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Allocable costs Sample Clauses

Allocable costs a. A cost is allocable to a particular cost objective to the extent of benefits received by such objective.
Allocable costs. Electricity. Tenant shall pay to Landlord monthly an amount reasonably estimated by Landlord to equal Tenant’s Allocable Electricity Costs for the electrical energy that Tenant requires for operation of the lighting fixtures, appliances and equipment of Tenant in the Premises and the heating and air conditioning equipment of Landlord servicing the Premises. “Tenant’s Allocable Electricity Costs” as used herein is initially estimated to be $2.00 per rsf, and shall be as determined in accordance with Exhibit E attached hereto and made a part hereof. Landlord shall from time to time furnish to Tenant a statement setting forth in reasonable detail the particulars relating to Tenant’s Allocable Electricity Costs for the period to which such a statement relates. In the event the estimated payments made by Tenant for said period shall be less than Tenant’s Allocable Electricity Costs for said period as set forth in said statement, Tenant shall promptly remit to Landlord the difference. In the event the estimated payments made by Tenant for said period exceed Tenant’s Allocable Electricity Costs for said period as set forth in said statement, such excess shall be refunded by Landlord. Landlord shall not be liable in any way to Tenant for any failure or defect in the supply or character of electrical energy furnished to the Premises by reason of any requirement, act or omission of the public utility serving the Building with electricity unless due to the act or omission of Landlord. Tenant’s use of electrical energy in the Premises shall not at any time exceed the capacity of any of the electrical conductors and equipment in or otherwise serving the Premises. In order to insure that such capacity is not exceeded and to avert possible adverse effect upon the Building electrical services, Tenant shall give notice to Landlord and obtain Landlord’s prior written consent whenever Tenant shall connect to the Building electrical distribution system any major fixtures, appliances or equipment. Any additional feeders or risers to supply Tenant’s electrical requirements in addition to those originally installed and all other equipment proper and necessary in connection with such feeders or risers, shall be installed by Landlord upon Tenant’s request, at the sole cost and expense of Tenant, provided that such additional feeders and risers are permissible under applicable laws and insurance regulations and the installation of such feeders or risers will not cause permanent dam...
Allocable costs a. A cost is allocable to a particular cost objective if the goods or services involved are chargeable or assignable to such cost objective in accordance with relative benefits received. b. All activities which benefit from the governmental unit’s indirect costs, including unallowable activities and services donated to the governmental nit by third parties, will receive an appropriate allocation of indirect costs. [For example, the fair market value of volunteer services contributed to a project need to be included in the allocation. Unallowable costs have to be included to ensure that the grantor agency does not pay a disproportionate share of project costs by having such costs “backed out” prior to allocating costs among funding sources.] c. Any cost allocable to a particular federal or state award or cost objective under the principles provided in this Appendix may not be charged to other federal or state awards to overcome fund deficiencies, to avoid restrictions imposed by law or terms of the federal or state awards, or for other reasons. However, this prohibition would not preclude governmental units from shifting costs that are allowable under two or more awards in accordance with existing program agreements. d. Where an accumulation of indirect costs will ultimately result in charges to a federal or state award, a cost allocation plan will be required as described in Attachments C, D, and E to UGMS.
Allocable costs. All project cots are expended for a particular purpose or time period that benefits the grant (2 CFR §200.405)
