Affordable Care Act Reopener Sample Clauses

Affordable Care Act Reopener. The City may reopen negotiations on the issue of health insurance during the term of this Agreement if the health insurance benefits and/or contributions provided by the City or any other aspect of Article XIV need to be modified in order to limit or eliminate penalties or taxes under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Affordable Care Act Reopener. Upon request from the County, the parties will reopen Article 18, entitled “Health and Welfare Benefits for Active Employees” during the term of the agreement to address and any impacts on the obligation under Article 18 caused by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Affordable Care Act Reopener. ‌ The parties agree to reopen article 15, entitled “Health and Welfare Benefits for Active Employees”, to meet and confer over any changes or impacts to the County’s obligations under Article 15, presented by implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Affordable Care Act Reopener. The District may reopen negotiations at any time during the term of the MOU to address the impact of the Affordable Care Act which increases the Districts cost for bargaining unit members.

Related to Affordable Care Act Reopener

  • Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act requires a Contractor, if Contractor is an applicable large employer under the ACA, to provide healthcare coverage for its employees who provide services for the State and work for 30 or more hours per week. This coverage must also cover the eligible employee’s dependents under the age of 26. The coverage must (a) meet the minimum essential coverage, minimum value, and affordability requirements of the employer responsibility provisions under Section 4980H of the Code (ACA), and (b) otherwise satisfy the requirements of the Code § 4980H (ACA).

  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA In accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993, the Board will grant a leave of absence for one or more of the following: 1. Because of the birth of a son or daughter of the employee, and in order to care for such son or daughter; 2. Because of the placement of a son or daughter with the employee for adoption or xxxxxx care; 3. To care for the employee's spouse, son or daughter, or par- ent, in laws or members of blended families or other per- sons in a similar relationship that live in the family house- hold or are in a similar family relationship who has a serious health condition; or, 4. The employee is unable to perform the essential job func- tions because of a serious health condition. As of February 2008, an employee who is the spouse, son, daughter, parent or the next of kin of a covered service mem- ber can take up to 26 weeks of FMLA leave during a single twelve (12) month period to care for the injured service mem- ber. The same eligibility requirements apply for employees requesting a leave under this category. Regulations as estab- lished by the Department of Labor will be followed when granting leaves under this provision. FMLA leaves are only available to employees who have been employed by the District for at least twelve (12) months and have worked 1,250 hours during the previous twelve (12) month period. Such leaves are counted against an employee's annual FMLA leave entitlement. Under the FMLA, an employee is eligible for a total of twelve (12) work weeks of leave in a twelve (12) month period. This twelve (12) month period is measured back from the date a requested leave is to begin. Continuation of medical, optical and dental benefits and the right to job restoration ceases when an employee has used twelve (12) work weeks of FMLA leave in the twelve (12) month period. (See Section B, Medical Leave of Absence). An employee requesting a FMLA leave must provide the Xxxxx- xxxx Superintendent of Human Resources at least thirty (30) days advance notice of when the leave is to begin. If such no- xxxx is not practicable, then notice is to be provided as soon as practicable. When a leave denoted as (1) or (2) above is granted, the leave must be taken in one (1) continuous increment, and must be concluded within twelve (12) months of the date of birth or placement. Employees granted such leave must utilize accu- mulated vacation days and accumulated personal business days (in that order), after which time the leave is unpaid. When a leave denoted as (3) above is granted, the employee must utilize accumulated sick leave time, accumulated vacation days, and accumulated personal business days (in that order), after which time the leave is unpaid. When a leave denoted as (4) above is granted, the employee must utilize accumulated sick leave days and accumulated per- xxxxx business days (in that order), after which time the leave is unpaid. After these days have been used and if more sick time is needed, the employee may choose to use accumulated vacation time. When additional time is needed during the 90 calendar day (13 week) LTD elimination period, the employee may use available vacation days. If the employee has pur- chased and is filing for short term disability, vacation days may be used during the 14 day elimination period. Vacation days cannot be used once the short term disability coverage starts. Leaves denoted as (3) or (4) above must be supported by med- ical certification from a health care provider stating (1) the date on which the serious health condition commenced, (2) the probable duration of the condition, (3) the appropriate medical facts, and (4) a statement that the employee is unable to per- form the essential functions of his/her position, or that the em- ployee is needed to care for the person. The District reserves the right to require the employee to obtain the opinion of a sec- ond health care provider designated or approved by the District concerning any information within the medical certification. When a FMLA leave denoted as (1) or (2) above is granted to spouses who are both employed by the District, the total amount of time on leave (in total for both employees) cannot exceed twelve (12) weeks of FMLA time. At the expiration of a medical leave or if the employee wishes to return to work before completion of the leave, there must be a physician's certification confirming his/her fitness to return to work. The District may condition the employee's return to work upon a fitness for duty examination and approval by a health care provider designated by the District. The District will continue to provide an employee's medical, optical and dental insurance while he/she is on a FMLA leave for a period of up to twelve (12) weeks on the same terms and conditions as prior to the leave. An employee on a FMLA leave shall not engage in any outside or supplemental employment. The District may recover insurance premiums paid while an employee was on an unpaid FMLA leave if: 1. The employee fails to return to work for at least thirty (30) days after the expiration of the leave; and 2. The failure to return is for a reason other than a serious health condition, or other circumstances beyond the control of the employee. Certification from the health care provider may be required for this purpose. An employee returning from a FMLA leave will be restored to the position he/she left, or to an equivalent position with equiv- alent benefits, pay and other terms and conditions of employ- ment. If the employee has not satisfactorily completed the probation- ary period at the commencement of a FMLA leave, then upon cessation of the leave, the employee must work the days need- ed to complete the probationary period.

