Collaboration 31.1 If the Buyer has specified in the Order Form that it requires the Supplier to enter into a Collaboration Agreement, the Supplier must give the Buyer an executed Collaboration Agreement before the Start date. 31.2 In addition to any obligations under the Collaboration Agreement, the Supplier must: 31.2.1 work proactively and in good faith with each of the Buyer’s contractors 31.2.2 co-operate and share information with the Buyer’s contractors to enable the efficient operation of the Buyer’s ICT services and G-Cloud Services
By Licensee Licensee shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Licensor, its Affiliates, sublicensees, the licensors under the Existing Licenses, and their respective shareholders, members, partners, officers, trustees, faculty, students, contractors, agents, and employees (individually, a “Licensor Indemnified Party” and, collectively, the “Licensor Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all Third Party liability, loss, damage, action, claim, fee, cost, or expense (including attorneys’ fees) (individually, a “Third Party Liability” and, collectively, the “Third Party Liabilities”) suffered or incurred by the Licensor Indemnified Parties from claims of such Third Parties that result from or arise out of: […***…]; provided, however, that Licensee shall not be liable for claims based on any breach by Licensor of the representations, warranties, or obligations of this Agreement or the gross negligence or intentional misconduct of any of the Licensor Indemnified Parties. Without limiting the foregoing, Licensee must defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Licensor Indemnified Parties from and against any Third Party Liabilities resulting from: (a) any […***…] or other claim of any kind related to the […***…] by a Third Party of a […***…] by Licensee, its Affiliates, any Sublicensees, their respective assignees, or vendors; (b) any claim by a Third Party that the […***…]; and (c) […***…] conducted by or on behalf of Licensee, its Affiliates, any Sublicensees, their respective assignees, or vendors relating to the Licensed Technology or Licensed Products, including any claim by or on behalf of a […***…].
By Licensor Licensor will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Licensee and its Affiliates, and their respective directors, officers and employees (“Licensee Indemnitees”) from and against any and all Third Party Claims and associated Liabilities to the extent arising directly or indirectly from any material breach by Licensor of the terms of this Agreement..
Marking of Licensed Products To the extent commercially feasible and consistent with prevailing business practices, Company shall xxxx, and shall cause its Affiliates and Sublicensees to xxxx, all Licensed Products that are manufactured or sold under this Agreement with the number of each issued patent under the Patent Rights that applies to such Licensed Product.
Research Use The Requester agrees that if access is approved, (1) the PI named in the DAR and (2) those named in the “Senior/Key Person Profile” section of the DAR, including the Information Technology Director and any trainee, employee, or contractor1 working on the proposed research project under the direct oversight of these individuals, shall become Approved Users of the requested dataset(s). Research use will occur solely in connection with the approved research project described in the DAR, which includes a 1-2 paragraph description of the proposed research (i.e., a Research Use Statement). Investigators interested in using Cloud Computing for data storage and analysis must request permission to use Cloud Computing in the DAR and identify the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) or providers and/or Private Cloud System (PCS) that they propose to use. They must also submit a Cloud Computing Use Statement as part of the DAR that describes the type of service and how it will be used to carry out the proposed research as described in the Research Use Statement. If the Approved Users plan to collaborate with investigators outside the Requester, the investigators at each external site must submit an independent DAR using the same project title and Research Use Statement, and if using the cloud, Cloud Computing Use Statement. New uses of these data outside those described in the DAR will require submission of a new DAR; modifications to the research project will require submission of an amendment to this application (e.g., adding or deleting Requester Collaborators from the Requester, adding datasets to an approved project). Access to the requested dataset(s) is granted for a period of one (1) year, with the option to renew access or close-out a project at the end of that year. Submitting Investigator(s), or their collaborators, who provided the data or samples used to generate controlled-access datasets subject to the NIH GDS Policy and who have Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and who meet any other study specific terms of access, are exempt from the limitation on the scope of the research use as defined in the DAR.
Commercialization Intrexon shall have the right to develop and Commercialize the Reverted Products itself or with one or more Third Parties, and shall have the right, without obligation to Fibrocell, to take any such actions in connection with such activities as Intrexon (or its designee), at its discretion, deems appropriate.
Licensee “Licensee” means the individual or company that has entered into an Agreement with the Embassy. “Offer” means a response to a solicitation that, if accepted, would bind the offeror to perform the resultant Agreement.
Development and Commercialization Subject to Sections 4.6 and 4.7, Fibrocell shall be solely responsible for the development and Commercialization of Fibrocell Products and Improved Products. Fibrocell shall be responsible for all costs incurred in connection with the Fibroblast Program except that Intrexon shall be responsible for the following: (a) costs of establishing manufacturing capabilities and facilities in connection with Intrexon’s manufacturing obligation under Section 4.6 (provided, however, that Intrexon may include an allocable portion of such costs, through depreciation and amortization, when calculating the Fully Loaded Cost of manufacturing a Fibrocell Product, to the extent such allocation, depreciation, and amortization is permitted by US GAAP, it being recognized that the majority of non-facilities scale-up costs cannot be capitalized and amortized under US GAAP); (b) costs of basic research with respect to the Intrexon Channel Technology and Intrexon Materials (i.e., platform improvements) but, for clarity, excluding research described in Section 4.7 or research requested by the JSC for the development of a Fibrocell Product or an Improved Product (which research costs shall be reimbursed by Fibrocell); (c) [*****]; and (d) costs of filing, prosecution and maintenance of Intrexon Patents. The costs encompassed within subsection (a) above shall include the scale-up of Intrexon Materials and related active pharmaceutical ingredients for clinical trials and Commercialization of Fibrocell Products undertaken pursuant to Section 4.6, which shall be at Intrexon’s cost whether it elects to conduct such efforts internally or through Third Party contractors retained by either Intrexon or Fibrocell (with Intrexon’s consent).
Research Program The term “
Research Plan The Parties recognize that the Research Plan describes the collaborative research and development activities they will undertake and that interim research goals set forth in the Research Plan are good faith guidelines. Should events occur that require modification of these goals, then by mutual agreement the Parties can modify them through an amendment, according to Paragraph 13.6.