Allocable costs. 1. A cost is allocable to a particular cost objective if the goods or services involved are chargeable or assignable to such cost objective in accordance with relative benefits received. 2. All activities which benefit from the governmental unit’s indirect costs, including unallowable activities and services donated to the governmental unit by third parties, will receive an appropriate allocation of indirect costs. For example, the fair market value of volunteer services contributed to a project need to be included in the allocation. Unallowable costs have to be included to ensure that the grantor agency does not pay a disproportionate share of project costs by having such costs “backed out” prior to allocating costs among funding sources. 3. Any cost allocable to a particular federal or state award or cost objective under the principles provided in this Appendix may not be charged to other federal or state awards to overcome fund deficiencies, to avoid restrictions imposed by law or terms of the federal or state awards, or for other reasons. However, this prohibition would not preclude governmental units from shifting costs that are allowable under two or more awards in accordance with existing program agreements. 4. Where an accumulation of indirect costs will ultimately result in charges to a federal or state award, a cost allocation plan will be required as described in Texas Grant Management Standards.
Allocable costs i. A cost is allocable to the contract if all of the following conditions are met: a. It is assignable or chargeable to the contract in accordance with the relative benefit received because either: 1. It was incurred specifically and solely for the performance of the contract; or 2. It benefits both contract and non-contract objectives and can be distributed between them in reasonable proportion to the benefits received; or 3. It is necessary for the overall operation of the contractor even if a direct relationship to the contract cannot be shown. b. It is not allocable to or included as a cost of any other contract, grant, agreement or program in either the present or any prior period, or used as cost-sharing or matching for another contract or grant, except when the contract specifically authorizes such duplicate allocation. c. It is accorded consistent treatment with costs of a similar nature.
Allocable costs. Allocable costs for replacement of Shared Sewers are the same as Eligible Shared Costs for new Shared Sewers as set forth in section 6.2.1 above.
Allocable costs. 1. A cos x x x x lloc a ble t o a p a r t ic u l a r cos t ce n t e r ( i . e., a specific fun c- t io n , p r ojec t , r ese a r c h a g r ee m e n t , dep a r t - m e n t , o r t h e li k e) if t h e goods o r se r vices i n- volved x x x x x x x xx a ble x x x ssig n a ble t o s u c h cos t ce n t e r i n a cco r d a n ce wi t h r el a t ive be n e- fi t s r eceived o r o t h e r eq u i t a ble r el a t io n s h ip. S u bjec t t o t h e fo r egoi n g, a cos x x x x lloc a ble t o a r ese a r c h a g r ee m e n t if i t i s i n c urr ed sole- l y t o a dv a n ce t h e wo r k un de r t h e r ese a r c h a g r ee m e n t ; o r i t be n efi t s bo t h t h e r ese a r c h a g r ee m e n t a n d o t h e r wo r k of t h e h ospi t a l i n p r opo r t io n s t h a t c a n be a pp r oxi m a t ed t hr o u g h u se of r e a so n a ble m e t h ods; o r i t i s n ecess a ry t o t h e ove r a ll ope r a t io n of t h e h os- pi t a l a n d, i n lig h t of t h e s t a n d a r ds p r ovided i n t h i s c h a p t e r , i s dee m ed t o be a ssig n a ble i n p a r t t o o r g a n ized r ese a r c h . Wh e r e t h e p ur- c h a se of eq u ip m e n t o r o t h e r c a pi t a l i t e m s a r e specific a ll y a u t h o r ized un de r a r ese a r c h a g r ee m e n t , t h e a m o un t s t hu s a u t h o r ized fo r s u c h p ur c h a ses a r e a lloc a ble t o t h e r ese a r c h a g r ee m e n t r eg a r dless of t h e u se t h a t m a y s u bseq u e n t l y be m a de of t h e eq u ip m e n t o r o t h e r c a pi t a l i t e m s i n volved. 2. A ny cos t s a lloc a ble t o a p a r t ic u l a r r e- se a r c h a g r ee m e n t un de r t h e s t a n d a r ds p r o- vided i n t h ese p r i n ciples m a y n o t be s h if t ed t o o t h e r r ese a r c h a g r ee m e n t s i n o r de r t o m ee t deficie n cies c a u sed b y ove rrun s o r o t h e r fun d co n s ide r a t io n s, t o a void r es t r ic- t io n s i m posed b y l a w o r b y t e r m s of t h e r e- se a r c h a g r ee m e n t , o r fo r o t h e r r e a so n s of co n ve n ie n ce.

