Documentation Voorbeeldclausules

Documentation. Le vendeur fournit gratuitement à LINEAS les documents mentionnés dans les conditions particulières.
Documentation. 3.4.1 The Customer warrants that all documents and licences required in connection with the import and export of the goods and/or the stay of the Personnel in the country and at the premises of the Customer shall be available at the time of arrival of the Goods and/or Personnel. 3.4.2 The Customer shall, at no charge, provide the Company with any information reasonable required in connection with the Agreement, such as relevant technical documentations, logs, inspection reports and import licences. 3.4.3 The Customer shall keep any information received from the Company strictly confidential, and so use such information solely for the proper performance of the Agreement. Information provided by the Company shall be returned by the Customer on request. 4.1.1 The place of performance shall be stated in the Agreement. In case the Agreement does not specify a place of performance, such place shall be determined by the Company at its discretion after consulting the Customer. Article 4.2 Times of performance 4.2.1 Time(s) or periods of performance shall be stated in the Agreement. Any time or period of performance that differs from the Agreement shall only be binding if they have been agreed upon by the Company in writing. If performance is to take place during a specific and fixed period of time by the expiry of which performance is deemed to be completed, any such period will not commence until all contractual obligations of the Customer have been met, all payments due have been made, security desired by the Company has been put up and/or any other preconditions have been fulfilled. 4.2.2 In case the Agreement does not specify the time of Performance, such time shall be determined by the Company at its discretion after consulting the Customer. However, as far as the Agreement sees to the rendering of Services, the date of performance mentioned in the Agreement shall be an estimate only. The Company shall make every reasonable effort to effect Performance at the said date.
Documentation. A large open area close to the meeting rooms equipped with tables, chairs and pigeon holes for document distribution.
Documentation. Data included in the records for each batch of cylinders/mobile cryogenic vessels must ensure that each filled container is traceable to significant aspects of the relevant filling operations. As appropriate, the following should be entered: (a) name of the product; (b) batch number; (c) date and time of the filling operation; (d) identification of the person(s) carrying out each significant step (e.g. line clearance, receipt, preparation before filling, filling etc.); (e) batch(es) Niet van toepassing In de ziekenhuisfarmacie wordt geen gas uitgevuld in cilinders (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe).
Documentation. The data and auxiliary tools used for the simulation and calculation shall be made available by the manu- facturer and be documented in a way suitable for the technical service.
Documentation. The subcontractor makes available to the controller all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with his obligations laid and allow for and contribute to audits, including inspections, conducted by the controller or another auditor mandated by the controller.
Documentation. Unless otherwise expressly noted in an Order, the types and quantities of documentation to be supplied by Resideo shall be as specified in Resideo’s proposal and all documentation will be written in the English language. If the Order provides for Buyer approval of Resideo drawings, Resideo will allow for one revision to each drawing submittal at no added charge, provided the Buyer requested revision does not alter the scope of the work to be performed. Copies of, or revisions to, Resideo-supplied documentation beyond the quantities allowed per the above can be furnished for an added charge.
Documentation. All documents and data listed above are stored automatically in Risk Explorer®.

Related to Documentation

  • Documentatie 9.1. Documentatie is zodanig opgesteld dat de Prestatie met behulp daarvan door Opdrachtgever en derden naar behoren kan worden gebruikt, beheerd en onderhouden. 9.2. Opdrachtgever mag Documentatie, zonder daarvoor een nadere vergoeding verschuldigd te zijn, verveelvoudigen, wijzigen en voor gebruik binnen zijn organisatie openbaar maken, mits daarop voorkomende aanduidingen van auteursrechten e.d. worden gehandhaafd.

  • Implementatie Met iedere werknemer van 55 jaar of ouder zal door de direct leidinggevende – en in overleg met de afdeling Personeelszaken – een individueel gesprek (PEP-talk) worden gevoerd in het kader van het ouderenbeleid. Doel van dit gesprek is om, na het maken van een inventarisatie van de wensen, mogelijkheden en beperkingen van de betrokken medewerker ten aanzien van de uitoefening van zijn/haar werkzaamheden tot aan de datum waarop gebruik wordt gemaakt van de (pré-) pensioenregeling, te komen tot afspraken tussen werknemer en werkgever. Deze afspraken worden vastgelegd in een Persoonlijk Eindsprint Plan (PEP). In het kader van deze PEP kunnen – rekening houdend met de mogelijkheden binnen de onderneming – afspraken worden gemaakt ten aanzien van de volgende onderwerpen:

  • Programmatuur De bepalingen in dit hoofdstuk ‘Programmatuur’ zijn, naast de Algemene bepalingen van deze algemene voorwaarden, van toepassing indien leverancier programmatuur apps, bijbehorende data (banken) en/of gebruikersdocumentatie (in deze algemene voorwaarden gezamenlijk te noemen ‘programmatuur’) anders dan op basis van een SaaS-dienst voor gebruik aan klant ter beschikking stelt.