By Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Sample Clauses

By Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx. The People’s Republic of China and Iran have announced an agreement that is a direct challenge to the punishing U.S. sanctions against Iran and strikes back against the economic war on China. China will invest $400 billion in Iran over 25 years for infrastructure and other purposes. Iran will supply China with oil for its growing econ- omy. Both countries have been targeted by U.S. economic sanctions, and this is an agreement to forcefully bust the sanctions. The Xxxxx White House has carried forward a reactionary and punishing foreign policy from previous administrations. Sanctions that cause starvation and deprivation in targeted countries have become a favored weapon for U.S. imperial- ism, and were responsible for more than 1 million deaths in Iraq after the 1991 Gulf War. Xxxxxxx campaigns and gunboat diplomacy have become stock in trade for the White House and the Pentagon. Now Iran and China are drawing their own line in the sand. The sanctions against Iran were increased when the Xxxxx administration pulled out of a deal struck between the U.S. and Iran during the Obama administration. Iran had been developing a nuclear energy program to alleviate the domes- tic burden on petroleum reserves and free up pe- troleum for export. As part of its ongoing aggres- sion and slander, the U.S. government accused Iran of building a nuclear weapons program. The Obama administration negotiated a deal with Iran that it said was to limit the processing of uranium to levels that couldn’t be used for nucle- ar weapons. In reality, the agreement also limit- ed low-level processing of uranium. What the U.S. was targeting was in fact Iran’s attempt to ease the economic suffering caused by the sanctions by selling petroleum on the world market. Sanctions mean hunger, shortages In return for these nuclear limitations, Wash- ington was supposed to ease the sanctions. The additional sanctions imposed when Xxxxx broke the agreement are far worse than anything in the 40 years of U.S. animosity toward the Iranian Revolution, and are actually causing hunger and shortages of medicine and other vital supplies. The Xxxxx administration says that it wants to reinstate the nuclear agreement, but is insisting that Iran comply with all the restrictions first. In the meantime, none of the 240 sanctions imposed by Xxxxx have been reversed. Iran, with China’s support, is demanding that the sanctions be eased first, to finally get some relief for the people. The 1979 Iranian Revolution t...
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By Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx. Xx. Xxxxxxxx has a long history of success in the IT Industry, and has grown Cirrus rapidly and developed plans to expand into Singapore where it has already won business; as well as to expand into the eastern Australian markets.
By Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx. The Chronicle What has more value: col- lege or university? While one offers broad ideological and theoretical education the other offers more hands-on learning and career focus. The merit of each depends on the val-
By Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx face (MPI) environment. MPI is a good alternative for parallel computation when a shared-memory computer sys- tem is unavailable, explained Xxx. An important part of Xxx’x work has been traveling the globe--from Xxxx- land, to Italy, to India--to form collabo- rations and partnerships with doctors and deliver invited talks. Discussing his research findings with doctors provides Xxx with feedback about his mathemati- cal models. Xxx has been working closely with one doctor in particular--Xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, chief oncologist of St. Xxxxxxx Hospital in Los Angeles. One of Xxx’x current research fo- cuses is on the cause of recurring breast Centennial of Flight inspires kids In December, approxi- mately 1,200 5th to 8th grade students visited Xxxx to participate in AeroExpo III, the third in a series of Xxxx-sponsored events celebrating the Cen- xxxxxxx of Flight. Xxx Xxxxxxxx, airspace systems program director for NASA, was the featured guest speaker at the event. Students toured Future Flight Central, the Vertical Motion Simulator, the 20- cancer cases. “The mathematical model photos by Xxxxxxx Xxxx reveals that when the main tumor is gone, that does not mean that the cancer is gone. The cancer cells could still be alive and gaining strength, especially if the immune system gets weaker” ex- plained Xxx. To determine what is needed to xxxx off recurring cases of cancer, and to increase the number of fighter T-cells, B-cells, and natural killer cells in the body to keep cancer at bay, Xxx is experimenting with variables in his mathematical models such as stress, depression and side effects of medica- tions, which weaken the immune sys- tem. Although cancer may be necrotic (dead cancer cells inside of a tumor) at G Centrifuge, the Crew- Above: Students check out the Rotorcraft Aircrew Systems Concepts Airborne Laboratory (RASCAL) helicopter at the recent Aero Expo III event held at Xxxx in December. Vehicle Systems Research Facility, the CAM mock-up, the 80x120 Wind Tun- nel, the Fluid Mechanics, NeuroLab/ Robotics, Air Traffic Management and Airspace Operations labs. Students ended the day with hands-on activities at Aero Village. Students ‘build’ their own jetliner using an aircraft design software package created at NASA Xxxx. Scientists say ancient asteroids, comets may have caused Mars rain Scientists from NASA and the Uni- versity of Colorado suggest the bom- bardment of comets and asteroids on early Mars caused cycles of rain that led to global flooding...
By Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx. Grasslands News Icy roads are being blamed for a single vehicle rollover south of Whitewood earlier this week that sent one person to hospital for examination. At approximately 6:55 a.m. on Nov. 7, Whitewood Fire Department (WFD) was dispatched seven miles south of town on Highway #9 for a single vehicle rollover with en- trapment. Firefighters arrived on scene to find a half ton truck had No series injuries XXXXX XXXXXXXX | GRASSLANDS NEWS rolled and came to rest on the passenger’s side. The driver and lone occupant of a vehicle was able to free himself from his seatbelt but was unable to get out of the truck. As a result, firefighters had to remove the front windshield and use a battery powered ram to create an opening in the front to allow the driver to be removed. He was then checked by EMS and transported to hospital for further examination. Traffic on Highway #9 was reduced to a single lane for A man escaped serious injuries when the truck he was driving rolled on Highway 9 south of Whitewood. Two other separate collisions and rollovers in southeast Saskatchewan last week resulted in the death of two people, both of which were in their twenties. Cowessess picture project preserving history approximately one hour while emergency personal were on scene. There was also an accident earlier this week that shut down Highway 1 from Wolseley to the Manitoba border. On Nov. 8 just after 7 a.m., Indian Head RCMP received a report of a rolled coach bus on Highway #1 east of Wol- xxxxx, XX. Thirteen people had to be freed from the bus through emergency exits and by breaking windows. RCMP reported that several occupants were being treated at the hospital for injuries but as of press time they did not have further information on the number of injured or the extent of their injuries at this time. The past week also saw two fatal accidents in southeast Saskatchewan. On Nov. 3 around 12:45 p.m. Weyburn RCMP officers responded to a report of a two-vehicle collision at the in- tersection of Highway #33 and a grid road at Xxxxxxxx, XX. A car and semi collided in the roadway. The 21-year-old male driver of the car, from Regina, was pronounced dead at the scene. The adult male passenger was transported to hospital with serious injuries. The adult male driver of the semi was not injured. Also, on Nov. 3 at around 10:30 p.m. Estevan and Xxxx- xxxx RCMP responded to a single vehicle rollover involving a car approximately 1.6 kilometers south of Xxxxxx, XX on Highway #47. The...
By Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx. PRINCE XXXXXX — Approximately 70 people of vari- ous denominations braved the weather — which included rain, sleet, wind, thunder and lightning — to participate in the annual Good Friday Outdoor Way of the Cross sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Prince Xxxxxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, X.Xxx., began the procession from city hall. Various stops were made in the downtown core. Here re- flections were made and prayers were said for all those who are suffering with addictions, mental health issues, homelessness, and also for the missing indigenous women and children. “Good Friday is a reflection on the purpose of life and how we are living our present situation — how we love one another. That is really what this day is all about,” the xxxxxx commented. The procession concluded with the last station being back at city hall. Afterward, all joined togeth- er to recite the Lord’s Prayer and to exchange the sign of peace. When asked about the signifi- cance of this walk, P.A. diocese Evangelization and Catechesis director Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, one of the event organizers, said that “there is nothing of human suffer- ing that Xxxxxx does not under- stand.” Xxx Xxxxxxxx XXXXXX XXXX — With the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon still awaiting the appointment of a xxxxxx, Xxxxxx Emeritus Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, OMI, presided at the annual diocesan celebration of the Chrism Mass at the start of Holy Week, April 10. He blessed the sacred oils — the oil of the sick, the oil of catechumens and the sacred chrism — which were taken back by parish representatives from across the diocese to be used in the celebration of sacraments in the year ahead. The retired xxxxxx also led the reaffirmation of priestly service by priests from across the Saskatoon diocese. In his homily, Xxxxxxx said that all the baptized have been anointed to be missionary disciples, “sent to proclaim the mission and ministry of Xxxxx.” years she was at Notre Dame Convent School, Lingfield, England. At this boarding and day school, she prepared meals for 70 boarders, as well as a hot luncheon at noon for day students. In spite of long hours in the kitchen, she found additional time to work in the vegetable garden. She also typed essays for the sisters who were studying. In 1986 Sister Xxxx Xxxxxx went to Saskatoon where she visited the elderly in nursing homes. In 2008 she moved to Notre Dame Convent Waterdown. In her retirement Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx enjoyed her piano lessons Her computer kept her in touch with fa...
By Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx. Note: This article does not attempt to provide a complete summary of all IETF activities in this area. It reflects the author's personal perspective on some current highlights. I happen to have an architect's mind. Looking at the network of today, I strongly feel the pain of the current architecture's cracking and squeaking. Consequently, I believe that we - the wider IETF community responsible for Internet technology - need to re-think the architecture. We need to find a way to re-create the core of the Internet in a way that leads to a new era of innovation and intellectual prosperity. The highlight of my IETF64 meeting in Vancouver was that I started to see signs of interest and activity in the broader community to pursue such a goal. Thinking about the architecture is not easy. The existing, real, out-there Internet architecture is no more the simple one that the founders designed it to be and that many of us wish it still was. We all know that. What we perhaps don't consider very often is the fact that there are huge asset values embedded in various parts of the network. As the slower-than-expected migration to IPv6 has amply demonstrated, some parts of the current Internet are painfully hard to change. This makes any long-term architectural thinking and planning difficult. Any change requires a reason to overcome the associated hurdle. Consequently, I have found it very instructive to try to think about the network and protocols in terms of assets, incentives, costs, and benefits. Whether we like it or not, every design decision we make embeds value propositions into the system. Basic understanding of micro-economics helps us to understand which assets are harder to change, what kind of incentives and disincentives we need to design into our protocols, and what likely benefits there are that may justify the cost of any change. For example, stateless protocol design [1] and client puzzles [2] have been known in various forms for a number of years. They help in resisting certain kinds of bad traffic by increasing the sender's cost compared to the recipient's cost, thereby providing a direct incentive for their adoption. However, they are still rarely used, presumably because many protocol designers fail to see their benefit, perhaps because they do not really understand the underlying micro-economic mechanisms. More recently, a wider community of computer science researchers and economists have started to pay more attention to these issues, resulting i...
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