  • Family Care and Medical Leave An unpaid Family Care and Medical Leave shall be granted, to the extent of and subject to the restrictions as set forth below, to an employee who has been employed for at least twelve (12) months and who has served for one hundred thirty days (130) workdays during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the effective date of the leave. For purposes of this section, furlough days and days worked during off-basis time shall count as "workdays". Family Care and Medical Leave absences of twenty (20) consecutive working days or less can be granted by the immediate administrator or designee. Leaves of twenty (20) or more consecutive working days can be granted only by submission of a formal leave application to the Classified Personnel Assignments Branch.

  • Fair Employment Practices and Americans with Disabilities Act Party agrees to comply with the requirement of Title 21V.S.A. Chapter 5, Subchapter 6, relating to fair employment practices, to the full extent applicable. Party shall also ensure, to the full extent required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, that qualified individuals with disabilities receive equitable access to the services, programs, and activities provided by the Party under this Agreement. Party further agrees to include this provision in all subcontracts.

  • Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA A. The State acknowledges its commitment to comply with the spirit and intent of the leave entitlement provided by the FMLA and the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) referred to collectively as "FMLA." The State and the Union recognize that on occasion it will be necessary for employees of the State to take job- protected leave for reasons consistent with the FMLA. As defined by the FMLA, reasons for an FMLA leave may include an employee's serious health condition, for the care of a child, spouse, or parent who has a serious health condition, and/or for the birth or adoption of a child. B. For the purposes of providing the FMLA benefits the following definitions shall apply: 1. An eligible employee means an employee who meets the eligibility criteria set forth in the FMLA; 2. An employee's child means any child, regardless of age, who is affected by a serious health condition as defined by the FMLA and is incapable of self care. "Care" as provided in this section applies to the individual with the covered health condition;

