Authority to File a Grievance Sample Clauses
Authority to File a Grievance. (A) An Enrollee may file a Grievance; or
(B) A Provider may file a Grievance.
Authority to File a Grievance. An Enrollee, the Enrollee’s legal guardian or other authorized representative, or a Provider may file a Grievance with the Contractor.
Authority to File a Grievance. The following parties shall be authorized to file a grievance:
a. the affected Faculty member(s) or the Association on behalf of the affected Faculty member(s) who has authorized the filing in writing for those grievances as defined in 6.01(a);
b. the Association on behalf of a class of similarly situated Faculty members who have authorized the filing in writing for those grievances as defined in 6.01(b); or
c. the Association on its own behalf for those grievances as defined in 6.01(c). The failure of the Association to file a grievance in instances where an affected Faculty member(s) does not authorize the filing of same shall not be a precedent that is binding on the Association in future instances involving similar facts and circumstances. Any Faculty member(s) may file a grievance and have it resolved without the intervention of the Association. Any such resolution shall be consistent with the terms of this collective bargaining agreement. Unless approved by the Association, any such resolution shall not be precedent-setting.
Authority to File a Grievance. The following parties shall be authorized to file a grievance:
a. The affected Faculty member(s) and/or the Association on behalf of the affected Faculty member(s);
b. The Association on behalf of a class of similarly situated Faculty members who have a grievance involving facts in common and alleging a violation of the same provision or provisions of this Agreement as defined in 17.01; or
c. The Association on behalf of any/all members, for those grievances as defined in 17.01. The parties acknowledge that during the term of this Agreement, any Faculty member or group of Faculty may at any time present grievances to the University and have them resolved without the intervention of the Association, as long as the resolution is consistent with the terms of this Agreement, and provided that the Association has been given an opportunity to be present at such resolution. Unless approved by the Association, any such resolution shall not be precedent setting. The Association may elect not to file a grievance in instances where an affected Faculty member(s) does not request or authorize Association assistance. This election not to file a grievance shall not set precedent for future instances involving similar facts and circumstances. For alleged violations of University policy or procedures, which are not “grievances” as defined in Section 17.01, the mechanism for adjudicating such issues shall be the grievance and/or complaint processes outlined in University policy and Board statutes. In such cases, Faculty shall be permitted to have an Association representative advocate on their behalf during such dispute processing.
Authority to File a Grievance. An Aggrieved Person as defined in Article 2.1 may file a Grievance with the Contractor.
Authority to File a Grievance. The following parties shall be authorized to file a grievance:
a. The affected Faculty member(s) and/or the Association on behalf of the affected Faculty member(s);
b. The Association on behalf of a class of similarly situated Faculty members who have a grievance involving facts in common and alleging a violation of the same provision or provisions of this Agreement as defined in 7.01; or
c. The Association on behalf of any/all members, for those grievances as defined in 7.01. Any Faculty member(s) may file a grievance and have it resolved without the intervention ofthe Association. Any such grievance resolution shall be consistent with the terms of this Agreement. Unless approved by the Association, any such resolution shall not be precedent setting. The Association may elect not to file a grievance in instances where an affected Faculty member(s) does not request or authorize Association assistance. This election not to file a grievance shall not set precedent for future instances involving similar facts and circumstances.