Attachment II. Software Development and Licensed Software Supplemental Terms and Conditions, delete Section 10.1 and replace with the following:
Attachment II. Contracting Areas and Potential Enrollees is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the attached Attachment II.
Attachment II. Article I
Attachment II. FULL AND FINAL RELEASE In consideration of the termination benefits provided to me by MECHANICAL DYNAMICS, INC., a Michigan corporation ("MDI"), as set out in Section 7 of the attached Employment Agreement, as amended (Attachment A), I hereby agree as follows:
1. MECHANICAL DYNAMICS, INC. When used herein, "MDI" includes any parent, subsidiary, associated and affiliated companies of Mechanical Dynamics, Inc., and its and their successors, assigns, officers, directors, agents, employees and attorneys, past, present or future, jointly and individually.
Attachment II. Term of the Agreement & Performance Requirements for Futures Contracts Based Upon the Nasdaq Composite Index®
Attachment II. Contracting Areas and Potential Enrollees is amended by deleting and replacing the fourth category of excluded populations as follows: • Premium Level 2, effective January 1, 2018 through September 30, 2022;
Attachment II. APPOINTMENT OF AMERIPATH AS ATTORNEY IN FACT On behalf of and for the account of Practice, AmeriPath shall assist Practice in Practice's establishment and maintenance of credit and billing and collection policies and procedures, and shall coordinate and supervise Practice personnel to ensure the timely billing and collection of all professional and other fees for all billable pathology services provided by Practice or Physicians. AmeriPath shall advise and consult with Practice regarding the fees for pathology services provided by Practice; it being understood, however, that Practice shall establish the fees to be charged for pathology services and that AmeriPath shall have no authority whatsoever with respect to the establishment of such fees. In connection with the billing and collection services to be provided hereunder, and throughout the term of this Agreement, Practice hereby grants to AmeriPath an exclusive special power of attorney and appoints AmeriPath as Practice's exclusive true and lawful agent and attorney-in-fact, and AmeriPath hereby accepts such special power of attorney and appointment, for the following purposes:
1. To supervise and coordinate the billing of Practice's patients, in the name of Practice and on behalf of Practice, as applicable, for all billable pathology services provided by Practice to patients.
2. To supervise and coordinate the billing in Practice's name and on Practice's behalf, as applicable, all claims for reimbursement or indemnification from Blue Shield/Blue Cross, insurance companies, Medicare, Medicaid, and all other third party payors or fiscal intermediaries for all covered billable pathology services provided by Practice to patients.
3. To ensure the collection and receipt in AmeriPath's name and for AmeriPath's account all accounts receivable of Practice purchased by AmeriPath, and to deposit such collections in an account selected by AmeriPath and maintained in AmeriPath's name.
4. To ensure the collection and receipt in Practice's name and on Practice's behalf, as applicable, of all accounts receivable generated by such billxxxx xxx claims for reimbursement that have not been purchased by AmeriPath, to administer such accounts including, but not limited to, (i) extending the time of payment of any such accounts for cash, credit or otherwise; (ii) discharging or releasing the obligors of any such accounts; (iii) with the consent of the Steering Committee, suing, assigning or selling at a discount such accou...
Attachment II. Core Contract Provisions, Section XVI, Terms and Conditions, Item Q., Termination Procedures, sub-item 2.i. is hereby included as follows.
i. The terminated Health Plan is obligated to submit encounter data in accordance with Attachment II, Core Contract Provisions, Section X, Administration and Management, Item D., Encounter Data, for all services provided to enrollees for dates of service included in this Contract.