
1.03 Valuta isplate
Banka isplaćuje svaku Tranšu u EUR.
1.04 Uslovi isplate
1.04A Prva tranša
Isplata prve Tranše prema članu 1.02, koja neće premašiti EUR 10.000.000 (deset miliona xxxx), uslovljena je prijemom xx xxxxxx Xxxxx, u obliku i po sadržini zadovoljavajućim za nju, na ili pre datuma koji pada 5 (pet) Radnih xxxx pre Zakazanog datuma isplate, sledećih dokumenata ili dokaza:
(a) dokaz da je Zajmoprimac propisno odobrio zaključivanje ovog ugovora i da je lice ili više xxxx xxxx potpisuju Ugovor u ime Zajmoprimca jeste/jesu propisno ovlašćeni da tako učine, zajedno sa spesimenom potpisa svakog takvog lica ili više lica;
(b) pozitivno pravno mišljenje o: (i) spobnosti, ovlašćenju Zajmoprimca i propisnom potpisivanju ovog Ugovora xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca, i (ii) zakonitoj, važećoj, obavezujućoj i punovažnoj prirodi obaveza Zajmoprimca prema ovom Ugovoru;
(c) dokaz da će konsultant za tehničku pomoć, sa referencama prihvatljivim za Banku, biti angažovan za podršku PIT-u;
(d) dokaz da su sve kontrolne saglasnosti, navedene xx xxxxxx Xxxxx ili na koje je ukazano u pravnom mišljenju koje xx xxxx u stavu (c) xxxx, razmenjene kao što je nužno što dozvoljava Zajmoprimcu da primi isplate xxxx xx predviđeno u ovom ugovoru, a otplati Zajam i xxxxx xxxxxx i sve xxxxx iznose koji dospevaju prema ovom ugovoru.
1.04B Sve Tranše
Isplata svake Tranše prema članu 1.02, uključujući i prvu, podleže sledećim uslovima:
(a) da xx Xxxxx primila, u formi i sadržaju zadovoljavajućim za nju, na ili pre datuma koji pada 5 (pet) radnih xxxx pre zakazanog datuma isplate za predloženu tranšu, sledeće dokumente ili dokaz:
(i) potvrdu Zajmoprimca u formi koji je dat u Prilogu D.1, potpisanu od ovlašćenog predstavnika Zajmoprimca i datiranu ne ranije od datuma koji pada 15 (petnaest) xxxx pre Zakazanog datuma isplate;
(ii) potvrdu da su projektni pokazatelji navedeni u članu 6.08 postignuti prema rasporedu; i
(iii) koji prikazuje da, posle povlačenja sredstava odgovarajuće Xxxxxx, ukupan iznos Zajma ili Zajmova neće prevazići ukupan xxxxxx koji predstavlja ugovornu obavezu Zajmoprimca u odnosu na Projekat, do datuma odgovarajućeg Zahteva za isplatu;
(iv) dokaz, koji je zadovoljavajući za Banku, (i) da je za Promotera nastao Kvalifikovani xxxxxx po stavkama koje Banka finansira u skladu sa Tehničkim opisom koji xx xxxxxx ukupnom iznosu 80% (osamdeset procenata) od svih prethodno isplaćenih tranši xx xxxxxx Xxxxx xxx i iznosa isplaćenih xx xxxxxx Svetske banke ili Zajmoprimca i (ii) da će za Promotera nastati, do 180. xxxx koji pada nakon željenog datuma za isplatu navedenog u Zahtevu za isplatu, Kvalifikovani xxxxxx u iznosu koji xx xxxxxx najmanje ukupnom iznosu od 80% (osamdeset procenata) iznosa Tranše koja se isplaćuje
(v) u vezi sa određenom deonicom (kako xx xxxxx opisano u Prilogu A1) Projekta, socijalni skrining u skladu sa RPF-om i, ako se traži neki (Resettlement Action Plan - RAP) Plan aktivnosti raseljavanja, taj Plan i dokaz o njegovom pravilnom sprovođenju .
(vi) u vezi sa određenom deonicom (kako xx xxxxx opisano u Prilogu A1) Projekta, kopije Ekoloških dozvola, uključujući odluku o skriningu životne sredine od nadležnog organa i, ako se traži Procena uticaja na životnu sredinu (Environmental Impact Assessment - EIA), ta Procena uticaja na životnu sredinu i ne-tehnički siže (non-technical summary - NTS); i
(vii) U vezi sa određenom deonicom (kako xx xxxxx opisano u Prilogu A1) Projekta, pismenu potvrdu xx xxxxxx nadležnog organa o uticaju na očuvanje prirode (od A/B ili ekvivalent).
(b) Da na Datum isplate za predloženu Tranšu:
(i) izjave i garancije, koje su ponovljene saglasno članu 6.12 budu tačne u svakom pogledu; i
(ii) nikakav događaj ili okolnost koja predstavlja ili bi protokom vremena ili davanjem obaveštenja prema ovom Ugovoru predstavljala:
(aa) Slučaj neispunjenja obaveza, ili (bb) Slučaj prevremene otplate
(cc) nije se dogodio i ne nastavlja se neotklonjen ili bez odricanja ili bi proistekao iz isplate predložene Tranše.
1.05 Odlaganje isplate
1.05A Osnove za odlaganje
Po pisanom zahtevu Zajmoprimca, Banka odlaže isplatu bilo koje Najavljene tranše u celosti ili delimično, do datuma koji navede Zajmoprimac, a da datum ne pada kasnije od 6 (šest) meseci od Zakazanog datuma isplate i ne kasnije od 60 xxxx pre prvog datuma otplate Tranše navedenog u Obaveštenju o isplati. U takvom slučaju, Zajmoprimac plaća Obeštećenje za odlaganje obračunato na iznos odložene isplate.
Bilo koji zahtev za odlaganje će imati dejstvo u odnosu na Tranšu samo ako je podnet najmanje 5 (pet) Radnih xxxx pre Zakazanog datuma isplate.
Ako za Najavljenu tranšu bilo koji od uslova na koje se upućuje u članu 1.04 nije ispunjen na navedeni datum i na Zakazani datum isplate (ili datum koji se očekuje za isplatu u slučaju prethodnog odlaganja), isplata će biti odložena za datum dogovoren između Banke i Zajmoprimca koji pada ne ranije od 5 (pet) Radnih xxxx xxxxx ispunjenja svih uslova isplate (ne poričući prava Banke da obustavi i/ili poništi neisplaćeni deo Kredita u celosti ili delimično, sagalasno članu 1.06B). U takvom slučaju, Zajmoprimac plaća Obeštećenje za odlaganje obračunato na iznos odložene isplate.
1.05B Otkazivanje isplate odložene za 6 (šest) meseci
Banka može, pisanim obaveštenjem Zajmoprimaocu, otkazati isplatu xxxx xx odložena prema članu 1.05A za više od 6 (šest) meseci ukupno. Otkazani iznos će ostati rasploživ za isplatu prema članu 1.02.
1.06 Otkazivanje i obustava
1.06A Pravo Zajmoprimca na otkazivanje
Zajmoprimac može u bilo koje vreme pisanim obaveštenjem Banci otkazati, u celosti ili delimično i sa trenutnim dejstvom, neisplaćeni deo Kredita. Međutim, to obaveštenje neće imati nikakvo dejstvo u odnosu na (i) Najavljenu tranšu koja ima Zakazani datum isplate u roku od 5 (pet) Radnih xxxx od datuma obaveštenja ili (ii) Tranšu za xxxx xx podnet Zahtev za isplatu, ali nikakvo Obaveštenje o isplati nije izdato.
1.06B Pravo Banke na obustavu i otkazivanje
(a) Banka može, pisanim obaveštenjem Zajmoprimcu, obustaviti i/ili otkazati neisplaćeni deo Kredita u celosti ili delimično u bilo koje vreme i sa trenutnim dejstvom po nastupanju Slučaja prevremene otplate, ili Slučaja neispunjenja obaveza ili nekog događaja ili okolnosti koja bi protokom vremena ili davanjem obaveštenja prema ovom ugovoru predstavljala Slučaj prevremene otplate ili Slučaj neispunjenja obaveza;
(b) Banka može takođe obustaviti deo Kredita sa trenutnim dejstvom, u slučaju da se dogodi Slučaj poremećaja na tržištu.
(c) Bilo koja obustava se nastavlja xxx Xxxxx ne završi obustavu ili otkazivanje obustavljenog iznosa.
1.06C Obeštećenje za obustavu i otkazivanje Tranše
Ako Banka obustavi Najavljenu tranšu, bilo da je to nakon Slučaja prevremene otplate koji se može obeštetiti ili Slučaju neispunjenja obaveze, Zajmoprimac plaća Banci Obeštećenje za odlaganje, obračunato na iznos isplate xxxx xx privremeno obustavljena.
Ako saglasno članu 1.06A, Zajmoprimac otkaže:
(a) Tranšu sa fiksnom stopom xxxx xx Najavljena tranša, on obeštećuje Banku prema članu 4.02B;
(b) Tranšu sa varijabilnom stopom xxxx xx Najavljena tranša ili bilo xxxx xxx Kredita, osim Najavljene tranše, nikakvo obeštećenje se ne plaća.
Ako Banka otkaže
(i) Tranšu sa fiksnom stopom xxxx xx Najavljena tranša nakon Slučaja prevremene otplate koji podleže obeštećenju ili saglasno članu 1.05B, Zajmoprimac plaća Banci Obeštećenje za prevremenu otplatu ; ili
(ii) Najavljenu tranšu nakon Slučaja neispunjenja obaveza, Zajmoprimac obeštećuje Banku prema članu 10.03.
Osim u navedenim slučajevima, nikakvo obeštećenje se ne plaća nakon otkazivanja Tranše xx xxxxxx Xxxxx.
Obeštećenje se obračunava kao da je otkazani iznos isplaćen i otplaćen na Zakazani datum isplate ili, ili u meri u kojoj joj je isplata Xxxxxx trenutno odložena ili obustavljena, na datum obaveštenja o otkazivanju.
1.07 Otkazivanje po isteku Kredita
Na datum nakon Krajnjeg datuma raspoloživosti, i ukoliko nije drugačije posebno dogovoreno xx xxxxxx Xxxxx u pisanoj formi, deo Kredita za koji nije dostavljen nijedan Zahtev za isplatu u skladu sa članom 1.02B automatski se otkazuje, bez bilo kakvog obaveštenja koje Banka uručuje Zajmoprimcu i bez novčane obaveze koja nastaje za bilo koju Ugovornu stranu.
1.08 Iznosi dospeli prema članu 1.
Iznosi dospeli prema čl. 1.05 i 1.06 plaćaće se u EUR. Oni su plativi u roku od 15 (petnaest) xxxx od kada Zajmoprimac primi zahtev Banke ili u bilo kom dužem roku navedenom u zahtevu Banke.
2.01 Xxxxx Xxxxx
Zajam se sastoji od ukupnih iznosa Tranši isplaćenih koje xx Xxxxx isplatila po Kreditu, xxxx xx potvrđeno xx xxxxxx Xxxxx, saglasno članu 2.03.
2.02 Valuta otplate glavnice, xxxxxx i drugih troškova
Kamatu, otplatu glavnice i druge troškove koji se plaćaju u vezi sa svakom Tranšom, Zajmoprimac xx xxxxx da plaća u valuti u kojoj se Xxxxxx isplaćuje.
Bilo koje drugo plaćanje vrši se u valuti koju određuje Banka, uzimajući u obzir valutu rashoda koji će biti plaćen xxx valutom.
2.03 Potvrda Banke
U roku od 10 (deset) xxxx od isplate svake Tranše, Banka dostavlja Zajmoprimcu plan otplate koji se navodi u članu 4.01, koja prikazuje Datum isplate, valutu, isplaćeni iznos, uslove otplate i kamatnu stopu za tu Tranšu.
3.01 Kamatna xxxxx
3.01A Tranše sa fiksnom stopom
Zajmoprimac plaća kamatu na neizmireni iznos svake Tranše sa fiksnom stopom po Fiksnoj stopi kvartalno, polugodišnje ili godišnje na odgovarajuće Datume plaćanja xxxx xx navedeno u Obaveštenju o isplati, počev od prvog takvog Datuma plaćanja nakon Datuma isplate Tranše. Ako je period od Datuma isplate do prvog Datuma plaćanja 15 (petnaest) xxxx ili manje, onda se plaćanje xxxxxx obračunate u xxx periodu odlaže do sledećeg Datuma plaćanja.
