Best Pricing. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, Contractor will offer the best price for retail store purchases that will result in Purchasers receiving the lower of the current retail.
Best Pricing. The amendment set forth herein is within the scope of the Contract.
Best Pricing. For the term of the Contract, pricing for all products will be no greater than the prices quoted in the Bidder’s response. If, however, during the Contract period lower prices and rates become effective through reduction in Manufacturer’s or Contractor’s list prices, promotional discounts, or other circumstances, Purchasers must be given immediate benefit of such lower prices and rates.
Best Pricing. During the Contract term, if substantially the same or a smaller quantity of a Product is sold by the Contractor outside of this Contract upon the same or similar terms and conditions as that of this Contract at a lower price to a federal, state or local governmental entity, the price under this Contract, after consultation with the Contractor, shall be reduced to the lower price.
Best Pricing. Licensor agrees that Licensee’s shall at all times receive pricing terms under this Agreement that are at least comparable to or better than equivalent pricing terms being offered by Licensor to any licensee of Licensor or customer of Licensor in a similar position to the Licensee. Licensor agrees to adjust the pricing contained in this Agreement as necessary to comply with the terms of this provision.
Best Pricing. Operator acknowledges that City’s selection of Operator to perform the Services under this Agreement is in reliance on Operator’s representations and assurances set forth in Operator’s Proposal regarding its ability to provide the best pricing for services, products and work contemplated by this Agreement, which representations and assurances are hereby incorporated by reference. Without limiting the foregoing, Operator represents and covenants to City that the costs chargeable as Approved Costs for services, products and work under this Agreement shall be as low or lower than those charged on a current basis by Operator and its subcontractors (as applicable) to their respective most favored customers for comparable services, products and work under similar terms and conditions.
Best Pricing. All prices, benefits, and allowances offered to Buyer will not be less favorable than those prices, benefits, or allowances extended to any other CM customer/buyer (i.e.- other Brand Holders or Direct Customers).
Best Pricing. During the term(s) of the Agreement, if MCSO becomes aware of better pricing offered by CONTRACTOR for substantially the same product outside this Agreement, but upon the same or similar terms of the Agreement, then, at the discretion of MCSO, the price under the Agreement shall be immediately reduced to the lower price for the remainder of the term(s).
Best Pricing. Offer During the Contract term, if the Customer becomes aware of better pricing offered by the Contractor for substantially the same or a smaller quantity of a product outside the Contract, but upon the same or similar terms of the Contract, then at the discretion of the Customer the price under the Contract shall be immediately reduced to the lower price.
Best Pricing. Contractor represents and warrants, Contractor’s prices for the Goods and/Services included in Exhibit A – Included Goods as priced to Eligible Purchasers pursuant to the pricing for such Goods and/Services as set forth in this Contract (e.g., Exhibit B – Prices for Goods/Services) are equal to or less than Contractor’s standard prices generally offered to similarly situated purchasers contracting for similar volumes of such Goods and/or Services under similar terms and conditions . Contractor understands and acknowledges that this Contract is designed to function as an enterprise procurement solution in which Enterprise Services, on behalf of the State of Washington, develops and competitively solicits and awards contracts for Goods and/or Services that are designed to be utilized by Washington state agencies and other Eligible Purchasers to channel public entity spending on Goods and/or Services in a mutually beneficial, cost-effective, and efficient manner to qualified, innovative, and competitive contractors. If, during the term of this Contract, Contractor enters into an agreement with any other purchaser that contains more favorable pricing than is provided herein, then this Contract shall be deemed to be amended to provide Purchasers such more favorable pricing on a retroactive basis. To ensure compliance, Enterprise Services, upon seven (7) business days advance written notice to Contractor, may audit Contractor’s records. Contractor shall, within thirty (30) calendar days, reimburse Purchasers retroactively in the amount of the savings such Purchasers should have received but for Contractor’s failure to comply with this provision.