Colombia definition

Colombia means the Republic of Colombia.
Colombia means the Republic of Colombia and, used in the geographical sense, includes, in addition to the continental territory, the archipelago of San Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxx and Santa Catalina, the island of Malpelo and other islands, islets, keys, promontories and banks belonging thereto, as well as the subsoil, territorial waters, contiguous zone, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, the airspace, electromagnetic spectrum and any other space over which sovereignty is exercised or can be exercised in accordance with international law and the laws of Colombia;
Colombia means the land territory, both 20 « Colombie » Le territoire terrestre, tant conti- 20 « Colombie »

Examples of Colombia in a sentence

  • Yes 588 (36.73) No 491 (30.67) I don’t know 246 (15.37) I take care of a family member with diabetes 276 (17.24) Smartphone platform Android 815 (50.91) Ios 415 (25.92) Blackberry 17 (1.06) Do not have smartphone 354 (22.11) aCountries in this category included Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Spain, Switzerland, and Venezuela Table 2.

  • Now as in 2007, Colombia did not sign and Peru did not appear in the photo.

  • Xxxxxxx has had extensive expe- rience in organizing and conducting numerous other medical trips around the world including those made to Colombia, Peru, Ethiopia, India, and multiple other international sites.

  • Yes 18 (3.1) No 570 (96.9) aCountries in this category included Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Spain, Switzerland, and Venezuela Table 3.

More Definitions of Colombia

Colombia means the land territory, both continental and insular, the air space and the maritime areas over which the Republic of Colombia exercises sovereignty, or sovereign rights or jurisdiction, in accordance with its domestic law and international law.
Colombia. Hospital” was a publicly owned and operated hospital located in Colombia.
Colombia or “Respondent” means the Republic of Colombia.
Colombia. OR “Comoros” OR “Comoro Islands” OR “Comores” OR “Mayotte” OR “Congo” OR “Zaire” OR “Costa Rica” OR “Cote d'Ivoire” OR “Ivory Coast” OR “Croatia” OR “Cuba” OR “Cyprus” OR “Czechoslovakia” OR “Czech Republic” OR “Slovakia” OR “Slovak Republic” OR “Djibouti” OR “French Somaliland” OR “Dominica” OR “Dominican Republic” OR “East Timor” OR “East Timur” OR “Timor Leste” OR “Ecuador” OR “Egypt” OR “United Arab Republic” OR “El Salvador” OR “Eritrea” OR “Estonia” OR “Ethiopia” OR “Fiji” OR “Gabon” OR “Gabonese Republic” OR “Gambia” OR “Gaza” OR “Georgia Republic” OR “Georgian Republic” OR “Ghana” OR “Gold Coast” OR “Greece” OR “Grenada” OR “Guatemala” OR “Guinea” OR “Guam” OR “Guiana” OR “Guyana” OR “Haiti” OR “Honduras” OR “Hungary” OR “India” OR “Maldives” OR “Indonesia” OR “Iran” OR “Iraq” OR “Jamaica” OR “Jordan” OR “Kazakhstan” OR “Kazakh” OR “Kenya” OR “Kiribati” OR “Korea” OR “Kosovo” OR “Kyrgyzstan” OR “Kirghizia” OR “Kyrgyz Republic” OR “Kirghiz” OR “Kirgizstan” OR “Lao PDR” OR “Laos” OR “Latvia” OR “Lebanon” OR “Lesotho” OR “Basutoland” OR “Liberia” OR “Libya” OR “Lithuania” OR “Macedonia” OR “Madagascar” OR “Malagasy Republic” OR “Malaysia” OR “Malaya” OR “Malay Sabah Sarawak” OR “Malawi” OR “Nyasaland” OR “Mali” OR “Malta” OR “Marshall Islands” OR “Mauritania” OR “Mauritius” OR “Agalega Islands” OR “Mexico” OR “Micronesia” OR “Middle East” OR “Moldova” OR “Moldovia” OR “Moldovian” OR “Mongolia” OR “Montenegro” OR “Morocco” OR “Mozambique” OR “Myanmar” OR “Myanma” OR “Burma” OR “Namibia” OR “Nepal” OR “Netherlands Antilles” OR “New Caledonia” OR “Nicaragua” OR “Niger” OR “Nigeria” OR “Northern Mariana Islands” OR “Oman” OR “Muscat” OR “Pakistan” OR “Palau” OR “Palestine” OR “Panama” OR “Paraguay” OR “Peru” OR “Philippines” OR “Philipines” OR “Phillipines” OR “Phillippines” OR “Poland” OR “Portugal” OR “Puerto Rico” OR “Romania” OR “Rumania” OR “Roumania” OR “Russia” OR “Russian” OR “Rwanda” OR “Ruanda” OR “Saint Kitts” OR “St Kitts” OR “Nevis” OR “Saint Lucia” OR “St Lucia” OR “Saint Vincent” OR “St Vincent” OR “Grenadines Samoa” OR “Samoan Islands” OR “Navigator Island” OR “Navigator Islands” OR “Sao Tome” OR “Saudi Arabia” OR “Senegal” OR “Serbia” OR “Montenegro” OR “Seychelles” OR “Sierra Leone” OR “Slovenia” OR “Sri Lanka” OR “Ceylon” OR “Solomon Islands” OR “Somalia” OR “Sudan” OR “Suriname” OR “Surinam” OR “Swaziland” OR “Syria” OR “Tajikistan” OR “Tadzhikistan” OR “Tadjikistan” OR “Tadzhik” OR “Tanzania” OR “Thailand” OR “Togo” OR “Togolese Repub...
Colombia. Peace at Last?” Latin America Report 45. Bogotá/Brussels: International Crisis Group. ———. 2013. “CrisisWatch. Colombia, January 2013.” Colombia. International Crisis Group. ———. 2014a. “CrisisWatch. Colombia, January 2014.” Colombia. International Crisis Group.
Colombia. A Dangerous Setback.” Statement / Latin America & Caribbean. International Crisis Group.
Colombia. Benefits and Challenges of Talking While Fighting.” In Ceasefires in Intrastate Peace Negotiations (Manuscript), edited by Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx. Zurich.