Acceptance of Enrolment Sample Clauses

Acceptance of Enrolment. Parents/guardians/carers who accept the school’s offer of enrolment for a child, also agree to the requirements outlined in the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment (see below) for the duration of the child’s enrolment. It is understood that the parents/guardians/carers of students who attend or are attending the school for the purpose of receiving educational services have accepted these Terms and Conditions of Enrolment.
Acceptance of Enrolment. By signing this Enrolment Agreement, I acknowledge that I enter into an agreement with Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd, as the owner and governing authority for the School and I understand and accept the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment as set out in this Enrolment Agreement and I agree that there are certain expectations, obligations and guarantees required of parents/guardians of the School’s students, so that a harmonious relationship may be established: I accept the offer of enrolment of my child at the School in the entry year and entry level noted in the enrolment applicationform;
Acceptance of Enrolment. By signing this Enrolment Agreement, I acknowledge that I enter into an agreement with Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS), as the owner and governing authority for the college and I understand and accept the terms and conditions of enrolment as set out in this Enrolment Agreement. I agree that there are certain expectations, obligations and guarantees required of parents/guardians/carers of the college’s students, so that a harmonious relationship may be established.
Acceptance of Enrolment. 2.1. Each parent or legal guardian (referred to as parents for convenience) who accepts the School’s offer of enrolment for a child, also agrees to the terms in these Terms and Conditions of Enrolment for the duration of the child’s enrolment (subject to clause 3).‌ 2.2. A parent who causes a child to attend the School for the purpose of receiving educational services is deemed by their conduct to have accepted these Terms and Conditions of Enrolment. 2.3. All parents with parental responsibility for a child must agree to the terms in these Terms and Conditions of Enrolment, unless the School provides written confirmation that it accepts otherwise. The School may request evidence from a parent in support of this arrangement prior to accepting an enrolment by only one parent.‌
Acceptance of Enrolment. 17.1 By signing this Enrolment Agreement, I acknowledge that I enter into an agreement with Trustees of Xxxxxx Xxxx Education Australia trading as St Bernard’s College and I understand and accept the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment as set out in this Enrolment Agreement and I agree that there are certain expectations, obligations and guarantees required of parents/guardians of the college’s students, so that a harmonious relationship may be established: I accept the offer of enrolment of my child at St Bernard’s in the entry year and entry level noted in the enrolment application form;
Acceptance of Enrolment. 1.1 The School agrees with the Parents to accept enrolment of the Student on the terms set out in this Enrolment Agreement.
Acceptance of Enrolment. 1.1 The Parent accepts the offer of enrolment by the School for the Student to commence at the start of the Entry Year Level (or such other date as agreed in writing) and continuing until completion of Year 12 or until the Student is otherwise withdrawn from the school by the Parent or the Student's enrolment is otherwise cancelled by the School. 1.2 The Parent acknowledges that enrolment includes participation in all school activities which the School deems to be compulsory for students, which may include co-curricular activities (which may be held during, before or after normal school hours), religious services and worship, sporting activities, house sporting carnivals, camps, excursions, celebrations, debating, open days, drama rehearsals and performances, and musical rehearsals and performances.
Acceptance of Enrolment. Acceptance of enrolment, evidenced by confirmation of the Student’s booking, will constitute a legally binding agreement, governed by English Law, for the period specified on the enrolment form. Students’ statutory rights are not affected by the conditions below.
Acceptance of Enrolment. It is agreed that the learner agrees with the terms set out in the enrolment agreement. This agreement is made on the date shown in the schedule between Colour Cosmetica Academy (RTO Code 40055) and the learner as is described in the schedule annexed hereto.
Acceptance of Enrolment. 1.1. Upon offer of enrolment at Rossbourne, an Enrolment Fee of $700 should be sent to the school office within 7 days accompanied by this signed enrolment agreement. This fee is not refundable and does not form part of the first term fee. Upon receipt of this Enrolment Fee by Rossbourne , a letter of acceptance of this application will be forwarded from the Principal. Payment of this Enrolment Fee and acceptance of it by the School is the final confirmation of enrolment at Rossbourne. The School Board reserves the right to withdraw enrolment of a pupil at Rossbourne while any fees or charges remain unpaid. 1.2. The parents/guardians accepts the offer of enrolment for the student at Rossbourne. 1.3. The parents/guardians will advise the School of any change to contact details as soon as possible. 1.4. The parents/guardians will advise the School of any medical, wellbeing information or family circumstances that may affect the student’s learning or welfare as soon as possible. 1.5. The parents/guardians will notify the School of any physical, cognitive/intellectual, sensory or social/emotional needs of the student prior to commencement, and during the course of enrolment, whilst a student of the School as soon as possible.