Agreement Klausul Contoh

Agreement. These Terms and conditions are intended to establish the circumstances and procedures under which PT Indorama Polyester Industries Indonesia, Indonesia (the “Company”) shall purchase products from a seller (the “Seller”), and shall apply to all offers made by, orders placed by the Company (“Order”) and agreements concluded with the Seller mentioned in the relevant offer, order or agreement in relation to the purchase by the Company of the supplies or materials (“Products”) described therein. The Company’s purchase of the Products is expressly conditioned on the Seller’s acceptance of these Terms and Conditions in writing. The Company expressly notifies the Seller of its objection to any different and/or additional terms proposed by the Seller in the Order or acceptance, or other document issued by the Seller, and the Company will not be bound by any standard or printed terms or conditions presented by the Seller. Unless explicitly objected to in writing received by the Company, the Terms and Conditions shall apply to all offers, Order confirmation, Order acceptances, or purchases whether or not they applied to a prior purchase by the Company. The Company reserves the right to revoke any Order at any time before acceptance by Seller.
Agreement. These Terms and Conditions are intended to establish the Terms and Conditions under which PT. Indorama Polypet Indonesia, Indonesia (the “Company”) shall sell its products (“Products”) to a purchaser (the “Buyer”) as and when purchase orders are placed by the Buyer and accepted by the Company (“Order”). By placing an Order the Buyer submits an offer to buy the Products pursuant to these Terms and Conditions. The Company shall not be deemed to have accepted any such offer unless and until it ships Products to the Buyer, or accepts the Order of the Buyer in writing, whichever comes first. The Company will not be bound by any standard or printed terms presented by the Buyer unless specifically accepted by the Authorized Officer of the Company in writing. Unless explicitly objected to in writing received by the Company, the Terms and Conditions shall apply to all offers, Order confirmations, Order acceptances, or sales whether or not they applied to a prior purchase by Buyer. No employee or agent, other than the authorized officer of the Company is authorized to make the representations of the Products.
Agreement. Lahirnya pandangan tersebut dikarenakan dianut asumsi bahwa posisi tawar para pihak dalam kontrak adalah sejajar.36
Agreement. Setiap perjanjian pinjaman antar - perusahaan yang akan - - - - - - - - - - - - ditandatangani oleh Perseroan - - - - dengan anak-anak perusahaan atau - perusahaan-perusahaan afiliasinya, baik sebagai debitur maupun - - - - - - sebagai kreditur; dan - - - - - - - - - - - -
Agreement. “Affiliated Company” shall mean any company or legal entity which

Related to Agreement

  • ADDENDUM (1) Perubahan atas Perjanjian ini dapat dilakukan berdasarkan kesepakatan tertulis PARA PIHAK. (2) Hal-hal yang belum diatur dalam Perjanjian ini akan diatur dan ditetapkan kemudian dalam addendum yang disepakati secara tertulis oleh PARA PIHAK serta merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Perjanjian ini.

  • TENANCIES AND RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS The Property is believed to be taken to be correctly described and is sold subject to all express and implied conditions, restrictions-in-interest, caveats, leases, tenancies, easements, liabilities, encumbrances, all public and private rights of way, support, drainage and light and all other rights, if any, subsisting thereon or there over without the obligation to define the same respectively and the Purchaser is deemed to have full knowledge thereof.

  • Instrumen Keuangan Reksa Dana mengklasifikasikan instrumen keuangan dalam bentuk aset keuangan dan liabilitas keuangan. Reksa Dana menerapkan PSAK 71, yang mensyaratkan pengaturan instrumen keuangan terkait klasifikasi dan pengukuran, penurunan nilai atas instrumen aset keuangan, dan akuntansi lindung nilai. Dengan demikian, kebijakan akuntansi yang berlaku untuk periode pelaporan kini adalah seperti tercantum dibawah ini. Instrumen keuangan diakui pada saat Reksa Dana menjadi pihak dari ketentuan kontrak suatu instrumen keuangan.

  • CONSENT It shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser to apply for consent from the Developer/Landowner and other relevant authorities, if any in respect of the sale and all fees, charges and expenses including administrative fees and/or legal fees in connection with or incidental to the application and/or endorsement of the assignment and/or the transfer of the property by the Developer/Proprietor shall be borne by the Purchaser. The Purchaser undertakes to keep the Assignee and/or their solicitors informed of progress of such applications.

