ADDITIONAL CARD. 5.1 A Card Account may have multiple Additional Cards, the number to be determined at the sole discretion of the Bank. The Additional Cardmember must be an Indian resident above the age of 18 years and must be related to the Primary Cardmember by virtue of being a parent, spouse, child or sibling (brother or sister).
5.2 Upon receipt of Cardmember request/authorization, the Bank at its sole discretion may issue Additional Card to Additional Cardmember
5.3 Cardmember will be fully responsible and liable for all transactions and Charges incurred on the Additional Card, which will be included in their Statement of Account for payment. Cardmember along-with the Additional Cardmember shall be jointly and severally liable to the Bank for all the Charges even though the monthly Statement of Account may be sent only to them. These terms and conditions shall also be binding on the Additional Cardmembers.
5.4 Cardmember may withdraw the facility of Additional Card by requesting the Bank and returning to the Bank the Additional Card cut into half. On receipt of the same, the Bank will cancel the Additional Card. All transactions incurred on the Additional Card but not billed prior to the receipt of the cancelled Additional Card by the Bank, shall be valid and binding on Cardmember.
5.5 The Additional Card facility and privileges will be automatically withdrawn if the Primary Card Account is terminated for any reason.
ADDITIONAL CARD. 4.1. Upon the express request of the Holder, the Bank may issue maximum two additional cards on the name of the User / Authorized user(s), with direct access to the Account.
4.2. The Holder shall be the only party responsible towards the Bank for the manner in which the Authorized user uses the additional card, as well as for any amounts payable following the use of the Additional card.
4.3. The Bank can cancel/block any Additional card, upon the request of the Holder, without requiring the prior notification or consent of the Authorized user.
4.4. In this Contract, any reference to “card” shall include the Additional card.
ADDITIONAL CARD. 7.1 We may (at our sole discretion) issue an additional Card only if you and the person you nominate as an additional Cardholder both sign a request.
7.2 You will be responsible for any additional Card and for any indebtedness arising from its use as if the Card were issued for your use. If you ask, we will suspend an additional Card.
ADDITIONAL CARD. 5.1 A Card Account may have multiple Additional Cards, the number to be determined at the sole discretion of the Bank. The Additional Cardmember must be an Indian resident above the age of 18 years, and must be related to the Primary Cardmember by virtue of being parent, spouse, children, siblings (brothers & sisters).
5.2 Upon receipt of your request / authorisation, the Bank at its sole discretion, may issue Additional Card to the Additional Cardmember.
5.3 You will be fully responsible and liable for all transactions and Charges incurred on the Additional Card, which will be included in your Statement of Account. The Additional Cardmembers shall be jointly and severally liable to the Bank along with you for all the Charges, even though the Monthly Statement of Account may be sent only to you. These Terms and Conditions shall also be binding on the Additional Cardmembers.
5.4 You may withdraw the facility of Additional Card by requesting the Bank, and returning to the Bank the Additional Card cut into half. On receipt of the same, the Bank will cancel the Additional Card.
5.5 The Additional Card facility and privileges will be automatically withdrawn, if the Primary Card Account is terminated for any reason.
ADDITIONAL CARD. Any additional Card which is issued to a person any time after the successful registration of a Sokin Account. A person who you have authorised to hold an Additional Card. These terms and conditions relating to the use of your Card(s) as amended from time to time.
ADDITIONAL CARD. (a) If you are an Additional Cardholder, you will be responsible for the use of the additional Card issued to you and will be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You will not be liable for the use of any additional Card issued to another Additional Cardholder or the use of the primary Card.
(b) If you are the primary cardholder, you will be liable for the use of your primary Card as well as the use of each additional Card. We have full discretion in recovering indebtedness (including all fees and charges) incurred by an Additional Cardholder from the primary cardholder or that Additional Cardholder or both.
ADDITIONAL CARD. 8.1 Following the written request of the principal cardholder, the MCB may at its discretion issue an additional card to the person nominated in such request. The additional cardholder shall be supplied with a copy of the Rules and Regulations for the time being in force and the principal cardholder shall be bound by, and liable for, the use of the Card by the additional cardholder in the same way as if he had used it personally.The principal cardholder shall be liable to the MCB for all acts and omissions on the part of the additional cardholder.
8.2 The MCB shall, at the written request of the principal cardholder, cancel the additional Card.The principal cardholder shall duly return back the additional card to this effect. The time and date of receipt of the written notification at the MCB Card Centre shall be conclusive.
ADDITIONAL CARD. Any additional Card which is issued to a person any time after the successful registration of a Sokin Account. A person who you have authorised to hold an Additional Card. These terms and conditions relating to the use of your Card(s) as amended from time to time. any applicable law (including but not limited to, any local law of the jurisdictions into which the Card is provided and the Program is operated), statute, statutory instrument, act, regulation, rule, order, supervisory guidance, policy, instruction or requirement stipulated by an applicable Regulatory Authority, or interpretation promulgated or published by any Regulatory Authority, any order issued by a court having jurisdiction over a party, or any applicable rule or requirement of any Card Scheme related to the issuance, sale, authorisation or usage of the Card and/or services to be provided under this Cardholder Agreement or such other rule as deemed valid by TPL from time to time.
ADDITIONAL CARD. 12.1 You can name other people as additional cardholders on your account. You can do this in writing or in other ways. If the person you name is eligible, we will send you the additional Card. You must give the additional Card we send you to the additional cardholder and make sure that he or she is aware of, and keeps to, all conditions relating to the use and safety of Cards.
12.2 For the purposes of this agreement, Transactions made by an additional cardholder will be treated as Transactions made by you. You are responsible for all use of the additional Card. You must pay us for Transactions made by the additional cardholder even if they make you break this agreement. You will also be liable for any charges payable as a result of use by an additional cardholder.
12.3 We will not give additional cardholders information about your account unless you agree.
12.4 Contact us on the numbers given in your statement if you wish to cancel the additional Card.
12.5 You must pay for Transactions made by the additional cardholder and charged to your account after cancellation.
ADDITIONAL CARD. (a) If y ou are an Additional Cardholder, you will be responsible for the use of the additional Card issued to you and will be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You will not be liable for the use of any additional Card issued to another Additional Cardholder or the use of the primary Card.
(b) If y ou are the primary cardholder, you will be liable f or the use of y our primary Card as well as the use of each additional Card. We hav e f ull discretion in recovering indebtedness (including all fees and charges) incurred by an Additional Cardholder from the primary cardholder or that Additional Cardholder or both.