Alternative Treatments Sample Clauses
Alternative Treatments. We may use health information about you to provide you with information about alternative treatments or other health-related benefits and services that may be of interest to you.
Alternative Treatments. Alternative Treatments are forms of treatment other than treatment “Allopathy” or “modern medicine and includes Ayurveda, unani, siddha homeopathy and Naturopathy in the Indian Context, for Hospitalisation only and Domiciliary for treatment only under ailments mentioned under clause number 3.1 (Ref: 3.4 Alternative Therapy)
Alternative Treatments. We will indemnify the Reasonable and Customary Charges for Medical Expenses incurred on the Insured Person’s Medically Necessary and Medically Advised Inpatient Hospitalization during the Policy Period on treatment taken under Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) in a government Hospital or in any institute recognized by government and/or accredited by Quality Council of India/National Accreditation Board on Health. Pre-hospitalization Medical Expenses incurred for upto 30 days prior to the Alternative Treatments being commenced and Post-hospitalization Medical Expenses incurred for up to 60 days following the Alternative Treatment being concluded will also be indemnified under this Benefit provided that these Medical Expenses relate only to Alternative Treatments only and not Allopathy.
Alternative Treatments. We will indemnify the Reasonable and Customary Charges for Medical Expenses incurred on the Insured Person’s Medically Necessary and Medically Advised Inpatient Hospitalization during the Policy Period on treatment taken under Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) in a government Hospital or in any institute recognized by government and/or accredited by Quality Council of India/National Accreditation Board on Health.
Alternative Treatments. Any covered Critical Illnesses diagnosed and/or treated by Medical Practitioner who practices
Alternative Treatments. Alternative treatments such as, but not limited: - to yoga, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, Pilates, colonic irrigation, health hydro’s, natural cure spas, convalescence and relaxation or rest treatments. Treatment directly or indirectly arising from or required as a result of asbestosis or any related condition.
Alternative Treatments. The consultant will represent various corridor treatments in the model that may include all or some of the following in combination:
a) Access management and network treatments: medians, driveway consolidation, new intersections, backage roads, potential expansion to 6 general purpose lanes
b) Transit service treatments: Expansion to 6 lanes for dedicated transit, bicycle, right turns; use of backage roads in existing conditions and with transit exclusive access at key points
c) Intersection alternatives: Intersection capacity treatments. Alternatives may be modeled for different intersections. For instance, at Xxxxxx/66 FMPO is interested in evaluating a Quadrant left turn – use of Clay to Malpais to channel southbound left turns from Xxxxxx Avenue; Massive Rotary/Roundabout using Malpais/Clay/Xxxxxx;
Alternative Treatments. Many options to the cognitive-behavioral treatment that Xx. Xxxx can provide are available, including other types of psychotherapy, and medications. If Xx. Xxxx recommends any of these in your case, she will let you know what her recommendation is and the reasons for it.
Alternative Treatments. There are other ways of dealing with the extra fat. You can choose not to have the surgery to remove the fat. Diet and exercise may help you lose weight and improve your shape. Your surgeon may need to remove the extra skin and fat along with a liposuction. You may also want to think about going in for heating or cooling therapy to reduce the fat. These treatments do not involve surgery. You can talk to your doctor about deoxycholic acid. It breaks down and absorbs fat. All alternate surgeries have risks and possible problems. RISKS OF LIPOSUCTION SURGERY Every surgery has risks. It is important that you understand the risks and the possible problems that can result from them. All procedures have limits. Choosing to have a surgery means comparing the risks and benefits. Most patients do not face problems, but you should talk about them with your plastic surgeon. Make sure you understand all possible outcomes of liposuction. SPECIFIC RISKS OF LIPOSUCTION SURGERY
Alternative Treatments. You do not have to be in this study to get treatment for your cancer. Instead of taking part in this study, your doctor will explain the other options available to you. These options may include: • Receiving other treatments for your cancer, if such treatments are available. • Taking part in another research study • Getting no treatment for your cancer, or • Receiving "comfort care only" where treatments are directed only at reducing symptoms, relieving suffering and maximizing comfort, dignity, and control. In comfort care only, treatment is not directed at curing, slowing, or reversing your disease. If you have any questions concerning alternative treatments, please ask your study doctor. Your study doctor can discuss your treatment options with you. If you decide not to take part in this study, your decision will not affect your care at this hospital.