Bumping/Transfers in Lieu of Layoff. Employees receiving notice of layoff may request to bump or transfer to another position at the same pay grade level, or any lower pay grade level, provided that they have more bargaining unit seniority than the person holding the position. Employees choosing to exercise their bumping rights shall provide written notice to Human Resources of their intent to bump within five (5) working days of the notice of layoff. Employees exercising bumping and/or transfer rights in accordance with this Section must hold the basic knowledge, skills and ability for the job and be capable of performing the duties in the College’s reasonable judgment, with an acclimation period of no more than twenty (20) working days. Notwithstanding the following bumping procedure, the Chief Xxxxxxx shall be protected from being bumped in any cases where other employees are exercising their bumping and/or transfer rights. Employees shall exercise their bumping and/or transfer rights in the following order:
Bumping/Transfers in Lieu of Layoff. Employees receiving notice of layoff may request to bump or transfer to another position at the same pay grade level, or any lower pay grade level, provided that they have more bargaining unit seniority than the person holding the position. Employees choosing to exercise their bumping rights shall provide written notice to Human Resources of their intent to bump within five (5) working days of the notice of layoff. Employees exercising bumping and/or transfer rights in accordance with this Section must hold the basic knowledge, skills and ability for the job and be capable of performing the duties in the College’s reasonable judgment, with an acclimation period of no more than twenty (20) working days. Employees shall exercise their bumping and/or transfer rights in the following order:
Bumping/Transfers in Lieu of Layoff. Employees receiving notice of layoff may request to bump or transfer to another position at the same pay grade level, or any lower pay grade level, provided that they have more bargaining unit seniority than the person holding the position. Employees choosing to exercise their bumping rights shall provide written notice to Human Resources of their intent to bump within five (5) working days of the notice of layoff. Employees exercising bumping and/or transfer rights in accordance with this Section must hold the basic knowledge, skills and ability for the job and be capable of performing the duties in the College’s reasonable judgment, with an acclimation period of no more than twenty (20) working days. Notwithstanding the following bumping procedure, the Chief Xxxxxxx shall be protected from being bumped in any cases where other employees are exercising their bumping and/or transfer rights. Employees shall exercise their bumping and/or transfer rights in the following order, but while exercising their rights under this Article, full-time employees may only bump/displace other full-time employees, and part-time employees may only bump/displace part-time employees: