Cash Fund Payment. In the alternative to the Documented Loss Payment or the CMIS benefit, Class Members may submit a claim to receive a pro rata Settlement Payment in cash (“Cash Fund Payment”). The amount of the Cash Fund Payment will be calculated in accordance with Section 3.7 below. Class Members who submit a Claim for a Cash Fund Payment will not be entitled to select any of the other Settlement Benefits provided for under Section 3.2(a)-(b).
Cash Fund Payment. In the alternative to the Out-of-Pocket Losses or CMIS benefit, Class Members may submit a claim for an alternative cash payment of $50 (“Cash Fund Payment”). Class Members who submit a Claim for a Cash Fund Payment will not be entitled to select any of the other Settlement Benefits provided for under Section 3.3(a)-(e).
Cash Fund Payment. You may submit a Claim Form to receive a pro rata (equal share) cash Settlement Payment.
Cash Fund Payment. All Class Members are eligible to make a claim for a cash fund payment (“Cash Fund Payment”), regardless of whether they make a claim for Out-Of-Pocket Losses. The amount of the Cash Fund Payment is estimated to be $50 per claimant. This amount of the cash payment may increase or decrease based upon the number of claims approved. The pro rata Cash Fund Payments will evenly distribute the net amount of the $2,900,000.00 Settlement Fund, after payment of all Approved Claims for Out-of-Pocket Losses, Notice and Administrative Expenses, Taxes and Tax-Related Expenses, any award of attorneys’ fees, litigation expenses, Service Awards, and any other amounts expressly authorized by this Settlement Agreement or approved by the Court, to each Class Member who submits an Approved Claim.
Cash Fund Payment. If you wish to receive a Cash Fund Payment, you must check off the box for this section, and then simply return this Claim Form. A check will be mailed to the address you provided in Section II, above, as long as the Net Settlement Fund is not depleted by the claims for Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services, Lost Time Payments, and Documented Loss Payments. You will receive an email at the email address provided below after Final Approval prompting you to select how you’d like to be paid. You can receive your payment via a variety of digital options such as digital debit card or PayPal, or you can elect to receive a check. Email Address [Mandatory]:
Cash Fund Payment. All Settlement Class Members are eligible to make a claim for a cash fund payment, regardless of whether they make a claim for Out-of-Pocket Losses. The pro rata cash fund payments will evenly distribute the net amount of the Settlement Fund, after payment of all approved claims for Out-of-Pocket Losses, Notice and Administration Expenses, and any Fee and Expenses Award, and Service Awards, to each Settlement Class Member who submits a timely and valid claim.
Cash Fund Payment. In addition to any Documented Loss Payment for which you qualify, you may elect to receive a cash payment, currently estimated to be $50. This is the “Cash Fund Payment.” The amount of the Cash Fund Payment will vary depending on the number of valid and Approved Claims that are submitted. To receive a Cash Fund Payment, you must submit a completed Claim Form electing to receive a Cash Fund Payment or submit the tear-off “Claim Form For Pro Rata Cash Fund Payment Only” you may have received by mail to the Settlement Administrator. You do not need to provide additional documents for this claim – only the Unique ID number provided on your Notice. You are not required to provide Reasonable Documentation with your Claim Form to receive a Cash Fund Payment. Individual Cash Fund Payments may be reduced or increased pro rata (equal share) depending on the number of Class Members that participate in the Settlement and the amount of money that remains in the Cash Fund after payments of other Settlement Benefits and charges with priority for payment under the Settlement. See Number 9 below.
Cash Fund Payment. In the alternative to Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services, Documented Loss Payment, or Lost Time Payment, you may elect to receive a cash payment. This is the “Cash Fund Payment.” The amount of the Cash Fund Payment will vary depending on the number of valid claims that are submitted. To receive a Cash Fund Payment, you must submit a completed Claim Form electing to receive a Cash Fund Payment. You are not required to provide Reasonable Documentation with your Claim Form to receive a Cash Fund Payment. Individual Cash Fund Payments may be reduced or increased pro rata (equal share) depending on the number of Class Members that participate in the Settlement and the amount of money that remains in the Cash Fund after payments of other Settlement Benefits and charges with priority for payment under the Settlement. See Number 13 below.
Cash Fund Payment you may submit a Cash Fund Payment claim for a cash payment, in an amount to be determined consistent with the Settlement, if you do not make a claim for a Documented Loss Payment or Credit Monitoring. Credit Monitoring - two years of Credit Monitoring and Identity Theft Insurance Service for protection from future harm.
Cash Fund Payment. If you wish to receive a Cash Fund Payment, you must check off the box for this section, and then simply return this Claim Form. A check will be mailed to the address you provided in Section II, above, as long as the Net Settlement Fund is not depleted by the claims for Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services and Documented Loss Payments. If you would prefer to receive your Settlement Payment via Paypal or Venmo, or via a digital gift card, please provide the email address associated with your PayPal or Venmo account or the email address to which you would like your digital gift card Settlement Payment sent, below [OPTIONAL]: