Electronic Signature Cláusulas Exemplificativas

Electronic Signature. All the parties execute this Plan recognize the validity of electronic format, equivalent to the phy document for legal purposes, recognizing declaring the executors that the signatu through electronic means, without add initials to each page, is mutually elected b parties as a way to prove the author and integrity of the instrument, conferring to it legal effect as a physical document. If electronic signatures are executed on differ dates, the date indicated in this Plan shall considered the signature date. that 9.13. Assinatura Eletrônica. Todas as partes que the celebrarem este Plano reconhecem a validade sical do formato eletrônico, equivalente ao and documento físico para os efeitos legais, res reconhecendo e declarando aos executores que ing a assinatura por meio eletrônico, sem adição de y all iniciais a cada página, é mutuamente eleita por the todas as partes como forma de comprovar a full autoria e a integridade do instrumento, the conferindo-lhe plenos efeitos jurídicos como ent documento físico. Caso as assinaturas be eletrônicas sejam assinadas em datas diferentes, a data indicada neste Plano será considerada a data de assinatura.
Electronic Signature. 18.1 This Agreement is executed exclusively in electronic form, by means of electronic signature of the Parties, under the terms of art. 4, II, of Law 14.063/2020, for the purposes of art. 10, §2 of Provisory Measure 2.200-2/2001. For such purpose, the Parties agree and acknowledge: (i) that the electronic formalization of this instrument admits its authorship, integrity, validity and binding of the Parties; (ii) that they are solely responsible for the confidentiality and use of e-mails, cell phones, passwords and links to perform the electronic signature, all of them of personal and non-transferable use of the signatories, being responsible for the undue use by third parties. E, por estarem as Partes justas e contratadas, assinam o presente instrumento de forma eletrônica e na presença das testemunhas abaixo nomeadas e assinadas, para que produza todos os seus efeitos jurídicos. [local e data] In witness whereof, the Parties sign this instrument electronically and in the presence of the witnesses named and signed below to produce all its legal effects. [place and date] Nome/Name: CPF/Individual Taxpayer Card: Assinatura/Signature: Nome/Name: CPF/Individual Taxpayer Card: