JOB POSTING The following provision will appear in all collective agreements replacing any related provision that existed in the hospital's expiring collective agreement: (Any provision pertaining to definition of temporary vacancies, non-bargaining unit applications, outside advertising, interim placements or criteria for selection except as it relates to promotions and transfers that existed in the hospital's expiring collective agreement will be continued as the last paragraph of this Article). "Where a permanent vacancy occurs in a classification within the bargaining unit or a new position within the bargaining unit is established by the Hospital, such vacancy shall be posted for a period of seven (7) consecutive calendar days. Applications for such vacancy shall be made in writing within the seven (7) day period referred to herein. The postings shall stipulate the qualifications, classifications, rate of pay, department and shift and a copy shall be provided to the Chief Xxxxxxx. Vacancies created by the filling of an initial permanent vacancy will be posted for a period of three (3) consecutive calendar days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Applications for such vacancies shall be made in writing within the three (3) day period referred to herein. In matters of promotion and staff transfer appointment shall be made of the senior applicant able to meet the normal requirements of the job. The name of the successful applicant will be posted on the bulletin board for a period of seven (7) calendar days. Where there are no successful applicants from within this bargaining unit for vacant positions referred to in this Article, employees in other CUPE bargaining units at the Hospital will be selected in accordance with the criteria for selection above, prior to considering persons who are not members of CUPE bargaining units at the Hospital. The employees eligible for consideration shall be limited to those employees who have applied for the position in accordance with this Article, and selection shall be made in accordance with this Article. The successful applicant shall be allowed a trial period of up to thirty (30) days, during which the Hospital will determine if the employee can satisfactorily perform the job. Within this period the employee may voluntarily return, or be returned by the Hospital to the position formerly occupied, without loss of seniority. The vacancy resulting from the posting may be filled on a temporary basis until the trial period is completed. A list of vacancies filled in the preceding month under this Article and the names of the successful applicants will be posted, with a copy provided to the union."
Accommodation The Parents and Student agree that no changes to accommodation arrangements will be made without the prior written agreement of the School.
Accommodations Clean accommodations will be provided for employees to have their meals and keep their clothes.
Job Postings The employee may apply for a job posting at either home based on their seniority at the designated employer. The vacancy will be filled in accordance with Article 9 of the collective agreement. Where seniority is the deciding factor the most senior candidate will be selected regardless of which home her/his seniority was accumulated.
Stipends Bargaining unit members may qualify for stipends for advanced degrees which are "in-field." Employees who held out-of-field stipends on the date of contract ratification by the BTU for the 1994-95 school year shall be allowed to continue to receive said stipends until they leave the employment of the District.
DISABILITY ACCOMMODATIONS State does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs, services, or activities. Individuals who need aids, alternative document formats, or services for effective communications or other disability related accommodations in the programs and services offered are invited to make their needs and preferences known to this office. Interested parties should provide as much advance notice as possible.
Posting of Positions Notice of any opening for a promotional position shall be posted in all schools and departments by the Division of Human Resources & Equity.
Overtime Meals When employees are required to work more than two (2) hours beyond their regular work days, the Employer will provide hot meals at no cost to the employees, up to a maximum of sixteen dollars ($16.00) (receipts to be submitted) plus paid meal periods of one-half (1/2) hour at the prevailing rate and thereafter at four (4) hour intervals. Any early morning start before regular starting time is entitled to a paid meal. The breakfast limit is thirteen dollars ($13.00) (receipts to be submitted). Employees called out on overtime shall be paid for meals as above, after four (4) hours work.
Postings The posting will include the projected end date of the position. A casual employee who bids into any vacancy pursuant to Article 17.03(A) and (B) above will have her status changed to regular for the duration of the time worked in the temporary position and will then revert to casual status. Internal regular employees will return to their previous status and external candidates will return to their pre-employment status. Employees in these positions will be given a minimum of ten (10) calendar days’ notice of any change to the projected end date of the position.
Proper Accommodation Proper accommodation shall be provided for employees to have their meals and store and change their clothes.