Kamata se obračunava na osnovu člana 5.01(a).
3.01B Tranše sa varijabilnom stopom
Zajmoprimac plaća kamatu na neizmireni iznos svake Tranše sa varijabilnom stopom po Varijabilnoj stopi kvartalno, polugodišnje ili godišnje, na odgovarajuće Datume plaćanja, xxxx xx navedeno u Obaveštenju o isplati, počev od prvog takvog Datuma plaćanja nakon Datuma isplate Tranše. Ako je period od Datuma isplate do prvog Datuma plaćanja 15 (petnaest) xxxx ili manje, onda se plaćanje xxxxxx obračunate u xxx periodu odlaže do sledećeg Datuma plaćanja.
Banka obaveštava Zajmoprimca o Varijabilnoj stopi u roku od 10 (deset) xxxx xxxxx početka svakog Referentnog perioda za varijabilnu stopu.
Ako se, saglasno čl. 1.05 i 1.06 isplata bilo koje Tranše sa varijabilnom stopom dogodi posle Zakazanog datuma isplate, XXXXXXX koji se primenjuje za prvi Referentni period za varijabilnu stopu primenjuje xx xxx da je isplata izvršena na Zakazani datum isplate.
Kamata se obračunava za svaki Referentni period za varijabilnu stopu na osnovu člana 5.01(b). Ako je Varijabilna xxxxx za xxxx xxxx Referentni period za varijabilnu stopu ispod nule, ona će biti postavljena na nulu.
3.02 Kamata na neizmirene iznose
Ne dovodeći u pitanje član 10. i kao izuzetak od člana 3.01, ako Zajmoprimac ne plati bilo koji iznos koji je dospeo prema ovom Ugovoru na datum dospeća obaveze, obračunavaće se kamata (zavisno od obaveznih odredbi važećih zakona, uključujući član 1154 Građanskog zakonika Luksemburga) na bilo koji neizmireni iznos koji dospeva pod uslovima ovog ugovora, od datuma dospeća do datuma stvarnog plaćanja, po godišnjoj stopi jednakoj EURIBOR plus 2% (200 baznih poena) i plaćaće se u skladu sa zahtevom Banke. U svrhu određivanja EURIBOR-a u vezi sa ovim članom 3.02, odgovarajući periodi u smislu Priloga B su uzastopni periodi u trajanju od jednog meseca koji počinju na datum dospeća.
Međutim, kamata na bilo koji neizmireni iznos prema Xxxxxx sa fiksnom stopom naplaćuje se po godišnjoj stopi koja xx xxxx stope definisane u članu 3.01A plus 0,25% (25 baznih poena) ako ta godišnja xxxxx, za xxxx xxxx dati odgovarajući period prevazilazi stopu navedenu u prethodnom stavu.
3.03 Slučaj poremećaja na tržištu
Ako se u bilo koje vreme (i) od izdavanja Obaveštenja o isplati xx xxxxxx Xxxxx u vezi sa Tranšom, i (ii) do datuma koji pada trideset (30) kalendarskih xxxx pre Zakazanog datuma isplate, dogodi Slučaj poremećaja na tržištu, Banka može obavestiti Zajmoprimca da je ova klauzula stupila na snagu. U takvom slučaju, primenjuju se sledeća pravila. Kamatna xxxxx koja se primenjuje za takvu Najavljenu tranšu do Datuma dospeća xxxx xxxxx (izražena kao procentualna godišnja xxxxx) za xxxx Xxxxx utvrdi da je, njen ukupni trošak za finansiranje odgovarajuće Tranše, na osnovu tada primenjive interno kreirane referentne stope Banke ili alternativnog metoda za određivanje te stope, xxxx Xxxxx delujuću razumno utvrdi. Zajmoprimac ima pravo da pisanim putem odbije takvu isplatu unutar krajnjeg roka navedenog u obaveštenju i snosiće rezultirajuće troškove, ako postoje, u xxx slučaju Banka neće izvršiti isplatu i odgovarajući Kredit ostaje na raspolaganju za isplatu prema članu 1.02B. Ako Zajmoprimac ne odbije isplatu na vreme, ugovorne strane su saglasne da su isplata i uslovi iste u potpunosti obavezujući za obe ugovorne strane.
U bilo kom slučaju, raspon ili Fiksna xxxxx koje xx Xxxxx prethodno navela u Obaveštenju o isplati, više xx xxxx primenjivati.
4.01 Redovna otplata
4.01A Otplata u ratama
(a) Zajmoprimac otplaćuje svaku Tranšu u ratama na Datume plaćanja navedene u odgovarajućem Obaveštenju o isplati u skladu sa terminima plana otplate duga isporučene saglasno članu 2.03.
(b) Svaki plan otplate duga izradiće se na osnovu sledećeg:
(i) u slučaju Xxxxxx po fiksnoj stopi, otplata se obavlja godišnje, polugodišnje ili kvartalno jednakim ratama glavnice ili stalnim ratama glavnice i xxxxxx;
(ii) u slučaju Tranše po Varijabinoj stopi, otplata se obavlja jednakim godišnjim, polugodišnjim ili kvartalnim ratama glavnice;
(iii) prvi datum otplate svake Tranše je neki Datum plaćanja koji pada ne ranije od 60 xxxx od Zakazanog datuma isplate i ne kasnije od prvog Datuma plaćanja, odmah posle četvrte godišnjice Zakazanog datuma isplate Tranše; i
(iv) poslednji datum otplate svake Tranše xxxx Datum plaćanja koji pada ne ranije od 4 (četiri) godine i ne kasnije od 15 (petnaest) xxxxxx xx Zakazanog datuma isplate.
4.01B Pojedinačna rata
Po slobodnom izboru, Zajmoprimac može otplatiti Tranšu u nekoj pojedinačnoj rati na neki Datum plaćanja naveden u Obaveštenju o isplati, pri čemu taj datum pada ne pre isteka 3 (tri) godine ili nakon isteka 9 (devet) xxxxxx xx Zakazanog datuma isplate.
4.02 Dobrovoljna prevremena otplata
4.02A Izbor prevremene otplate
Zavisno od čl. 4.02B, 4.02C i 4.04, Zajmoprimac može da izvrši prevremeno plaćanje svih ili dela bilo koje Xxxxxx, zajedno sa obračunatom kamatom i obeštećenjima ako postoje, dajući Obaveštenje o prevremenoj otplati najmanje jedan 1 (jedan) mesec ranije, precizirajući (i) iznos prevremene otplate kredita, (ii) Datum prevremene otplate kredita,
(iii) ako je merodavno, izbor metoda primene Iznosa prevremene otplate kredita u skladu sa članom 5.05C(i) i (iv) broj ugovora (“FI nr ”) naveden na naslovnoj strani ovog Ugovora.
Zavisno od člana 4.02C Zahtev za prevremenom otplatom kredita je obavezujući i neopoziv.
4.02B Obeštećenje za prevremenu otplatu
Ako Zajmoprimac prevremeno otplati Xxxxxx po fiksnoj stopi, Zajmoprimac plaća Banci na Datum prevremene otplate kredita Obeštećenje za prevremenu otplatu kredita u odnosu na Tranšu sa fiksnom kamatom xxxx xx prevremeno otplaćena.
Zajmoprimac može prevremeno otplatiti neku Tranšu sa varijabilnom stopom bez obeštećenja, na bilo koji odgovarajući Datum plaćanja.
4.02C Mehanizam prevremene otplate
Po predaji xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca Banci Zahteva za prevremenu otplatu kredita, Xxxxx xx izdati Obaveštenje o prevremenoj otplati Zajmoprimaocu, ne kasnije od 15 (petnaest) xxxx pre Datuma prevremene otplate. Obaveštenje o prevremenoj otplati kredita će navoditi iznos prevremene otplate, obračunate xxxxxx dospele do tada, Obeštećenje za raniju otplatu kredita plativo prema članu 4.02B ili, kako može biti slučaj, da nikakvo obeštećenje nije dospelo, metod primene iznosa prevremene otplate kredita i Krajnji rok za prijem.
Ako Zajmoprimac prihvati Obaveštenje o prevremenoj otplati kredita ne kasnije od Krajnjeg roka za prijem, on izvršava prevremenu otplatu kredita. U bilo kom drugom slučaju, Zajmoprimac ne može izvršiti prevremenu otplatu kredita.
Zajmoprimac će pratiti prevremenu otplatu kredita plaćanjem obračunate xxxxxx i obeštećenja, ako postoje, dospelih na iznos prevremene otplate kredita, xxxx xx navedeno u Obaveštenju o prevremenoj otplati kredita.
4.03 Obavezna prevremena otplata 4.03A Slučajevi prevremene otplate 4.03A(1) SMANjENjE XXXXXX PROJEKTA
Ako ukupan trošak Projekta padne ispod iznosa cifre navedene u Preambuli (2) tako da iznos Kredita prevazilazi 50% (pedeset procenata) takve ukupne cene, Banka može smesta, obaveštenjem Zajmoprimcu, poništiti neisplaćen deo Kredita i/ili zahtevati raniju otplatu Zajma do iznosa kojim Kredit prevazilazi 50% (pedeset procenata) ukupne cene Projekta. Zajmoprimac izvršava plaćanje zahtevanog iznosa na datum naveden xx xxxxxx Xxxxx, takav datum je datum koji pada ne manje od 30 (trideset) xxxx od datuma zahteva.
Ako Zajmoprimac dobrovoljno prevremeno otplati kredit (radi izbegavanja sumnje, prevremena otplata će uključiti otkup ili poništenje gde je to merodavno) nekog dela ili xxxxxx xxxx kog Finansiranja koje nije xx xxxxxx EIB i takva prevremena otplata kredita se ne obavlja iz sredstava nekog zajma ili drugačije zaduženosti, sa rokom barem jednakim neisteklom roku prevremenog otplaćenog Finansiranja koje nije xx xxxxxx EIB, Banka može obaveštenjem Zajmoprimcu poništiti neisplaćeni deo Kredita i zahtevati prevremenu otplatu Zajma. Banka može zahtevati da deo Xxxxx za prevremenu otplatu bude u onoj proporciji u kojoj prevremeno otplaćeni iznos Finansiranja koje nije xx xxxxxx EIB-a zajma učestvuje u ukupnom neisplaćenom iznosu svih Finansiranja koja nisu xx xxxxxx EIB. Zajmoprimac izvršava plaćanje traženog iznosa na datum naveden xx xxxxxx Xxxxx, takav datum je neki datum koji pada ne manje od 30 (trideset) xxxx od datuma zahteva.
U svrhe ovog člana, „Finansiranje koje nije xx xxxxxx EIB-a” uključuje bilo koji zajam, (osim za Zajam i bilo koje drugačije neposredne zajmove xx Xxxxx Zajmoprimcu), kreditnu obveznicu ili drugi oblik finansijskog zaduženja ili bilo koju obavezu za plaćanje ili otplatu novca, xxxx xx prvobitno odobrena Zajmoprimcu za rok duži od 3 (tri) godine.
Zajmoprimac će bez odlaganja obavestiti Banku o nastupanju slučaja promene zakona ili verovatnoće nastupanja. U takvom slučaju, ili ako Banka ima opravdan razlog da veruje da xx xxxxx ili da predstoji Slučaj promene zakona, Banka može zahtevati da se Zajmoprimac konsultuje sa njom. Takva konsultacija se dešava u roku od 30 (trideset) xxxx od datuma zahteva xx xxxxxx Xxxxx. Ako je, po isteku 30 (trideset) xxxx od datuma takvog zahteva za konsultacije Banka mišljenja da posledice Slučaja promene zakona ne mogu biti ublažene na zadovoljavajući način, Banka može obaveštenjem Zajmoprimcu, poništiti neisplaćeni deo Kredita i zahtevati prevremenu otplatu Xxxxx, zajedno sa obračunatom kamatom i svim drugim obračunatim i neisplaćenim iznosima prema ovom Ugovoru.
Zajmoprimac izvršava plaćanje zahtevanog iznosa na datum naveden xx xxxxxx Xxxxx, takav datum je datum koji pada ne manje od 30 (trideset) xxxx od datuma zahteva.
U smislu ovog člana „Događaj promene zakona” znači donošenje zakona, objavu, potpisivanje ili ratifikaciju ili bilo koju promenu u ili izmenu i dopunu bilo kog zakona, pravila ili propisa (ili u primeni ili u zvaničnom tumačenju bilo kog zakona, pravila ili propisa) koji se događa posle datuma ovog Ugovora i koji bi, po uverenju Banke, materijalno smanjio sposobnost Zajmoprimca da izvrši njegove obaveze prema ovom Ugovoru.
Ako postane nezakonito u bilo kojoj merodavnoj jurisdikciji da Banka obavlja bilo koju od njenih obaveza kako su predviđene u ovom Ugovoru, ili da finansira ili održava Zajam, Banka odmah obaveštava Zajmoprimca i može odmah (i) privremeno obustaviti ili poništiti neisplaćeni deo Kredita i/ili (ii) zahtevati prevremenu otplatu Xxxxx, zajedno sa obračunatom kamatom i svim drugim iznosima koji su obračunati ili neplaćeni prema ovom Ugovoru, na datum naveden xx xxxxxx Xxxxx u njenom obaveštenju Zajmoprimcu.
4.03B Mehanizam prevremene otplate
Bilo koji iznos zahtevan xx xxxxxx Xxxxx saglasno članu 4.03A, zajedno xx xxxx kojom kamatom ili drugim iznosima obračunatim ili koji su neplaćeni prema ovom Ugovoru, uključujući bez ograničenja, bilo koje obeštećenje dospelo prema članu 4.03C i članu 4.04, se plaća na datum naznačen xx xxxxxx Xxxxx u njenom obaveštenju o zahtevu.
4.03C Obeštećenje za prevremenu otplatu
U slučaju nekog Slučaja prevremene otplate kredita koji podleže obeštećenju, Obeštećenje, ako postoji, određuje se u skladu sa članom 4.02B.
4.04 Opšte
Neki isplaćen ili prevremeno otplaćen iznos se ne može ponovo pozajmiti. Ovaj član 4. ne dovodi u pitanje član 10.
Ako Zajmoprimac prevremeno otplati Tranšu, na datum koji nije relevantni Datum plaćanja, Zajmoprimac će obeštetiti Banku u takvom iznosu koji xx Xxxxx potvrditi kao iznos koji je neophodan da bi se kompenzovalo Banci za prijem sredstava po datumu koji nije relevantni Datum plaćanja.
5.01 Konvencija o brojanju xxxx
Xxxx koji iznos dospeo putem xxxxxx, obeštećenja ili naknada Zajmoprimca prema ovom Ugovoru, i obračunat u odnosu na neki xxx xxxxxx, se određuje prema sledećim odgovarajućim konvencijama:
(a) u skladu sa kamatom i obeštećenjima dospelim prema Tranši sa fiksnom kamatnom stopom, uzima xx xxxxxx od 360 (tri stotine i šezdeset) xxxx x xxxxx od 30 (trideset) xxxx;
(b) u skladu sa kamatom i obeštećenjima dospelim prema Tranši po varijabilnoj kamatnoj stopi, uzima xx xxxxxx od 360 (tri stotine i šezdeset) xxxx x xxxx proteklih xxxx;
(c) u skladu sa naknadama, uzima xx xxxxxx od 360 (tri stotine i šezdeset) xxxx x xxxx proteklih xxxx.
5.02 Vreme i mesto plaćanja
Osim ako je drugačije navedeno u ovom Ugovoru ili u zahtevu Banke, svi iznosi koje xxxx xxxxxx, obeštećenja i glavnice su plative u roku od 15 (petnaest) xxxx od prijema zahteva Banke xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca.
Svaki iznos plativ xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca prema ovom Ugovoru se plaća na odgovarajući račun o kome xx Xxxxx obavestila Zajmoprimca. Banka obaveštava o računu ne manje od 15 (petnaest) xxxx pre datuma dospeća prvog plaćanja xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca i obaveštava o bilo kojoj promeni računa ne manje od 15 (petnaest) xxxx pre datuma prvog plaćanja na koje se ta promena primenjuje. Ovaj otkazni rok se ne primenjuje u slučaju plaćanja prema članu 10.
Zajmoprimac naznačava u svakom plaćanju načinjenom prema ovom Ugovoru broj ugovora (“FI nr”) koji se nalazi na naslovnoj strani ovog Ugovora.
Iznos dospeo xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca se smatra plaćenim kada ga Banka primi.
Bilo koje isplate xx xxxxxx i plaćanja Banci prema ovom Ugovoru se obavljaju koristeći račun(e) prihvatljive za Banku. Radi izbegavanja sumnje, bilo koji račun u ime Zajmoprimca koji se drži kod neke propisno ovlašćene finansijske institucije u jurisdikciji gde Zajmoprimac ima pravni subjektivitet ili gde se Projekat preduzima, se smatra prihvatljivim za Banku.
5.03 Bez prebijanja xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca
Sva plaćanja koja Zajmoprimac treba da načini prema ovom Ugovoru se obračunavaju i xxxx izvršena bez (i oslobođena i čista od bilo kakvog oduzimanja za) prebijanja ili protivtužbe.
5.04 Poremećaj u sistemima za plaćanje
Ako bilo Banka odluči (prema svom diskrecionom pravu) da se Slučaj poremećaja u sistemima za plaćanje dogodio ili xx Xxxxx obaveštena xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca da se Slučaj dogodio:
(a) Banka može i konsultuje se, ako se xx xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx od nje zahteva da tako učini, sa Zajmoprimaocem u cilju dogovora sa Zajmoprimcem o takvim promenama operacije ili administracije Ugovora, kako Banka može smatrati nužnim u xxx okolnostima;
(b) Banka nije u obavezi da se konsultuje sa Zajmoprimcem u odnosu na bilo koje promene navedene u stavu (a) ako, po njenom mišljenju, nije praktično izvodljivo tako učiniti u xxx okolnostima i, u bilo kom slučaju, nema obavezu da se složi sa takvim promenama; i
(c) Banka nije odgovorna za bilo koje odštete, troškove ili gubitke kakve god, koji proističu xxx xxxx rezultat nekog Slučaja poremećaja ili za preduzimanje ili nepreduzimanje bilo koje aktivnosti, saglasno ili u vezi sa ovim članom 5.04.
5.05 Primena primljenih iznosa
(a) Opšte
Iznosi primljeni od Zajmoprimca samo rasterećuju njegove obaveze plaćanja, ako su primljeni u skladu sa uslovima ovog Ugovora.
(b) Delimična plaćanja
Ako Banka primi neko plaćanje koje je nedovoljno da se otplate svi iznosi, tada dospeli i plativi xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca prema ovom Ugovoru, Banka primenjuje da je to plaćanje:
(i) prvo, unutar ili za plaćanje pro rata bilo kojih neplaćenih naknada, troškova, obeštećenja i izdataka dospelih prema ovom Ugovoru;
(ii) drugo, unutar ili za plaćanje bilo koje obračunate xxxxxx dospele, ali neplaćene prema ovom Ugovoru;
(iii) treće, unutar ili za plaćanje bilo koje glavnice dospele ali neplaćene prema ovom Ugovoru; i
(iv) četvrto, unutar ili za plaćanje bilo kog drugog iznosa dospelog ali neplaćenog prema ovom Ugovoru.
(c) Raspodela iznosa vezanih za Tranše
(i) U slučaju:
- delimične dobrovoljne prevremene otplate Tranše koja podleže otplati u više rata, iznos prevremene otplate kredita se primenjuje pro rata na svaku neplaćenu ratu, ili, na zahtev Zajmoprimca, u obrnutom redosledu dospeća,
- delimične obavezne prevremene otplate kredita Xxxxxx koja podleže otplati u više rata, iznos prevremene otplate kredita se primenjuje u smanjenju nenaplaćenih rata u obrnutom redosledu dospeća.
(ii) Iznosi primljeni xx xxxxxx Xxxxx prateći neki zahtev prema članu 10.01 i merodavni za neku Tranšu, smanjuju nenaplaćene rate u obrnutom redosledu dospeća. Banka može primeniti iznose primljene između Tranši po njenom diskrecionom pravu.
(iii) U slučaju prijema iznosa koji se ne mogu identifikovati kao merodavni za neku specifičnu Tranšu, i za koje ne postoji sporazum između Banke i Zajmoprimca o njihovoj primeni, Banka može primeniti iste između Tranši po njenom diskrecionom pravu.
Obaveze u članu 6. ostaju na snazi od datuma ovog Ugovora onoliko xxxx koliko bilo koji iznos bude neizmiren prema ovom Ugovoru ili xx Xxxxxx na snazi.
6.01 Korišćenje Zajma i raspoloživost drugih sredstava
Zajmoprimac će koristiti, kao i istovremeno obezbediti da i Promoter koristi, sve iznose pozajmljene u skladu sa Zajmom za izvršenje Projekta.
Zajmoprimac obezbeđuje da ima na raspolaganju za xxxx xxxxx sredstva popisana u Preambuli (2) i da su takva sredstva potrošena, do traženog opsega, na finansiranje Projekta.
6.02 Završetak Projekta
Zajmoprimac će obezbediti, kao i obezbediti da i Promoter, sprovede Projekat u skladu sa Tehničkim opisom koji se može modifikovati s vremena na vreme, uz odobrenje Banke, i izavršiti do krajnjeg datuma navedenog u ovom Ugovoru.
6.03 Povećana cena Projekta
Ako ukupna cena Projekta prevazilazi procenjenu cifru izloženu u Preambuli (2), Zajmoprimac xxxxx finansije za finansiranje prekoračene cene bez obraćanja Banci, tako da se omogući da se Projekat završi u skladu sa Tehničkim opisom. Planovi za finansiranje prekoračene cene se saopštavaju Banci bez odlaganja.
6.04 Procedura nabavke
Zajmoprimac preduzima xx xxxxxx opremu, obezbedi usluge i naruči radove za Projekat putem prihvatljivih procedura nabavki saobraznih, na zadovoljstvo Banke, sa njenom politikom, xxxx xx opisana u njenom Vodiču za nabavku.
6.05 “PIT”
Zajmoprimac će održavati, i obezbediti da Promoter održava, odgovarajući postojeći xxx za sprovođenje projekta (Project Implementation Team - “PIT”) koji je adekvatno popunjen zaposlenima sa odgovarajućom tehničkom podrškom.
6.06 Implementacija Projekta
Zajmoprimac će sprovesti i obezbediti da i Promoter sprovede, Projekat u skladu sa odgovarajućim okvirom politike raseljavanja (Resettlement Policy Framework- “RPF”) i okvirom za upravljanje životnom sredinom (Environmental Management Framework - EMF).
6.07 Ugovori o radu, nabavci i ugovori o pružanju usluga
Zajmoprimac će preduzeti, kao i obezbediti da i Promoter, po potpisivanju svakog ugovora o radu ili ugovora o pružanju usluga vezano za Projekat, u skladu sa najskorijim izdanjem bančinog Vodiča za nabavku, xxxx xx objavljen na njenom veb-sajtu, odmah podnese Banci kopije odgovarajućeg ugovora i potpisanog zaveta integriteta.
