Cambodia Sample Clauses

Cambodia. Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam shall endeavour to remove the said procedures at the earliest possible occasion and notify the Joint Committee accordingly.
Cambodia. 6 Dec 10 Jul 1988 a 2001 a China3 ............................ 5 Feb 1988 a States of) .................. 28 Dec 1993 a Fiji ................................. 2 Jun 1978 26 Mar 0000 Xxxxxx ............................ 14 Dec 1988 a
Cambodia. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) 5. Ghana
Cambodia. There are no country-specific provisions.
Cambodia. Franco-Canadian Trade Agreement of| Since the creation of Cambodia as an 1933 applied to Cambodia. (Although not yet a full member, Cambo-j dia takes part in the work of GATTJ under a special arrangement. independent state in 1955, Canada has continued to grant most-favoured-na- tion rates. CAMEROON. , Franco-Canadian Trade Agreement of |Exchange of most-favoured-nation treat- 1933 applied to Cameroons. GATT effective Nov. 28,1960. ment. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC . JFranco-Canadian Trade Agreement of'Exchange of most-favoured-nation treat- 1933 applied to Central African Repub- lic. GATT effective Aug. 14,1960. ment.
Cambodia. Franco-Canadian Trad e Agreement Since th e creation of Cambodi a as of 1933 applied to Cambodia. an independent State in 1955, Canada has continued to grant most-favoured-nation rates.
Cambodia. On 21 September 2018, the ILO, together with the Cambodia Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and UN Volunteers, organized Cambodia Entrepreneurship Day (CED), a country-wide introduction to entrepreneurship for youth. Run simultaneously in all 25 provinces using an activity-based training approach, the programme reached over 4,300 young people around the country – boosting visibility of entrepreneurship as a livelihood option and of the ILO’s work to support youth. Implemented with support of the ILO/Japan Fund for Building Social Safety Nets in Asia and the Pacific (SSN Fund), partners are exploring establishing CED as an annual event. More The 23rd World Investment Conference under the theme “A New Area in Foreign Direct Investment” was organised by the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) and hosted by the Chinese Investment Promotion Agency and Chinese Ministry of Commerce. It coincided with the 20th anniversary of the CIFIT (China International Fair for Investment and Trade). The members of WAIPA’s Consultative Committee (ILO, OECD, UNCTAD, UNIDO, World Bank) organized a workshop for participating IPAs during which Xxxxx Xxxxxxx made a presentation on “A New Era in Foreign Direct Investment: Strategic thinking for greater quality job creation”. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx also addressed the panel on Domestic Value Addition the opportunities for decent work provided by impact investment. The ILO participation in the WIC is part of the broader collaboration between ILO and WAIPA on the SDGs. Early in September 2018, the ILO and UNHCR, with support from ITC Turin and the Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Institute at University of Michigan, jointly launched a new livelihoods pilot initiative offering learning opportunities to 100 refugees and local youth in Jakarta, Indonesia. The newly developed six-month entrepreneurship training programme, Ready for Business, based on an activity-based training model, aims to improve refugees’ and local youths’ capacity for sustained self-reliance. Imparted weekly through 2-3 hour peer learning sessions supported by Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia and Dompet Dhuafa, the programme also incorporates psycho-social well-being and community- supported networking activities. If proven effective, this pilot initiative will be adapted and replicated elsewhere in cooperation with UNHCR. Follow @ILO_R4B on Twitter for more updates.
Cambodia. Indonesia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam shall endeavour to abolish those procedures as soon as possible and shall notify the Joint Committee thereof.
Cambodia. In Cambodia from 2000 to 2002 community based EBS was developed and implemented in seven rural communities (Oum, 2005). Community members were trained to be Village Health Volunteers (VHV) to report on suspected outbreaks and important health events occurring in their villages. Standard case definitions for malaria, measles, acute diarrhea, hemorrhagic fever, and chronic cough were used throughout the study to collect information at the village level (Oum, 2005). VHVs immediately reported on clusters of cases but also reported every month the total number of cases each event included through a monthly reporting form. Prior to becoming a VHV, community members went through an initial 3 day training course followed by monthly refresher training courses (Oum, 2005). From August 2000 to September 2002 two outbreaks of malaria, seven outbreaks of acute diarrhea, ten outbreaks of measles, and two clusters of hemorrhagic fevers were captured through EBS (Oum, 2005). All but one of the measles outbreaks were confirmed (based on clinical manifestations) during outbreak investigations. Information collected from the EBS system enabled health to respond quickly and investigate the outbreaks. The success of EBS in the rural communities can be linked to the relatively easy case definitions for VHVs to remember and the organized two-way flow of information from the community to level up to the central level (Oum, 2005). Some constraints of community EBS included difficulties in collecting data from people living in hard to reach areas and the less than optimal response time to events due to the lack of funding for health services.
Cambodia. China, The People’s Republic (including Hong Kong and Macao) Xxxx Islands East Timor Fiji India Indonesia Iran Iraq Israel* Jordan* Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx* Xxxxxx Xxxx Lebanon* Malaysia Maldives Xxxxxxxx Islands Micronesia Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Niue North Korea Oman Pakistan Palau Palestine* Papua New Guinea Philippines Qatar Samoa Saudi Arabia* Singapore Solomon Islands South Korea Sri Lanka Syria* Taiwan (Republic of China) Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkey* Turkmenistan Tuvalu United Arab Emirates* Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Yemen * indicates this country is subject to the provisions of Section 4.6 ***Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted portions have been filed separately with the Commission.