Accounts in foreign currencies. The Bank’s assets corresponding to the client’s credit balances in foreign currency are held in the same currency in or outside of the country whose currency is involved. The client bears proportionately to his share all the economic and legal consequences which, as a result of measures taken by the country in question, affect all the Bank’s assets in the country of the currency or in the country where the funds are invested. The obligations of the Bank arising from accounts in foreign currencies will be discharged exclusively at the place of business of the branches or offices at which the accounts in question are held solely through the establishment of a credit entry at a Bank branch, a correspondent bank or a bank nominated by the client in the country of the currency.
Accounts in foreign currencies. (a) The Customer may open accounts in foreign currency subject to the approval of the Bank
(b) Transactions on such accounts shall take place only through Bank drafts or transfers and in the same currency of the account.
(c) The Customer may deposit / withdraw from such accounts in Local Currency (Dirham) according to the rate of exchange prevailing in the same day.
(d) The Customer may make transfer internally from his/ her/its accounts in Foreign Currency to his account in Local Currency and vice versa according to the rate of exchange prevailing in the same day.
(e) The Customer acknowledges that the Bank shall not be liable for any currency exchange loss as a result of the transfer / movement of the balance from Foreign Currency into his/her/its account of another currency.
Accounts in foreign currencies. Subject to any laws and Government exchange regulations:
(a) The Bank may in its sole discretion and at the Customer's own risk, open and operate the Account in a foreign currency;
(b) At the request of the Customer, the Bank may. debit or credit the Account with a currency other than the designated currency of the Account and may convert such amounts debited or credited (unless otherwise agreed) at the Bank's prevailing rates;
(c) Any demand on the Bank for payment from a foreign currency Account shall be properly met by the Bank at its option either issuing a draft, making payment in cash, effecting a transfer or making payment in any other manner in foreign currency at the discretion of the Bank.
Accounts in foreign currencies. As needed, the Client may have one or more accounts in a given foreign currency. These accounts may be opened in currencies typically traded on the market and more specif ically in the following currencies, expressed by their ISO code: CAD, CHF, GBP, HKD, JPY, USD. The Client’s foreign currency account(s) shall be funded by currencies from foreign countries, transferred by another resident or non-resident, purchased on a spot basis or obtained f rom the liquidation of hedging or arbitrage transactions. These currencies may be allocated to foreign currency payments, transferred to other f oreign currency accounts in France or abroad or sold on the foreign exchange market. In order to carry out his/her payments abroad, the Client may request blank cheque f orms denominated solely in foreign currencies for exclusive use on said accounts. For the purpose of permitting application of the clause for merger of the balances of the v arious accounts as indicated above and the clearing of balances denominated in euros or f oreign currencies, the Bank may buy back or sell the necessary currencies on the basis of the bank-to-client buy or sell rate, determined on the day when the transaction is carried out based on market quotes. Any debit or credit transaction recorded in an account shall be automatically converted into the account currency unless otherwise agreed. The Client must meet all current obligations, in particular tax-related, concerning his/her f oreign currency account(s).
Accounts in foreign currencies. The Client may have one or more accounts in a given foreign currency, as required. These accounts may be opened in currencies typically traded on the market, and more specifically, in the following currencies, expressed by their ISO code: CAD, CHF, GBP, HKD, JPY, USD. The Client’s foreign currency account(s) shall be provisioned by currencies from foreign countries, transferred by another resident or non-resident, purchased on a spot basis or obtained from the liquidation of hedging or arbitrage transactions. These currencies may be allocated to foreign currency payments, transferred to other foreign currency accounts in France or abroad or sold on the foreign exchange market. In order to effect his payments abroad, the Client may request blank cheque forms denominated solely in foreign currencies for exclusive use on said accounts. For the purpose of allowing application of the clause for amalgamation of the various accounts as indicated above and the clearing of balances denominated in euros or foreign currencies, the Bank may buy back or sell the necessary currencies on the basis of the bank to client buying or selling rate, determined on the day that the transaction is carried out based on market quotes. Any debit or credit transaction recorded in an account will be converted ipso jure in the Account currency, unless otherwise agreed. The Client must meet all current obligations, in particular tax-related, concerning his/her foreign currency account(s).