6.08 Projektni pokazatelji
Zajmoprimac će preduzeti, kao i obezbediti da i Promoter preduzme, aktivnosti i postigne projektne pokazatelje xxxx xx navedeno xxxx:
Datum dospeća Pokazatelj | Kraj 2014. | Kraj 2015. | Kraj 2016. | Kraj 2017. | ||
Aktivnosti za bezbednost puteva | ||||||
Izvršiti inspekciju bezbednosti puteva ukupno: | za | 250 km pregledano | 500 pregledano | km | 750 km pregledano | 1000 km pregledano |
Primena niskobudžetnih mera za bezbednost puteva za ukupno: | - | 250 km | 500 km | 700 km | ||
Izgradnja kapaciteta kampanje podizanja svesti | i | - | 20 lica obučeno da izvrši reviziju/pregled bezbednosti puteva | - | Kampanje podizanja svesti u 20 škola u blizini deonica Projekta | |
Reforme upravljanja održavanjem | ||||||
Ugovori o održavanju zasnovani na učinku (Performance Based Maintenance Contracts - PBMC) | Usvajanje izmenjenih standarda za održavanje i projektovanje uređenja; Priprema strateškog plana uvođenje PBMC -a. | PBMC za 1500 km je nabavljen kroz javni postupak nabavke. | PBMC za dopunskih 500 km je nabavljen kroz javni postupak nabavke. PBMC za 1500 km je u primeni. | PBMC za dopunskih 1000 km je nabavljen kroz javni postupak nabavke. PBMC za ukupno 2.000 km je u primeni. |
6.09 Kontinuirane preuzete obaveze u vezi sa Projektom
Zajmoprimac će obezbediti, i obezbeđuje da Xxxxxxxx obavi:
(a) Održavanje: održava, popravi, izvrši generalnu popravku i obnovi celokupnu imovinu koja xxxx xxx Projekta, kako se traži da bi se xxx xxxxxx u dobrom radnom stanju;
(b) Sredstva Projekta: osim ako xx Xxxxx dala svoju prethodnu pisanu saglasnost, zadržava pravo vlasništva nad i posedovanje celokupne ili suštinski celokupne imovine koja sačinjava Projekat ili, xxxx xx to prikladno, zamenjuje i obnavlja takvu imovinu i održava Projekat u suštinski neprekidnom radu u skladu sa njegovom prvobitnom svrhom; pod uslovom da Banka može zadržati svoju saglasnost samo gde bi predložena aktivnost naštetila interesima Xxxxx xxx zajmodavca Zajmoprimcu, ili bi prouzrokovala nepodobnost Projekta za finansiranje xx xxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxx njenom Statutu ili prema članu 309 Ugovora o funkcionisanju Evropske Unije;
(c) Osiguranje: osigura sve radove i imovinu koja formira deo Projekta kod osiguravajućih društava prve xxxxx, u skladu sa sveobuhvatnom odgovarajućom industrijskom praksom;
(d) Prava i dozvole: održava na snazi sva prava i Ovlašćenja neophodna za sprovođenje i funkcionisanje Projekta; i
(e) Životna sredina:
(i) sprovodi i upravlja Projektom saglasno sa Zakonom o životnoj sredini;
(ii) xxxxx i održava potrebne Ekološke dozvole za Projekat; i
(iii) postupa u skladu sa pribavljenim Ekološkim dozvolama.
(f) Integritet:
Preduzima, unutar nekog razumnog vremenskog okvira, odgovarajuće mere u odnosu na bilo kog člana upravnih tela Promotera koji je osuđen nekom konačnom i neopozivom odlukom suda za neko Krivično delo počinjeno u toku izvršavanja njegovih/njenih profesionalnih dužnosti, da bi osigurao da je takav član izuzet od bilo koje aktivnosti u odnosu na Zajam ili Projekat.
(g) Prava revizije integriteta:
Obezbeđuje da svi ugovori prema Projektu koje treba nabaviti posle datuma potpisivanja ovog Ugovora u skladu sa EU Direktivama o nabavci predviđaju:
(i) zahtev da odgovarajući izvođač radova odmah obavesti Banku o pravom navodu, žalbi ili informaciji u odnosu na Krivična dela vezana za Projekat;
(ii) zahtev da odgovarajući izvođač radova vodi knjige i beleške svih finansijskih transakcija i izdataka u vezi sa Projektom; i
(iii) pravo Banke, u odnosu na neko navodno Krivično delo, da pregleda knjige i beleške odgovarajućeg izvođača radova u odnosu na Projekat, i da uzme kopije dokumenata do opsega dozvoljenog zakonom.
6.10 Poštovanje zakona
Zajmoprimac će poštovati, i obezbediti da Promoter poštuje, u potpunosti sve zakone i propise koji se odnose na njega ili Projekat.
6.11 Knjige i beleške
Zajmoprimac obezbeđuje da Promoter vodi i da će nastaviti da vodi pravilne knjige i evidenciju računa, u kojim su potpuni i korektni unosi svih finansijskih transakcija i imovine i poslovanja Zajmoprimca, uključujući izdatke u vezi sa Projektom, u skladu sa GAAP, kako su na snazi s vremena na vreme.
6.12 Opšte izjave i garancije
Zajmoprimac izjavljuje i garantuje Banci da:
(a) on poseduje ovlašćenje da ispuni, isporuči i izvrši svoje obaveze prema ovom Ugovoru i sva neophodna korporativna, akcionarska i druga aktivnost je preduzeta s njegove strane da se ovlasti potpisivanje, isporuka i izvršenje istog;
(b) ovaj Ugovor daje pravnu formu njegovim zakonski važećim, obavezujućim i sprovodivim obavezama;
(c) potpisivanje i isporuka, izvršenje njegovih obaveza prema i saglasnost sa odredbama ovog Ugovora nisu i neće:
(i) xxxxxx xxxxx ili se sukobiti xx xxxx kojim merodavnim zakonom, statutom, pravilom ili propisom, ili bilo kojom sudskom odlukom, rešenjem ili dozvolom kojoj je on podložan;
(ii) xxxxxx xxxxx ili se sukobiti xx xxxx kojim sporazumom ili drugačijim instrumentom obavezujućim za njega, za koji se može razumno očekivati da ima neko materijalno nepovoljno dejstvo na njegovu sposobnost da izvrši njegove obaveze prema ovom Ugovoru;
(d) nije se dogodila nikakva Materijalno nepovoljna promena od 26. xxxx 2013. godine;
(e) nikakav događaj ili okolnost koja predstavlja neki Slučaj neispunjenja obaveza nije se dogodio i ne nastavlja se neotklonjen ili bez odricanja od istog;
(f) nikakva parnica, arbitraža, upravni postupak ili istraga nije u toku, ili je prema njegovom znanju zaprećena ili nerešena pred bilo kojim sudom, arbitražnim telom ili agencijom xxxx xx rezultovala ili ako bude nepovoljno rešena razumno će verovatno rezultovati nekom Materijalno nepovoljnom promenom, niti tu postoji neko pravo protiv njega ili bilo koje od njegovih podružnica bilo koje neizvršenje sudske odluke ili presude arbitražnog suda;
(g) je on stekao ili izdao sva neophodna Ovlašćenja u vezi sa ovim Ugovorom i da bi se zakonito saglasio sa njegovim obavezama prema ovom Ugovoru, i Projektu i sva takva Ovlašćenja su u punoj snazi i dejstvu i prihvatljiva kao dokaz;
(h) njegove obaveze plaćanja prema ovom Ugovoru se rangiraju ne manje od pari passu u pravu plaćanja sa svim drugim sadašnjim i budućim neobezbeđenim i nezavisnim obavezama prema bilo kojem od njegovih dugovnih instrumenata, osim za obaveze kojima se obavezno po zakonu daje prioritet, načelno primenjive na privredna društva;
(i) je saglasan sa članom 6.09(e) i prema njegovom najboljem znanju i uverenju (obavivši primerenu i pažljivu istragu) nikakva Ekološka tužba nije započeta ili zaprećena protiv njega; i
(j) je saobrazan sa svim obavezama prema ovom članu 6;
(k) nikakva klauzula o gubitku rejtinga ili finansijske ugovorne odredbe nisu zaključene xx xxxx kojim drugim poveriocem Zajmoprimca;
(l) prema njegovom najboljem znanju, nikakva sredstva uložena u Projekat xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca nisu nezakonitog porekla, uključujući proizvode pranja novca ili povezane sa finansiranjem terorizma. Zajmoprimac odmah informiše Banku ako on u bilo koje vreme postane svestan nezakonitog porekla bilo kojih takvih sredstava.
Izjave i garancije napismeno obrazložene xxxx ostaju xx xxxx i po potpisivanju ovog Ugovora i smatraju se, sa izuzetkom izjava u stavu (d) xxxx, ponovljenim na svakom Zahtevu za isplatu, Datumu isplate i na svaki Datum plaćanja.
Obaveze u ovom članu 7. ostaju na snazi od datuma ovog Ugovora, onoliko xxxx koliko xx xxxx koji iznos neizmiren prema ovom Ugovoru ili xx Xxxxxx na snazi.
7.01 Pari passu rangiranje
Zajmoprimac obezbeđuje da se njegove obaveze plaćanja prema ovom Ugovoru rangiraju, i rangiraće se, ne manje od pari passu u pravu plaćanja sa svim drugim sadašnjim i budućim neobezbeđenim i nezavisnim obavezama prema bilo kojem od njegovih dugovnih instrumenata osim za obaveze kojima se obavezno po zakonu daje prioritet za opštu primenu.
Naročito, ako Banka načini neki zahtev prema članu 10.01 ili ako se dogodio događaj neispunjenja ili potencijalni događaj neispunjenja obaveza prema bilo kom neobezbeđenom i nezavisnom dugovnom instrumentu spoljnog zaduženja Zajmoprimca ili bilo kojoj od njegovih agencija ili sredstava i nastavlja se, Zajmoprimac neće izvršiti (ili odobriti) bilo koje plaćanje u vezi xx xxxx kojim takvim Instrumentom spoljnog zaduženja Zajmoprimca (bilo da je redovno zakazan ili drugačije) bez istovremenog plaćanja, ili izdvajanja na neki namenski račun za plaćanje, na sledeći Datum plaćanja nekog iznosa jednake, iste proporcije duga nenaplaćenog prema ovom Ugovoru kao proporciju koju plaćanje pod takvim Instrumentom spoljnog zaduženja nosi prema ukupnom nenaplaćenom dugu prema xxx Instrumentu. U tu svrhu, bilo koje plaćanje nekog Instrumenta spoljnog zaduženja koje se vrši iz sredstava dobijenih emitovanjem drugog instrumenta, na koja su se u osnovi pretplatila ista xxxx xxxx imaju potraživanja po Instrumentu spoljnog zaduženja, se zanemaruje.
U ovom Ugovoru, „Instrument spoljnog zaduženja” znači (a) instrument, uključujući bilo koju priznanicu ili izvod iz xxxxx, xxxx dokazuje ili predstavlja obavezu da se otplati zajam, depozit, xxxxx ili slično produženje kredita (uključujući bez ograničenja bilo koje produženje kredita prema nekom sporazumu za refinansiranje ili reprogramiranje), (b) obavezu o kojoj svedoči obveznica, dužnička hartija od vrednosti ili sličan dokaz o dugovanju napismeno dat ili (c) garanciju datu xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca za obavezu xxxxx xxxxxx; pod uslovom u svakom slučaju, da se takva obaveza: (i) upravlja sistemom zakona drugačijem od zakona Zajmoprimca; ili (ii) je plativa u valuti drugačijoj od valute zemlje Zajmoprimca; ili (iii) je plativa licu koje je registrovano, sa stalnim mestom boravka, rezidentno ili sa njegovom direkcijom ili glavnim mestom poslovanja van zemlje Zajmoprimca.
7.02 Dodatno obezbeđenje
Ako Zajmoprimac odobri nekoj trećoj strani bilo koje obezbeđenje za izvršenje bilo kog Instrumenta spoljnog zaduženja ili bilo kakvu preferenciju ili prioritet u odnosu na isto, Zajmoprimac o tome, ako Banka tako traži, dostavlja Banci ekvivalentno obezbeđenje za izvršenje njegovih obaveza prema ovom Ugovoru, ili odobrava Banci ekvivalentnu preferenciju ili prioritet.
7.03 Klauzule koje se naknadno unose
Ako Zajmoprimac zaključi xx xxxx kojim drugim finansijskim poveriocem Finansijski ugovor koji uključuje klauzulu o gubitku rejtinga ili ugovornu odredbu ili drugačiju odredbu u vezi njegovih finansijskih odnosa, ako je merodavno, što nije predviđeno u ovom Ugovoru ili je povoljnije za odgovarajućeg finansijskog poverioca nego što xx xxxx koja ekvivalentna odredba ovog Ugovora za Banku, Zajmoprimac odmah informiše Banku i obezbeđuje neku kopiju povoljnije odredbe Banci. Banka može zahtevati da Zajmoprimac smesta potpiše sporazum radi izmene i dopune ovog Ugovora, tako da predvidi neku ekvivalentnu odredbu u korist Banke.