  • Joint Funded Project with the Ohio Department of Transportation In the event that the Recipient does not have contracting authority over project engineering, construction, or right-of-way, the Recipient and the OPWC hereby assign certain responsibilities to the Ohio Department of Transportation, an authorized representative of the State of Ohio. Notwithstanding Sections 4, 6(a), 6(b), 6(c), and 7 of the Project Agreement, Recipient hereby acknowledges that upon notification by the Ohio Department of Transportation, all payments for eligible project costs will be disbursed by the Grantor directly to the Ohio Department of Transportation. A Memorandum of Funds issued by the Ohio Department of Transportation shall be used to certify the estimated project costs. Upon receipt of a Memorandum of Funds from the Ohio Department of Transportation, the OPWC shall transfer funds directly to the Ohio Department of Transportation via an Intra- State Transfer Voucher. The amount or amounts transferred shall be determined by applying the Participation Percentages defined in Appendix D to those eligible project costs within the Memorandum of Funds. In the event that the Project Scope is for right-of-way only, notwithstanding Appendix D, the OPWC shall pay for 100% of the right-of-way costs not to exceed the total financial assistance provided in Appendix C.

  • Credit Reporting; Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (a) With respect to each Mortgage Loan, each Sexxxxxx xxxxxx xx xully furnish, in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and its implementing regulations, accurate and complete information (e.g., favorable and unfavorable) on its borrower credit files to Equifax, Experian and TransUnion Credit Information Company (three of the credit repositories), on a monthly basis. (b) Each Servicer shall comply with Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 and all applicable regulations promulgatxx xxxxxxxxxx, xxxating to the Mortgage Loans required to be serviced by it and the related borrowers and shall provide all required notices thereunder.

  • Community Reinvestment Act Compliance Company and each of its Subsidiaries that is an insured depositary institution is in compliance in all material respects with the applicable provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 and the regulations promulgated thereunder and has received a Community Reinvestment Act rating of “satisfactory” in its most recently completed exam, and Company has no knowledge of the existence of any fact or circumstance or set of facts or circumstances which would reasonably be expected to result in Company or any such Subsidiary having its current rating lowered.

  • Health Care Spending Account After six (6) months of permanent employment, full time and part time (20/40 or greater) employees may elect to participate in a Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) Program designed to qualify for tax savings under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code, but such savings are not guaranteed. The HCSA Program allows employees to set aside a predetermined amount of money from their pay, not to exceed the maximum amount authorized by federal law, per calendar year, of before tax dollars, for health care expenses not reimbursed by any other health benefit plans. HCSA dollars may be expended on any eligible medical expenses allowed by Internal Revenue Code Section 125. Any unused balance is forfeited and cannot be recovered by the employee.

  • Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance a. When the Project scope includes work on sidewalks, curb ramps, bike lanes, or pedestrian-activated signals or triggers an obligation to address curb ramps or pedestrian signals, the Parties shall: i. Utilize ODOT standards to assess and ensure Project compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended (together, “ADA”), including ensuring that all sidewalks, curb ramps, and pedestrian-activated signals meet current ODOT Highway Design Manual standards; ii. Follow ODOT’s processes for design, construction, or alteration of sidewalks, curb ramps, and pedestrian-activated signals, including using the ODOT Highway Design Manual, ODOT Design Exception process, ODOT Standard Drawings, ODOT Construction Specifications, providing a temporary pedestrian accessible route plan and current ODOT Curb Ramp Inspection form; iii. At Project completion, send a completed ODOT Curb Ramp Inspection Form 734- 5020 to the address on the form as well as to State’s Project Manager for each curb ramp constructed or altered as part of the Project. The completed form is the documentation required to show that each curb ramp meets ODOT standards and is ADA compliant. ODOT’s fillable Curb Ramp Inspection Form and instructions are available at the following address: b. Agency shall ensure that any portions of the Project under Agency’s maintenance jurisdiction are maintained in compliance with the ADA throughout the useful life of the Project. This includes, but is not limited to, Agency ensuring that: i. Pedestrian access is maintained as required by the ADA, ii. Any complaints received by Agency identifying sidewalk, curb ramp, bike lanes, or pedestrian-activated signal safety or access issues are promptly evaluated and addressed,