Project Need Sample Clauses
Project Need. The program will assist a minimum of 10 low- and moderate-income qualified home owners with grants for interior and exterior improvement projects.
Project Need. The Old Town commercial district is plagued with insufficient infrastructure and aging buildings. The potential economic benefit to the area has placed a high priority on the preservation and rehabilitation of the single-family homes and businesses in the Old Town Placentia area.
Project Need. The Midway City Community Services and Education Center serves a vital need in the urban County because it serves low to moderate-income, limited English speaking residents who would not have local access to services that promote health, education and economic self-sufficiency in culturally and linguistically relevant ways. According to 2017 Census information, the median household income of Midway City residents ranges between $0 and $45,568 with 25% below $25,000; and 20.6% of families living at or below the poverty level. The majority of the population is 28% Hispanic, 48% Asian, 38% White and 11% African American/Native American and other races. According to the U.S. Census Bureau information, 70.7% have households where a language other than English is spoken at home.
Project Need. The City of Placentia’s Neighborhood Services Division at the Xxxxxxx Community Center is located in a low to moderate income area and provides residents with information and referrals to healthcare, food assistance and distribution, employment, counseling and emergency assistance. Many of our participants are low- and moderate-income families, senior citizens and persons with disabilities. The Division hosts a strong network of community agencies and committed individuals called the Families First Collaborative to unite community efforts to strengthen and support family well-being and self-sufficiency.
Project Need. This funding will secure resources for the Subrecipient’s single-family housing rehabilitation program known as the Home Enhancement Loan Program or HELP II (the “Program”). This existing and successful Program provides forgivable loans to income eligible homeowners in order to make required home improvements. The Program serves to fulfill the priority goal of preserving affordable housing opportunities for qualified area homeowners and facilitates the preservation of neighborhoods.
Project Need. The project is needed due to deteriorated roadway in the Apartment Row Neighborhood. This is a densely populated multi-family residential area of the city. The Subrecipient will not have funds for the project for a number of years, therefore the project can only be completed using CDBG funding.
Project Need. Colette’s Children’s Home target population are those considered the hardest to serve and include criminal offenders, with a history of incarceration, who are on probation or parole, and are addicts, alcoholics, victims of domestic violence and human trafficking, attending drug court or family court, are unemployed, with low or no income, no transportation, and no support system. They have limited or no formal higher education with limited or no viable employment skills. They are homeless single female head of households who benefit from stable housing in a structured environment providing intensive intervention, direction, guidance, motivation, and accountability. Colette’s Children’s Home is unique in that they are one of the few housing and service providers in Orange County that serve women with these or other challenges making it difficult to find shelter. 100% of the clients they serve are below the low to moderate income range with most falling into the extremely low-income range. They prioritize clients who are literally homeless; living on the streets, in vehicles or coming from emergency shelters. Their goal for each client is to enhance and provide a suitable living environment for them to help get them on the road to self-sufficiency. This project is needed to increase the county’s capacity to provide housing for homeless and low income individuals.
Project Need. The following describes the existing traffic operations on I-680 in the project area and projected future traffic growth with respect to capacity and transportation demand, which create the need for the Project.
Project Need. The project includes upgrades to safety, energy efficiency, enhanced outdoor recreation, and remodeling of the building. The Center is located in an area with significant crime and on a State Highway with a large amount of transient foot traffic. As such, safety upgrades for the staff and patrons is a priority.
Project Need. The Brea Senior Center, exceeding 100 years of age while serving approximately 52,000 seniors annually, is in need of kitchen improvements in order for it to remain an efficient, accessible, functional and safe environment for the increasing number of low-income seniors and the community it serves. The longstanding building provides a safe setting for seniors to participate in many activities and services geared towards their needs, including nutrition. The kitchen at the Senior Center is used by staff and senior volunteers at least five days per week to prepare and service a hot, nutritious lunch. The home-delivered meals program also utilizes the kitchen. Both programs heavily rely on senior volunteers who are in and out of the kitchen for hours at a time. The kitchen is in need of many improvements so that it is more easily accessible, functional, safe, well ventilated, and is space efficient considering increasing demands.