Barbados, Jamaic a and Trinidad Sample Clauses

Barbados, Jamaic a and Trinidad. Condensed and powdered milk 10 % a d valorem (or the equiva• lent specific rate).
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Related to Barbados, Jamaic a and Trinidad

  • MSEA SEIU shall have exclusive rights to payroll deduction of membership dues, service fees, and premiums for current MSEA-SEIU spon- sored insurance programs. Deductions for other programs may be mutually agreed to by the parties.

  • Green Economy/Carbon Footprint a) The Supplier/Service Provider has in its bid provided Transnet with an understanding of the Supplier’s/Service Provider’s position with regard to issues such as waste disposal, recycling and energy conservation.

  • Role of the Central Parties and Crown a) The central parties shall each have the following rights:

  • Stats Executive acknowledges and represents that the scope of such restrictions are appropriate, necessary and reasonable for the protection of the Company’s business, goodwill, and property rights. Executive further acknowledges that the restrictions imposed will not prevent Executive from earning a living in the event of, and after, termination, for whatever reason, of Executive’s employment with the Company. Nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent Executive, after termination of Executive’s employment with the Company, from using general skills and knowledge gained while employed by the Company.

  • MINES The Contractor represents and warrants that neither it, its parent entities (if any), nor any of the Contractor’s subsidiaries or affiliated entities (if any) is engaged in the sale or manufacture of anti-personnel mines or components utilized in the manufacture of anti-personnel mines.

  • Colombia As of 1 September 2015, Colombian Resident PayPal users may only send and receive international payments. Domestic payments between two Colombian Resident PayPal users are unavailable.

  • Indigenous Peoples 8. The Borrower shall ensure, or cause the Project Executing Agency and Project Implementing Agency to ensure, that the Project does not have any indigenous peoples impacts, within the meaning of the SPS. In the event that the Project or any Subproject does have any such impact, the Borrower shall take, or cause the Project Executing Agency or Project Implementing Agency to take, all steps required to ensure that the Project or Subproject complies with the applicable laws and regulations of the Borrower and with the SPS.

  • India As used herein, “

  • Mining and Industrial Cooperation 1. The aims of cooperation in mining and industry sectors, carried out in the mutual interest of the Parties and in compliance with their policies, will be: (a) to focus cooperative activities towards sectors where mutual and complementary interests exist; and (b) to build on existing agreements and arrangements already in place between the Parties. 2. Mining and Industrial cooperation may include work in, but not be limited to, the following areas: (a) bio-mining (mining using biotechnology procedures); (b) mining techniques, specially underground mining, and conventional metallurgy; (c) productivity in mining; (d) industrial robotics for mining and other sector applications; (e) informatics and telecommunication applications for mining and industrial plant production; and (f) software development for mining and industrial applications. 3. The Parties will encourage and facilitate, as appropriate, the following activities including, but not limited to: (a) exchange of information, documentation and institutional contacts in areas of interest; (b) mutual access to academic, industrial and entrepreneurial networks in the area of mining and industry; (c) identification of strategies, in consultation with universities and research centres, that encourage joint postgraduate studies, research visits and joint research projects; (d) exchange of scientists, researchers and technical experts; (e) promotion of public/private sector partnerships and joint ventures in the support of the development of innovative products and services specially related to productivity in the sector activities; (f) technology transfer in the areas mentioned in paragraph 2; (g) designing of innovation technology models based in public/private cooperation and association ventures; and (h) information and experience exchange on mining environmental issues.

  • Povinnosti Zkoušejícího Investigator is responsible for the conduct of the Study at Institution. In particular, but without limitation, it is the Investigator’s duty to review and understand the information in the Investigator’s Brochure to ensure that all informed consent requirements are followed. IQVIA or Sponsor will ensure that all required reviews and approvals by applicable regulatory authorities and ECs are obtained. Zkoušející je odpovědný za provedení Studie ve Zdravotnickém zařízení. Konkrétně pak jde zejména, ale nejen o povinnost Zkoušejícího zkontrolovat a porozumět informacím obsaženým v Souboru informací pro zkoušejícího a zajistit dodržování všech požadavků týkajících se informovaného souhlasu. IQVIA nebo Zadavatel zajistí, že budou opatřena veškerá požadovaná kontrolní schválení od příslušných regulatorních úřadů a EK. Investigator agrees to provide a written declaration revealing Investigator’s possible economic or other interests, if any, in connection with the conduct of the Study or the Investigational Product, or the Sponsor. Zkoušející souhlasí, že poskytne písemné prohlášení vztahující se k potenciálním zájmům Zkoušejícího ekonomické či jiné povahy, či odhalí jiné zájmy, je-li jich, a to v souvislosti s prováděním této Studie či ve vztahu k Hodnocenému léčivu i ve vztahu k Zadavateli. Investigator agrees to provide a written declaration revealing Investigator’s disclosure obligations, if any, with the Institution in connection with the conduct of the Study and the Investigational Product. Zkoušející souhlasí, že poskytne písemné prohlášení, jež bude odhalovat závazky Zkoušejícího, jsou-li nějaké, a to vůči Zdravotnickému zařízení ve vztahu a v souvislosti s prováděním Studie a Hodnoceným léčivem. Investigator is duly licensed to conduct the Study and in good standing. Zkoušející má řádné a platné příslušné oprávnění k provádění Studie. Site agrees to provide prompt advance notice to Sponsor and IQVIA if Investigator will be terminating its employment relationship in the Institution or is otherwise no longer able to perform the Study. The appointment of a new Investigator must have the prior approval of Sponsor and IQVIA. Místo provádění klinického hodnocení souhlasí, že zašle předem promptní oznámení Zadavateli a IQVIA v případě, že Zkoušející ukončí pracovní poměr ve Zdravotnickém zařízení či nebude-li Zkoušející z jakéhokoli jiného důvodu schopen provádět Studii. Ustanovení nového Zkoušejícího bude podléhat předchozímu schválení Zadavatele a IQVIA.

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