Technical Coordination i. Performance of work under this Contract shall be in compliance with the requirements documents (i.e. Performance Work Statement (PWS)) and terms and conditions of the Contract.
ii. All technical coordination shall remain within the scope of this Contract. No oral statements of any person whosoever shall in any manner or degree modify or otherwise affect the terms of this Contract. Technical coordination shall not result in any action that:
(a) Constitutes an assignment of additional work outside the requirements documents.
(b) Constitutes a change as defined in the Contract clauses 52.243-1, Changes Fixed-Price and 52.243-2, Changes - Cost-Reimbursement, as applicable.
(c) Causes an increase in the total Contract ceiling amount, Contract price, or the time required for Contract performance.
(d) Changes any of the expressed terms, conditions or specifications of this Contract.
(e) Interferes with the Contractor’s right to perform the terms and conditions of the Contract.
Technical Coordination. The Project Coordinator, Xxx Xxxxxxxx (Edinburgh), is in overall charge of the technical work in the project. He is responsible for overseeing progress on the various workpackages and for initiating remedial action in case technical difficulties in some area necessitates a rethink of the overall project structure. He will convene, and be advised by, a steering committee consisting of all the workpackage coordinators and supplemented by additional members as needs demand. This committee will convene quarterly, either in person or by video/tele- conferencing. The main means of access to the deliverables of the project and to internal technical documents will be via WWW, and the Project Coordinator is responsible for setting up and maintaining the project’s Web site. The Project Coordinator is also responsible for organising the project’s annual workshop. Each workpackage is managed by a Workpackage Coordinator. These are as follows: Workpackage 1 : Xxx Xxxxxxxx (Edinburgh) Workpackage 2 : Xxx Xxxxxxxx (Edinburgh) Workpackage 3 : Xxx Xxxxx (Edinburgh) Workpackage 4 : Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx (Edinburgh) Workpackage 5 : Xxx Xxxxx (Edinburgh) Workpackage 6 : Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx (Edinburgh) Workpackage 7 : Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx (Munich) Workpackage 8 : Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx (Edinburgh) Workpackage 9 : Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx (Munich) Workpackage 10 : Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx (Edinburgh) Workpackage 11 : Xxx Xxxxxxxx (Edinburgh) Each Workpackage Coordinator is responsible for monitoring the technical work within that workpackage and ensuring that it proceeds according to plan, convening meetings, main- taining an electronic mailing list for discussion on matters relevant to the technical work, reviewing internal technical documents and deliverables and maintaining a section of the project’s website. Decisions concerning the overall technical direction of the project will be made by the Project Coordinator in close consultation with the Workpackage Coordinators and other col- leagues. A formal technical management meeting will be convened by the Project Coordi- nator at each of the project workshops and will be open to all project personnel. Project workshops will consist partly of presentations of technical developments and partly of a review of the progress of the project, and decisions concerning the future direction of the project will be informed by these reviews.
Technical Coordination. Technical coordinations concerning allotments and assignments shall normally consist of an exchange of letters between the Department of Communications of Canada and the Federal Communications Commission of the United States of America. In the event that the matter cannot be resolved by correspondence, a meeting shall be arranged. 88.1 201 94.9 235 101.5 268 88.3 202 95.1 236 101.7 269 88.5 203 95.3 237 101.9 270 88.7 204 95.5 238 102.1 271 88.9 205 95.7 239 102.3 272 89.1 206 95.9 240 102.5 273 89.3 207 96.1 241 102.7 274 89.5 208 96.3 242 102.9 275 89.7 209 96.5 243 103.1 276 89.9 210 96.7 244 103.3 277 90.1 211 96.9 245 103.5 278 90.3 212 97.1 246 103.7 279 90.5 213 97.3 247 103.9 280 90.7 214 97.5 248 104.1 281 90.9 215 97.7 249 104.3 282 91.1 216 97.9 250 104.5 283 91.3 217 98.1 251 104.7 284 91.5 218 98.3 252 104.9 285 91.7 219 98.5 253 105.1 286 91.9 220 98.7 254 105.3 287 92.1 221 98.9 255 105.5 288 92.3 222 99.1 256 105.7 289 92.5 223 99.3 257 105.9 290 92.7 224 99.5 258 106.1 291 92.9 225 99.7 259 106.3 292 93.1 226 99.9 260 106.5 293 93.3 227 100.1 261 106.7 294 93.5 228 100.3 262 106.9 295 93.7 229 100.5 263 107.1 296 93.9 230 100.7 264 107.3 297 94.1 231 100.9 265 107.5 298 94.3 232 101.1 266 107.7 299 94.5 233 101.3 267 107.9 300 Figure 1 Figure 2
