AFT. Guild shall indemnify and save harmless the District, its officers and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, costs (including reasonable attorney fees and court costs), suits and administrative proceedings arising out of or connected with employees giving or receiving sick leave time for catastrophic illness or injuries.
AFT. Shift Dif.) + (8 X Night Shift Dif.)
AFT. 3 183 International Lease Finance Corporation 1999 Avenue of the Stars, 39th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90067 AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL INFORMATION Aircraft Type: B737-300 Time as of JUNE 30, 1997 Date Manufactured FEBRUARY 1992 Serial No.: 25161 Total Time (Hours) 15430 Availability Registration No. CS-TIK Total Cycles 8667 WEIGHTS Maximum Take Off Gross Wt. 138,500 LBS Operational Basic Wt. 69,567 LBS Maximum Taxi Wt. 139,000 LBS Maximum Zero Fuel Wt. 106,500 LBS Maximum Landing Wt. 114,000 Fuel Capacity (U.S. Gallons) 3,812 AIRFRAME STATUS
AFT. L () /~ Gf Xxxxx Q/Xxxxx, Secretary-Treasurer
AFT. “AFT” means any alternative financing transaction that the Company implements to finance the acquisition transaction contemplated by the Credit Agreement.
AFT. Shift - One person within the work cell
AFT. Shift - Two people within the cell
AFT. Shift - two people within the work cell
AFT. Shift + (8 X Night Shift Shift differentials shall not apply in the calculation of overtime, plant holiday pay or vacation pay. Overtime rates shall not be applied to shift weeks pay whichever is applicable from July of the Vacation Pay shall be the greater of or or the greaterofshallbenotlessthan absentfrom of an illness and is receiving weekly indemnity payments shall be excused from the hour work requirement and time lost during such shall not deducted from total hours worked in the vacation year. For employees en the hour shift schedule, each week of vacation entitlement will be paid for on the basis of forty times the employee’srate at the time the vacation is taken or of the gross for the previous year, whichever is greater, provided the hour provision is met. Each week of vacation will start at am. Sunday of the week selected. Vacation entitlementwill be based on the employee’sanniver- An employee whose length of serviceentitles him to an improvement in his vacation benefits shall be entitled to the same, effective following his anniversary date. of the time of year his anniversary falls. Employees by this Collective be granted a vacation with pay as follows: One (1) of service-Two (2) weeks.
AFT. Fuselage Section. This section includes the structural components located aft of the Center fuselage including the vertical stabilizer and horizontal stabilizer. This section will most likely be delivered in three sub assemblies, the Aft Fuselage, the Vertical Stabilizer, and the Horizontal Stabilizer. However, this may change as the engineering is finalized