ACADEMIC DEFICIENCIES AND MISCONDUCT PROCEDURES. The following procedures apply to Residents. The due process rights and procedures described in Section 4.1 apply to actions to address academic deficiencies. The procedures described in Section
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ACADEMIC DEFICIENCIES AND MISCONDUCT PROCEDURES. The following procedures apply to Residents. The due process rights and procedures described in Section 4.1 apply to actions to address academic deficiencies. The procedures described in Section 4.2 apply to actions to address misconduct. When addressing complaints or concerns of unprofessional behavior, which may or may not also include issues relating to misconduct and/or academic deficiencies, the DIO shall, in its sole discretion, determine whether to proceed under section 4.1, 4.2 or simultaneously under both sections. Residents are not entitled to the due process and appellate rights applicable to physician members of the medical staff as described in the UCMC’s Medical Staff Bylaws or any other due process or appellate rights established by UCMC, College or any facility where Resident receives training as part of the Residency Program. All written communications required of or permitted by Resident under this Section 4 must be signed, dated, and submitted by Resident.
ACADEMIC DEFICIENCIES AND MISCONDUCT PROCEDURES. The following procedures apply to Resident and to all other residents who participate in ACGME accredited residency programs. Resident acknowledges that under no circumstances will he/she be entitled to the due process and appellate rights guaranteed to physician members of the medical staff or any other due process or appellate rights established by College or any hospital or facility where Resident receives training as part to the Residency Program. The procedures and due process rights described below apply to actions that are taken as a result of academic deficiencies (Section 4.1) or misconduct (Section 4.2). Resident may be accompanied by legal counsel during any formal process identified in this Section 4; however, counsel’s role will be advisory only, and counsel will not be permitted to speak for or on behalf of the Resident. All written communications required of or permitted by Resident under this Section 4 must be signed and submitted by the Resident.
ACADEMIC DEFICIENCIES AND MISCONDUCT PROCEDURES. The following procedures apply to Resident and to all other residents who participate in ADA accredited residency programs. Resident acknowledges that under no circumstances will he/she be entitled to the due process and appellate rights guaranteed to physician members of the medical staff as described in the UCMC’s Medical Staff Bylaws or any other due process or appellate rights established by UCMC, College or any facility where Resident receives training as part to the Residency Program. The due process rights and procedures described below apply to actions that are taken as a result of academic deficiencies (Section 4.1) or misconduct (Section 4.2). Resident may be accompanied by legal counsel to the extent required by law. All written communications required of or permitted by Resident under this Section 4 must be signed and submitted by Resident.


  • COMPLAINT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall maintain and adhere to its written procedures for responding to parent complaints. These procedures shall include annually notifying and providing parents of LEA students with appropriate information (including complaint forms) for the following: (1) Uniform Complaint Procedures pursuant to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 4600 et seq.; (2) Nondiscrimination policy pursuant to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 4960 (a); (3) Sexual Harassment Policy, California Education Code 231.5 (a) (b) (c); (4) Title IX Pupil Grievance Procedure, Title IX 106.8 (a) (d) and 106.9 (a); and (5) Notice of Privacy Practices in compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), if applicable. CONTRACTOR shall include verification of these procedures to the LEA upon request. CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify LEA of any complaints filed against it related to LEA students and provide LEA with all documentation related to the complaints and/or its investigation of complaints, including any and all reports generated as a result of an investigation.

  • Procurement procedures 11.1 The Recipient must secure the best value for money and shall act in a fair, open and non-discriminatory manner in all purchases of goods and services.

  • DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES The Employer agrees to provide the employee with written notification of a disciplinary document that is to be made a part of the employee’s personnel file. In instances where the Employer desires to conduct an investigatory interview with an employee, the employee shall be entitled upon request to have an Association representative present at the interview. A copy of all disciplinary actions involving suspension or discharge will also be provided to the Association, unless the employee requests that the matter be kept confidential.

