Colombia Sample Clauses
Colombia. As of 1 September 2015, Colombian Resident PayPal users may only send and receive international payments. Domestic payments between two Colombian Resident PayPal users are unavailable.
Colombia. There are no country-specific provisions.
Colombia. The provisions of this Country Schedule for Columbia provide additional definitions and conditions for the purpose of granting RSUs which are intended to be granted to Employees and corporate officers who are resident in Columbia for tax, labour or securities law purposes.
Colombia. Notifications
Colombia. Labor Law Acknowledgement. The Participant acknowledges that, pursuant to Article 128 of the Colombian Labor Code, the Plan and related benefits do not constitute a component of his or her “salary” for any legal purpose.
Colombia. Bogota Concession for the Maintenance, Administration and Operation of the Public Parking Facilities owned by the Urban Development Institute (a municipal public entity for the City of Bogota) (Spanish) (Concesión para el mantenimiento, la administración y la operación de los parqueaderos públicos habilitados por el IDU, Bogotá - Colombia) (Español) A concession agreement between the City of Bogota’s Urban Development Institute and Union Temporal City Parking, a private entity. This is a two-year agreement, renewable by mutual accord. The Contract does not commit the public sector to minimum revenue payments. It contemplates fixed and variable payments from the private to the public entity, reviewed annually to keep with inflation. Maximum tariffs are set by decree. There are minimum service requirements and duties outlined in the contract and its bases; however, the contract is not a performance based or results based agreement. Penalties for non-performance. The contract provides for local arbitration under Colombian law for the resolution of disputes. Contract date: Sept. 2015. Uttar Pradesh Nairobi Vilnius Existing and new parking facility where the concessionaire finances renovations, purchases new land and property, operates the car park and transfers it on expiry of the concession- Draft concession agreement and RFP for renovation of existing car park and expansion into new property (and financing thereof) Miraflores Concession for a 573 Underground Parking Lot in Miraflores (Spanish) The Municipality of Miraflores established a public-private partnership with a private consortium for the construction of a 573 underground parking lot, with a projected private investment of approximately $9 million US Dollars, to be completed in a year. Conflict resolution will be done through a three-person arbitral panel in Lima, Peru. The public sector invested in the studies and offers the real estate. San Xxxxx Public-private partnership for the Construction and Operation of 350 Underground Parking Lot in San Xxxxx, Peru (Spanish) (Proyecto EcoPark: 350 estacionamientos subterráneos en San Xxxxx) (Español) Public-private partnership for the design, financing, construction, operation, maintenance and transfer of 14,320 square meters of space, including an underground parking lot and commercial space at ground level. The period of the contract is 32 years from the date of signing. The municipality will receive 8% of income from the parking operations and rental in...
Colombia. The following provision shall be added as Section 2.7 of the Agreement:
Colombia. H is deleted and replaced with: This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Colombia. Any dispute hereunder shall be determined by the Tribunales Ordinarios de la Cuidad de Bogotá.
Colombia. For a Colombian resident, for so long as the Participant resides in Colombia and is subject to the laws of Colombia: The Participant agrees that the Performance Units rights derived from this Agreement are not consideration for the services rendered by the Participant in Colombia. For this Agreement to be effective, the Participant must enter into a local agreement, governed by Colombian laws, with the Participant’s current employer in which the Participant agrees to the statement in the prior sentence.
Colombia. If Company is located (as evidenced by the License Certificate) in Colombia, the Licensing Entity of Product is stipulated as: Trend Micro Colombia, S.A.S., Calle 97ª# 9ª -50 of. 503, Bogotá, Colombia. The Parties agree that this Agreement is solely and exclusively governed by the laws of Colombia. The courts located in Bogotá, Colombia shall each have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement or its subject matter.