Abstract definição

Abstract. This article intends to analyze the faculty to obtain the advance relief, with the declaration of employment contract effects interruption, when the employer asks the indirect rescission of his employment contract. For this purpose, first it is done a brief analysis of the facts related to the day to day in labor courts, also verifying the employment contract reality and the characteristics and requisites to obtain the advance relief, with the declaration of the employment contract effects interruption.
Abstract. In a possible formulation, the labour contract is the one by which a person (the employee) provides, against payment, its activity to another person (the employer), under the authority and direction of the latter. The object of the employee's obligation is therefore a sequence of acts, an activity that occupies his time; in a first and very rough approximation, it could be said that the state of occupation of an employee is the opposite of the state of his inactivity. But not all situations of inactivity fit the legal notion of non-effective occupation: only fit in this case the situations that, cumulatively, are inherent to the employer (and arising by his determination), do not change the formal legal status of the employee (at least tendentiously), do not have specific legal treatment as autonomous institutes, and whose justification is somewhat dubious (at least). Keywords: Labour Law; Employee; Effective occupation.
Abstract. The problem in question in this research relates to the contract that establishes and legitimizes the State in Xxxxxx Xxxxxx thought. The aim is to scrutinize the possibility and/or impossibility to void the social contract and to verify the implications of this problem for the Hobbesian concept of sovereignty. According to the scholars of the Hobbesian work the interpretation that prevails about Leviathan is that one of a state in which sovereignty is absolute and irrevocable. The interpretation of a contract made between men, and only among men, not between men and sovereign, would provide legitimacy to an absolute obedience to the sovereign on an unrestricted basis. The hypothesis of this research is sustain the possibility to break, disobey, and more centrally nullify the social contract in case of disregard of certain fundamental terms, because those terms are conditions of validity of the social contract. If this can be sustained, i. e, if Xxxxxx share a strong theory of nullity of contract and this for the reason that we think is correct, then such a formulation would imply a reconsideration of his theory of sovereignty and obedience, given the establishment of certain strong ties that constrain the possibilities to demand sovereignty, and that constrain the authority and power of sovereignty. Therefore, the research focuses on finding an explanation and/or theorization of social nullity and its consequence for the theory of sovereignty and obedience in Hobbes thought. Key-words: contract, sovereignty, void, obedience. CAP I – O HOMEM: homo homini lupus 23

Examples of Abstract in a sentence

  • O sistema deverá apresentar a lista de Denominações Comuns Brasileiras (DCB) da Anvisa de 2007, contendo o nome da substância, o número de DCB e o número do CAS (Chemical Abstract Service).

  • Abstract: The present work aims to analyze the validity and effective- ness of the dating contract in the Brazilian Legal System.

  • THEIR INAPLICABILITY WHEN THE EMPLOYER IS A NATURAL PERSON OR SMALL ENTREPRENEUR Abstract: In modern legislation the standard is work contract es- tablished for an indeterminate period, reserving contracts by specific period of time for special situations expressly provided on legal ordinances.

  • Palavras-chaves: Arroz; Brasil; Derivativos Agropecuários; Mercados Futuros Abstract One of the main commodities produced and consumed in Brazil, with importance to Brazilian food safety, the rice has not a currency futures contract negotiated in the country.

  • Abstract: The present research has as general objective the anal- ysis of the application of the principles in the labor law in the present day, especially in the contractual relation labor.

More Definitions of Abstract

Abstract. The purpose of this article is to present the problem of price and payment in the rural lease contract, closely considering the legislation, such as Law 11.443 / 2007, in order to present, within the scope of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), which would be the construction of its position, starting from the analysis of judged from the year 1992 to 2017. Likewise, the perspective of the agrarian doctrine is presented, and the needs of legislative-jurisprudential updating in the matter are explored. Finally, a particular positioning is presented.
Abstract. Over the past recent years, a trend of public administration to exer- cise its power (within the fields of planning and urban development) by means of contracts or other bilateral ways of cooperation with individuals, instead of using (the traditional) unilateral actions, has become noticeable The emergence of this tendency, coupled with the wide diversity of contracts with objects relat- ed to planning and land development, has urged the Commission and the ECJ to act in order to prevent such type of contracts from escaping the application
Abstract. The matter of this article consists on the relationship between the effects of the contract and the transfer of ownership in the Brazilian civil law. The “tradition principle” was the prevailing orientation in the projects of Brazilian civil codification, except the Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxx Xxxxxx’ Project of Civil Code, which accepted the “consent principle”. We analyze the rules of this work concerning this problem under the perspective of its dogmatic foundations and of its probable standards and influences.
Abstract. The discharge is proof of payment, of luck to generate presumption in favor of the debtor, which, for this reason, can only be unmade by unequivocal proof, by the creditor, the non-payment. The contract to make global, under scheme turnkey contains global price to be paid by the contractor without adjustment, which includes the material, labor and all the other expenses of the builder, regardless of their variation.
Abstract. The private sector participation in the implementation of public service agencies have, as a reflection of an international trend, gained increasing prominence in the Brazilian scenario, due to the framework of economic and financial constraints and difficulties relating to the administration, to commit the proper execution of public services, notably in health. In this sense, the contracts of management concluded with social organizations and public­private partnership in the strict sense represent viable alternatives to direct execution, with the ability to promote, in the context of a new paradigm of state, relevant gains in efficiency and economy in provision of health care. Key words: Public administration. Contracts. Public services. Health. Referências
Abstract. This work arises from the perception of some situations in which the employer is faced with in the work contract, more specifically when the employee should return to the post after some assistance from the pension, maternity leave, or when he fails to attend for more than 30 consecutive days, without justification, classifying this attitude as a serious fault by the employee. The purpose is to expose problems related to the abandonment of employment, since many employees leave their jobs, without any previous notice, and do not even return to receive the severance funds, and the employer should endeavor to notify him to return to the job post, under penalty of repeal for just cause. The contract of employment is expected to be honest, trustworthy between the parties, due to the principle of good faith and the principle of continuity of the employment relationship, given the dissatisfaction of one or both parties, May occur the termination of the employment contract, In its most varied forms, including and especially for purposes of this study, the termination for cause due to the job abandonment. Keywords: Law. Labor Law. Contract of employment. Repeal. Abandonment of Employment.
Abstract. This present article has as object the reflections on the dating contract, with the objective of discussing its validity, as well as its ability to produce effects in times of pandemic, seeking legal apparatus in Civil Contractual Law and Family Law.