Accounts in foreign currencies a) The Customer may open Accounts in foreign currency subject to the approval of the Bank
b) Transactions on such accounts shall take place only through Bank drafts or transfers and in the same currency of the Account.
c) The Customer may deposit / withdraw from such accounts in Local Currency (Dirham) according to the rate of exchange prevailing in the same day. وأ اًدــقن لــماعتملا نــم تاــعاديلإا كــنبلا لــبقي :تاــعاديلإا .6 لوــبق كــنبلل زوــجيو ،اــيفرصم اــهيلع فراــعتملا قرــطلاب ةيلوؤـسم ىـندأ نود لـماعتملا تاباـسح يـف رـيغلا تاـعاديإ ụاــسح يــف غــلبم يأ عادــيإ مــت ةــلاح يــفو .كــنبلا ىــلع نــيبتو هرــيغ وأ يــفرصم لــيوحت قــيرط نــع لــماعتملا ىرــخأ تاــهج يلأ وأ غــلبملا لــيوحتب ماــق يذــلا فرــصملل ةــميرج دوــجوب ةهبــش وأ ةــميرج دوــجو كــنبلا جراــخ وأ لــخاد نــيناوق وأ ةدــحتملا ةــيبرعلا تاراــملإا ةــلود نــيناوقل اــقفو – قـلعتت –رـخآ نوـناق يأ وأ لـيوحتلاب ماـق يذـلا فرـصملا ةـلود ىــلع زــجحلاب موــقي فوــس كــنبلا نإــف عدوــملا غــلبملاب فرــصملا تاــميلعتل اــقفو هــيف فرــصتلاو لوــحملا غــلبملا ةــيبرعلا تاراــملإا ةــلود يــف ةــينعملا تاطلــسلاو يزــكرملا بلط ةـلاح يـفو .كـنبلا ىـلع ةيلوؤـسم ىـندأ نود ةدـحتملا ناـف عدوـملا غـلبملا در غـلبملا لـيوحتب ماـق يذـلا فرـصملا نــل كــنبلا نأــب لــماعتملا قــفاويو .هدرــب موــقي فوــس كــنبلا هــيف فرــصتلا وأ روــكذملا غــلبملا زــجح نــع ًلاوئــسم نوــكي نــع لــماعتملا تاباــسح نــم بحــسلا مــتي :تابوحــسلا .7 نــم وأ كــنبلا ىدــل ةــلوبقم نوــكت هــنم ةرداــص رــماوأ قرــط .عــيبلا طاــقن لاــخ ةـيراجتلا قارولأا لـيصحت لوـبق وأ ضـفر يـف قـحلا كـنبلل )أ .لــماعتملا نــم كــنبلل ةــمدقملا نــع ةــباين ةــيراجتلا قارولأا لــيصحتب كــنبلا موــقي )ب ةدئاــسلا ةيماــسلإا ةــيفرصملا فارــعلأل اــقفو لــماعتملا مدـع ةـلاح يـف كـلذو كـنبلا ىـلع ةيلوؤـسم ىـندأ نود .قارولأا كــلت لــيصحت ةــمدقملا ةــيراجتلا قارولأا ةــميق بحــسب حمــسي لا )ت .اــهليصحت دــعب لاإ لــيصحتلل نودو ،كـنبلل قـحي :ةـيفرصملا تاـمدخلا تلاوـمعو موـسر .9 ،موــسر وأ ،تاــفورصم ةــيأ مــصخ ،لــماعتملا ىــلإ عوــجرلا اــهمدقي يــتلا ةــيفرصملا تاــمدخلا لــباقم تلاوــمع وأ ةــيفرصملا تلاوــمعلاو موــسرلا حــئاول قــفو ،لــماعتملل .كــنبلا نــم ةدــمتعملا تاــنامضلا عــيمج ةرداــصم كــنبلل قــحي :تاــنامضلا .10 لــماعتملا مــساب كــنبلا اــهب ظــفتحي يــتلا تاكــلتمملاو .كــنبلا حــلاصل لــماعتملا ىــلع ةقحتــسم غــلابم ةــيأ دادــسل يأ يــف ،كــنبلا موــقي نأ ىــلع لــماعتملا قــفاوي :ةــصاقملا .11 ءارــجإ وأ دــيمجتب ،لــماعتملل قبــسم راعــشإ نودو تــقو لــماعتملا تاباــسح نــيب غــلابم ةــيأ لــيوحت و...