Technical Coordination. Technical coordinations concerning allotments and assignments shall normally consist of an exchange of letters between the Department of Communications of Canada and the Federal Communications Commission of the United States of America. In the event that the matter cannot be resolved by correspondence, a meeting shall be arranged. 2 .................. 54 - 60 36 .................. 602 - 608 3 .................. 60 - 66 37 .................. 608 - 614* 4 .................. 66 - 72 38 .................. 614 - 620 5 .................. 76 - 82 39 .................. 620 - 626 6 .................. 82 - 88 40 .................. 626 - 632 7 ................. 174 - 180 41 .................. 632 - 638 8 ................. 180 - 186 42 .................. 638 - 644 9 ................. 186 - 192 43 .................. 644 - 650 10 ................. 192 - 198 44 .................. 650 - 656 11 ................. 198 - 204 45 .................. 656 - 662 12 ................. 204 - 210 46 .................. 662 - 668 13 ................. 210 - 216 47 .................. 668 - 674 48 .................. 674 - 680 UHF 49 . .6. 8. 0... .-.. . 6. .8.6.... 50 .................. 686 - 692 14 ................. 470 - 476 51 .................. 692 - 698 15 ................. 476 - 482 52 .................. 698 - 704 16 ................. 482 - 488 53 .................. 704 - 710 17 ................. 488 - 494 54 .................. 710 - 716 18 ................. 494 - 500 55 .................. 716 - 722 19 ................. 500 - 506 56 .................. 722 - 728 20 ................. 506 - 512 57 .................. 728 - 734 21 ................. 512 - 518 58 .................. 734 - 740 22 ................. 518 - 524 59 .................. 740 - 746 23 ................. 524 - 530 60 .................. 746 - 752 24 ................. 530 - 536 61 .................. 752 - 758 25 ................. 536 - 542 62 .................. 758 - 764 26 ................. 542 - 548 63 .................. 764 - 770 27 ................. 548 - 554 64 .................. 770 - 776 28 ................. 554 - 560 65 .................. 776 - 782 29 ................. 560 - 566 66 .................. 782 - 788 30 ................. 566 - 572 67 .................. 788 - 794 31 ................. 572 - 578 68 .................. 794 - 800 32 ................. 578 - 584 69 .................. 800 - 806 33 ................. 584 - 590 34 ................. 590 - 596 35 ................. 596 - 602 * Channel 37 is allocated to ...
Technical Coordination. 1) Performance of work under this contract shall be in compliance with the PWS, terms, and conditions of any approved Task Orders. The contractor shall use the PWS together with other applicable portions of the basic award as a basis for the description of its capabilities and ability to propose appropriate services when solicited in future Task Orders.
2) All technical coordination shall remain within the scope of this contract and that of individual Task Orders. No oral statements of any person whosoever shall in any manner or degree modify or otherwise affect the terms of this contract or of the Task Orders. Technical coordination shall not result in any action that:
i. Constitutes an assignment of additional work outside the SOW, PWS or Task Order.
ii. Constitutes a change as defined in the contract clauses 52.243-1, Changes - Fixed-Price, as applicable.
iii. Causes an increase in the total contract ceiling amount, TO price, or the time required for contract or Task Order performance.
iv. Changes in any of the expressed terms, conditions or specifications of this contract or any approved Task Orders.
v. Interfere with the contractor’s right to perform the terms and conditions of the contract. CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE 52.232-19 Availability Of Funds For The Next Fiscal Year APR 1984 252.204-7006 Billing Instructions OCT 2005 252.232-7003 Electronic Submission of Payment Requests and Receiving Reports JUN 2012 252.232-7006 Wide Area WorkFlow Payment Instructions MAY 2013 252.232-7007 Limitation Of Government's Obligation APR 2014 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 97X4930.5F20 000 C1013 0 068142 2F Contracting Officer Name: Xxxxxxxxx (Xxxx) Xxxxxxx Organization/Office Symbol: DISA/DITCO/PL8414 Phone No.: 000-000-0000 E-Mail Address: Contract Specialist Name: Xxxxxx Xxxx Organization/Office Symbol: DISA/DITCO/PL8414 Phone No.: 000-000-0000 E-Mail Address: COR/Mission Partner Point of Contact (Note: To be filled in upon contract award) Name: Organization/Office Symbol: Phone No.: E-Mail Address: Contractor Point of Contact Contractor Legal Business Name: DUNS: CAGE CODE: Contractor POC: Phone Number: E-Mail Address: (End of text) Timely contract closeout is a priority under this contract/order. The Contractor shall submit a final invoice within ninety (90) calendar days after the expiration of this contract/order, unless the Contractor requests and is granted an extension by the Contracting ...
