Output Cláusulas Exemplificativas

Output. 2.1 Ten (10) Site-specific Assessments conducted in green public spaces identified as priority in the city-wide assessment. Out of those, the sites that show strong need for a gender focus will be selected to undertake the site-specific assessment under the Her City process (to ensure further participation of girls and women and the assessment of gender indicators);
Output. 2.2 Ten (10) Block by Block participatory workshops conducted in the assessed green public spaces. The sites selected to have a gender focus will undertake the workshops through the Her City approach;
Output. 2.3 At least 25 city officials and 25 civil society/NGO’s representatives trained on the Site-specific assessment tool and Block by Block participatory methodology, considering a gender balance; Output 2.4 Participatory design of the selected public spaces systematised (including assessment and workshop findings) and recommendations for implementation (including placemaking propositions).
Output. 3.1 Management and Maintenance framework for green areas built, including the Parks Management Plan foreseen in the Municipality's 2021-2024 Target Program; Output 3.2 Innovative models for financing green areas developed;
Output. 3.3 At least 25 City Officials and 25 civil society/NGO representatives trained on innovative models using the tools for financing and managing green areas, considering a gender balance. Output 3.4 Consolidated Work Plan (of the Waste and Sanitation Plans) Output 3.5 Diagnosis of the solid waste scenario Output 3.6 Report on the participatory process of the Solid Waste Plan
Output. 3.7 Training for public sector representatives on the subject of solid waste Output 3.8 Revised Municipal Solid Waste Plan Output 3.9 Diagnosis of the sanitation scenario Output 3.10 Report on the participatory process of the Sanitation Plan Output 3.11 Training for public sector representatives on the subject of sanitation Output 3.12 Municipal Sanitation Plan elaborated Output 4.1 Communications and advocacy plan installed;
Output. 4.2 Report with systematization of the project process and learnings delivered;
Output. 4.3 At least one (1) submission to an award or recognition related to the project done.

Related to Output

  • MATRIZ DE RISCOS 7.1. Tendo como premissa a obtenção do melhor custo contratual mediante a alocação do risco à parte com maior capacidade para geri-lo e absorvê-lo, as partes identificam os riscos decorrentes da presente relação contratual e, sem prejuízo de outras previsões contratuais, estabelecem os respectivos responsáveis na Matriz de Riscos constante no ANEXO IV parte integrante deste contrato.