Annexes and Protocols Sample Clauses

Annexes and Protocols. The Annexes and the Protocols to this Agreement are an integral part of it. The Joint Committee may decide to amend the Annexes and Protocols.
Annexes and Protocols. The Annexes and Protocols to this Agreement, including their Appendices, are an integral part of this Agreement.
Annexes and Protocols. 1. The Annexes and the Protocols to this Agreement are an integral part of it. The Joint Committee may decide to amend the Annexes and Protocols. 2. The Annexes and Protocols to this Agreement are the following: Annex I Territorial application Annex II Products not covered by the Agreement Annex III Fish and other marine products Annex IV Customs duties on imports and charges having equivalent effect Annex V Protection of intellectual property Protocol A Processed agricultural products Protocol B Rules of origin Protocol C State Monopolies
Annexes and Protocols. The Annexes and Protocols to this Agreement shall form an integral part thereof. The Final Act shall contain the declarations.
Annexes and Protocols. 1. The Annexes I to III to this Agreement and the Protocols 1 to 5 to this Agreement shall form an integral part of this Agreement. 2. The Joint Committee may decide to amend the Annexes and the Protocols. In this case the amendments shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date of exchange of diplomatic notes confirming their approval by the Government of a respective Party.
Annexes and Protocols. The Annexes and Protocols to this Agreement shall form an integral part of this Agreement. ARTICLE 460
Annexes and Protocols. The following Annexes and Protocols and Joint Statements to this Agreement shall form an integral part of this Agreement: Annex I Customs duties on products originating in the EAC Partner State(s) Annex II Customs duties on products originating in the EU Xxxxx XXX(a) EAC EPA Development Matrix Xxxxx XXX(b) Development Benchmarks, Targets and Indicators Annex IV Joint Declaration regarding countries which have established a Customs Union with the European Union Annex V Annex VI Trade and Sustainable Development Joint Declaration of the Parties on the Economic and Development Cooperation in this Agreement Protocol 1 Joint Statement 1 Joint Statement 2 On mutual administrative assistance in customs matters Joint Statement on Rules of Origin Joint Statement on Trade and Sustainable Development 0 For greater certainty, in determining the consistency of a measure with this Agreement under Part VII, Title II, an arbitration panel may consider, as appropriate, the law of a Party as a matter of fact. In doing so, the arbitration panel shall follow the prevailing interpretation given to the law by the courts or authorities of that Party and any meaning given to law by the arbitration panel shall not be binding upon the courts or the authorities of that Party.
Annexes and Protocols. The Annexes and the Protocols to this Agreement shall form an integral part thereof. In witness whereof the undersigned, duly authorised thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement. Done in Duplicate at London this ninth day of March 2021 in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authoritative. For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX For the Republic of Cameroon: XXXXXX XXXXXXXX NJOTEH OBJECTIVES AND PRINCIPLES
Annexes and Protocols. It is quite typical for subregional agreements to have certain issues covered in annexes and protocols supplementing the main agreement. These may cover specific technical issues, implementation arrangements, procedural issues, etc. Ideally, the agreement may provide for a visa free regime for professional drivers and crews of road vehicles. However, if this is not feasible for the countries negotiating the subregional agreement, the issuance of multiple-entry visas valid for at least one year can be a good practical solution, with national competent authorities or professional road transport associations acting as guaranteeing institutions. The national guaranteeing institution in each country may prepare a list of professional drivers (and crew members) and submit it to the ministries of foreign affairs of the other countries. In accordance with the procedure established by the agreement, the list will be forwarded to embassies or consulates, which will expedite the issuance of visas for the drivers and crew included on the list. Alternatively, national guaranteeing institutions may provide certifying letters with guarantee letters from carriers when drivers apply for visas at the embassies/consulates. With such arrangements, drivers employed by one carrier may be considered as one group in visa application and exempted from the requirement of personal presence. Consular treaties fall under the competence of the ministries of foreign affairs, therefore transport authorities need to request the ministries of foreign affairs and possibly other competent authorities to participate in the process of negotiating the subregional agreements on transport facilitation.
Annexes and Protocols. It is quite typical for subregional agreements to have certain issues covered in annexes and protocols supplementing the main agreement (specific technical issues, implementation arrangements, procedural issues, etc.). Ideally, the agreement should provide for visa free regime for professional drivers and crews of road vehicles. In case when introduction of visa free regime for those categories is not feasible for the countries negotiating a subregional agreement, possibility of issuance of multiple-entry visas valid for at least one year can be a good practical solution, with national competent authorities or professional road transport associations acting as guaranteeing institutions. The national guaranteeing institution in each country may prepare a list of professional drivers (crew members) and submit it to the ministries of foreign affairs of other countries in accordance with the procedure established by the agreement for forwarding to embassies or consulates. Embassies or consulates will expedite issue of visas for the drivers with reference to the list. Alternatively, national guaranteeing institutions may provide certifying letters with guarantee letters from carriers when drivers apply for visas at the embassies/consulates. With such arrangements, drivers employed by one carrier may be considered as one group in visa application and exempt from the requirement of personal presence. As consular treaties must be reached by the ministries of foreign affairs, transport authorities need to request the ministries of foreign affairs and possibly other competent authorities to participate in negotiating of the agreement.