Acupuncture. Physical examinations, except for a one-time “Welcome to Medicare” physical examination if received within the first 12 months of the Subscriber’s initial coverage under Medicare Part B, and a yearly “Wellness” exam thereaf- ter; or routine foot care.
Acupuncture. Benefits are provided for acupuncture services that are medically necessary to relieve pain, to help with anesthesia for surgery, or to treat a covered illness, injury, or condition. This plan covers allergy tests and treatments. Covered services include testing, shots given at the doctor’s office, serums, needles and syringes. This plan covers the following services: Outpatient chemotherapy and radiation therapy services Outpatient or home kidney dialysis Extraction of teeth to prepare the jaw for treatment of neoplastic disease Supplies, solutions and drugs (See Prescription Drugs for oral chemotherapy drugs) You may need prior authorization from us before you get treatment. See the detailed list of services that require prior authorization at
Acupuncture. All drugs used for the treatment of sexual dysfunction.
Acupuncture. Benefits will be provided for Medically Necessary acupuncture services when performed by a provider licensed to perform such services.
Acupuncture. Acupuncture is treatment by means of inserting needles into the body to reduce pain or to induce anesthesia. It may also be used for other diagnoses as determined appropriate by your Practitioner/Provider. It is recommended that Acupuncture be part of a coordinated plan of care approved by your Practitioner/Provider. Acupuncture services are limited to 20 visits per Contract Year unless for rehabilitative or habilitative purposes. Acupuncture services must be provided by an appropriately licensed and credentialed healthcare provider (i.e. a doctor of Oriental Medicine).
Acupuncture. Acupuncture is treatment by means of inserting needles into the body to reduce pain or to induce anesthesia. It may also be used for other diagnoses as determined appropriate by your Practitioner/Provider. It is recommended that Acupuncture be part of a coordinated plan of care approved by your Practitioner/Provider. Acupuncture services are limited to a Contract Year maximum benefit unless for rehabilitative or habilitative purposes. Chiropractic services are available for specific medical conditions and are not available for maintenance therapy such as routine adjustments. Chiropractic services are subject to the following: • The Practitioner/Provider determines in advance that Chiropractic treatment can be expected to result in Significant Improvement in your condition within a period of two months. • Chiropractic treatment is specifically limited to treatment by means of manual manipulation; i.e., by use of hands, and other methods of treatment approved by us including, but not limited to, ultrasound therapy. • Subluxation must be documented by Chiropractic examination and documented in the chiropractic record. We do not require Radiologic (X-ray) demonstration of Subluxation for Chiropractic treatment. • Chiropractic X-rays are only Covered when performed by a Chiropractor, unless clinically relevant X-rays already exist. Chiropractic services are limited to a Contract Year maximum benefits unless for rehabilitative or habilitative purposes.
Acupuncture. Acupuncture is treatment by means of inserting needles into the body to reduce pain or to induce anesthesia. It may also be used for other diagnoses as determined appropriate by your Practitioner/Provider. It is recommended that Acupuncture be part of a coordinated plan of care approved by your Practitioner/Provider. Acupuncture must be performed by an appropriately licensed and credentialed healthcare provider (i.e. a doctor of Oriental Medicine). Acupuncture services are limited to 20 visits per Contract Year unless for rehabilitative or habilitative purposes. Chiropractic services are available for specific medical conditions and are not available for maintenance therapy such as routine adjustments. Chiropractic services are subject to the following: • The Practitioner/Provider determines in advance that Chiropractic treatment can be expected to result in Significant Improvement in your condition within a period of two months. • Chiropractic treatment is specifically limited to treatment by means of manual manipulation; i.e., by use of hands, and other methods of treatment approved by us including, but not limited to, ultrasound therapy. • Subluxation must be documented by Chiropractic examination and documented in the chiropractic record. We do not require Radiologic (X-ray) demonstration of Subluxation for Chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic services are limited to 20 visits per Contract Year unless for rehabilitative or habilitative purposes.
Acupuncture. Acupuncture is treatment by means of inserting needles into the body to reduce pain or to induce anesthesia. It may also be used for other diagnoses as determined appropriate by your Practitioner/Provider. It is recommended that Acupuncture be part of a coordinated plan of care approved by your Practitioner/Provider. Acupuncture must be performed by an appropriately licensed and credentialed healthcare provider (i.e. a doctor of Oriental Medicine). Acupuncture services are limited to 20 visits per Contract Year unless for rehabilitative or habilitative purposes. There are no limits on services for habilitative or rehabilitative services. The visit limits apply to services for non-habilitative or non-rehabilitative services.
Acupuncture. Coverage for acupuncture services are up to the Annual Maximum Benefit per Plan Year as stated in Exhibit A.
Acupuncture. Acupuncture is treatment by means of inserting needles into the body to reduce pain or to induce anesthesia. It may also be used for other diagnoses as determined appropriate by your Practitioner/Provider. It is recommended that Acupuncture be part of a coordinated plan of care approved by your Practitioner/Provider. Acupuncture services are limited to 20 visits per Contract Year unless for rehabilitative or habilitative purposes. Chiropractic services are available for specific medical conditions and are not available for maintenance therapy such as routine adjustments. Chiropractic services are subject to the following: • The Practitioner/Provider determines in advance that Chiropractic treatment can be expected to result in Significant Improvement in your condition within a period of two months. • Chiropractic treatment is specifically limited to treatment by means of manual manipulation; i.e., by use of hands, and other methods of treatment approved by us including, but not limited to, ultrasound therapy. • Subluxation must be documented by Chiropractic examination and documented in the chiropractic record. We do not require Radiologic (X-ray) demonstration of Subluxation for Chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic services are limited to 20 visits per Contract Year unless for rehabilitative or habilitative purposes. Biofeedback is only Covered for treatment of Raynaud’s disease or phenomenon and urinary or fecal incontinence. As a Presbyterian Health Plan member, there will be no cost to you for anything related to COVID-19 screening, testing or medical treatment. You will not pay copays, deductibles or coinsurance for visits related to COVID-19, whether at a clinic, hospital or using remote care. If you are on a high deductible plan (HDHP), these services will also be provided to you at no cost. This benefit has one or more exclusions as specified in the Exclusions Section. Dental benefits will be provided in connection with the following conditions when deemed Medically Necessary except in an emergency situation as described in the Accidental Injury (trauma), Urgent Care, Emergency Health Care Services and Observation Services Section. Covered Services are as follows: • Accidental Injury to sound natural teeth, jawbones or surrounding tissue. Dental injury caused by chewing, biting, or Malocclusion is not considered an Accidental Injury and will not be Covered. • The correction of non-dental physiological conditions such as, but not limited to, cleft p...