BUDGET STATEMENT. The Contractor shall prepare a Budget Statement for each Year. This Statement shall distinguish between budgeted Exploration Costs, Development Costs and Production Costs and shall show the following:
BUDGET STATEMENT. 16.1 The Company shall prepare an annual budget statement. This statement shall distinguish between exploration expenditure, development expenditure, and production expenditure and shall show the following: (a) Forecast expenditure and receipts for the Calendar Year under the Agreement. (b) Cumulative expenditure and receipts to the end of the said Calendar Year. (c) A schedule showing the most important and individual items of expenditure for the said Calendar Year. (d) A schedule indicating the planned expenditure on the purchase of Namibian goods and services pursuant to clause 23 of the Agreement. 16.2 The budget statement shall be submitted to the Minister with respect to each budget year no less than 90 days before the start of the Calendar Year except in the case of the Calendar Year in which the date on which the Agreement has been signed falls, when the budget statement shall be submitted within 30 days of the date on which the Agreement has been signed.
BUDGET STATEMENT. 10.1. The Contractor shall prepare an annual budget pursuant to Article 17 of the Agreement (the “Budget Statement”). The Budget Statement will distinguish between Exploration Costs, Development Costs and Operating Costs consistent with the individual categories specified in Sections 2 and 3 and will show the following: (a) Forecast expenditures and receipts under the Agreement for the Calendar Year. (b) Cumulative expenditures and receipts to the end of the said Calendar Year.
BUDGET STATEMENT. Assembly Bill (AB) 118 (Chapter 40, Statutes of 2011) and ABX1 16 (Chapter 13, Extraordinary Session, Statutes of 2011) realigned the funding for Agency adoptions from the CDSS to the local governments and redirected specific tax revenues to fund these services. AB 118 and ABX1 16 realigned a total of $6 million general fund to the counties who have not had a licensed public adoption agency. As stated in County Fiscal Letter (CFL) Number 11/12-18 dated September 16, 2011, the county specific distribution of the $6 million general fund was based on a percent to total of each county’s specific combined 12-year average of child and family referrals to the CDSS’ Adoptions Regional Offices that have been providing Agency adoption services to these counties. a. Invoicing In consultation with the County Welfare Directors Association, for those counties opting to contract directly with CDSS to continue the Agency adoption services, CDSS will invoice each on a weekly cost per case basis of $62 based on the county specific distribution provided in CFL No. 11/12-18. The CDSS will invoice the County quarterly the total cost for each active child case and each family case referred to the CDSS’ Adoptions Regional Office for adoption services. This rate would be claimed up to but not exceeding Three Million, and Seventy-Three Thousand, Four Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars ($3,073,475.00). Six Hundred and Fourteen Thousand, Six Hundred and Ninety-Five Dollars ($614, 695) for each Fiscal Year (2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26) the amount of the allocation received by the County in any Fiscal Year.
BUDGET STATEMENT. 10.1 The Contractor shall prepare an annual Budget Statement. This Statement shall distinguish between Exploration Expenses, Development Expenses and Operating Expenses and shall show the following: (a) forecast expenditure and receipts for the budget year under the Agreement; (b) cumulative expenditures and receipts to the end of the said budget year; (c) a schedule showing the most important and individual items of Development Expenses for the said budget year; 10.2 The Budget Statement shall be submitted to Government and TPDC with respect to each budget year no less than ninety (90) days before the start of the year except in the case of the year in which the Effective Date falls, when the Budget Statement shall be submitted within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date.
BUDGET STATEMENT. The budget for Palouse Prairie School will be prepared in compliance with Idaho law and the policies of the State Board of Education, will be presented at a public hearing in June of the year the school will open, and will be delivered to the State Department of Education as required on or before July 15 prior to the start of the school year. Copies of the budget will be provided to the ACE. The budget will be prepared, approved and filed using the Idaho Financial Accounting Reporting Management System (IFARMS) format. a. Start-Up Budget
BUDGET STATEMENT. 31.19.1 The Licensee shall prepare an annual budget Statement. This will distinguish between Exploration Expenditure, Development Expenditure and Production Expenditure and will show the following: a) forecast Expenditures and Receipts for the budget year under the Agreement; b) cumulative Expenditures and Receipts to the end of said budget year, and c) the most important individual items of Exploration, Development and Production Expenditures for said budget year. 31.19.2 The Budget may include a budget line or lines for unforeseen expenditures which, however, shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total budgetary expenditure. 31.19.3 The Budget Statement shall be submitted to the Director General with respect to each budget year no less than ninety (90) days before the start of such year except in the case of the first year of the Licence when the Budget Statement shall be submitted within sixty (60) days of the Effective Date. 31.19.4 Where Licensee foresees that during the budget period expenditures have to be made in excess of the ten percent (10%) pursuant to Section 31.19.2 hereof, Licensee shall submit a revision of the budget to the Director General.
BUDGET STATEMENT. Assembly Bill (AB) 118 (Chapter 40, Statutes of 2011) and ABX1 16 (Chapter 13, Extraordinary Session, Statutes of 2011) realigned the funding for agency adoptions from the State to the local governments and redirected specific tax revenues to fund these services. AB 118 and ABX1 16 realigned a total of $6 million general fund to the counties who have not had a licensed public adoption agency. As stated in County Fiscal Letter (CFL) Number 11/12-18 dated September 16, 2011, the county specific distribution of the $6 million general fund were based on a percent to total of each county’s specific combined twelve year average of Child and family referrals to the California Department of Social Services Regional/Field Office that have been providing agency adoption services to these counties.
BUDGET STATEMENT. 11.1 The Contractor shall prepare an annual budget Statement. This will distinguish between Exploration Expenditure, Development Expenditure and Production Expenditure and will show the following: a) Forecast Expenditures and Receipts for the budget year under the Agreement; b) cumulative Expenditures and Receipts to the end of said budget year; and c) the most important individual items of Exploration, Development and Production Expenditures for said budget year. The budget may include a budget line or lines for unforeseen expenditures which, however, shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total budgetary expenditure. 11.2 The Budget Statement shall be submitted to GNPC and JMC with respect to each budget year no less than ninety (90) days before the start of such year except in the case of the first year of the Agreement when the Budget Statement shall be submitted within sixty (60) days of the Effective Date. 11.3 Where Contractor foresees that during the budget period expenditures have to be made in excess of the ten percent (10%) pursuant to Section 11.1.1 hereof, Contractor shall submit a revision of the budget to GNPC.