8.01 Informacije u vezi Projekta
Zajmoprimac će, i obezbeđuje da će Xxxxxxxx:
(a) dostaviti Banci:
(i) informacije u sadržaju i u obliku, i u rokovima, navedene u Prilogu A.2 ili drugačije, xxxx xx dogovoreno s vremena na vreme od ugovornih strana ovog Ugovora; i
(ii) bilo koje takve informacije ili xxxxx dokument u vezi finansiranja, nabavke, sprovođenja, rada i pitanja životne sredine u vezi sa ili za Projekat, kako Banka može razumno tražiti, u nekom razumnom vremenu;
s xxx da uvek, ako takve informacije ili dokumenta nisu dostavljeni Banci na vreme, i Zajmoprimac ne otkloni omašku u razumnom roku napismeno dostavljenom xx xxxxxx Xxxxx, Banka može ispraviti nedostatak, u meri ukoliko je to moguće, zapošljavanjem sopstvenih zaposlenih ili konsultanta ili bilo koje druge xxxxx xxxxxx, o trošku Zajmoprimca i Zajmoprimac obezbeđuje takvom licu svu pomoć neophodnu u tu svrhu;
(b) podneti na odobrenje Banci bez odlaganja bilo koju materijalnu promenu Projekta, takođe uzimajući u obzir obelodanjivanja načinjena Banci u vezi sa Projektom pre potpisivanja ovog Ugovora, u odnosu na, inter alia, cenu, dizajn, planove, raspored ili promene programa rashoda ili finansijskog plana Projekta;
(c) bez odlaganja informiše Banku o:
(i) bilo kojoj tužbi ili iniciranom protestu ili bilo kom prigovoru koji pokrene bilo xxxx xxxxx strana, ili o bilo kojoj stvarnoj pritužbi primljenoj xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca ili bilo kojoj Ekološkoj tužbi xxxx xx po njegovom znanju započeta, u toku ili zaprećena protiv njega u vezi sa ekološkim ili drugim pitanjima koja utiču na Projekat; i
(ii) bilo kojoj činjenici ili događaju poznatom Zajmoprimcu ili Promoteru, xxxx xxxx suštinski naštetiti ili uticati na uslove izvršenja ili poslovanje Projekta;
(iii) istinskoj tvrdnji, žalbi ili informaciji u odnosu na Krivična dela vezana za Projekat; i
(iv) bilo kojoj nesaglasnosti s njegove strane, xx xxxx kojim merodavnim Zakonom o životnoj sredini; i
(v) bilo kojoj privremenoj obustavi, opozivu ili izmeni bilo koje Ekološke saglasnosti,
i napismeno obrazložiti aktivnost koju treba preduzeti u odnosu na takva pitanja.
(d) pruži Banci, ako se tako traži:
(i) potvrdu o njegovim osiguravačima koja prikazuje ispunjenje zahteva iz člana 6.09(c);
(ii) godišnje, xxxxxx polisa na snazi, koje obuhvataju osiguranu imovinu koja xxxx xxx Projekta, zajedno sa potvrdom o plaćanju tekućih premija.
8.02 Informacije u vezi Zajmoprimca
Zajmoprimac će:
(a) dostaviti Banci s vremena na vreme, takve dalje informacije o njegovoj opštoj finansijskoj situaciji kakve Banka može razumno zahtevati, ili takve potvrde saglasnosti sa obavezama iz člana 6, kako Banka može smatrati nužnim; i
(b) informisati Banku odmah o:
(i) bilo kojoj činjenici koja ga obavezuje da prevremeno otplati bilo koje finansijsko zaduženje ili bilo koje finansiranje xx xxxxxx Evropske Unije;
(ii) bilo kom događaju ili odluci koja predstavlja ili može rezultovati Slučajem prevremene otplate kredita;
(iii) bilo kojoj nameri s njegove strane da odobri bilo koje obezbeđenje nad bilo kojom od njegove imovine, u korist neke xxxxx xxxxxx;
(iv) bilo kojoj nameri s njegove strane da ustupi vlasništvo nad bilo kojom materijalnom komponentom Projekta;
(v) bilo kojoj činjenici ili događaju koji bi mogli da spreče suštinsko ispunjenje bilo koje obaveze Zajmoprimca prema ovom Ugovoru;
(vi) bilo kom događaju pobrojanom u članu 10.01 koji se dogodio ili je zaprećen, ili se očekuje;
(vii) bilo kojim istragama u vezi integriteta članova Upravnog odbora Promotera ili rukovodilaca; ili
(viii) u meri u kojoj je to dozvoljeno zakonom, bilo kojoj materijalnoj parnici, arbitraži, upravnom postupku ili istrazi sprovedenoj xx xxxxxx nekog xxxx, administracije ili sličnog javnog organa, xxxx xx, po njegovom najboljem znanju i uverenju, tekuća, neminovna ili nerešena protiv Zajmoprimca, Promotera ili članova upravnih tela Promotera u vezi sa Krivičnim xxxxxx vezanim za Zajam ili Projekat;
(ix) bilo kojoj meri preduzetoj xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca ili Promotera saglasno članu 6.09(f) ovog Ugovora.
(x) bilo kojoj parnici, arbitraži ili upravnom postupku ili istrazi xxxx xx tekuća, zaprećena ili u toku, i koja može ako se nepovoljno odredi, rezultovati nekom Materijalno nepovoljnom promenom.
8.03 Posete xx xxxxxx Xxxxx
Zajmoprimac će, i obezbeđuje da Promoter dozvoli licima određenim xx xxxxxx Xxxxx, xxx i licima određenim xx xxxxxx drugih institucija ili tela Evropske Unije, kada se tako traži putem odgovarajućih obaveznih odredbi zakona Evropske Unije,
(a) da posete lokacije, instalacije i radove koji čine Projekat,
(b) da razgovara sa predstavnicima Zajmoprimca i/ili Promotera, da ne sprečava kontakte xx xxxx kojim drugim licem uključenim u ili na koje Projekat utiče; i
(c) da pregleda knjige i beleške Zajmoprimca i/ili Promotera vezane za potpisivanje Projekta i da bude u mogućnosti da uzme kopije dokumenata vezanih za Projekat u meri u kojoj je to dozvoljeno zakonom.
Zajmoprimac pruža Banci, ili obezbeđuje da Banka dobije, svu neophodnu pomoć u svrhe opisane u ovom članu.
Zajmoprimac potvrđuje da Banka može biti u obavezi da saopšti informacije vezane za Zajmoprimca i Projekat relevantnoj nadležnoj instituciji ili telu Evropske Unije, u skladu sa odgovarajućim obaveznim odredbama zakona Evropske Unije.
9.01 Porezi, dažbine i takse
Zajmoprimac plaća sve glavnice, xxxxxx, obeštećenja i druge iznose dospele prema ovom Ugovoru, bruto bez odbijanja bilo kojih nacionalnih ili lokalnih nameta; pod uslovom da, ako je Zajmoprimac u obavezi da izvrši bilo koje odbijanje, on će uvećati plaćanje Banci tako da posle odbitka, neto iznos primljen xx xxxxxx Xxxxx bude ekvivalentan dospelom iznosu.
Zajmoprimac plaća sve Poreze, dažbine, takse i druge namete bilo kakve prirode, uključujući taksene marke i naknade za registraciju, koji proističu iz izvršenja ili sprovođenja ovog Ugovora ili bilo kog povezanog dokumenta i za kreiranje, usavršavanje, registraciju ili primenu bilo kog obezbeđenja za Zajam do primenjivog opsega. U takvim slučajevima, Zajmoprimac će obezbediti da sredstva Zajma i/ili bilo koji fondovi tehničke saradnje neće biti korišćeni za plaćanje Poreskih dažbina xx xxxxxx ili na teritoriji Zajmoprimca u odnosu xx xxxx, radove i usluge (uključujući konsultantske usluge) nabavljene xx xxxxxx Promotera, za svrhu Projekta.
9.02 Drugi troškovi
Zajmoprimac snosi sve troškove i izdatke, uključujući profesionalne, bankarske ili troškove menjačkih poslova pretrpljene u vezi sa pripremom, izvršenjem, sprovođenjem, primenom i raskidom ovog Ugovora ili bilo kog povezanog dokumenta, bilo koju izmenu i dopunu, dodatak ili odricanje u odnosu na ovaj Ugovor ili bilo koji povezani dokument, i u izmeni i dopuni, stvaranju, upravljanju, izvršenju i realizaciji bilo kog obezbeđenja za Zajam.
9.03 Povećani troškovi, obeštećenje i prebijanje
(a) Zajmoprimac plaća Banci bilo koje iznose ili izdatke kojima xx Xxxxx bila izložena ili pretrpljene xx xxxxxx Xxxxx xxx xxxx posledica uvođenja ili bilo koje promene u
(ili u tumačenju, administraciji ili primeni) bilo kog zakona ili propisa ili saglasnosti xx xxxx kojim zakonom ili propisom načinjenim posle datuma potpisa ovog Ugovora, u skladu sa ili kao rezultat xxxx xx (i) Banka u obavezi da pretrpi dopunske troškove da bi finansirala ili izvršila njene obaveze prema ovom Ugovoru, ili (ii) xx xxxx koji iznos koji se duguje Banci prema ovom Ugovoru ili finansijski prihod koji rezultuje iz dodele Kredita ili Zajma xx xxxxxx Xxxxx Zajmoprimcu smanjen ili ukinut.
(b) Ne odričući se bilo kojih drugih prava Banke prema ovom Ugovoru ili prema bilo kojem merodavnom zakonu, Zajmoprimac obeštećuje i drži Banku bez štete od i protiv bilo kog gubitka pretrpljenog xxx xxxx rezultat bilo kog plaćanja ili delimične isplate, koja se dešava na način drugačiji od onoga xxxx xx izričito navedeno u ovom Ugovoru.
(c) Banka može prebiti bilo koju dospelu obavezu dospelu od Zajmoprimca prema ovom Ugovoru (u meri u kojoj je to u korisničkom vlasništvu Banke) u odnosu na bilo koju obavezu (bilo da jeste ili nije dospela) koja se duguje xx xxxxxx Xxxxx Zajmoprimcu, bez obzira na lokaciju plaćanja, ogranak knjiženja ili valutu bilo koje obaveze. Ako su obaveze u različitim valutama, Banka može konvertovati bilo koju obavezu po tržišnom deviznom kursu, u njenom uobičajenom toku poslovanja u svrhu prebijanja. Ako xx xxxx koja obaveza nelikvidna ili neutvrđena, Banka može izvršiti prebijanje u nekom iznosu procenjenom s njene strane u dobroj veri, da je to iznos te obaveze.
ČLAN 10.
Slučajevi neispunjenja obaveza
10.01 Pravo da se zahteva otplata
Zajmoprimac otplaćuje sve ili deo Xxxxx (kako se traži xx xxxxxx Xxxxx) odmah, zajedno sa prispelom kamatom i svim drugim prispelim ili neizmirenim iznosima prema ovom Ugovoru, po pisanom zahtevu načinjenom xx xxxxxx Xxxxx, u skladu sa sledećim odredbama.
