APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS. 1. a. All teachers appointed to the teaching staff of the district shall be appointed on a continuing contract of employment except for teachers-teaching-on-call. Term teachers employed in the District will be converted retroactively to continuing appointment if they have accumulated an aggregate service of more than one year on term contract.
APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS. 1. A teacher's appointment to the district and every contract of employment made for that purpose with a teacher shall be a continuing contract save and except for those teachers given a temporary appointment as set out in Article E.20 or those engaged on a teacher on call assignment.
2. Teachers teaching on call who have been employed on a temporary appointment during the school year will be given consideration for any temporary and continuing contracts with the district based on their work history, qualifications and teaching experience.
APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS. Whenever a position for a teacher is created, an applicant who has greater seniority as calculated in Clause 16.38 c) and who has been employed as a teacher for at least a total of thirty (30) weeks shall have the right of first appointment.
APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS. 1. Every appointment made by the Board, except a probationary or temporary appointment, and every contract of employment made for that purpose with a teacher, shall be a continuing contract.
2. Teachers on a continuing part-time contract who wish to increase their percentage appointment will be given priority subject to - availability of positions, - qualifications, - experience, - work record, - teacher reports, - Administrator recommendation.
3. Teachers employed on a temporary appointment will receive consideration for any future temporary or continuing contract positions on the basis of their qualifications, experience and work record.
4. If a position becomes vacant during the school year the position shall be posted as a temporary position until the end of the school year at which time it will be re- posted if it continues to exist.
APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS. Teaching colleagues are subject to annual appointments to one (1) – year terms of employment. All teachers not in their first year at BFS will undergo a performance evaluation by April 30 of each year.
APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS. 1. Every appointment made by the Board, except a probationary or temporary appointment, and every contract of employment made for that purpose with a teacher, shall be a continuing contract.
APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS. Extra-curricular Activities ................................................................