Technical Coordination. C.1.25.1. Performance of work under this contract shall be in compliance with the contract and any approved documents associated with thiscontract.
C.1.25.2. All technical coordination shall be within the general scope of this contract. Technical coordination shall not result in any action that:
C. Constitutes an assignment of additional work outside contract.
C. Causes an increase in the total estimated cost, the resource limits approved by the KO in the approved Implementation Plan, or the time required for contract performance.
C. Changes in any of the expressed terms, conditions, or specifications of this contract.
C. Interferes with the contractor's right to perform the terms and conditions of this contract.
Technical Coordination. Steering the project results to comply with TTR program Demarcation to other CEF projects: » The risk of overlaps with other ongoing EU projects is minimal because all staff costs are closely monitored through periodic reports. Work Package Number WP2 Lead Beneficiary 1 - RNE Work Package Name TTR Capacity strategy/model Start Month 1 End Month 48 Involved beneficiaries » RNE » DB InfraGO » RFI » SNCF-Reseau » SZCZ » Infrabel » RFC NSM Objectives The following objectives shall be achieved: » Facilitate the collection of information and general principles to be used further in the capacity planning and capacity allocation process on a European scale (RNE) » Support the harmonisation of the cross-border capacity planning (RNE) » Provide an overview on the available capacities on a European scale (RNE) » Enable and facilitate Capacity Partitioning (RNE) » Provide an overview concerning the infrastructure sections where future capacity bottlenecks might occur (RNE) » Create different visualisation possibilities of the capacities in order to satisfy the needs of various stakeholders (e.g. Regulatory Bodies, Applicants, Infrastructure Managers, Allocation Bodies etc.) (RNE) » Create different Capacity Model variants for the same period to facilitate the pre-planning of capacities (RNE) » Ensure that the potential Applicants can indicate their future capacity needs (via Capacity Needs Announcements), which can be directly transferred to the Capacity Model, which leads to smoother cooperation between the stakeholders (RNE) » Enable the unified clustering of TCRs (RNE) » Enable the unified impact calculation of TCRs (RNE) » Facilitate the TCR Consultation process through providing a standardised, transparent platform for every involved stakeholder. » Study on capacity bands, rolling planning requests on dedicated multi-annual offer (SNCF Réseau) » TTR-compliant Capacity Model (XX Xxxx) » Long-term planning Capacity Model (RFI) » Capacity Intelligence – homogeneous KPIs on capacity issues and visualisation (RFC NSM) » National capacity strategy and model tool (Infrabel) Anticipated effects: » Harmonised visualisation of capacity » Harmonised principles for infrastructure development and planning » Exchange of data in all phases (planning, operation, …) » Transparent communication of capacity and specific capacity restrictions Links to other WPs » WP 3 and 4 (TCRs and allocation procedures are heavily affected by capacity model and strategy and vice versa) Overall WP...
Technical Coordination. (1) Performance of work under this contract shall be in compliance with the PWS and terms and conditions of the contract.
(2) All technical coordination shall remain within the scope of this contract. No oral statements by any person shall in any manner or degree modify or otherwise affect the terms of this contract. Technical coordination shall not result in any action that:
(i) Constitutes an assignment of additional work outside the PWS.
(ii) Constitutes a change as defined in the contract clauses 52.243-1, Changes - Fixed-Price and 52.243-2, Changes - Cost-Reimbursement, as applicable.
(iii) Causes an increase in the total contract ceiling amount or the time required for contract performance.
(iv) Changes in any of the expressed terms, conditions or specifications of this contract.
(v) Interfere with the Contractor’s right to perform the terms and conditions of the contract.
Technical Coordination. Day to day coordination of functional and technical activities as described in Part I and elsewhere in this Contract shall be coordinated with Company’s Building Manager listed below. Fluor Enterprises, Inc. Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Aliso Viejo, CA 92698 Telephone: (000) 000-0000 FAX: (000) 000-0000 Attn.: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx/B1O
Technical Coordination. For the purpose of the technical co-ordination of this Project, CERN’s representative shall be: - Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx – HL-LHC DF Project leader - Xxxx Xxxxxxxx – HL-LHC DF Project Engineer (?) And University’s representative shall be: - Xxxxxx Xxxx – Southampton DF construction leader or such successors as each Party may designate and communicate to the other Party. All documentation shall be sent to Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx (WP6a Leader) and Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx (Deputy WP6a Leader). The Technical Coordinators shall liaise with each other at regular intervals in order to define the detailed work packages and time schedules, to monitor the execution of the Project and to ensure corrective actions in case any difficulty arises in the execution of a Party’s contribution.