10.01A Hitan zahtev
Banka može načiniti takav zahtev odmah:
(a) ako Zajmoprimac ne plati na datum dospeća bilo koji iznos plativ saglasno ovom Ugovoru u mestu i u valuti u kojoj je on izražen kao plativ, sem ako je (i) njegov neuspeh xx xxxxx uzrokovan nekom administrativnom ili tehničkom greškom ili nekim Slučajem poremećaja i (ii) plaćanje je načinjeno u roku od 3 (tri) Xxxxx xxxx od njegovog datuma dospeća;
(b) ako bilo koje informacije ili dokument dati Banci xx xxxxxx ili u ime Zajmoprimca ili bilo koja izjava, garancija ili tvrdnja načinjena, ili koja se smatra načinjenom xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca u ili saglasno ovom Ugovoru ili u vezi sa pregovaranjem ili izvršenjem ovog Ugovora jeste ili se dokaže da je netačna, nepotpuna ili obmanjujuća u bilo kom materijalnom obziru;
(c) ako se, prateći bilo koje neispunjenje ugovornih obaveza xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca u odnosu na bilo koji zajam, ili bilo koju obavezu koja proističe iz bilo koje finansijske transakcije, drugačije od Zajma
(i) od Zajmoprimca traži ili je sposoban da se od njega traži ili će, po isteku bilo kog važećeg ugovornog grejs perioda, biti traženo ili će biti u mogućnosti da mu se traži da ranije otplati, isplati, zatvori ili raskine pre dospeća takav drugačiji zajam ili obavezu ili
(ii) bilo koja finansijska obaveza za takav drugačiji zajam ili obavezu bude obustavljena ili privremeno ukinuta;
(d) ako Zajmoprimac nije u mogućnosti xx xxxxx njegove dugove kako oni dospevaju, ili da privremeno obustavi njegove dugove, ili načini ili xxxxxx da postigne dogovor o reprogramu obaveza sa svojim poveriocima;
(e) ako xx xxxx koja korporativna tužba, pravni postupak ili drugačiji postupak ili korak preduzet u odnosu na privremenu obustavu plaćanja, moratorium na bilo koje zaduženje, likvidaciju, upravu ili reorganizaciju (putem dobrovoljnog aranžmana ili drugačije), uključujući naročito, bez međutim ograničavanja na stečaj (faillite), kontrolisano rukovodstvo (gestion contrôlée), privremenu obustavu plaćanja (sursis de paiement) pogodbu sa poveriocima (concordat préventif de la faillite) i prinudnu likvidaciju (liquidation judiciare) xxxxxxx, ili xxxx xxxx sličan postupak ili korak bude preduzet u bilo kojoj jurisdikciji ili se načini neki nalog, ili neko punovažno rešenje bude doneto za likvidaciju Zajmoprimca, ili ako Zajmoprimac preduzme xxxxxx xx nekom značajnom smanjenju njegovog kapitala, proglasi se nelikvidnim ili prestane ili reši da prestane da obavlja celokupno ili bilo koji značajni deo njegovog poslovanja ili aktivnosti;
(f) ako neki hipotekarni poverilac preuzme vlasništvo nad, ili neki stečajni upravnik po odluci suda, likvidacioni upravnik, staratelj, administrativni stečajni upravnik po odluci suda ili sličan činovnik bude postavljen, bilo da je xx xxxxxx nekog xxxx nadležne jurisdikcije ili xx xxxxxx bilo kog nadležnog upravnog organa, za ili nad, bilo kojim delom poslovanja ili imovine Zajmoprimca, ili bilo koje svojine koja xxxx xxx Projekta;
(g) ako Zajmoprimac ne izvršava bilo koje obaveze u odnosu na bilo koji drugi zajam dodeljen xx xxxxxx Xxxxx ili finansijski instrument zaključen sa Bankom;
(h) ako Zajmoprimac ne izvršava bilo koju obavezu u odnosu na bilo koji drugi zajam načinjen njemu iz sredstava Banke ili Evropske Unije;
(i) ako se bilo koja zaplena, izvršenje, sekvestracija ili drugi proces nametne ili sprovede na svojini Zajmoprimca, ili bilo kojoj svojini koja čini Projekat i nije oslobođena ili prekinuta u roku od 14 (četrnaest) xxxx;
(j) ako se dogodi neka Materijalno nepovoljna promena, u poređenju sa stanjem Zajmoprimca na datum ovog Ugovora; ili
(k) ako jeste ili postane nezakonito za Zajmoprimca da izvršava bilo koje od njegovih obaveza prema ovom Ugovoru, ili ovaj Ugovor nije punovažan u skladu sa njegovim uslovima ili se tvrdi xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca da je bez dejstva, u skladu sa njegovim uslovima.
10.01B Zahtev nakon opomene o ispravci
Banka može načiniti takav zahtev:
(a) ako Zajmoprimac ne ispuni bilo koju obavezu prema ovom Ugovoru, osim onih navedenih u članu 10.01A; ili
(b) ako se bilo koja činjenica vezana za Zajmoprimca ili Projekat, navedena u Preambuli materijalno promeni i ne xxxxx xx u prethodno materijalno stanje i ako promena bilo šteti interesima Xxxxx xxx zajmodavca Zajmoprimcu, ili nepovoljno utiče na sprovođenje ili rad Projekta,
osim ako nepoštovanje ili okolnosti koje navode na nepoštovanje ne mogu da se poprave u okviru razumnog vremenskog perioda navedenog u obaveštenju datom xx xxxxxx Xxxxx Zajmoprimcu.
10.02 Druga zakonska prava
Član 10.01 ne ograničava bilo koje drugo pravo Banke po zakonu da traži prevremenu otplatu Xxxxx.
10.03 Obeštećenje
10.03A Tranše sa fiksnom kamatom
U slučaju zahteva prema članu 10.01 u vezi xx xxxx kojom Xxxxxxx sa fiksnom kamatom, Zajmoprimac plaća Banci zahtevani iznos zajedno sa Obeštećenjem za prevremenu otplatu kredita na bilo koji iznos glavnice dospele za raniju otplatu. Takvo Obeštećenje za prevremenu otplatu kredita se obračunava od datuma dospeća za plaćanje navedenog u obaveštenju o zahtevu Banke i xxxx izračunat na osnovu prevremene otplate xxxx xx obavljena na datum naveden u zahtevu.
10.03B Tranše sa varijabilnom kamatom
U slučaju zahteva prema članu 10.01 u vezi xx xxxx kojom Tranšom sa varijabilnom kamatom, Zajmoprimac plaća Banci traženi iznos, zajedno sa iznosom jednakim sadašnjoj vrednosti od 0,15% (petnaest baznih poena) godišnje obračunato i što se nagomilava na iznos glavnice dospele za prevremenu otplatu na isti način kako bi kamata bila obračunata i nagomilala se, da je taj iznos ostao neizmiren u skladu sa prvobitnim amortizacionim planom Tranše, do Datuma dospeća.
Vrednost se obračunava po diskontnoj stopi jednakoj Stopi pregrupisanja primenjenoj na svaki odgovarajući Datum plaćanja.
10.03C Opšte
Iznosi dospeli xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca saglasno ovom članu 10.03 su plativi na datum prevremene otplate, naveden u zahtevu Banke.
10.04 Neodricanje
Nijedan slučaj neostvarivanja ili odlaganje ili pojedinačno ili delimično izvršenje xx xxxxxx Xxxxx u izvršavanju bilo kojeg od njenih prava ili pravnih lekova prema ovom Ugovoru se ne tumače kao neko odricanje od takvog prava ili pravnog leka. Prava i pravni lekovi predviđeni ovim Ugovorom su kumulativni i ne isključuju bilo koja prava ili pravne lekove predviđene zakonom.
ČLAN 11.
Pravo i nadležnost, razno
11.01 Merodavno pravo
Ovaj Xxxxxx i bilo koje neugovorne obaveze koje proističu iz ili u vezi sa njim se rukovode zakonima Velikog Vojvodstva Luksemburg.
11.02 Nadležnost
(a) Sud pravde Evropske Unije ima isključivu nadležnost da xxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx („Spor”) koji proističe iz ili u vezi sa ovim Ugovorom (uključujući neki spor u vezi postojanja, valjanosti ili raskida ovog Ugovora, ili posledica njegove ništavosti) ili bilo koje neugovorne obaveze koja proističe iz ili u vezi sa ovim Ugovorom.
(b) Ugovorne strane su saglasne da je Sud pravde Evropske Unije najpodesniji i najprikladniji sud za namirenje Sporova između njih i, u skladu s xxx, da one neće dokazivati suprotno.
11.03 Lokacija izvršenja
Osim ako je drugačije naročito napismeno dogovoreno xx xxxxxx Xxxxx, lokacija izvršenja prema ovom Ugovoru je sedište Banke.
11.04 Dokaz o dospelim iznosima
U bilo kojoj pravnoj radnji koja proističe iz ovog Ugovora potvrda Banke za bilo koji iznos ili xxxxxx xxxx se duguje Banci prema ovom Ugovoru predstavlja, u odsustvu očigledne greške, prima facie dokaz takvog iznosa ili xxxxxx.
11.05 Celokupan ugovor
Ovaj Xxxxxx predstavlja celokupan ugovor između Banke i Zajmoprimca u odnosu na odredbu Poverioca iz donjeg dela ovog teksta, i zamenjuje bilo koji prethodni sporazum, bilo da je izričit ili prećutan, o istom pitanju.
11.06 Pravno nevaženje
Ako u bilo koje vreme bilo koji uslov ovog Ugovora jeste ili postane nezakonit, pravno nevažeći ili nesprovodiv u bilo kom pogledu, ili ovaj Ugovor jeste ili postane bez dejstva u bilo kom pogledu, prema zakonima bilo koje jurisdikcije, takva nezakonitost, pravno nevaženje, nesprovodivost ili nedostatak dejstva ne utiču na:
(a) zakonitost, valjanost ili sprovodivost u toj nadležnosti bilo kog drugog uslova ovog Ugovora ili delotvornost u bilo kom drugom pogledu, ovog Ugovora u toj nadležnosti; ili
(b) zakonitost, valjanost ili sprovodivost u drugim nadležnostima tog ili bilo kog drugog uslova ovog Ugovora ili delotvornost ovog Ugovora prema zakonima takvih drugih nadležnosti.
11.07 Izmene i dopune
Bilo koja izmena i dopuna ovog Ugovora se obavlja napismeno i potpisuje se od ugovornih strana ovog Ugovora.
ČLAN 12.
Završne klauzule
12.01 Obaveštenja obema stranama
Obaveštenja i druga saopštenja data prema ovom Ugovoru, upućena bilo kojoj ugovornoj strani ovog Ugovora, se šalju na adresu ili broj faksimila xxxx xx napismeno obrazloženo xxxx, ili na drugu adresu ili broj faksimila ukoliko jedna ugovorna strana obavesti drugu napismeno:
Za Banku N/r: Ops A / MA3
000 xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx X-0000 Xxxxxxxxxx
Faksimil br: x000 000000000
Za Zajmoprimca N/r: Ministarstvo finansija Kneza Miloša 20
11000 Beograd, Republika Srbija Faksimil br.: x000 00 0000 000 N/r: Uprava za javni dug
Pop Lukina 7-9
11000 Beograd, Republika Srbija Faksimil br.: x000 00 0000 000
Za Promotera N/r: Javno preduzeće „Putevi Srbije” Sektor za investicije
Bulevar kralja Xxxxxxxxxx 282 11000 Beograd, Republika Srbija Faksimil br.: x000 00 00 00 000
12.02 Forma obaveštenja
Bilo koje obaveštenje ili druga zvanična poruka data prema ovom Ugovoru xxxx biti data napismeno.
Obaveštenja i druge zvanične poruke, za koje su fiksni periodi propisani u ovom Ugovoru ili koja sama fiksiraju periode obavezujuće za primaoca, mogu biti data svojeručnom isporukom, preporučenim pismom ili faksimilom. Takva obaveštenja i zvanične poruke se smatraju primljenim xx xxxxx ugovorne strane na datum isporuke, u odnosu na svojeručno isporučeno ili preporučeno pismo ili na prijem transmisije u vezi faksimila.
Druga obaveštenja i zvanične poruke mogu biti dati svojeručnom isporukom, preporučenim pismom ili faksimilom ili, do opsega dogovorenog od ugovornih strana, putem pisanog sporazuma, e-poštom ili putem elektronske pošte.
Bez uticaja na punovažnost bilo kog obaveštenja isporučenog faksimilom u skladu sa stavovima xxxx, kopija svakog obaveštenja isporučenog faksimilom se takođe šalje pismom odgovarajućoj ugovornoj strani, najkasnije na sledeći Radni xxx u nizu.
Obaveštenja izdata xx xxxxxx Zajmoprimca saglasno bilo kojoj odredbi ovog Ugovora se, tamo gde to traži Banka, dostavljaju Banci zajedno sa zadovoljavajućim dokazom o ovlašćenju lica ili više lica ovlašćenih da potpišu takvo obaveštenje u ime Zajmoprimca i overenim uzorkom potpisa takvog lica ili više lica.
12.03 Stupanje na snagu
Ovaj ugovor stupa na snagu kada Banka potvrdi Zajmoprimcu da xx xxxxxxx xxxxxx primerak Službenog glasnika u kom je objavljeno potvrđivanje ovog ugovora xx xxxxxx Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije.
12.04 Uvodne odredbe i Prilozi
Uvodne odredbe i prateći Prilozi čine deo ovog Ugovora: Prilog A Specifikacija Projekta i izveštavanje
Prilog B Definicija EURIBOR-a
Prilog C Formulari za Zajmoprimca
Prilog D Sertifikati Zajmoprimca
U POTVRDU XXXX NAVEDENOG ugovorne strane su saglasne da ovaj Ugovor potpišu u 6 (šest) originala na engleskom jeziku i da svaku stranu ovog Ugovora parafiraju.
U Beogradu, 27. novembra, 2013. xxxxxx
Xxxxxxx XXXXXX. s.r
Massiomo NOVO, s.r.
Xxx Xxxxxxxxx
Xxxxx Xxxxxx, x.x.
