DUTIES Clausole campione

DUTIES. Under the supervision of the Head of Unit Maritime Domain, the jobholder will be responsible for to the following activities: • support Member States by managing ongoing and future projects in the maritime domain notably associated to Naval Manoeuvrability (NM); • generate collaborative capability development projects in accordance with the Strategic Context Case (SCC) Naval Manoeuvrability (NM) and assist participating Member States (pMS) in developing the related capabilities, including the harmonisation of capability requirements; • keep the SCC NM updated and contribute to the regular update of the SCC Underwater Control (UWC); • organise and conduct meetings notably of the Project Team (PT) Naval Manoeuvrability (NM) and possible other future working bodies associated to the maritime domain in order to: • contribute to generating collaborative capability development projects; • develop contributions to update the SCC, including by exploiting existing studies and launching new ones if need be; • contribute with inputs to the capability development plan (CDP) consistent with Member States’ requirements and determine the full range of possibilities to close identified shortfalls. This entails preparing the supporting documentation (inter alia food-for-thought papers and reports); • analyse input from the Member States regarding the Collaborative Database and identify possible new areas for maritime capability development and armaments co-operation; • support the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD) process in all its phases, including through the preparation of CARD bilateral visits in close cooperation with the Cooperation Planning Unit and using the findings to develop tailored advice and support to pMS requirements and to recalibrate conceptual documents (SCC); • support the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) process through subject matter expertise, contributing to the assessment of National Implementation Plans (NIPs) as appropriate and, to the assessment of PESCO project proposals in close coordination with the PESCO Unit; • contributing to the assessment of European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) and European Defence Fund (EDF) related project proposals upon Member States’ request; • oversee the preparation phase of future programmes in the maritime domain related to Naval Manoeuvrability, including those related to hybrid warfare; • develop and maintain the necessary links with a large variety of actors, such as the...
DUTIES. Under the supervision of the Head of Industry Strategy and EU Policies (ISP) Unit, the Policy Officer Industry Engagement and EU Policies focuses, as part of an integrated team, on addressing Industry matters and wider EU policies and their impact on defence, including developing policies and related actions and on monitoring their implementation and outcome. More specifically, the Policy Officer Industry Engagement and EU Policies is responsible for: • pursuing coherence with and assessing wider EU policies and their implication for defence with a view to developing synergies, bringing defence specificities to the attention of EU policies’ stakeholders; supporting the implementation of such policies (including REACH Regulation) in the defence domain; • identifying and implementing any useful measures for strengthening the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base) EDTIB and creating an internationally competitive European Defence Equipment Market (EDEM), without prejudice to the competences of the EC in this field; developing strategies, policies, initiatives and instruments for fostering cost-effectiveness and efficiency, as well as cooperation between Member States, in effective defence procurement, aiming to improve the effectiveness of military expenditure; • contributing to the implementation of EDA policy on industry engagement. This includes building effective relations and exchange of information with relevant industrial entities within specific areas of expertise (e.g. Air/Land/Naval/CIS), in support of the Agency's main capability development and research prioritisation processes, Key Strategic Activities (KSAs), and the Agency’s activities in the framework of wider EU Policies impacting defence (e.g. REACH Regulation, defence procurement and transfer directives). It also entails providing input based on the specific area of expertise in other EDA and EU-level policy instruments/mechanisms which may involve industry-related elements (e.g. PESCO, CARD, EDF). • drafting of speeches, briefings, policy papers for EDA management; • ensuring close relations with relevant stakeholders (among others participating Member States, the European Commission, EU institutions, competent EU agencies and bodies and industry); • leading and managing the allocated ISE work strands, in cooperation with the other ISE staff members, Agency directorates, Member States and external bodies; • taking on additional tasks as required in the interest of the service....
DUTIES. Under the supervision of the RTI Director, the jobholder is responsible for the following activities: • manage and promote EDA Technology Watch and Foresight activities, in close coordination with other directorates; • Support and horizontal link to Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR)/European Defence Fund (EDF)/ Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO); • monitor political developments impacting research (for instance the EDF regulation negotiation) and, in compliance with the transversal way of working of the Agency, help ensure coordination with other EDA work strands such as the Capability Development Plan (CDP) or European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP)/EDF (in particular, support to project assessment); • synthetize the strategic reflections related to EU R&T orientations, support and coordinate the RTI Directorate preparation of the related speeches, Food-For-Thought papers, presentations, contributions to briefing and documents, in particular in view of R&T Point of Contacts, the R&T Steering Board and R&T Directors meetings; • liaise with the Chief Executive Policy Office for implementation of RTI horizontal tasks; • cross-directorate coordination for the above-mentioned tasks; • manage the respective EDA Collaboration Platforms (ECPs), EDA Technology Watch IT tools and EDA Portal spaces corresponding to the relevant tasks; • contribute to the effective linkage between activities related to Overarching Strategic Research Agenda (OSRA) development and EDA upstream role in EDF; • take on additional tasks as required in the interest of the service. Duties may evolve according to development of the EDA’s structure and activities, and the decisions of EDA management.
DUTIES. Under the supervision of the Head of Industry Strategy and EU Policies (ISP) Unit, the Policy Officer Industry Strategy and Analysis is responsible for: • providing quantitative and qualitative analysis in view of assessing short-, mid- and long-term developments and trends impacting the security and defence sector, particularly the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB; • contributing to the implementation of EDA policy on industry engagement. This includes building effective relations and exchanges of information with relevant industrial entities within specific areas of expertise (e.g. Air/Land/Naval/CIS), in support of the Agency's main capability development and research prioritisation processes, Key Strategic Activities (KSAs). It also entails providing input based on the specific area of expertise in other EDA and EU-level policy instruments/mechanisms which may involve industry-related elements (e.g. PESCO, CARD, EDF); • supporting the dialogue with and among Member States on strategic trends and developments reaching beyond single work strands; • developing and implementing strategies, policies, initiatives and instruments to support strengthening the EDTIB as well as to improve cost-effectiveness and efficiency of military spending and cooperation between Member States; • promoting, developing and managing initiatives and work strands, within the competence area of the ISE Directorate to incentivise cooperation in the area of the development of systems in the EDTIB that support defence capability priorities in cooperation with the Directorate staff, other Agency Directorates, participating Member States and external bodies; • drafting of speeches, briefings, policy papers for EDA management; • ensuring close relations with relevant stakeholders, incl. participating Member States, European Union institutions (Commission, Parliament), industry as well as academia and think-tanks; • taking on additional tasks as required in the interest of the service. Duties may evolve depending on the development of the EDA’s structure and activities and decisions of EDA management.
DUTIES. Under the supervision of the Head of Unit Technology and Innovation, the jobholder will be responsible for the following activities: • moderate and steer the CapTech Radar and related activities of experts' groups and Electronic Fora on the EDA Extranet; • in this field and in line with Member States’ orientations, maintain and update the Strategic Research Agenda on RF Sensors Technology synthetizing R&T priorities and identify ways to address them; • contribute to R&T initiatives aimed at defining capability-led priorities and projects; • promote, support and manage projects including contracting, monitoring and evaluation activities; • participate and collaborate in projects and studies under the responsibility of the RTI Directorate or with other Directorates of EDA; • define and organise experts’ meetings and workshops; • collaborate actively with representatives and experts from the Member States; • liaise with the European Commission and EU Agencies, companies and industry associations involved in military or dual use R&T in his/her area of responsibility; • participate and represent the Agency in security and defence related seminars and workshops, mainly in the areas covered by the CapTech; • contribute to technology watch in his/her area of responsibility; • take on additional tasks as required in the interest of the service. Duties may evolve depending on the development of the EDA's structure and activities, and decisions of EDA management.
DUTIES. Under the guidance of the Head of Unit, and in cooperation with the other members of the Cooperation Planning Unit, the Project Officer Capability Assessment will contribute to its tasks, inter alia identifying and promoting EU defence collaborative priorities and opportunities. The Project Officer Capability Assessment will in particular be responsible for: • conducting the Capability progress Assessment based on the implementation of the EU capability development priorities resulting from the Capability Development Plan (CDP) in close relationship with the Coordinated annual Review on defence (CARD) framework, EDA Directorates and Project Officers; • conducting the CDP long term work strand in close coordination with the PO CDP; • developing the dialogue with defence industry partners in the framework of the CDP, participating in events with industry when appropriate; • monitoring EUMC activities in the Headline Goal framework, of relevance in the CDP context and coordinate with the EUMC, the EUMS and CEUMC’s office, on all appropriate issues and maintaining a close working relationship with all appropriate bodies of the Council in order to support all relevant CSDP objectives; • investigating civil-military synergies in capability development and assisting in their coordination in EDA; • liaising with other regional and international organizations with experience of and relating to P&S and long term trends analysis and represent the Agency in related activities (workshops, seminars, conferences, etc (NATO ACT SFA- FFAO)), when so directed; • as document Management Correspondent for Cooperation Planning Unit, informing new CPU POs on Records Management policies, Procedures and practices and implementing EDA Record Management system in CPU. The Project Officer Capability Assessment will be flexible in the tasks he/she is charged with, and show personal initiative in the development of the above responsibilities.
DUTIES. Under the supervision of the Head of Unit Information Superiority, the Project Officer Cyber Education, Training and Exercises (ETE) is responsible for the following activities: • contribute to keeping the Strategic Context Case (SCC) Cyber Responsive Operations on Cyber ETE topics updated; • develop proposals to meet the Cyber Defence (CD) ETE and human factors objectives defined in the Capability Development Plan, the Strategic Context Case (SCC) Cyber Responsive Operations and other EU Cyber Defence/Security Policy documents (e.g. EU Cyber Security Strategy, EU Cyber Defence Policy Framework); • assess the CD ETE and human factors implications of any EU initiative (e.g. European Defence Action Plan, EU Global Strategy, PESCO, CARD); • proactively follow national and multinational cyber defence capability development (particularly national and multinational CD ETE and human factors/personnel initiatives) to identify capability gaps and develop common and harmonised military Cyber ETE requirements; • xxxxxx the generation of cyber defence ETE and human factors related collaborative projects in accordance with the SCC Cyber Responsive Operations including the harmonisation of cyber ETE capability requirements and assist participating Member States (pMS) in developing the related capabilities, to shape the European capability landscape towards more coherence, prepare and support their implementation, including as a Project Manager upon request; • support Member States by managing ongoing and future projects in the cyber domain; • propose initiatives and projects, in close connection with participating Member States of the EDA (pMS) through the Project Team (PT) Cyber Defence and other EDA fora as appropriate, to address ETE and human factors related issues; • support the PT Cyber Defence and the Programme Manager Cyber Defence on CD ETE and personnel related initiatives, workshops and seminars to meet objectives within the EDA cyber defence Programme; • prepare calls and tenders in light of planned and emerging funding budgets; • develop and manage cyber defence ETE related studies and other projects resourced from EDA’s operational budget, managing external vendors/contractors as appropriate; • xxxxxx and cooperate with other EU actors on cyber defence ETE, especially the EU Cyber Defence Education, Training and Exercise Platform of the European Defence College; • provide input and support to PESCO projects in the area of cyber defence ETE and human factor...
DUTIES. The Head of Chief Executive’s Policy Office supports and advises the Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive in the implementation of their functions, notably in strategy and policy development of EDA’s activities in close cooperation with the operational Directors. He/she is directly accountable to the Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive and is responsible for the following activities: • propose and develop strategy and policy positions, define and review EDA priorities and objectives in close cooperation with operational directorates; • coordinate the development of the Agency’s planning framework, including budgetary aspects; • engage with Member States at strategic policy level; • coordinate relations with all EU institutional stakeholders as well as third parties, including NATO; • coordinate day-to-day support to top management, including briefings, speaking notes reports of meetings, and provide final quality assurance of documentation, including outgoing correspondence; • supervise the secretariat of the Steering Board and the Agency Management Board; • lead and manage the Chief Executive’s Policy Office including planning and organizing resources, the development and improvement of skills and knowledge, setting priorities and objectives and acting as line manager; • coordinate cross-Directorate thematic files and contribute to the EDA transversal way of working; • take on additional tasks as required in the interest of the service. Duties may evolve depending on the development of EDA activities and decisions of EDA management.
DUTIES. Under the supervision of the Head of Unit Operations, Training and Exercises, the jobholder will be responsible for the following activities: • manage the EU SATCOM MARKET project, including related contractual work and provide guidance to other EDA personnel allocated to the project (currently one Contract Agent and one trainee); • liaise closely with relevant CSDP structures in order to provide support to CSDP operations and missions; • interact with relevant Council bodies and the EDA's participating Member States within its area of competencies; • provide support to the chairing of meetings with Member States and other stakeholders, including the European Commission, the EEAS (European External Action Service), etc; • liaise/co-ordinate within EDA concerning its own activities; • support EDAs’ Media and Communications Unit in all activities related to her/his activities; • follow up support planned and/or provided “on the ground” in remote areas as necessary; • manage the E-QUIP project, including related contractual work. Duties may evolve depending on the development of the EDA's structure and activities, and decisions of EDA management.
DUTIES. Under the supervision of the Head of Unit Operations, Training and Exercises, the jobholder will be responsible for the following activities: • initiate, manage and support education, training and exercise initiatives that contribute to the enhanced availability and interoperability of tactical air transport in the broader context of participating Member States’ intra-theatre combat capabilities; • manage and support all European operational and training events in cooperation with existing Air Transport organizations (EATC - European Air Transport Command, JAPCC - Joint Air Power Competence Center, ETAC European Training Airlift Centre, etc.) and participating Member States; • chair the Ad Hoc Working Group Operations & Training (AHWG O&T), Transport Pilot Training Capacity AHWG (TPTC AHWG), C-295 AHWG (and potential future AHWGs as necessary); • contribute to C27J CAT B Program and potential future new aircraft type working groups (C130J, A400M, etc.); • support the European Tactical Training Centre (ETAC), in all its operational aspects, if requested • represent EDA at existing and future fixed wing training events (Spartan exercise, Flag type exercise, etc.) and at the European Air Transport Symposium; • coordinate with relevant Project Officers in Capability, Armament & Planning Directorate on all fixed wing capability related aspects and with the helicopter team on common aspects; • contribute to the development of business cases concerning new opportunities for cooperation in the field of education, training and exercise, demonstrating added value for participating Member States; • take on additional tasks as required in the interest of the service. Duties may evolve according to the development of EDA’s structure and activities, and the decisions of EDA management.