  • PROFESSIONAL GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE A. Any claim by the Association or a teacher that there has been a violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of the terms of the Agreement or violation of any established policy shall be a grievance and shall be resolved through the procedure set forth herein. B. In the event that a teacher, or the Association believes there is a basis for a grievance, the teacher or representative of the Association within thirty (30) working days of the time the teacher knew of the circumstances giving rise to the grievance, shall first discuss the alleged grievance with the building principal either personally or accompanied by the Association Representative. The grievance process may begin at the Superintendent’s level when the building principal is not involved with an alleged incident. C. If, as a result of the informal discussion with the building principal, a grievance still exists, the teacher or representative of the Association may, within ten (10) working days, invoke the formal grievance procedure through the Association on the grievance report form, signed by the grievant and a representative of the Association. Said form shall be available from the Association Representative in each building. A copy of the grievance form shall be delivered to the building principal, it may be filed with the Superintendent or a representative designated by him. D. Within five (5) working days of receipt of the grievance the principal shall meet with the Association in an effort to resolve the grievance. The principal shall indicate his/her disposition of the grievance in writing within five (5) working days of such meeting and shall furnish a copy thereof to the Association. If the Association desires to proceed to the next step, it shall do so within fifteen (15) calendar days of the principal’s disposition. E. If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance, or if no disposition has been made within five (5) working days of such meeting (or ten [10] working days from the date of filing, whichever shall be later) the grievance shall be transmitted to the Superintendent. Within seven (7) working days the Superintendent or his/her designee, shall meet with the Association concerning the grievance and shall indicate his/her disposition of the grievance in writing within five (5) working days of such meeting, and shall furnish a copy thereof to the Association. F. If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the superintendent, or if no disposition has been received within five (5) working days of such meeting the Association may proceed to a Board Level Hearing. This grievance hearing shall be heard in closed session, so long as it does not violate the open meetings act. If the grievance is not settled at the preceding step, it may be submitted to binding arbitration. Within fifteen (15) working days of the receipt of the Superintendent’s answer, the party choosing to arbitrate must give written notice to the other party, setting forth specifically the nature of the dispute to be arbitrated. The charging party shall file a Demand for Arbitration with the American Arbitration Association within fifteen (15) days from the notification date that arbitration will be pursued. The arbitrator shall be selected by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its rules, which shall likewise govern the arbitration proceedings. G. The arbitrator shall have no power to rule on any of the following: 1. The termination of services of or failure to re-employ any probationary teacher. 2. Any claim or complaint for which there is another remedial procedure or forum established by law or by regulation having the force of law, including any matter subject to the procedures specified in the Teacher’s Tenure Act (Act IV Public Acts, Extra Session of 1937 of Michigan, as amended). 3. Any matter involving the content of a teacher evaluation. H. The Board and the Association shall not be permitted to assert in such arbitration proceedings any ground or to rely on any evidence not previously disclosed to the other party. The arbitrator shall have no power to alter, add to, or subtract from the terms of this Agreement. Both parties agree to be bound by the decision of the arbitrator and agree that judgment thereon may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. I. The fees and expense of the arbitrator shall be shared equally by both parties. J. The time limits provided in this Article shall be strictly observed but may be extended by written agreement of the parties. In the event a grievance is filed after May 15 of any year and strict adherence to the time limits may result in hardship to any party, the Board shall use its best efforts to process such grievance prior to the end of the school term or as soon thereafter as possible.

  • Patent Filing Responsibilities and Costs 1. The invention and patent rights herein apply to any patent application or patents covering an invention made under this Agreement. Each Party is responsible for its own costs of obtaining and maintaining patents covering sole inventions of its employees. The Parties may agree otherwise, upon the reporting of any invention (sole or joint) or in any license granted. 2. Partner shall include the following in patent applications for an invention made jointly between NASA employees, its Related Entity employees and Partner employees: The invention described herein may be manufactured and used by or for the U.S. Government for U.S. Government purposes without the payment of royalties thereon or therefore.

