Antitrust Policy Sample Clauses

Antitrust Policy. 9.1 The Member agrees to comply with all applicable antitrust laws pertaining to Member’s participation in the activities of ETI Europe. 9.2 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to require or permit conduct that violates any applicable antitrust law.
Antitrust Policy. Member agrees to comply with all applicable antitrust laws pertaining to Member’s participation in ETI. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to require or permit conduct that violates any applicable antitrust law.
Antitrust Policy. Member agrees to comply with the applicable antitrust laws which govern it. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to require or permit conduct that violates any applicable antitrust law.
Antitrust Policy. The Member shall abide by the SIG’s Antitrust Guidelines (the “Antitrust Guidelines”) as adopted by the Board. The Antitrust Guidelines are incorporated herein by this reference thereto. Such Antitrust Guidelines may be amended from time to time by the SIG in accordance with the SIG’s LLC Agreement, provided, however, that such amendments shall not go into effect with less than 60 days’ notice to the Members. If the Member does not wish to abide by an amended Antitrust Guidelines, the Member may resign such Member’s membership prior to the effective date of the amendment of such Antitrust Guidelines. A copy of the current Antitrust Guidelines is attached hereto as Exhibit D.
Antitrust Policy. The Member agrees to comply with all applicable antitrust laws pertaining to the Member’s participation in EDM Council. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to require or permit conduct that violates any applicable antitrust law. Member consents to the disclosure of its name as a member of EDM Council, for the purpose of permitting EDM Council to invoke the protection of the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993 (15 U.S.C. §§4301, et seq.)
Antitrust Policy. The Member agrees to comply with all applicable antitrust laws pertaining to the Member’s participation in RapidIO. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to require or permit conduct that violates any applicable antitrust law. Member consents to the disclosure of its name as a member of RapidIO, for the purpose of permitting RapidIO to invoke the protection of the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993 (15 U.S.C. §§ 4301, et seq.)
Antitrust Policy. The Member agrees to comply with all applicable antitrust
Antitrust Policy. DTA recognizes and endorses the policies underlying the United Statesantitrust laws. It is the belief of DTA that competition is the fairest and most efficient mechanism of economic regulation. Accordingly, any activity that intentionally or unintentionally reduces competition or restrains trade is contrary to that belief and DTA policy. In order to ensure that DTA members, advisors, and staff understand and comply with basic antitrust law and DTA policy, the DTA Board of Directors has adopted an Antitrust Policy Statement (see Addendum F). All members and their representatives involved in DTA activities agree to abide by the adopted policies. Associations are subject to strict scrutiny under both federal and state antitrust laws. Antitrust laws serve to “maintain competitive market structures in order to protect trade and commerce from monopolies and restraints on competition such as collusive price-fixing.” DTA is not organized to and may not play any role in the competitive decisions of its members or their employees, nor in any way restrict competition among members or potential members. Rather it serves as a forum for a free and open discussion of diverse opinions without in any way attempting to encourage or sanction any particular business practice. Therefore, this policy statement (see Addendum F) clearly and unequivocally supports the policy of competition served by the antitrust laws and to communicate DTA’s uncompromising policy to comply strictly in all respects with those laws. All Member representatives must file an Antitrust Policy Agreement with DTA. Violation of antitrust laws can be severe. A conviction can carry stiff fines for the association and its offending leaders, jail sentences for individuals who participated in the violation, and a court order dissolving the association or seriously curtailing its activities. The antitrust laws can be enforced against DTA, DTA Members, and DTA's employees by both government agencies and private parties (such as competitors and consumers) through treble (triple) damage actions. The most common antitrust claims against alliances includes price-fixing (any explicit or implicit understanding affecting the price of a member's product or service is prohibited regardless of perceived benefits), organized boycotts, joint refusals to deal, market allocations, illegal tying arrangements, bid-rigging, and some forms of boycotts. In addition, there are many features that factor into price; agreements as t...
Antitrust Policy. 1. It the policy of the Company to comply fully with the antitrust laws of the United States wherever they are applicable, at home and abroad. The Company is mindful that it takes years to earn a good reputation in any field of endeavor but it is an unfortunate fact that all the previously attained good can be wiped out by the acts of a single individual on a single occasion. In the antitrust field, the misconduct of a single employee can involve the employee, the employee’s superior, the Company and its management in costly, arduous litigation which can lead to fines, injunctions and even imprisonment. 2. The purpose of the antitrust laws is to preserve our competitive free enterprise system. The United States antitrust policy is founded on the belief that the public interest is best served by vigorous competition—competition free from collusive agreements among competitors. The fact that the antitrust laws aid in the preservation of our economic, political and social institutions is widely recognized, and the management of this Company has repeatedly stated its belief in the philosophy underlying those laws. Thus, while the attainment of profits by all lawful and proper means is strongly encouraged, the Company’s efforts in that regard must be conducted in accordance with the law. Specifically, this means that participation in agreements or understandings which violate the antitrust laws is contrary to Company policy. 3. The following are examples of activities which violate the United States antitrust laws: agreements or understandings between two or more competitors (1) to fix prices, discounts or terms of sale, (2) to divide markets, customers or territories, or (3) to refuse to deal with, or boycott, third parties. Each of these activities can lead to criminal prosecution and conviction of the individuals involved as well as their companies. Their mention is not intended to minimize the importance of other less obvious activities which may also violate the antitrust laws Any employee who is in doubt as to the propriety of a contemplated course of action should promptly communicate with his or her supervisor or Company counsel before action is taken. 4. The Committee will arrange for the conduct of programs and the publication of materials to educate employees concerning compliance with the antitrust laws so that employees will learn to identify these types of legal problems as they arise.
Antitrust Policy. The Member shall abide by FDX’s Antitrust Guidelines (the “Antitrust Guidelines”) as adopted by the Board. The Antitrust Guidelines are incorporated herein by this reference thereto. Such Antitrust Guidelines may be amended from time to time by FDX in accordance with FDX’s Bylaws, provided, however, that such amendments shall not go into effect with less than 60 days’ notice to the Members. If the Member does not wish to abide by an amended Antitrust Guidelines, the Member may resign suchMember’s membership prior to the effective date of the amendment of such Antitrust Guidelines. A copy of the current Antitrust Guidelines is attached heretoas Exhibit D.