  • SALE BEING SET ASIDE OR CONSENT NOT BEING OBTAINED 16.1 In the event of the sale being set aside for any reason whatsoever by the Assignee or by an Order of Court or consent not being obtained from the Developer/Landowner and/or other relevant authorities (other than for reasons attributable to any act of default or omission by the Purchaser) on the expiry of the time period prescribed for completion, then the Assignee is absolutely entitled to terminate the sale by giving the Purchaser written notice thereof, in which case: (a) if in the meanwhile the Purchaser has entered into possession of the property, then the Purchaser is liable at his own costs to reinstate the property to the original condition as at the auction sale, and thereafter peaceably to yield up vacant possession of the property to the Assignee within 7 days upon service of the notice terminating the sale; and (b) the costs/expenses reasonably incurred by the Assignee in connection with the sale, as well as the costs to reinstate damage (if any) to the property caused by the Purchaser in possession thereof shall be deducted and set-off against the Deposit or TPP and thereafter the residue (if any) shall be refunded to the Purchaser free of interest. For this purpose a certificate signed by any officer of the Assignee certifying the amount of such expenses or costs shall be deemed final/conclusive and binding upon the Purchaser. 16.2 In the event of consent not being obtained from the Developer/Landowner and/or other relevant authorities due to the act of default or omission by the Purchaser, the Assignee/Bank shall be entitled to forfeit the Bidding Deposit and the Purchaser Deposit paid pursuant to Clauses 3 and

  • PIHAK YANG TERAFILIASI DENGAN BANK KUSTODIAN Pihak/perusahaan yang terafiliasi dengan Bank Kustodian di pasar modal atau bergerak di bidang jasa keuangan di Indonesia adalah PT. Citigroup Securities Indonesia.

  • Utang Pajak Akun ini merupakan utang pajak penghasilan pasal 23 pada tanggal 31 Desember 2021 dan 2020 masing-masing adalah sebesar Rp727.921 dan Rp2.200.038.


  • SURAT KONFIRMASI TRANSAKSI UNIT PENYERTAAN Surat Konfirmasi Transaksi Unit Penyertaan Adalah surat yang mengkonfirmasikan telah dilaksanakannya instruksi pembelian dan penjualan Kembali Unit Penyertaan oleh Pemegang Unit Penyertaan dan menunjukkan jumlah Unit Penyertaan SUCORINVEST EQUITY FUND yang dimiliki oleh Pemegang Unit Penyertaan. Surat Konfirmasi Transaksi Unit Penyertaan akan disediakan oleh Bank Kustodian bagi Pemegang Unit Penyertaan melalui fasilitas yang disediakan oleh penyedia jasa Sistem Pengelolaan Investasi Terpadu (S-INVEST), paling lambat 7 (tujuh) Hari Bursa setelah: (i) Aplikasi Pembelian Unit Penyertaan SUCORINVEST EQUITY FUND dari Pemegang Unit Penyertaan telah lengkap dan diterima dengan baik oleh Manajer Investasi atau Agen Penjual Efek Reksa Dana yang ditunjuk oleh Manajer Investasi (jika ada) (in complete application) dan pembayaran telah diterima dengan baik oleh Bank Kustodian (in good fund) dan Unit Penyertaan diterbitkan oleh Bank Kustodian sesuai ketentuan pemrosesan pembelian Unit Penyertaan yang ditetapkan dalam Prospektus ini; (ii) Aplikasi Penjualan kembali Unit Penyertaan SUCORINVEST EQUITY FUND dari Pemegang Unit Penyertaan telah lengkap dan diterima dengan baik oleh Manajer Investasi atau Agen Penjual Efek Reksa Dana yang ditunjuk oleh Manajer Investasi (jika ada) (in complete application); (iii) Aplikasi pengalihan investasi dalam SUCORINVEST EQUITY FUND dari Pemegang Unit Penyertaan telah lengkap dan diterima dengan baik oleh Manajer Investasi atau Agen Penjual Efek Reksa Dana yang ditunjuk oleh Manajer Investasi (jika ada) (in complete application). Surat Konfirmasi Transaksi Unit Penyertaan merupakan surat atau bukti konfirmasi tertulis kepemilikan Unit Penyertaan. Manajer Investasi wajib memastikan bahwa pihaknya telah memperoleh persetujuan Pemegang Unit Penyertaan untuk SUCORINVEST EQUITY FUND untuk menyampaikan Surat Konfirmasi Transaksi Unit Penyertaan melalui fasilitas yang disediakan oleh penyedia jasa Sistem Pengelolaan Investasi Terpadu (S- INVEST). Dalam hal Pemegang Unit Penyertaan meminta penyampaian Surat Konfirmasi Transaksi Unit Penyertaan secara tercetak, Surat Konfirmasi Transaksi Unit Penyertaan akan diproses sesuai dengan SEOJK tentang Tata Cara Penyampaian Surat atau Bukti Konfirmasi dan Laporan Berkala Reksa Dana secara Elektronik melalui Sistem Pengelolaan Investasi Terpadu beserta penjelasan dan perubahan-perubahan yang mungkin ada dikemudian hari.

  • INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 9.1 Any information, contents, materials, documents, details, graphics, files, data, text, images, digital pictures, or any visual being displayed in the ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website shall not be used or published either by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission from ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website. 9.2. In the event of any infringement of intellectual property rights under the Terms and Conditions herein, ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website may use any available legal remedies which may include the demand for actual or statutory damages, solicitors’ fees and injunctive relief.