Complaints Clausole campione

Complaints. If you wish to complain about any aspect of the service you have received or to request a copy of M&G’s complaints handling procedures, please contact M&G Customer Relations, XX Xxx 0000, Xxxxxxxxxx XX00 0XX. If your complaint is not dealt with to your satisfaction, you can then complain to: The Financial Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx (XXX), Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx, X00 0XX.
Complaints. Refund requests or billing complaints can be forwarded to C1V Hosting by registered letter with return receipt, to the address of C1V Hosting, by certified e-mail to the pec address x0xxxxxxxxx@xxx.xx, or by email to the xxxxxxx.xxxxxx@x0xxxxxxxx.xx address, within the deadline for payment of the invoice If it is due, the refund in favor of the Customer will be paid by C1V Hosting within 30 (thirty) days from the conclusion of the appropriate checks with credit on the invoice following the definition of the request.
Complaints. Any complaints regarding the contractual relationship or the management of claims must be forwarded in writing to: Europ Assistance Italia S.p.A. - Complaints Office - Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, 0 - 00000 Xxxxx; fax - pec xxxxxxx@xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx - e-mail xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx. If the exponent does not consider themselves satisfied by the outcome of the complaint or in the absence of reply within a maximum of forty-five days, they may contact IVASS (Institute for Insurance Supervision) - Consumer Protection Service - Xxx xxx Xxxxxxxxx, 00 - 00000 Xxxx, accompanied by the documentation relating to the complaint handled by the Company. In these cases, and for complaints concerning compliance with the sector legislation to be presented directly to IVASS, the complaint must indicate: • name, surname and domicile of the complainant, with possible telephone number; • identification of subject or subjects of the complaint; • brief and thorough description of the reason for the complaint; • copy of the complaint presented to the insurance company and of any reply provided by the same; • any document useful to describe the relative circumstances thoroughly. The complaint submission form to IVASS can be downloaded from xxx.xxxxx.xx. For the resolution of cross-border disputes it is possible to file a complaint with the IVASS or activate the competent foreign system through the FIN-NET procedure (by accessing the website xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxx_xxxxxx/xxxxxx/ Before involving the judicial authority, it is possible to turn to alternative systems for the resolution of disputes provided for by law or by agreement. Insurance disputes on the determination and estimation of damages in the context of policies against the risk of damage (where envisaged by the Insurance Conditions). In the event of a dispute concerning the determination and estimation of the damages, it is necessary to resort to the contractual expertise where required by the insurance policy conditions for the resolution of this type of dispute. The request for activation of the contract or arbitration report must be addressed to: Claim Settlement Office - Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, 0 - 00000 Xxxxx, by registered letter with return receipt. or pec at xxxxxxxx@xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx. In the case of disputes in the context of insurance policies against the risk of damage in which the contract appraisal has already been carried out or are not relevant to the determination and estim...
Complaints. Our aim is to ensure that all aspects of your insurance are dealt with promptly, efficiently and fairly. At all times we are committed to providing you with the highest standard of service. If you have any questions or concerns about your policy or the handling of a claim you should, in the first instance, contact your broker. Please quote your policy number and/or claims reference number in all correspondence to enable the matter to be dealt with promptly. If you remain dissatisfied, you can refer the matter to Lloyd’s General Representative for Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx’x General Representative for Switzerland Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxx Tel: +00 (0)00 000 00 00 Fax: +00 (0)00 000 00 00 E-mail: AFB CH 7 Information/Conditions Client / Version 2.1 / 10.2021 5 Should you remain dissatisfied with the final response from the above or if you have not received a final response within eight weeks of the complaint being made, you may be eligible to refer your complaint to the Ombudsman of Private Insurance. The contact details are as follows: Head office and office for German speakers: Ombudsman of Private Insurance, In Xxxxxx 14, Postfach 181, 8024 Zurich, Switzerland Tel.: +00 (0)00 000 00 00 Fax: +00 (0)00 000 00 00 E-mail: xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx
Complaints. LEMON WAY will not accept complaints pertaining to relations between Account Holders or between an Account Holder and a third party. This article of the Framework Agreement only covers complaints pertaining to the lack of or poor execution of a payment Transaction carried out by LEMON WAY.
Complaints. 9.1 You shall inform us of any complaints received that may affect the certification, and in case of non- compliance, to take necessary corrective actions including market recall.
Complaints. The Company may make any claims regarding the integrity of the packages and the quantity of the Products (including the delivery of an article different from the one ordered or the lack of the Products) and the documentation in accordance with the Civil Code. The Company may notify the Seller in writing of any defects and hidden damage to the Products within 30 days of discovery or within another deadline established by law. The easily recognizable defects (such as rust, oxidation, etc.) must be communicated by the company within 30 days of delivery of the material to which they refer. Complaints and non-compliance will be handled following the procedure "Administrative management of non-compliant material" (document IO-Q-22-03 presenti Condizioni Generali di Acquisto). attached to these GPC).
Complaints. 8.1 The Buyer is required to verify immediately upon receipt that the quantities delivered correspond to that ordered. Claims relating to the condition and possible damage of the Products must be reported to the carrier. 8.2 Complaints relating to the non-conformity of the Products and to their defects must be received by Komplet S.p.A. at the latest within 8 days from the receipt of the Products (in case of apparent defects) or from their discovery (in case of hidden
Complaints. Any complaints must be immediately reported to the service personnel (multi-storey garage P1 for Venice Airport or the information desk for Treviso Airport) before moving the Vehicle, otherwise all claims will be forfeited. The Customer must then formalize their complaint in writing and send it to the attention of the MPP management.
Complaints. AIG and Insurance4CarHire believe You deserve a courteous, fair and prompt service. AIG and Insurance4CarHire will do everything possible to ensure that You receive at all times excellent service. If there is any occasion when the service You receive does not meet Your expectations, please contact Insurance4CarHire using the appropriate contact details below, providing Your name and information on the Covered Event to help the assistant deal with Your comments more efficiently. Insurance4CarHire can deal with an enquiry in the European language of Your country of residence. Insurance4CarHire, Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx; Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XX00 0XX By Our International Freephone: 008 005 006 0080 Via e-mail: Or You may in case of any complaints about a claim or Policy coverage contact AIG directly: Online: xxxx:// If AIG or Insurance4carhire is unable to acknowledge a complaint within 3 business days of receiving it, We will send You an acknowledgement letter to explain Your complaint has been escalated to the Customer Relations Unit who will appoint a dedicated Complaint Manager to support You, keep You informed of progress and provide a response within 45 calendar days of receipt of Your complaint. After receiving Our final response or if We have been unable to conclude Our investigation within 56 calendar days, You may be able to refer Your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. We will provide full details of how to do this in Our final response or holding letter. The Financial Ombudsman Service can be contacted as follows: Xxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, X00 0XX By Telephone: 0000 000 0000 (free from a “fixed line”, i.e. a landline at home); Or 0000 0000000 (free for mobile phone users who pay a monthly charge for calls to numbers starting 01 or 02) By Email: The Financial Ombudsman Service may not be able to consider a complaint if You are: • a business with more than 10 employees and a group annual turnover of more than €2 million; or • a trustee of a trust with a net asset value of more than £1 million; or • a charity with an annual income of more than £1 million.