  • Contractor Responsibility and Debarment The following requirements set forth in the County’s Non-Responsibility and Debarment Ordinance (Title 2, Chapter 2.202 of the County Code) are effective for this Agreement, except to the extent applicable State and/or federal laws are inconsistent with the terms of the Ordinance. A. A responsible Contractor is a Contractor who has demonstrated the attribute of trustworthiness, as well as quality, fitness, capacity and experience to satisfactorily perform the contract. It is the County’s policy to conduct business only with responsible contractors. B. The Contractor is hereby notified that, in accordance with Chapter 2.202 of the County Code, if the County acquires information concerning the performance of the Contractor on this or other Agreements which indicates that the Contractor is not responsible, the County may, in addition to other remedies provided in the Agreement, debar the Contractor from bidding or proposing on, or being awarded, and/or performing work on County Agreements for a specified period of time, which generally will not exceed five years but may exceed five years or be permanent if warranted by the circumstances, and terminate any or all existing Agreements the Contractor may have with the County. C. The County may debar a Contractor if the Board of Supervisors finds, in its discretion, that the Contractor has done any of the following: (1) violated a term of an Agreement with the County or a nonprofit corporation created by the County; (2) committed an act or omission which negatively reflects on the Contractor’s quality, fitness or capacity to perform a contract with the County, any other public entity, or a nonprofit corporation created by the County, or engaged in a pattern or practice which negatively reflects on same; (3) committed an act or offense which indicates a lack of business integrity or business honesty, or (4) made or submitted a false claim against the County or any other public entity. D. If there is evidence that the Contractor may be subject to debarment, the Department will notify the Contractor in writing of the evidence which is the basis for the proposed debarment and will advise the Contractor of the scheduled date for a debarment hearing before the Contractor Hearing Board. E. The Contractor Hearing Board will conduct a hearing where evidence on the proposed debarment is presented. The Contractor and/or the Contractor’s representative shall be given an opportunity to submit evidence at that hearing. After the hearing, the Contractor Hearing Board shall prepare a tentative proposed decision, which shall contain a recommendation regarding whether the contractor should be debarred, and, if so, the appropriate length of time of the debarment. The Contractor and the Department shall be provided an opportunity to object to the tentative proposed decision prior to its presentation to the Board of Supervisors. F. After consideration of any objections, or if no objections are submitted, a record of the hearing, the proposed decision and any other recommendation of the Contractor Hearing Board shall be presented to the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall have the right to modify, deny or adopt the proposed decision and recommendation of the Hearing Board. G. If a Contractor has been debarred for a period longer than five (5) years, that Contractor may, after the debarment has been in effect for at least five (5) years, submit a written request for review of the debarment determination to reduce the period of debarment or terminate the debarment. The County may, in its discretion, reduce the period of debarment or terminate the debarment if it finds that the Contractor has adequately demonstrated one or more of the following: (1) elimination of the grounds for which the debarment was imposed; (2) a bona fide change in ownership or management; (3) material evidence discovered after debarment was imposed; or (4) any other reason that is in the best interests of the County. H. The Contractor Hearing Board will consider a request for review of a debarment determination only where (1) the Contractor has been debarred for a period longer than five (5) years; (2) the debarment has been in effect for at least five (5) years; and (3) the request is in writing, states one or more of the grounds for reduction of the debarment period or termination of the debarment, and includes supporting documentation. Upon receiving an appropriate request, the Contractor Hearing Board will provide notice of the hearing on the request. At the hearing, the Contractor Hearing Board shall conduct a hearing where evidence on the proposed reduction of debarment period or termination of debarment is presented. This hearing shall be conducted and the request for review decided by the Contractor Hearing Board pursuant to the same procedures as for a debarment hearing. I. The Contractor Hearing Board’s proposed decision shall contain a recommendation on the request to reduce the period of debarment or terminate the debarment. The Contractor Hearing Board shall present its proposed decision and recommendation to the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall have the right to modify, deny, or adopt the proposed decision and recommendation of the Contractor Hearing Board. J. These terms shall also apply to subcontractors of County Contractors.

