CONCLUSION Clausole campione
CONCLUSION. 11.1 Each year local authorities in Wales are under a statutory obligation to consider whether to revise their CTRS or to replace it with another scheme and any revision or replacement must be made by no later than 31st January in the year preceding the financial year for which the revision or replacement scheme will take effect.
11.2 This report provides Council with details of the proposed scheme to be applicable for financial year 2021/22.
1. The new statutory instrument1 amends the 2013 CTRS Regulations to up-rate certain figures used within those Regulations to calculate entitlement to a Council Tax Reduction, and the amount of any reduction awarded to applicants in 2021/22. It also makes a number of consequential and technical amendments to the 2013 CTRS Regulations to take account of interrelated benefits and ensure they remain fit for purpose.
2. The up-rating increases the various figures used to calculate an applicant's entitlement to a reduction and the amount of the reduction, in line with variations for living costs and earnings. The uprated figures relate to: Personal allowances in relation to working age, carer and disabled applicants The financial figures in respect of these allowances have been amended and have increased in line with the cost of living rises. The convention is to uprate in line with the Consumer Price Index September figure from the previous year (2020), which is 0.5%. Costs Uprating the financial figures in respect of pensioners and working age allowances would slightly increase total reductions under Council Tax Reduction Schemes. However, if the financial figures in relation to Non- Dependant Deductions were also uprated, this would mitigate some of the increase in total reductions. Consequently, total council tax reductions are not expected to rise significantly because of the uprating. Benefits Uprating the financial figures in the 2013 CTRS Regulations will ensure that ▪ the personal allowance for working age applicants continues to increase in line with the CPI (which is set at 0.5%). For example in 2021-22, the single person allowance would increase from £79.20 to £79.60 (an increase of £0.40). ▪ the personal allowance for pensioners continues to increase in line with the standard minimum guarantee and savings credit. For example in 2021-2022, the single person allowance would increase from £187.80 to £191.50 (an increase of £3.70). ▪ non-dependant deduction rates are uprated, this will ensure the calculation used ...
CONCLUSION. CAPITOLO 2 Il capitolo ha delineato le buone prassi sindacali esistenti volte a migliorare la trasparenza dei salari. Tuttavia perman- gono molti problemi in diversi paesi. I dati specifici di genere di buona qualità sono di vitale importanza per i negoziatori sinda- cali. Alcuni sindacati sono riusciti con successo a concludere accordi e rafforzare le proprie competenze nel reperire e analiz- zare i dati disaggregati per genere, come base per la contratta- zione collettiva. Senza l’accesso a questi dati, i sindacati sono impossibilitati a combattere la segregazione professionale o la sottovalutazione del lavoro delle donne.
CONCLUSION. The Commission has at this stage doubts as to the compatibility of the aid for the conversion to biomass of the first Unit of the Drax power plant with the internal market. In particular, the Commission doubts that the aid is limited to the minimum necessary and that the distortions of competition on upstream biomass market are not too significant. In accordance with Article 4(4) of Regulation (EC) No 659/1999 the Commission has decided to open the formal investigation procedure, thereby inviting the United Kingdom to submit its comments.
CONCLUSION. The performance of joint precoding across cooperating TXs under varying back- haul data symbol routing overhead is studied. Simulation results shows that the proposed routing algorithm out performs the the conventional time-sharing schemes for practical backhaul overhead values.
CONCLUSION. The Commission has accordingly decided not to raise objections to the aid on the grounds that it is compatible with the internal market pursuant to Article 107(3)(c) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
CONCLUSION. The covid 19 pandemic appears to have impacted on ASB occurrences especially in the categories of AN17 Environmental and AN18 nuisance over the reviewed periods. Breaches which include gatherings, parties and social distancing appear in the occurrences. Themes identified includes begging, gatherings and covid breaches. The Lockdown periods (or end of) appear to have influenced comparative trends.
CONCLUSION. Consequently, Claimant 2 is entitled to an amount of USD 42,803.00 from the Club.
CONCLUSION. We have provided a simple bargaining model examining the controversial issue of contract disclosure whenever the offer comes from sellers to consumers on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. Our results may be of some help in the debate about different legal regimes possibly applying to contracts of adhesion: precisely, we reject the hypothesis that sellers are more prone to collude by offering obscure contracts with potentially inefficient fine print when they are short-termed and show very low discount factor. We now discuss several natural extensions of this work. First it is natural to ask how the results would be affected assuming an imperfect competitive market with one or more leading firms and other less known or less important firms that consumers may match with by paying a positive search cost. In this case, which looks like a variant of the Diamond’s (1970) model, there may be conditions for this market being characterized by the same equilibria we found for the competitive market, but with the leading firm charging higher prices, tending to the monopoly level. Another natural extension may consist of introducing heterogeneity among consumers, who may differ either in their ability to read or in their preferences on quality. Assuming that consumers face different reading costs (see Xxxxxxxx et al., 2007), according to their ability to understand the term content, would make it feasible to have equilibria in which some consumers facing a given reading cost mix between reading and accepting without reading and those consumers facing higher or lower reading costs respectively accept without reading or read.
CONCLUSION. 12.1 Members are advised of the current position in respect of urgent decisions taken forward within Cabinet Committee and through Individual Cabinet Members and Officer Decisions.
CONCLUSION. 147. The Court notes that the complaints are not manifestly ill-founded within the meaning of Article 35 § 3 (a) of the Convention. It further notes that they are not inadmissible on any other grounds. They must therefore be declared admissible.