Medicare Part B definition

Medicare Part B means the Supplementary Medical Insurance Benefits provided by the United States Government under Public Law 89-97, Title XVIII of the Social Security Act as amended from time to time.
Medicare Part B. The part of the Medicare program that covers physician, outpatient, home health, and preventive services.
Medicare Part B means the supplemental medical insurance program provided under part B of Title 18 of the federal Social Security Act; and

Examples of Medicare Part B in a sentence

  • When you first signed up for Medicare, you received information about what services are covered under Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B.

  • As explained in Section 2 above, in order to be eligible for our plan, you must have both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B.

  • In addition, you must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium (unless your Part B premium is paid for you by Medicaid or another third party).

  • You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium (unless your Part B premium is paid for you by Medicaid or another third party).

  • However, you must continue to pay the Medicare Part B premium (unless your Part B premium is paid for you by Medicaid or another third party).

More Definitions of Medicare Part B

Medicare Part B means Section 1847A(b); 42 U.S.C. § 1395w-3a(c).
Medicare Part B means the federal supplementary medi- cal insurance program under42 USC 1395j to 1395w−2.
Medicare Part B means insurance that helps cover medically necessary services such as doctor's services, outpatient care, durable medical equipment, home health services, other medical services, and some preventive services.
Medicare Part B means the medical insurance program defined under Title 18, Part B of the OUT-OF-NETWORK refers to a provider who does not have a signed participating provider agreement and is not listed on the most current edition of the CONTRACTOR’S professional directory of providers. Care from an OUT-OF-NETWORK provider may require prior-authorization from the CONTRACTOR unless it is an emergency or urgent care. PARTICIPANT means the SUBSCRIBER or any of the SUBSCRIBER'S DEPENDENTS who have been specified by the DEPARTMENT for enrollment and are entitled to BENEFITS. PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGER (PBM) as defined in UNIFORM BENEFITS. PREMIUM means the rates shown in the It’s Your Choice materials that includes the medical, pharmacy, and dental (when applicable) components, and administration fees required by the BOARD. Those rates may be revised by the BOARD annually, effective on each succeeding January 1 following the effective date of this AGREEMENT. The PREMIUM includes the amount paid by the EMPLOYER when the EMPLOYER contributes toward the PREMIUM. QUARTERLY means a period consisting of every consecutive three (3) months beginning in January. SECURE/SECURED/SECURELY means the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the DEPARTMENT’S data is of the highest priority and must be protected at all times. All related hardware, software, firmware, protocols, methods, policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines that govern, store, or transport the data must be implemented in manners consistent with current industry standards, such as, but not limited to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (XXXX), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-53, and Center for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Security Controls to ensure the protection of all DEPARTMENT data. SUBSCRIBER means an EMPLOYEE, ANNUITANT, or his or her surviving DEPENDENTS, who have been specified by the DEPARTMENT to the CONTRACTOR for enrollment and who is entitled to BENEFITS.
Medicare Part B means the medical insurance program defined under Title 18, Part B of the OPEN ENROLLMENT means the time period that occurs at least annually to allow a) insured SUBSCRIBERS the opportunity to change CONTRACTORS and/or coverage, and b) eligible individuals the opportunity to enroll for coverage in the HEALTH BENEFIT PROGRAM. OUT-OF-NETWORK provider refers to a provider who does not have a signed participating provider agreement and is not listed on the most current edition of the CONTRACTOR’S professional directory of providers. Care from an OUT-OF-NETWORK provider may require prior- authorization from the CONTRACTOR unless it is an emergency or urgent care. PARTICIPANT means the SUBSCRIBER or any of the SUBSCRIBER'S DEPENDENTS who have been specified by the DEPARTMENT for enrollment in the HEALTH BENEFIT PROGRAM and are entitled to BENEFITS. PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGER (PBM) as defined in UNIFORM BENEFITS. PREMIUM means the rates shown in the HEALTH BENEFIT PROGRAM print and web materials published by the DEPARTMENT that includes the medical, pharmacy, and dental (when applicable) components, and administration fees required by the BOARD. Those rates may be revised by the BOARD annually, effective on each succeeding January 1 following the effective date of the CONTRACT. The PREMIUM includes the amount paid by the EMPLOYER when the EMPLOYER contributes toward the PREMIUM. QUARTERLY means a period consisting of every consecutive three (3) months beginning in January. SECURE/SECURED/SECURELY means the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the DEPARTMENT’S data is of the highest priority and must be protected at all times. All related hardware, software, firmware, protocols, methods, policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines that govern, store, or transport the data must be implemented in manners consistent with current industry standards, such as, but not limited to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (XXXX), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-53, and Center for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Security Controls to ensure the protection of all DEPARTMENT data. STATE means the State of Wisconsin. SUBSCRIBER means an EMPLOYEE, ANNUITANT, or his or her surviving DEPENDENT(S), who has been specified by the DEPARTMENT to the CONTRACTOR for enrollment and who is entitled to BENEFITS.
Medicare Part B means the supplementary medical insurance program authorized under Part B of title XVIII of the Act. Title 42, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 400.202. The Social Security Administration (SSA) announced that there would be no cost of living adjustment (COLA) increase in 2010. This means beneficiaries would see no increase in their Social Security benefits in 2010. Current law, known as the hold harmless provision, protects most beneficiaries from a negative net income. In short, the provision states that a beneficiary is protected from seeing a decrease in their Social Security benefits due to an increase in their Part B premium. About 73 percent of current Medicare beneficiaries continued to have the same Part B monthly premium of $96.40 in 2010. However, the remaining 27 percent were not protected by the hold harmless provision because they are either higher income or do not have their Part B premium taken from their Social Security benefits. These beneficiaries paid a higher Part B premium in 2010, beginning at $110.50. The remaining 27 percent includes beneficiaries new to Medicare in 2010 (3 percent), those who already pay an adjusted Part B premium because of a higher income (5 percent), and those whose Part B premium paid by Medicaid through one of the Medicare Savings Programs (17 percent).