Capital Improvements The Department has identified the following possible opportunities for Capital Improvements:
Improvement Plan A written plan developed by the evaluator, utilized when a teacher received a Rating of Ineffective on his/her Evaluation or on any individual deficiency in the evaluation system.
School Improvement The conditions which follow shall govern employee participation in any and all plans, programs, or projects included in the terms, site-based decision making, school improvement, effective schools as provided in Act 197, P.A. 1987 (Section 15.1919 (919b) MSA) or other similar plans:
Educator Plans: Improvement Plan A) An Improvement Plan is for those Educators with PTS whose overall rating is unsatisfactory.
Performance Improvement Process 9.5.1 The purpose of the Performance Improvement Process is to remedy or mitigate the impact of a Performance Factor. The Performance Improvement Process may include: a requirement that the Hospital develop an Improvement Plan; or an amendment of the Hospital’s obligations as mutually agreed by the parties.