Xxxxx Administration Sample Clauses
Xxxxx Administration. Grantee shall use the Grant funds only for the activities described in the approved Scope of Work. Grantee shall maintain financial records relating to the receipt and expenditure of all Grant funds in accordance with the terms set forth under this Agreement for a period of seven (7) years starting on the first day after final payment under the Agreement.
Xxxxx Administration. The Subrecipient agrees to administer this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Section 7097 through and including Section 7126 of Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations.
Xxxxx Administration. The Performing Party will maintain an appropriate grant management administration system to ensure that all terms, conditions, and specifications of the Contract, including these certifications and assurances, are met.
Xxxxx Administration. XxXxx agrees to assign competent personnel to perform all tasks necessary to provide the service specified in this contract. XxXxx will advise City of the identity of all professional personnel providing direct services to City.
Xxxxx Administration. Sauk River Watershed District will act as the grant administrator for the purposes of this Agreement and agrees to provide the following services:
1. Accept all day-to-day responsibilities associated with the implementation of the BWSR grant agreement for developing a watershed-based plan, including being the primary BWSR contact for the One Watershed, One Plan Grant Agreement and being responsible for BWSR reporting requirements associated with the grant agreement.
2. Provide the Policy Committee with the records necessary to describe the planning condition of the BWSR grant agreement.
Xxxxx Administration. The CCC shall administer this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Section 7097 through and including Section 7126 of Title 25 of the CCR. CCC shall also ensure that all NDR costs are eligible per Exhibit A, Section 3 of this Agreement.
Xxxxx Administration. IV.B.1. Certification of financial controls and procurement processes, and adequate procedures for proper grant management. The 2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts require that the Secretary certify, in advance of signing a grant agreement, that the grantee has in place proficient financial controls and procurement processes and has established adequate procedures to prevent any duplication of benefits as defined by section 312 of the Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Xxxxxxxx Act), 42 U.S.C. 5155, to ensure timely expenditure of funds, maintain a comprehensive website regarding all activities assisted with these funds, and detect and prevent waste, fraud, and abuse of funds. To enable the Secretary to make this certification, each grantee must submit to HUD the Financial Management and Grant Compliance certification submission pursuant to section VI.A.1.a of the February 9, 2018 notice (83 FR 5847), as amended in this section. A grantee that received a certification of its financial controls and procurement processes pursuant to a 2016 or 2017 disaster may request that HUD rely on that certification for purposes of this grant, provided, however, that grantees shall be required to provide updates to reflect any material changes in the submissions. This information must be submitted within 60 days of the applicability date of this notice. The grant agreement will not be executed until HUD has approved the grantee’s certifications. The grantee must implement the CDBG– XX xxxxx consistent with the controls, processes, and procedures as certified by HUD. HUD is requiring each grantee to submit (or update and resubmit, as applicable) all policies and procedures pertaining to its duplication of benefits procedures as outlined below:
(1) Duplication of benefits procedures. A grantee has adequate procedures to prevent the duplication of benefits if the grantee submits uniform processes that reflect the requirements of the February 9, 2018 notice (83 FR 5860) and the 2019 DOB Notice (84 FR 28836), including: (a) Verifying all sources of assistance received by the grantee or applicant, as applicable, prior to the award of CDBG–DR funds; (b) determining a grantee’s or an applicant’s remaining funding need(s) for CDBG– DR assistance before committing funds or awarding assistance; and (c) requiring beneficiaries to enter into a signed agreement to repay any duplicative assistance if they later receive additional assistance for the same purp...
Xxxxx Administration. VCTC agrees to carry out the administrative requirements necessary to reserve, apply for, and receive FTA funds. Attachment A to this agreement, which is incorporated by reference, provides the project scopes of work and line item details for SUBRECIPIENT activities within each active FTA grant covered by this Agreement as of the effective date of this Agreement. Also provided as Attachment B is a table showing the grants by Federal Award Identification Number including the total amount in each grant obligated and committed to the SUBRECIPIENT and the total of all such awards. Additional grants, as awarded by FTA during the period of this Agreement, will be added to this Agreement through a notice of grant award issued by VCTC to the SUBRECIPIENT with a copy of the grants. All such notices shall thereby be incorporated by reference into this Agreement, provided that any such grant award has been accepted in writing by the SUBRECEIPIENT
Xxxxx Administration. The Grantee shall administer this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Section 7126 of Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR). Grantee shall also ensure all grant administration costs are eligible per Exhibit A, Section 2 of this Agreement.
Xxxxx Administration. GDS will perform all administrative services required to implement the TPWD Grant for a fee equal to 6.50% (Six and one half per cent) of the total amount of the construction line item in the Grant construction contract The City shall pay the administrative fee from local funds. The Scope of Services for Grant Administration is detailed in this Letter of Agreement in “Attachment A: “Professional Administration of a TPWD Small Community Recreation Grant”.