Accounts in foreign currencies. UBS shall hold assets corresponding to the client's credit balances in foreign currency in the same cur- rency within or outside the country of the currency concerned. The client shall bear proportionately to his share all economic and legal consequences which, as a re- xxxx of measures taken by the authorities of such country, may affect any of UBS's assets in the country of the currency or investment concerned. UBS has a lien on all assets it holds in its own cus- tody or elsewhere on behalf of the client, as well as on all claims the client has against UBS. UBS has the right to set off any claims the client may have against UBS against any claims accruing to UBS from its business relationship with the client, irrespective of the due date and currency of such claims. The foregoing shall also apply to any loans and credit facilities whether or not such loans are se- cured by specific collateral. In the event of default on the part of the client, UBS shall be entitled to realise the pledged assets either by forced or by private sale. UBS's obligations arising from accounts in foreign 6. Verification of identity currencies shall be discharged at the place of busi- ness of the office at which the accounts are held by establishing a credit balance for the client at UBS's own branch, a correspondent bank or a bank named by the client in the country of the currency concerned. For current accounts in foreign currencies, UBS shall place the balance in the country of the cur- rency concerned.
Accounts in foreign currencies. 1. The Client may, with the Bank’s consent, open Accounts in foreign currency. Instructions may only be carried out using forms, drafts, or written instructions to the Bank only with the same currency of the Account.
2. Cash withdrawals in foreign currency or travelers cheques from foreign currency Accounts shall be subject to the foreign currency exchange rates on the day of withdrawal or currency sale.
3. The Client may transfer funds from his/her foreign currency Accounts to his/her Bahraini Dinar Accounts and vice versa at the foreign currency exchange rate prevailing on the same day. The Client indemnifies and holds the Bank harmless against any exchange losses, which may be incurred by the Client when transferring any funds from his/her foreign currency Accounts to another Account in Bahraini Dinars.
Accounts in foreign currencies. The client shall keep UBS updated of his information provided to UBS, e.g. name, address, domicile, etc. Notifications from UBS shall be deemed to have been duly served if sent to the last known ad- dress provided by the client. UBS shall hold assets corresponding to the client's credit balances in foreign currency in the same currency within or outside the country 9. of the currency concerned. The client shall bear proportionately to his share all economic and legal consequences which, as a result of measures taken by the authorities of such country, may affect any of UBS's assets in the country of the The client shall be responsible for complying with all laws and regula- tions applicable to him. This also includes his obligation to declare and pay taxes. currency or investment concerned.
Accounts in foreign currencies. As needed, the Client may have one or more accounts in a given foreign currency. These accounts may be opened in currencies typically traded on the market and more specifically in the following currencies, expressed by their ISO code: CAD, CHF, GBP, HKD, JPY, USD. The Client’s foreign currency account(s) shall be funded by currencies from foreign countries, transferred by another resident or non-resident, purchased on a spot basis or obtained from the liquidation of hedging or arbitrage transactions. These currencies may be allocated to foreign currency payments, transferred to other foreign currency accounts in France or abroad or sold on the foreign exchange market. In order to carry out his/her payments abroad, the Client may request blank cheque forms denominated solely in foreign currencies for exclusive use on said accounts. For the purpose of permitting application of the clause for merger of the balances of the various accounts as indicated above and the clearing of balances denominated in euros or foreign currencies, the Bank may buy back or sell the necessary currencies on the basis of the bank-to-client buy or sell rate, determined on the day when the transaction is carried out based on market quotes. Any debit or credit transaction recorded in an account shall be automatically converted into the account currency unless otherwise agreed. The Client must meet all current obligations, in particular tax-related, concerning his/her foreign currency account(s).