Handling of Deposited Articles. 1. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damages when loss, breakage or other damage is caused to goods, cash or valuables deposited at the Front Desk by the Guest, except in the case when this has occurred due to causes of force majeure. However, for cash and valuables, when the Hotel has requested the Guest for an appraisal of the value and the Guest has failed to do so, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest up to a maximum of 150,000 yen.
Handling of Deposited Articles. Article 15
Handling of Deposited Articles. Article15. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for the damage when loss, breakage or other damage is caused to the goods, cash or valuables deposited at the front desk by the Guest, except in the case when this has occurred due to causes of force majeure.. Custody of Baggage and/or Belongings of the Guest
Handling of Deposited Articles. 1. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for the damages when loss, breakage or other damage is caused to the goods, cash or valuables deposited at the front desk by the Guest, except when such has occurred due to causes of force majeure. If the articles that a guest deposits with the hotel are lost or damaged, the Hotel will compensate for the damage unless it resulted from unavoidable reasons. However, if the deposited articles are cash or other valuables and the Guest failed to inform the front desk of the type and value of the article, the Hotel will not pay more than 30,000 yen for damages on the article.
Handling of Deposited Articles. 1. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damages when loss, breakage or other damage is caused, through intent or negligence on the part of the Hotel, to the goods, cash or valuables brought onto the premises of the Hotel by the Guest but are not deposited.
Handling of Deposited Articles. 14.01. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest up to a maximum of 100,000 yen for damages when loss, breakage or other damage is caused to goods, cash or valuables deposited at the Front Desk by the Guest, except in the case when this has occurred due to causes of force majeure. The same shall apply when cash and valuables are notified by the guests of their type and value.
Handling of Deposited Articles. 15.01. The Hotel shall compensate the guest for any loss, breakage or other damage caused to the articles, cash or valuables deposited at the front desk by the guest,
Handling of Deposited Articles. Article 15. When the articles, cash and/or valuables checked by the Guest at the front desk have been lost or damaged, our Hotel shall compensate for the damage, unless the loss or damage has been caused by force de majeure. However, in the case of cash and valuables, we shall do so only when the Guest has clearly reported the kind and value of such cash and valuables at our request. Otherwise we shall compensate for the damage up to 品であってフロントにお預けにならなかったものについて、当ホテルの故意又は過失により滅失、毀損等の損害が生じたときは、当ホテルは、その損害を賠償します。ただし、宿泊客からあらかじめ種類及び価額の明告のなかったものについては、当ホテルに故意又は重大な過失がある場合を除き、15万円を限度として当ホテルはその損害を賠償します。
Handling of Deposited Articles. Article 16 Custody of Guest’s Baggage and/or Belongings Article 17 Liability in Regard to Parking Article 18
Handling of Deposited Articles. Article L5.The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for the damage when loss, breakage or other damage is caused to the goods, cash or valuables deposited at the front desk by the Guest, except in the case when this has occurred due to causes of force maJeure. For cash and valuables, however, the Hotel will make compensation only if the Guest has made a declaration to the Hotel as to type and value. When the Guest has not made such a declaration, the liability of the Hotel shall be limited to L50,000 yen.