CONCLUSION Clausole campione

CONCLUSION. 10.1 This report presents the Steering Group with a further update on progress with the community asset transfer of the Muni Arts Centre, Pontypridd, allows the opportunity for the Steering Group to view the initial plans for the restoration of the Muni and the development of the YMCA, and invites the Steering Group to advise the Council on how, together with its partners, it could develop a strategic framework for the provision of cultural assets in Pontypridd. 17th DECEMBER 2019
CONCLUSION. 10.1 To secure the long term sustainable future of the Muni Arts Centre, an ambitious set of proposals for the refurbishment and restoration of the building have been proposed by Awen Cultural Trust. These proposals take advantage of the original neo-gothic architecture of this valued Grade II listed building whilst reconfiguring and enhancing the facility to create a first class arts and entertainment venue for the residents of Rhondda Cynon Taf and wider region.
CONCLUSION. 11.1 Each year local authorities in Wales are under a statutory obligation to consider whether to revise their CTRS or to replace it with another scheme and any revision or replacement must be made by no later than 31st January in the year preceding the financial year for which the revision or replacement scheme will take effect. 11.2 This report provides Council with details of the proposed scheme to be applicable for financial year 2021/22. 1. The new statutory instrument1 amends the 2013 CTRS Regulations to up-rate certain figures used within those Regulations to calculate entitlement to a Council Tax Reduction, and the amount of any reduction awarded to applicants in 2021/22. It also makes a number of consequential and technical amendments to the 2013 CTRS Regulations to take account of interrelated benefits and ensure they remain fit for purpose. 2. The up-rating increases the various figures used to calculate an applicant's entitlement to a reduction and the amount of the reduction, in line with variations for living costs and earnings. The uprated figures relate to: Personal allowances in relation to working age, carer and disabled applicants The financial figures in respect of these allowances have been amended and have increased in line with the cost of living rises. The convention is to uprate in line with the Consumer Price Index September figure from the previous year (2020), which is 0.5%. Costs Uprating the financial figures in respect of pensioners and working age allowances would slightly increase total reductions under Council Tax Reduction Schemes. However, if the financial figures in relation to Non- Dependant Deductions were also uprated, this would mitigate some of the increase in total reductions. Consequently, total council tax reductions are not expected to rise significantly because of the uprating. Benefits Uprating the financial figures in the 2013 CTRS Regulations will ensure that ▪ the personal allowance for working age applicants continues to increase in line with the CPI (which is set at 0.5%). For example in 2021-22, the single person allowance would increase from £79.20 to £79.60 (an increase of £0.40). ▪ the personal allowance for pensioners continues to increase in line with the standard minimum guarantee and savings credit. For example in 2021-2022, the single person allowance would increase from £187.80 to £191.50 (an increase of £3.70). ▪ non-dependant deduction rates are uprated, this will ensure the calculation used ...
CONCLUSION. 12.1 Members are advised of the current position in respect of urgent decisions taken forward within Cabinet Committee and through Individual Cabinet Members and Officer Decisions.
CONCLUSION. 13. With a view to enable an early second reading agreement between the Council and the European Parliament on this legislative proposal, the Permanent Representatives Committee is invited to analyse the consolidated text as set out in the Annex to this note and confirm the compromise agreement. 14. The European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) is expected to vote on the compromise agreement next year, following which, the LIBE Chair will address a letter to the Presidency confirming that, should the Council approve this text in first reading, after legal-linguistic revision, the Parliament would approve the Council's position in their second reading. relativo al contrasto [...] della diffusione di contenuti terroristici online visto il trattato sul funzionamento dell'Unione europea, in particolare l'articolo 114, vista la proposta della Commissione europea, previa trasmissione del progetto di atto legislativo ai parlamenti nazionali, visto il parere del Comitato economico e sociale xxxxxxx00, deliberando secondo la procedura legislativa ordinaria, considerando quanto segue: (1) Il presente regolamento mira a garantire il buon funzionamento del mercato unico digitale in una società aperta e democratica [...] contrastando l'uso improprio dei servizi di hosting a fini terroristici e contribuendo alla sicurezza pubblica nelle società europee. Dovrebbe essere migliorato il funzionamento del mercato unico digitale rafforzando la certezza del diritto per i prestatori di servizi di hosting, così da aumentare la fiducia degli utilizzatori nell'ambiente online, e potenziando le salvaguardie per la libertà di espressione [...], compresa la libertà di ricevere e comunicare informazioni e idee in una società aperta e democratica, e per la libertà e il pluralismo dei media.
CONCLUSION. 147. The Court notes that the complaints are not manifestly ill-founded within the meaning of Article 35 § 3 (a) of the Convention. It further notes that they are not inadmissible on any other grounds. They must therefore be declared admissible.
CONCLUSION. 4.1 Whilst there is strong evidence in Swansea that there is a joined up approach to tackling rough sleeping, it is acknowledged that this is a very complex issue and therefore further work is needed with partners if rough sleeping is to be eradicated. It is therefore recommended that all relevant public bodies and third sector organisations consider the Wales Audit Improvement Tools (i.e. Appendix A and B) in order to identify areas where they can improve services to people with complex needs and assist in reducing rough sleeping.
CONCLUSION. 53. In the light of these considerations, the Court takes the view that the applicants had a fair trial and that there has been no violation of Article 6 paras. 1 and 3 (d).
CONCLUSION. Approximately 50% of the residual bin is made up of dry recyclables, green waste and food waste that could be diverted for recycling via the kerbside services. In terms of tonnages still available for diversion to the recycling streams it equates to; Dry recycling – 1,592t/annum, Food – 2,680 t/pa and green waste – 106 t/pa. If we include recyclable items that can be recycled at the HWRCs then approximately 70% of the bin`s contents are recyclable.
CONCLUSION. Based on the description above, it can be concluded that 1) Wakalah contract which is a formal legal grant of power is regulated in Law No. 21 of 2008 concerning Sharia Banking, the Civil Code, DSN-MUI Fatwa No. 10/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 concerning Wakalah, and Regulations The Financial Services Authority Number 13/ POJK.03/2021 concerning the Operation of Commercial Bank Products, which has a definition in the form of a document delegating power to other parties on matters that are represented to carry out matters to the extent authorized by the attorney. 2) The use of wakalah contracts in the context of fulfilling murabahah objects in Indonesia is allowed based on the DSN-MUI Fatwa on Murabaha and banking regulations. Islamic commercial banks in practice issue wakalah contracts to customers, in which the customer acts on behalf of Islamic commercial banks with the aim of making purchases first. First from the supplier or original owner, after first negotiating the price of goods, specifications, method and place of payment. Goods purchased by customers based on wakalah contracts will then be resold by sharia commercial banks to customers based on sharia principles with murabahah contracts. Based on the conclusions, it can be suggested that the Financial Services Authority should be able to issue arrangements that provide limits on the things that can be authorized based on the Wakalah Agreement, especially the Wakalah Agreement used for the Murabahah Contract.