PRICE AND PAYMENT Cláusulas Exemplificativas

PRICE AND PAYMENT. 2.1. The price set in the PROPOSAL as Annex I is part of this agreement will cover everything necessary for full compliance with the SUPPLY, including direct and indirect expenses, and will be fixed, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the PARTIES. 2.2. Unless adjusted by the PARTIES differently, the COMPANY will pay the price in time limit according to the PROPOSAL, and in the omission of that, within 120 days from invoice delivery, provided that, in the case of SUPPLY OF GOODS, the goods have been delivered and accepted by the COMPANY, and, in the case of THE RENDERING OF SERVICES, the services have been properly accepted and approved by the COMPANY. 2.3. In the case of RENDERING OF SERVICES, the SUPPLIER must submit to the SUPPLIER together with the invoice the copy of the proofs of the collections of FGTS, INSS and compliance with all labor and HSE obligations. 2.4. The delay in the presentation of the invoice and/or the absence of the vouchers indicated in item 3.2.1 will result in the automatic extension of the payment period for the same period of delay. 2.5. The breach by the SUPPLIER of any of its obligations will allow the COMPANY to suspend payments until there is corresponding compliance. 2.6. Without prejudice to other, related, the
PRICE AND PAYMENT. O Fornecedor ficará obrigado pelo preço negociado com a HAGER e estabelecido no Pedido de Compra. Não está incluído no preço o imposto de circulação sobre mercadorias e prestação de serviços (ICMS) e o preço deverá ser considerado como um preço fixo, que se aplicará a qualquer Pedido de Compra, sem se limitar a um número específico de entregas. Quaisquer acréscimos exigirão um acordo por escrito entre as Partes. The Supplier will be bound by the price negotiated with HAGER and stated in the Purchase Order. The price is exclusive of the Brazilian value added tax (ICMS) and shall be considered as fixed price which shall apply for any Purchase Orders, without being limited to a specific number of deliveries. Any surcharges shall require a written agreement between the Parties. Entende-se que nos preços dos Produtos estão incluídos os gastos com seu empacotamento e rotulagem, desembaraços necessários para importação e exportação, taxas de seguro, etc, juntamente com todos os serviços referidos no Pedido de Compra, It is understood that the prices for the Products also include their packaging and labelling, import and export clearances, insurance charges, etc., together with all the services referred to in the Purchase Order provided by the Supplier in relation to the
PRICE AND PAYMENT. 3.1. Payment will be made within up to 8 working days from receipt by ALESAT of the valid invoice that correctly establishes the amount due for the SUPPLY, calculated in accordance with the CONTRACT, in accordance with the price, term and form adjusted between the parties, as long as the Products have already been delivered to ALESAT, with the exception of the advance sale modality.
PRICE AND PAYMENT. The price of the products will be as stipulated at all times on our website, except in the case of an obvious error. If we discover an error in the price of any of the products ordered, we will inform the client as soon as possible and give them the option of confirming the order at the correct price or cancelling it. We are not obliged to provide you with any product at the incorrect lower price (even when we have sent the Shipping Confirmation) if the error in the price is obvious and unmistakable. The prices on the website exclude delivery charges which are added to the total price. Prices may change at any time. However, except as stipulated above, the changes shall not affect the orders for which we have sent an Order Confirmation. Payment can be made by PayPal, Credit Card, MBWay, Bank Transfer e ATM references (only Portuguese bank accounts). We are only able to process your order in Euros.