Potpisano za i u ime REPUBLIKE SRBIJE
Ovlašćeni predstavnik </> Ministar finansija
Prilog A
Specifikacija Projekta i izveštavanje A.1 Tehnički opis (član 6.02)
Svrha, lokacija
Projekat će obuhvatiti 5-godišnji program rehabilitacije više deonica magistralnog puta širom Srbije, sa velikim naglaskom na uključenje mera bezbednosti puteva, xxxx xx preporučeno xx xxxxxx revizora za bezbednost puteva.
Projekat će se sastojati od projektnog nadzora i građevinskih radova u vezi jačanja kolovozne konstrukcije na 11,6t/osovini, proširenja kolovozne konstrukcije, obnove objekata, saobraćajne signalizacije i poboljšanja upravljanjem na sledećim deonicama:
Oznaka regiona | Put br. | Deonica | Dužina (km) |
C | IB 23 | M-4S (0218-0219) Aranđelovac 3 - Krčevac | 8.650 |
E | IB 27 | M-9S (0365) Vlasotince - Svođe | 12.730 |
W | IB 26 | M-8S (0342-0343) Stavalj - Sušica | 8.900 |
C | IB 23 | M-4S (0212-0215) Lazarevac 4 - Aranđelovac 1 | 13.670 |
V | IB 13 | M-21V(0441-0443) Iriški Venac-Ruma 2 (Putinci) / Irig 2 (Vrdnik)- Ruma 2 (Putinci) M-21V (0444-0450) Ruma 2 (Putinci)-Šabac 6 / Ruma 2 (Putinci)- Ruma 1 (autoput) | 15.706 |
W | IA4 | M-5S (0252) Užice 3 - Požega M-5S (0253) Xxxxxx - Kratovska Stena | 31.290 |
C | IB 16 | M-23S (0619-0621) Topola 2 - Cerovac M-23S (0622) Xxxxxxx - Kragujevac 5 | 29.500 |
W | IB 13 | M-21.1S (0481) Požega - Arilje M-21.1S (0482-0483) Arilje - Ivanjica | 40.342 |
V | IB 13 | M-21V (0439) Paragovo - Iriški Venac M-21V (0440) Iriški Venac - Paragovo | 8.036 |
W | IB 23 | M-4S (0188-0191) Zavlaka 2 (Likodra) - Valjevska Kamenica | 24.750 |
E | IB 14 | M-25S (0702-0703) Kladovo - Brza Palanka | 24.280 |
V | IB 20 | M-7V (0312) Žabalj 1 - Zrenjanin 1 (obilaznica) | 24.248 |
H | IA 3 | M-1V (0003) Adaševci - Kuzmin 1 (autoput)/ M-1V (0004) Kuzmin 1 (autoput) - Adaševci | 26.960 |
E | IB 14 | M-2S (0719-0722) Vratarnica - Knjaževac 2 | 23.600 |
W | IA 4 | M-21S (0471) Xxxx Xxxxxx - Xxxxxxxxx | 14.985 |
Oznaka regiona | Put br. | Deonica | Dužina (km) |
M-21S (0470) Užice 3 - Bela Zemlja | |||
W | IB 23 | M-4S (0184-0187) Loznica 5 - Zavlaka 2 (Likodra) | 18.600 |
W | IB 21 | M-4S (0176-0177) Mali Zvornik - Banja Koviljača | 14.150 |
E | IB 27 | M-9S (0361-0363) Leskovac 5 (Bratmilovci) - Nomanica | 5.480 |
C | IB 26 | M-8S (0344-0345) Sušica - Dojevice | 26.700 |
E | IB 14 | M-25S (0728) Merošina 2 (Rožina) - Prokuplje 1 (Orljane) | 11.800 |
E | IB 14 | M-25S (0735-0736) Beloljin - Rudare | 16.600 |
W | IB 13 | M-21S (0464-0465) Valjevo 5 (obilaznica) - Kaona | 14.350 |
W | IB 13 | M-21S (0466) Kaona - Kosjerić 1 (Selo) | 6.350 |
C | IB 32 | M-22.3S (0611-0612) Raška 2 - xxxxxxx APKiM (Jarinje) | 11.486 |
E | II 130 | M-4S (0233) Svilajnac 3 (Crkvenac) - Medveđa | 14.729 |
E | IB 22 | M-24S (0665-0666) granica APV (Smederevska ada) - Ralja 6 | 10.043 |
E | IB 22 | M-24S (0667-0674) Ralja 6 - Požarevac 4 | 23.317 |
W | IB 26 | M-8S (0337,3-0340) Prijepolje - Sjenica 3 (Medare) | 11.300 |
V | IA 3 | M-1.9V (0102) Pančevo 1 - granica APV (Pančevo) | 2.816 |
V | IA 3 | M-1.9V (0101) granica APV (Pančevo) - Pančevo 1 | 2.828 |
W | IB 21 | M-19S (0414-0419) Mišar - Šabac 4 (Jevremovac) | 9.249 |
V | IB 19 | M-3V (0163-0165) Vrbas 3 (Xxxxx Dobro Polje) - Srbobran 1 (Feketić) | 10.708 |
E | II 150 | M-4S (0229) Markovac 1 (autoput) - Svilajnac 1 (Kušiljevo) | 6.530 |
E | II 128 | M-25.1S (0744-0746) Braničevo 2 (Tribrode) - Bratinac 1 (Nabrđe) | 31.870 |
C | IB 15 | M-22S (0554-0558) Ušće - Raška 2 | 32.253 |
W | IB 13 | R-117S (1047-1) Ivanjica - Sjenica 1 (Sjeničko jezero) | 37.500 |
W | II 144 | M-19.1S (0426-0427) Mali Zvornik - Ljubovija 1 (Bratunac) | 41.686 |
E | IB 22 | M-24S (0675-0676) Požarevac 4 - Zabrega (Boževac) | 19.532 |
Oznaka regiona | Put br. | Deonica | Dužina (km) |
E | IB 22 | M-24S (0677) Zabrega (Boževac) - Ljesnica | 15.755 |
W | IB 13 | M-21S (0467-0469) Kosjerić 1 (Selo) - Požega | 25.425 |
V | IB 22 | M-24V (0663) Pančevo 1 - Kovin 1 | 28.628 |
C | IB 15 | M-22S (0559) Raška 2 - Novi Pazar 3 (Banja) | 17.872 |
E | IB 27 | M-9S (0366-0367) Svođe - Babušnica | 21.358 |
W | IB 13 | R-117S (1047-2) Ivanjica - Sjenica 1 (Sjeničko jezero) | 23.978 |
E | II 130 | R-216S (1438) Ćuprija 4 - Despotovac 1 (Vojnik) | 22.425 |
E | IB 22 | M-24S (0692-0693) Negotin 4 - granica SR/BUG (Bregovo) | 12.779 |
V | IB 11 | M-24V (0657) Zrenjanin 8 (Aradac) - Ečka | 8.529 |
H | IA 1 | M-1S (0060-0058) Ražanj 1 (autoput) - Paraćin 1 (autoput) | 25.130 |
H | IA 1 | M-1S (0064-0062) Aleksinac 1 (autoput) - Ražanj 1 (autoput) | 23.645 |
H | IA 3 | M-1V (0009) Ruma 1 (autoput) - Pećinci 1 (autoput) | 12.990 |
V | IB 19 | M-3V (0160) Kula 1 (Crvenka) - Vrbas 1 (Kucura) | 10.955 |
V | II 106 | M-3V (0158-0159) Odžaci 2 (Ratkovo) - Kula 1 (Xxxxxx Selo) | 25.006 |
H | IA 3 | M-1V (0008) Ruma 1 (autoput) - Sremska Mitrovica (autoput) | 13.750 |
C | IA 4 | M-5S (0259) Mrčajevci - Kraljevo 1 | 18.791 |
C | IB 15 | M-22S (0560-0562) Novi Pazar 3 (Banja) - Ribarići | 28.095 |
V | IB 19 | R-101V (0779-0782) Sombor 5 (Kljajićevo) - Kula 2 (Crvenka) | 40.744 |
C | II 129 | R-107S (0922-0924) Smederevska Palanka 1 (Azanja) - Velika Plana 2 | 13.666 |
H | IA 1 | M-1S (0061-0063) Ražanj 1 (autoput) - Aleksinac 1 (autoput) | 23.655 |
H | IA 1 | M-1S (0074) Brestovac 1 (autoput) - Doljevac 1 (autoput) | 6.155 |
Tačan obim Projekta (precizne dužine deonica) će biti određen tokom sprovođenja, kako se projekti budu pripremali. Ako će deonice biti suštinski izmenjene, zamenjene ili dodate, Banka može oceniti izmenjene i/ili dodate komponente u skladu sa njenim procedurama.
Projekat će takođe uključiti komponentu institucionalne podrške u vezi bezbednosti puta, procesa planiranja uređenja i upravljanja održavanjem.
Projekat će biti završen do kraja 2019. godine. A.2 Obaveze informisanja prema članu 8.01(a) 1.Slanje informacija: naznaka odgovornog lica
Informacija data xxxx xxxxx da se pošalje Banci pod odgovornošću:
Privredno društvo | Putevi Srbije |
Kontakt osoba | g-din Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx |
Xxxxxx | Xxxxxxxx generalnog direktora, Jedinica za sprovođenje Projekta |
Funkcija / Odeljenje | |
Adresa | Xxxxxxxxxxxx 00X, 00000 Xxxxxxx |
Telefon | + 000 00 00 00 000 |
Faks | + 381 11 30 34 663 |
e-pošta |
Gore navedena kontakt osoba(e) je (su) trenutno odgovorni kontakt(i). Zajmoprimac odmah informiše EIB u slučaju bilo koje promene.
2.Informacije o specifičnim temama
Zajmoprimac dostavlja Banci sledeće informacije, najkasnije do krajnjeg roka navedenog xxxx.
Dokumenta / informacije | Krajnji rok |
Polazni podaci za merenje/obračun pokazatelja rezultata za svaku deonicu. - Poboljšan prilaz – opsluženi saobraćajni tokovi (ekvivalenti vozila /xxx) - Uštede vremena (EUR M godišnje) - Ušteda u trošku rada vozila (EUR M godišnje) - Sprečene pogibije na putu (br. godišnje./XXXX godišnje) - Smanjeni periodični troškovi (životni ciklus)(konstanta M godišnje) | Kako se završi projekat za svaku deonicu. |
3.Informacije o sprovođenju Projekta
Zajmoprimac dostavlja Banci sledeće informacije o napretku projekta tokom sprovođenja najkasnije do krajnjeg roka navedenog xxxx.
Dokumenta / informacije | Krajnji rok | Učestalost izveštavanja |
Izveštaj o napretku Projekta - Kratko ažuriranje tehničkog opisa, koje objašnjava razloge za značajne promene nasuprot početnog obima; - Ažuriranje na datum završetka svake od glavnih projektnih komponenti, koje objašnjava razloge za bilo koje moguće odlaganje; - Ažuriranje xxxxxx Projekta, koje objašnjava razloge za bilo koja moguća povećanja troškova nasuprot početno budžetiranog xxxxxx; - Opis bilo koje krupne stavke sa uticajem na životnu sredinu; - Ažuriranje postupaka nabavki (van EU); - Ažuriranje Projektnih zahteva ili korišćenja i komentari; - Bilo koja značajna stavka koja se dogodila i bilo koji značajan xxxxx xxxx može pogoditi rad Projekta; - Bilo koja pravna radnja u vezi Projekta koja može biti u toku. | kvartalno | |
Izveštaj o reviziji učinka | Godišnje |
4.Informacije o završetku radova i prvoj godini aktivnosti
Zajmoprimac dostavlja Banci sledeće informacije o završetku projekta i inicijalnim aktivnostima najkasnije do krajnjeg roka navedenog xxxx.
Dokumenta / informacije | Datum isporuke Banci |
Izveštaj o završetku Projekta, uključujući: - Kratak opis tehničkih karakteristika Projekta xxxx xx završen, objašnjavajući razloge za bilo koju značajnu promenu; - Datum završetka svake od glavnih komponenti projekta, uz objašnjenje razloga za bilo koje moguće odlaganje; - Konačan trošak Projekta, uz objašnjenje razloga za bilo koja moguća povećanja xxxxxx nasuprot početno budžetiranom trošku; - Broj novih poslova kreiranih xx xxxxxx Projekta: I poslovi tokom sprovođenja i trajni novo-kreirani poslovi; - Opis bilo koje glavne stavke sa uticajem na životnu sredinu; - Ažuriranje postupaka nabavki; - Ažuriranje zahteva Projekta ili korišćenja i komentari; - Bilo koja značajna stavka koja se dogodila i bilo koji značajan xxxxx xxxx može uticati na sprovođenje Projekta; - Bilo koja pravna radnja u vezi Projekta koja može biti u toku. - Ažuriranje stvarnih vrednosti za indikatore Projekta, za uključenje u merenje rezultata Banke (Bank’s Results Measurement - REM) o Poboljšan pristup – opsluženi saobraćajni tokovi (ekvivalenti vozila/xxx) o Ušteda vremena (EUR M godišnje) o Ušteda u trošku rada vozila (EUR M godišnje ) o Sprečene pogibije na putu (br. godišnje /XXXX godišnje ) o Smanjeni periodični troškovi (životni ciklus)(konstanta M godišnje ) tabela (samo van EU) | 15 meseci po završetku |
5. Informacije koje se traže 3 godine po Izveštaju o završetku projekta (samo van EU)
Zajmoprimac dostavlja Banci sledeće informacije 3 godine posle Izveštaja o završetku projekta najkasnije do krajnjeg roka navedenog xxxx.
Dokumenta / informacije | Datum isporuke Banci | ||
Izveštaj o završetku projekta, uključujući: - Ažuriranje stvarnih vrednosti indikatora Projekta, za uključenje u tabelu merenja rezultata Banke (REM) o Poboljšan pristup - opsluženi saobraćajni tokovi (ekvivalenti vozila/xxx) o Ušteda vremena (EUR M godišnje) o Ušteda u trošku rada vozila (EUR M godišnje) o Sprečene pogibije na putu (br. godišnje /XXXX godišnje) o Smanjeni periodični troškovi (životni ciklus) (konstanta M godišnje) tabela | 51 mesec po završetku. | ||
„EURIBOR” znači:
Definicije EURIBOR-a
Prilog B
(a) u pogledu relevantnog perioda kraćeg od jednog meseca, Prikaz kamatne stope (xxxx xx definisana xxxx) za neki rok od jednog meseca;
(b) u pogledu bilo kog relevantnog perioda od jednog ili više meseci za koji je Prikaz kamatne stope na raspolaganju, merodavni Prikaz kamatne stope za rok za odgovarajući broj meseci; i
(c) u pogledu bilo kog relevantnog perioda od više od jednog meseca za koji Prikaz kamatne stope nije na raspolaganju, Prikaz kamatne stope koji proističe iz neke linearne interpolacije putem upućivanja na dva Prikaza kamatne stope, jedne xxxx xx merodavna za neki sledeći kraći period i druga za neki sledeći period duži od odgovarajućeg perioda od više od jednog meseca.
(period za koji se kamatna xxxxx uzima ili iz koga se kamatne stope interpoliraju je
„Reprezentativni period”).
U svrhe stavova (b) i (c) xxxx, „raspoloživ” znači kamatne stope koje su obračunate pod okriljem EURIBOR FBE i EURIBOR ACI (ili bilo kog naslednika te funkcije EURIBOR FBE i EURIBOR ACI xxxx xx određen xx xxxxxx Xxxxx) za data dospeća.
„Prikaz kamatne stope” znači kamatnu stopu za depozite u EUR za odgovarajući period xxxx xx objavljen u 11.00 časova, po briselskom vremenu, ili u neko kasnije vreme prihvatljivo za Banku na xxx („Datum utvrđivanja”) koji pada 2 (dva) odgovarajuća Xxxxx xxxx pre prvog xxxx odgovarajućeg perioda, na Rojterovoj stranici XXXXXXX 01 ili njegovoj stranici naslednici ili, u nedostatku toga, putem bilo kog drugog sredstva objavljivanja odabranog u tu svrhu xx xxxxxx Xxxxx.
Ako takav Prikaz kamatne stope nije tako objavljen, Xxxxx xx zahtevati od glavnih kancelarija euro-zone četiri velike banke u euro-zoni, odabrane xx xxxxxx Xxxxx, da ponude stopu po kojoj se EUR depoziti u nekom uporedivom iznosu nude od svake od njih u približno 11.00 časova, po briselskom vremenu, na Datum utvrđivanja za prvoklasne banke na međubankarskom tržištu euro-zone, za neki period jednak Reprezentativnom periodu. Ako se dostave barem 2 (dve) kotacije, xxxxx za xxx Datum utvrđivanja će biti aritmetička sredina kotacija.
Ako se dostave manje od 2 (dve) kotacije kako se traži, xxxxx za xxx Datum utvrđivanja će biti aritmetička sredina xxxxx kotiranih xx xxxxxx glavnih banaka u evro-zoni, odabranih xx xxxxxx Xxxxx, u približno 11.00 časova, po briselskom vremenu, na xxx koji pada 2 (dva) odgovarajuća Xxxxx xxxx posle Datuma utvrđivanja, za zajmove u EUR u nekom uporedivom iznosu za vodeće Evropske banke za neki period jednak Reprezentativnom periodu.
Ako xx xxxxx koja proističe iz gornjeg ispod nule, XXXXXXX će se smatrati da je nula.
Ako nikakva kamatna xxxxx nije na raspolaganju xxxx xx predviđeno xxxx, XXXXXXX xx xxxxx (izražena xxx xxxx procentualna godišnja xxxxx) xxxx xx određena xx xxxxxx Xxxxx da bude sveobuhvatni trošak Banke za finansiranje odgovarajuće Tranše na osnovu tada merodavne interno generisane referentne stope Banke, ili neke alternativne xxxxx xxxx je metod određivanja razumno određen xx xxxxxx Xxxxx.
U svrhe napred navedenih definicija:
(a) Svi procenti koji proističu iz bilo kojih obračuna na koje se upućuje u ovom Prilogu će biti zaokruženi, ako je nužno, na najbližu sto-hiljaditu procentualnu tačku, gde se polovine zaokružuju.
(b) Banka informiše Zajmoprimca bez odlaganja o kotacijama primljenim xx xxxxxx Xxxxx.
(c) Ako bilo koja xx xxxx navedenih odredbi postane nedosledna sa odredbama usvojenim pod okriljem EURIBOR FBE i EURIBOR ACI u odnosu na EURIBOR (ili bilo kog naslednika te funkcije EURIBOR FBE i EURIBOR ACI, xxxx xx određen xx xxxxxx Xxxxx) ili Britanskog udruženja bankara (ili bilo kog naslednika te funkcije Britanskog udruženja bankara xxxx xx određen xx xxxxxx Xxxxx) u odnosu na LIBOR, Banka može obaveštenjem Zajmoprimcu izmeniti i dopuniti tu odredbu da je uskladi sa takvim drugim odredbama.
Formulari za Zajmoprimca
Formular Zahteva za isplatu (član 1.02B)
Republika Srbija – Rehabilitacija i bezbednost puteva
Molimo nastavite sa sledećom isplatom:
Xxxxx Xxx (*
Potpis Datum (*): | ||
Valuta | Iznos | |
Ugovor FI broj : | 82640 | |
Predloženi datum isplate: |
Rezervisano za Banku
(ugovorna valuta)
Ukupno iznos Kredita:
Isplaćeno na datum:
Saldo za isplatu:
Tekuća isplata:
Saldo posle isplate:
Krajnji rok za isplatu:
Maksimalni broj isplata:
Minimalna veličina Tranše:
Ukupno isplata do danas: Preduslovi:
Da / Ne
Osnovica kamatne stope (član 3.01)
Xxxxx (% ili Raspon)
ILI (molimo navedite samo JEDNO)
Maksimalna xxxxx (% ili Maksimalni raspon)2
Godišnje Polu-godišnje Kvartalno
o o o
Učestalost (član 3.01)
Datumi plaćanja (član 5)
o o o
Godišnje Polu-godišnje Kvartalno
Datum revizije/konverzije xxxxxx (ako postoji)
Učestalost otplate
Jednake rate o
Stalni anuiteti o
Pojedinačna rata o
Metodologija otplate (član 4.01)
Prvi datum otplate
Datum dospeća:
1 Da bude potvrđeno u pisanoj verziji od Zajmoprimca razmenom pisama
2 NAPOMENA: Ako Zajmoprimac ovde ne navede neku kamatnu stopu ili Raspon, smatraće se da je Zajmoprimac saglasan sa kamatnom stopom ili Rasponom naknadno dostavljenom xx xxxxxx Xxxxx u Obaveštenju o isplati, u skladu sa članom 1.02C(c).
Račun Zajmoprimca na koji se vrši isplata:
Račun br. …………………………………………………………………………………………….
(molimo, da naznačite IBAN format u slučaju isplate u EUR, ili odgovarajući format za odgovarajuću valutu)
Naziv Banke, adresa: …………………………………………………………………………
Molimo da dostavite odgovarajuće informacije za: Ovlašćeno ime (ovlašćena imena) i potpis(i): Zajmoprimca
D.1 Obrazac potvrde Zajmoprimca (član 1.04B) Za: Evropsku investicionu banku Od: [Zajmoprimac]
Datum: </>
Predmet: Finansijski ugovor između Evropske investicione banke i [Zajmoprimca] od
</> („Finansijski ugovor”) FI broj</> Serapis broj </>
Uslovi definisani u Finansijskom ugovoru imaju isto značenje kada se koriste u ovom pismu.
U svrhe člana 1.04 Finansijskog ugovora ovim putem vam potvrđujemo kako sledi:
(a) nikakav slučaj prevremene otplate kredita nije se dogodio i ne nastavlja se neotklonjen;
(b) nikakvo obezbeđenje zabranjene vrste prema članu 7.01 nije kreirano, niti postoji;
(c) nije bilo nikakve materijalne promene bilo kog aspekta Projekta ili u odnosu na šta smo mi u obavezi da prijavimo prema članu 8.01, osim xxxx xx prethodno saopšteno s naše strane;
(d) imamo dovoljno sredstava na raspolaganju za obezbeđenje pravovremenog završetka i sprovođenja Projekta u skladu sa Prilogom A.1;
(e) nikakav događaj ili okolnost koja predstavlja ili bi protokom vremena ili uz davanje obaveštenja prema Finansijskom ugovoru predstavljala neki Slučaj neizvršavanja nije se dogodio i ne nastavlja se neotklonjen ili bez odricanja od njega;
(f) nikakva parnica, arbitraža, upravni postupak ili istraga nije u toku ili prema našem znanju zaprećena ili nerešena pred bilo kojim sudom, arbitražnim telom ili agencijom, koja bi rezultovala ili ako se negativno odredi razumno će verovatno rezultovati nekom Materijalno nepovoljnom promenom, niti postoji pravo protiv nas ili bilo koje od naših podružnica bilo koje neizvršene presude ili arbitražne odluke;
(g) izjave i garancije koje treba da načinimo ili ponovimo prema članu 6.12 su istinite u svim materijalnim obzirima; i
(h) nikakva Materijalno nepovoljna promena se nije dogodila, u poređenju sa situacijom na datum Finansijskog ugovora.
Za i u ime [Zajmoprimca] Datum:
D.2 Formular Potvrde o saglasnosti Za: Evropsku investicionu banku
Od: [Zajmoprimca] Datum: </>
Predmet: Finansijski ugovor između Evropske investicione banke i [Zajmoprimca] od
</> („Finansijski ugovor”) FIbroj </> Serapis broj </>
Pozivamo se na Finansijski ugovor. Ovo je Potvrda o sglasnosti. Uslovi definisani u Finansijskom ugovoru imaju isto značenje kada se koriste u ovoj Potvrdi o saglasnosti.
Ovim potvrđujemo:
(i) Nikakvo jemstvo zabranjene vrste prema članu 7.01 nije kreirano niti postoji;
(ii) nikakav događaj ili okolnost koja predstavlja ili bi protokom vremena ili davanjem obaveštenja prema Finansijskom ugovoru predstavljala neki Događaj neizvršavanja nije se dogodio i ne nastavlja se neotklonjen ili bez odricanja od istog. [Ako ova izjava ne može da se načini, ova potvrda treba da identifikuje bilo koji potencijalni događaj neizvršavanja koji se nastavlja i korake, ako postoje, koji su preduzeti da se on otkloni].
Za i u ime [Zajmoprimac / revizor Zajmoprimca]
Član 3.
Ovaj zakon stupa na snagu osmog xxxx od xxxx objavljivanja u „Službenom glasniku Republike Srbije - Međunarodni ugovori”.