Health and safety Clausole campione

Health and safety. The operational management of Uteco is based on the standards of environmental preservation and efficiency, pursuing improvements in the health and safety conditions in the workplace. For this purpose Uteco has established an Organisational Safety System which every employee or collaborator with Uteco must abide by. The fundamental principles and standards used by Uteco to take decisions about health, safety in the workplace and environmental preservation, are listed in the Company Health and Safety Policy of the Safety Organisational System Document and can be summarised as follows: • Avoid risks connected to health, safety in the workplace and environmental preservation. • Evaluate all risks and identify solutions to reduce those risks that cannot be completely eliminated. • Eliminate risks at source. • Each person must adapt to their working conditions, with particular attention being paid to the layout of their work and production zone and, where possible to the compatibility of the work being carried out, and seek to alleviate as much as possible any effects on health that may arise from monotonous and repetitive activities. • Adapt to scientific and technological advancements. • Substitute all that is dangerous with that which is not, rather than with that which is less dangerous. • Plan preventative action, establishing coherent procedures which could include technique, work organisation, working conditions, social relationships and elements influenced by the working environment. • Adopt collective protection procedures as opposed to individual ones. • Give clear and adequate instructions to the employees, guaranteeing their constant education. The recipients of the Ethics Code must observe the regulations and directions given on collective protection and individual protection. They must correctly use the equipment, machinery, apparatus, and modes of transport and other tools of the trade as well as the necessary safety devices in the appropriate way. They must, additionally, report any defects with machinery, transport, equipment and apparatus as well as any other dangerous situations which come to their attention, and in cases of urgency, acting upon them, where appropriate based on the situation and their level of competence, in order to either eliminate or reduce such defects or dangerous; making sure not to remove or modify, safety, alarm or control devices without first receiving written authorisation, and must never carry out unauthorised ope...
Health and safety. As an employer the Supplier shall ensure health and safety at the workplace in compliance with national standards and shall promote continuous improvements in the work environment