Meetings of Holders Clausole campione

Meetings of Holders. (i) English Law Warrants The Agency Agreement contains provisions for convening meetings of the Holders of English Law Warrants of a series to consider any matter affecting their interests, including the sanctioning by Extraordinary Resolution (as defined in the Agency Agreement) of a modification of the Terms and Conditions or the Agency Agreement. At least 21 days' notice (exclusive of the day on which the notice is given and of the day on which the meeting is held) specifying the date, time and place of the meeting shall be given to Holders. Such a meeting may be convened by the Issuer, the Guarantor or Holders holding not less than 5 per cent. (by number) of the Warrants for the time being remaining unexercised. The quorum at a meeting of the Holders (except for the purpose of passing an Extraordinary Resolution) will be two or more persons holding or representing not less than 20 per cent. (by number) of the Warrants for the time being remaining unexercised, or at any adjourned meeting two or more persons being or representing Holders whatever the number of Warrants so held or represented. The quorum at a meeting of Holders for the purpose of passing an Extraordinary Resolution will be two or more persons holding or representing not less than 50 per cent. (by number) of the Warrants for the time being remaining unexercised or at any adjourned meeting two or more persons being holding or representing not less than 10 per cent. (by number) of the Warrants for the time being remaining unexercised. A resolution will be an Extraordinary Resolution when it has been passed at a duly convened meeting by not less than three fourths of the votes cast by Holders at such meeting who, being entitled to do so, vote in person or by proxy. An Extraordinary Resolution passed at any meeting of the Holders shall be binding on all the Holders, whether or not they are present at the meeting, save for those Warrants remaining unexercised but for which an Exercise Notice shall have been received as described in Condition 6 prior to the date of the meeting. Warrants which have not been exercised but in respect of which an Exercise Notice has been received as described in Condition 6 will not confer the right to attend or vote at, or join in convening, or be counted in the quorum for, any meeting of the Holders. Resolutions can be passed in writing if passed unanimously.
Meetings of Holders. The Terms and Conditions of the Securities contain provisions for calling meetings of Holders to consider matters affecting their interests generally. These provisions permit defined majorities to bind all Holders including Holders who did not attend and vote at the relevant meeting and Holders who voted in a manner contrary to the majority. Each Holder may receive a Cash Settlement Amount or Redemption Amount and/or physical delivery of the Entitlement the aggregate value of which may be less than the value of the Holder's investment in the relevant Securities. In certain circumstances Holders may lose the entire value of their investment. It is very difficult to predict the price at which Securities will trade in the secondary market or whether such market will be liquid or illiquid. The Issuer may, but is not obliged to, list Securities on a stock exchange (application has been made to list and admit the Securities described herein for trading on Euronext Amsterdam and application may be made to list Securities on other stock exchanges). Also, to the extent Securities of a particular issue are exercised or redeemed, the number of Securities of such issue outstanding will decrease, resulting in a diminished liquidity for the remaining Securities of such issue. A decrease in the liquidity of an issue of Securities may cause, in turn, an increase in the volatility associated with the price of such issue of Securities. Each Issuer and any Manager may, but is not so obliged, at any time purchase Securities at any price in the open market or by tender or private offer/treaty. Any Securities so purchased may be held or resold or surrendered for cancellation as further described herein. A Manager may, but is not obliged to, be a market-maker for an issue of Securities and may cease to do so at any time. Even if a Manager is a market-maker for an issue of Securities, the secondary market for such Securities may be limited. In addition, affiliates of each Issuer (including the relevant Manager as referred to above) may purchase Securities at the time of their initial distribution and from time to time thereafter. There may be no secondary market for the Securities and to the extent that an issue of Securities is or becomes illiquid, an investor may have to exercise or wait until redemption of such Securities, as applicable, to realise greater value than its then trading value.
Meetings of Holders. (a) English Law Securities

Related to Meetings of Holders

  • Valuta Gli importi relativi ai premi assicurativi ed alle prestazioni assicurate verranno calcolati, e conseguentemente corrisposti, nella moneta nazionale vigente al momento del pagamento.

  • Prevenzione Le parti considerano inammissibile ogni atto o comportamento che si configuri come molestia sessuale e riconoscono il diritto delle lavoratrici e dei lavoratori ad essere trattati con dignità e ad essere tutelati nella propria libertà personale. Le aziende adotteranno, d'intesa con le R.S.A./R.S.U., le iniziative utili a prevenire le problematiche di cui sopra. Le parti concordano che le iniziative e gli interventi di cui sopra saranno portate a conoscenza di tutti i lavoratori/lavoratrici, anche, ad esempio, mediante affissione in ogni singola unità produttiva ed in luogo accessibile a tutti. Le parti affidano ad una apposita Commissione paritetica che avrà sede presso l'Ente bilaterale territoriale il compito di ricevere notizie, segnalazioni o denuncie di molestie sessuali. Tale Commissione, in caso di necessità, potrà avvalersi di professionalità esterne. Ogni lavoratrice/lavoratore potrà ricevere assistenza e consulenza dalla Commissione. La Commissione avrà anche il compito di diffondere il codice di condotta e di individuare eventuali specifici percorsi formativi rivolti alle imprese e ai lavoratori. Confcommercio, FILCAMS, FISASCAT e UILTUCS, chiedono al Governo che tali programmi di formazione siano considerati azioni positive anche ai fini dell'ammissione ai finanziamenti di cui all'art. 2 della legge 10 aprile 1991, n. 125, ed a tale scopo verrà redatto un avviso comune.