Related to Allocable costs

  • Reimbursable Costs 5.3.1. To be considered eligible for reimbursement, costs have to be: • actually incurred, individually identifiable and verifiable, as backed by copies of supporting evidence, as the case may be in the Contractor’s official bookkeeping; this means that no lump sums will be eligible for reimbursement; • necessary in order to perform the tasks as specified in the Terms of Reference (Annex 2); and • cost effective and providing value for money 5.3.2. The following costs are never eligible for reimbursement: • costs for excess baggage; • costs that are covered by the per diem; and • costs that are covered from a source other than this Contract 5.3.3. Travel tickets are reimbursed by EFI up to the cost of economy class level on basis of the most cost efficient itinerary, taking into account ticket price, travel duration, number of connections and safety of the transporting company. 5.3.4. For travel tickets, EFI requires the following documentation as supporting evidence: copies of tickets or electronic reservation, invoices and boarding cards. This documentation must clearly show the class of travel used, the time of travel and the amount paid.

  • Allowable Costs A. Allowable Costs are restricted to costs that are authorized under Texas Uniform Grant Management Standards (TxGMS) and applicable state and federal rules and laws. This Grant Agreement is subject to all applicable requirements of TxGMS, including the criteria for Allowable Costs. Additional federal requirements apply if this Grant Agreement is funded, in whole or in part, with federal funds. B. System Agency will reimburse Grantee for actual, allowable, and allocable costs incurred by Grantee in performing the Project, provided the costs are sufficiently documented. Grantee must have incurred a cost prior to claiming reimbursement and within the applicable term to be eligible for reimbursement under this Grant Agreement. At its sole discretion, the System Agency will determine whether costs submitted by Grantee are allowable and eligible for reimbursement. The System Agency may take repayment (recoup) from remaining funds available under this Grant Agreement in amounts necessary to fulfill Grantee’s repayment obligations. Grantee and all payments received by Grantee under this Grant Agreement are subject to applicable cost principles, audit requirements, and administrative requirements including applicable provisions under 2 CFR 200, 48 CFR Part 31, and TxGMS. C. OMB Circulars will be applied with the modifications prescribed by TxGMS with effect given to whichever provision imposes the more stringent requirement in the event of a conflict.

  • Operating Costs (a) Tenant shall maintain the Premises in their condition on the Effective Date at Tenant’s sole cost and expense. Landlord may inspect the Premises and, if Landlord reasonably determines that Tenant is not maintaining the Premises in their condition on the Effective Date, Landlord may provide Tenant with written notice of any such maintenance concern, and Tenant shall promptly make such repairs. If Tenant fails to complete such repairs within thirty (30) days of receipt of such notice, Landlord may undertake such repairs and Tenant shall be obligated to reimburse Landlord for its costs within ten (10) days of receipt of an invoice therefore. Landlord represents and warrants to Tenant that the exterior walls, foundation and roof of the Premises are in good working order on the Effective Date. Landlord will, at its cost, replace, restore, repair or maintain (as necessary) the roof until the first anniversary of the Commencement Date. Landlord will, at its cost, replace, restore, repair or maintain (as necessary) the exterior walls and foundation of the Premises until the fifth anniversary of the Commencement Date. Tenant shall be fully responsible for the replacement, restoration, repair and maintenance of the roof, exterior walls and foundation of the Premises thereafter. If Landlord fails to commence such repairs within thirty (30) days of receipt of any notice from Tenant, Tenant may undertake such repairs and Landlord shall be obligated to reimburse Tenant for its costs within ten (10) days of receipt of an invoice therefore; provided, however, that Tenant shall have no rights to offset or set off any such amounts against the Rent to be paid hereunder. If Landlord does not reimburse Tenant within ten (10) days from the date of notice, such charge shall bear interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum until paid. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained (except for the provisions of paragraph 32 below), if Tenant makes any changes, additions or alterations to the roof of the Premises which involves penetration of the roof (other than those for telecommunications installations so long as the installation contractor has Landlord’s prior written approval which will not be unreasonably conditioned, delayed or denied), Landlord’s obligations to replace, restore, repair or maintain the roof shall cease. If Tenant undertakes any structural repairs in the Premises which impact, affect, or alter the walls or foundation of the Premises, Landlord’s obligation to replace, restore, repair or maintain that portion of the exterior walls and foundation of the Premises shall cease as of the date of such action by Tenant. Any Operating Costs that pertain to a period prior to or after the Lease Term will be pro rated between Landlord and Tenant in the proportion of the amount of the Lease Term that falls within the period to which the Operating Costs pertain. (b) Tenant shall pay all Operating Costs during the Lease Term.

  • Direct Costs The Contractor shall separately identify each item of deleted and added work associated with the change or other condition giving rise to entitlement to an equitable adjustment, including increases or decreases to unchanged work impacted by the change. For each item of work so identified, the Contractor shall propose for itself and, if applicable, its first two tiers of subcontractors, the following direct costs: (1) Material cost broken down by trade, supplier, material description, quantity of material units, and unit cost (including all manufacturing burden associated with material fabrication and cost of delivery to site, unless separately itemized); (2) Labor cost broken down by trade, employer, occupation, quantity of labor hours, and burdened hourly labor rate, together with itemization of applied labor burdens (exclusive of employer’s overhead, profit, and any labor cost burdens carried in employer’s overhead rate); (3) Cost of equipment required to perform the work, identified with material to be placed or operation to be performed; (4) Cost of preparation and/or revision to shop drawings and other submittals with detail set forth in paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this clause; (5) Delivery costs, if not included in material unit costs; (6) Time-related costs not separately identified as direct costs, and not included in the Contractor’s or subcontractors’ overhead rates, as specified in paragraph

  • Closing Costs The costs attributed to the Closing of the Property shall be the responsibility of ☐ Buyer ☐ Seller ☐ Both Parties. The fees and costs related to the Closing shall include but not be limited to a title search (including the abstract and any owner’s title policy), preparation of the deed, transfer taxes, recording fees, and any other costs by the title company that is in standard procedure with conducting the sale of a property.

  • Additional Expenses to be inserted if applicable.

  • Excess Costs If the Permitted Costs exceeds the Finish Allowance, then Tenant shall pay all such excess costs (“Excess Costs”), provided, however, Landlord will, prior to the commencement of construction of Tenant’s Improvements, advise Tenant of the sum of the Contract Sum and the Construction Management Fee (the “Cost Estimate”). Tenant shall have five (5) business days from and after the receipt of such advice within which to approve or disapprove the Contract Sum and Cost Estimate. If Tenant fails to approve same by the expiration of the fifth such business day, then Tenant shall be deemed to have approved the Proposed Contract Sum and Cost Estimate. If Tenant disapproves the Contract Sum and Cost Estimate within such five (5) business day period, then Tenant shall either reduce the scope of Tenant’s Improvements such that the Contract Sum and Construction Management Fee do not exceed the Finish Allowance or, at Tenant’s option, Landlord shall obtain two (2) additional bids, provided that each day beyond such five (5) business day period and until the rebid is accepted by Tenant shall constitute a Tenant Delay hereunder. The foregoing process shall continue until a Contract Sum and Cost Estimate are accepted or deemed accepted by Tenant. Landlord and Tenant must approve (or be deemed to have approved) the Contract Sum for the construction of Tenant’s Improvements in writing prior to the commencement of construction.

  • Shared Expenses Owner acknowledges that certain economies may be achieved with respect to certain expenses to be incurred by Manager on behalf of Owner hereunder if materials, supplies, insurance or services are purchased by Manager in quantity for use not only in connection with Owner's business at the Property but in connection with other properties owned or managed by Manager or its affiliates. Manager shall have the right to purchase such materials, supplies, insurance (subject to the terms of this Agreement) and/or services in its own name and charge Owner a pro rata allocable share of the cost of the foregoing; provided, however, that the pro rata cost of such purchase to Owner shall not result in expenses that are either inconsistent with the expenses of other "U-Haul branded" locations in the general vicinity of the applicable Property or greater than would otherwise be incurred at competitive prices and terms available in the area where the Property is located; and provided further, Manager shall give Owner access to records (at no cost to Owner) so Owner may review any such expenses incurred.

  • Unallowable Costs Costs that are unallowable under other sections of these principles shall not be allowable under this section solely on the basis that they constitute personnel compensation.

  • Direct Expenses 1. Fees and expenses of its directors (except the fees of those directors who are deemed to be "interested persons" of the Fund as that term is defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940) and the meetings thereof;