  • Evaluation Procedures The following procedures for employee evaluation shall be utilized for the term of this Agreement: 1. Orientation materials related to evaluation procedures will be provided to all employees by the 10th school day. 2. Employees shall submit to their evaluator a complete listing of proposed objectives, and measurement activities related thereto, to be considered in the annual evaluation by the 25th school day. 3. The evaluator shall have completed by 30th school day annual objective setting conference with employee. 4. The evaluator shall by the 40th school day determine and shall provide the employee with a complete listing of actual objectives from those proposed by the evaluator and employee, and measurement activities from those proposed by the evaluator and employee, and measurement activities related thereto, that will be incorporated in the annual evaluation that the evaluator will prepare for the employee. The objectives and related measurement activities referred to herein shall be in accordance with the employee job description prescribed by the District. The District will make every attempt to have the number of objectives required to be uniform from site to site. 5. Within a reasonable time after the request, the evaluator shall be provided with a written progress report from the employee containing the latter's perception of the progress being made toward the achievement of the objectives prescribed in Item 3, above. During the course of the evaluation period, circumstances may change which may result in the modification of the original standards and objectives. These changes may be initiated by the supervisor or the employee. Agreement of both parties is required. 6. The evaluator, by the 145th school day, shall have conducted classroom observations in order to gather data on employee performance as the evaluator believes to be related to: A. The actual objectives and measurement activities described in Item 3, above; B. Other criteria for employee evaluation and appraisal that are established by the District Xxxxx Act Guidelines. At the discretion of the evaluator, tenured teachers may receive only one (1) formal instructional observation per year. Probationary teachers will receive two (2) formal instructional observations per year. Prior to conducting formal instructional observations regarding the teacher's duties related to the instructional objectives herein described, the teacher shall be notified of the observation prior to the beginning of the teacher's actual instructional day. Upon the request of the evaluatee or when, in the evaluator's judgment, additional instructional classroom observations are necessary, such observations may be conducted. Within a reasonable time, an employee shall be provided with a written statement regarding instructional observations that have been conducted. Such written statements shall contain a summary of the instructional activities observed, and any suggestions being made by the observer for possible improvement by the employee to include, but not be limited to, the following: 1) Specific directives for improvement 2) Assistance to implement such directives as (a) Provisions of additional resources; (b) Mandatory training programs designed to improve performance to be paid by the District. A final and written report of the achievement of objectives, and measurement information related thereto shall be submitted by the employee to the evaluator by the 140th school day. 7. The evaluator shall prepare a written District evaluation form of employee performance and transmit the evaluation to the employee. The employee may submit a written reaction or response to the evaluation and such response shall be attached to the evaluation and placed in the employee's permanent personnel file which shall be maintained in the District Office. Permanent employees shall be evaluated at least once every other year, and in no event later than 30 days before the last school day scheduled on the school calendar of the current school year. Probationary employees shall be evaluated at least once each year and in no event later than the 150th school day. 8. Employees who meet each of the following conditions shall be evaluated up to every five

  • Other Procurement Procedures National Competitive Bidding

  • Grievance Procedures The AGENCY agrees to establish a formal written grievance process with procedures through which clients and recipients of services may present grievances to the governing authority of the AGENCY regarding services being provided under this Contract. Additionally, the AGENCY agrees to establish fair hearing procedures that ensure all persons will be advised of their rights to a fair hearing to appeal a denial or exclusion from services and/or the failure of staff to take into account the individual’s choice of service. The AGENCY’S internal grievance procedure must document and include, at a minimum, the following: date of grievance, a written response to the applicant sent within thirty (30) days, and the opportunity for the applicant to meet with the AGENCY Executive Director or designee. Upon request by the COUNTY, the AGENCY shall provide a written report as to the grievance outcome within five (5) normal COUNTY working days. The AGENCY will maintain these documents on file for review by the COUNTY.

  • Discipline Procedure 1. Disciplinary action may be imposed for violation of written rules and regulations as set forth by the Board, incompetence, inefficiency, dishonesty, drunkenness, immoral conduct, insubordination, discourteous treatment of the public, neglect of duty, misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance, any other failure of good behavior, or conviction of a felony. 2. No employee shall be disciplined without first having had the opportunity for a hearing, if the employee so requests, with an OAPSE representative of his/her choice present. The employee shall be given a written statement containing the charges and the time and place of the hearing. The written statement shall notify the employee of his/her rights to OAPSE representation. The employee must be given the opportunity to sign the statement acknowledging receipt of the statement and date received. Under emergency conditions as determined by the supervisor (including, but not limited to, health and/or safety of the employee or other employees; blatant insubordination; or refusal to work), the supervisor may immediately suspend an employee without pay for a period of up to three (3) work days without the formal hearing described above. An opportunity for a formal hearing with the supervisor must be provided within the suspension period. Failure to provide an opportunity for a hearing during the suspension period shall preclude the right of further discipline for the offense causing the initial suspension. Emergency suspensions will not be subject to Section 6 of this Article. 3. Disciplinary action of less than discharge should generally be progressive and corrective in nature. A. Disciplinary actions shall be grievable. This Section shall supersede existing state law governing termination of employment (O.R.C. 3319.081). B. In determining progressive and corrective action, just cause shall be construed and limited to the nature and seriousness of the offense, the effect the alleged conduct has on the Board’s operation, the discipline or lack thereof used in other similar situations known to the Board, and the appropriateness of the proposed penalty in view of the record and length of service of the charged employee. The enumeration of these factors is not intended to preclude either the exercise of good and sound business judgment or to minimize the importance of an employee’s property interest in his job.

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