PRICES AND RATES. 1 General For the performance of the Services, the Contractor shall be paid the Contract Price calculated using the prices and rates entered in this Schedule 4.
PRICES AND RATES. [Ref Guidance Notes - This Schedule should be populated to ensure both the Authority and Contractor are clear and understand what prices and rates are applicable to this contract.
PRICES AND RATES. 2.1 The prices and rates payable to the Provider by the Authority [(or any other Contracting Body wishing to call off Services under this Framework)] shall be as set out in the template version of the Call-Off Contract Appendix 4 (Prices and Rates) attached and, for the avoidance of doubt, the Levels of Assurance (as that term is explained in paragraph 5 below) shall be payable at the Pay Band 1 – 4 rates shown in that template.
2.2 [The following provisions of this Schedule 3 shall be deemed to be incorporated into the terms of the Order Form for any particular Order unless indicated otherwise in that Order Form.]
PRICES AND RATES. 5.1. All prices are in pounds sterling (unless a different currency is specified in the Quotation) and, unless agreed otherwise in writing, always exclusive of VAT, travelling and accommodation expenses, the production of additional technical documentation (e.g. method statements, risk assessments et cetera), meeting/site consultation fees, and waiting hours/delays beyond the Contracted Party's control. For the avoidance of doubt, any costs relating to work performed or deliveries made by third parties will be charged separately by the Contracted Party to the Client (and not invoiced by the third party directly to the Client) unless otherwise specified in the Quotation.
5.2. The Contracted Party shall have the right at any time to increase the prices by any amount attributable to any variation in (i) the cost of materials, labour or production costs, or (ii) exchange rates, and in each case between the date of formation of the Agreement and the date on which the Services commence pursuant to these Conditions.
5.3. The Client shall be solely responsible for paying all customs duties, import/export taxes, tariffs, and any other government-imposed fees or charges related to the shipment and delivery of Services under this agreement.
PRICES AND RATES. 1 General For the performance of the Services, the Contractor shall be paid the Contract Price calculated using the prices and rates entered in this Schedule 4. CPA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1. A price per claimant referred to the Post Work Programme Support provision and undertaken a Diagnostic and Planning interview (up to a maximum of £200.00 per claimant) REDACTED 2. A price per claimant starting and completing the provision (up to a maximum of £ 401.78 per claimant) REDACTED 3. Job Outcome Fee aligned with a requirement for 13 weeks In Work Support (up to a maximum of £555.55 per claimant) REDACTED
PRICES AND RATES. 6.1 The prices and rates indicated by the Supplier and quotes issued by it will be fixed and irrevocable for a period of at least 90 (ninety) calendar days. Prices which have been accepted by Athlon may not be increased without Xxxxxx’s prior written permission.
6.2 Unless otherwise stated in writing, any prices or rates indicated will be exclusive of VAT, but inclusive of any costs incurred or to be incurred by the Supplier in carrying out its obligations. The fee agreed on by the Parties beforehand will be considered full compensation for the services to be performed, including any related costs, expenditures or contract extras.
PRICES AND RATES. The Service Fees for each NPM Service are set out in Schedule A.
PRICES AND RATES. 5.1 Unless otherwise agreed, prices will be displayed in Euros and payments must be made in Euros.
5.2 If prices and/or rates of price-determining factors, such as wages, materials, currency differences, transport costs, import duties or insurance rates are increased for any reason whatsoever, Novades is entitled to change the agreed price accordingly.
5.3 If the performance of an Agreement is delayed at the request of the Purchaser or due to absence of data or instructions, the provision of erroneous data or other causes on the part of the Purchaser, Novades is entitled to increase the prices with additional costs incurred by Novades as a result as well as with lost benefits, such as loss of interest.
PRICES AND RATES. 10.1.1 TM EYE / Bark & Co shall pay ACRO for the provision of services set out in this Agreement and in line with the letter of charges provided to TM Eye / Bark & Co separately and are reviewed annually.
PRICES AND RATES. [Ref Guidance Notes - This Schedule should be populated to ensure both the Authority and Contractor are clear and understand what prices and rates are applicable to this contract. Consideration should be given to inclusion of paragraphs explaining, (where relevant); Additional Costs, Types of Payment, Pricing Review Process, Service Credits/KPIs (text should be included at B3.8 and detailed information as an Annex to this Schedule), Outcome Payments – Welfare to Employment Contracts, Final Claim].