CUSTOMER Klausul Contoh

CUSTOMER is prohibited to change the technical specification and configuration of the Services with any other way without a written notice by BIZNET.
CUSTOMER is prohibited to connect the BIZNET network and/or facilities to any public telecommunication network (PSTN) including but not limited to telephone, cellular, telex or data communication lines.
CUSTOMER is obliged to settle all unpaid subscription fee bills to BIZNET for the provision of previous services, before CUSTOMER proposes a location move and additional or decreased Service capacity to BIZNET.
CUSTOMER is obliged to carry out the payment terms until the final bill of Service.
CUSTOMER. Meterai Rp.6000,‐
CUSTOMER. SS.2.1 Terwujudnya kepuasan stakeholder. 4. Tingkat kepuasan pasien 3 DUO 88% 83% 84% 85% 86% 87%
CUSTOMER. 1 PO - C PO - C 2 3 Buat ROF secara manual. Memeriksa ketersediaan stock regran, waste atau reject. PRODUCTION DIRECTOR ROF
CUSTOMER. 1 Melakukan penelitian atas barang yang dikomplain oleh Xxxxxxxxx.
CUSTOMER. Customer. atau 1, 2 8 1, 2 AFF 7 9
CUSTOMER customer saya yang selalu mensupport saya dalam mengerjakan skripsi yang tidak bisa disebutkan satu persatu.