Definisi Account Statement

Account Statement means any statement issued by the Bank on the Customer Account, specifying its activities and/or such other information as might be determined by the Bank from time to time.
Account Statement means funds position statement and Bank calculation of the funds owned by the Customer in the Account;

Examples of Account Statement in a sentence

  • In the event that the Customer makes a complaint or objection in writing, such complaint or objection must be accompanied by copy of personal identification and other relevant supporting documents, in accordance with the Bank’s applicable rules (for example, saving book or Account Statement).

  • Perusahaan akan megirimkan Laporan Rekening Marjin (Account Statement) kepada Nasabah setiap bulan, berupa ringkasan transaksi Efek selama sebulan, saldo dana atau kewajiban Nasabah dan saldo Efek Nasabah selambat-lambatnya 10 (sepuluh) hari pada bulan berikutnya.

  • Account Statement 12.1 The Bank will issue and send the Account Statement(s) to the Customer at monthly intervals or at such intervals as the Bank may deem fit, unless otherwise stipulated herein.

Related to Account Statement

  • Kata Kunci Lembaga Beasiswa Dharma Pembangunan, Harga Pokok Penjualan The problem faced by partners, namely the Dharma Pembangunan Scholarship Institute, is that students do not have a deep understanding of topics regarding cost of goods sold, even for trading companies and manufacturing companies, and determine important cost of goods sold. Lecturers of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Tarumanagara University offer a solution by providing training on the cost of goods sold in trading companies, when to cost products, total manufacturing costs, manufacturing production costs, and making the cost of goods sold in manufacturing companies. The target of this training is for the students of the Dharma Pembangunan Scholarship Institute to understand the cost of goods sold in trading and manufacturing companies. First, a survey was conducted and based on the survey, in order to discuss the material on the cost of goods sold in trading and manufacturing companies. The topic this time is a continuation of previous community service activities. Students have received different topics from the previous training. Furthermore, the lecturer prepares material in the form of theories and examples of what will be given to students. Training for students of the Dharma Pembangunan Scholarship Institute was carried out online because there were still obstacles to the corona virus pandemic (Covid-19). It is hoped that with this training students can understand how to determine the cost of goods sold in a manufacturing company. The activity ended with making SENAPENMAS articles as mandatory outputs, articles in the PINTAR media as additional outputs, posters, final reports, and financial reports on activities that had been carried out. Lembaga Beasiswa Dharma Pembangunan (LBDP) ialah yayasan yang bergerak dalam beasiswa pendidikan bagi siswa siswi yang kurang mampu dan berprestasi secara akademik, beragama Buddha. LBDP yang berlokasi di Jl. Sawah Lio 2 Gang 5 Xx. 00x, XX 00, XX 0, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx hanya dikhususkan untuk siswa siswi Sekolah Menengah Atas/Kejuruan (SMA/K) atau sederajat. Mayoritas siswa siswi Lembaga Beasiswa Dharma Pembangunan menempuh pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Atas/Kejuruan (SMA/K) atau sederajat di SMA Xxx Xxxxx dan SMA Dhammasavana. LBDP memberikan beasiswa kepada para siswa siswi yang berasal dari daerah di luar Jakarta. Beasiswa ini bersifat regenerasi, dalam arti siswa siswi yang telah menyelesaikan studi di SMA/K atau sederajat tidak akan mendapatkan beasiswa lagi dan apabila siswa siswi tidak mendapatkan pekerjaan di Jakarta, maka siswa siswi diharapkan pulang dan membangun kampung halamannya. Siswa siswi Lembaga Beasiswa Dharma Pembangunan dapat melanjutkan kuliah di universitas swasta atau negeri namun dengan mencari beasiswa sendiri atau dapat juga meminta bantuan kepada pihak Lembaga Beasiswa Dharma Pembangunan.

  • Bank or “HSBC” means PT Bank HSBC Indonesia.