Civil Leave Sample Clauses

Civil Leave. A. A bargaining unit member subpoenaed to appear in court for a work-related matter or serve on jury duty shall be granted leave without loss of pay. A copy of the court summons, subpoena, or letter from the court requesting the bargaining unit member’s presence must be submitted to administration. B. When a bargaining unit member is scheduled to be absent and such appearance in court is negated or the bargaining unit member is excused in such time to return to his/her work site for the remainder of his/her workday, then he/she is required to do so.
Civil Leave. All employees shall be eligible for paid civil leave under the following conditions:
Civil LeaveIf an employee receives a subpoena or other order of the Court requiring an appearance during regular working hours, time off with pay and without loss of earned leave time shall be granted. This provision shall not apply in cases where the employee is a plaintiff or defendant in the Court action.
Civil Leave. An employee shall be granted civil leave without loss of pay or leave under either of the following conditions: (1) When performing jury duty; or (2) When subpoenaed by a governmental body to appear before a court or administrative tribunal in a matter to which the employee is not a party. (3) This provision shall not apply to subpoenas issued to an employee that are due in any way to that employee’s outside employment. Civil leave shall be granted to an employee on the day(s) the employee is scheduled to work regardless of whether the jury duty or the subpoena obligation and the work hours conflict. Such civil leave shall be granted in an amount equal to the time needed to perform the jury duty or the subpoena obligation, including travel time. An employee on civil leave shall surrender to the state any fees received for such activity, less mileage imbursement for use of the employee’s own vehicle.
Civil LeaveSection 1. The Employer recognizes the responsibility of its employees to fulfill their civic duties as jurors and witnesses in court proceedings. The Employer agrees therefore to grant civil leave with pay to permanent employees: a. Who have not volunteered for jury duty and are called for jury duty; or b. Who are not a party in a civil or criminal court proceeding, but are subpoenaed as a witness to attend such a court proceeding. Civil leave shall be granted for the period of time (including reasonable travel time) when the employee's regularly scheduled work is in conflict with the required court attendance time. An employee shall be eligible to receive a maximum of one (1) day's pay at their regular straight time rate (one (1) full shift) for each day of required court attendance. If an employee works a second or third shift and their hours of work are not in conflict with the required court attendance time, the employee shall be granted civil leave equal to the required court attendance time plus reasonable travel time up to a full shift for each day of the required court attendance during either their regular shift immediately preceding or subsequent to the court appearance. Evidence of such civil duty in the form of a subpoena or other written notification shall be presented to the employee's immediate supervisor as far in advance as possible. Section 2. Permanent employees who are subpoenaed as witnesses or who are parties in the following administrative hearings shall be granted leave with pay while attending such hearings: Unemployment Compensation Board of Review Referee, Workers’ Compensation Judge, and Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board. Section 3. The term "court" as used in this Article is intended to mean only the following courts: Minor Judiciary Court, Courts of Common Pleas, Commonwealth Court, United States District Court and a Grand Jury. Section 4. a. Permanent employees, while performing fire fighting duties, fire police duties, emergency medical technician duties, civil air patrol activities or emergency management rescue work during a fire, flood, hurricane or other disaster, may be granted leave with pay. Certified Red Cross disaster relief volunteers may be granted leave with pay to perform disaster
Civil Leave. Civil leave may be allowed for employees to serve as members of a jury, take examinations for state positions, or perform other civil duties.
Civil LeaveEmployees who are required to perform jury service in any Court (city, federal, county) or who are required by subpoena to appear in court shall be paid their regular salary. Employees shall notify their appropriate administrator or supervisor at the time they first receive notice that they may be called to serve as jurors or subpoenaed, and provide their administrator or supervisor with a copy of the summons or subpoena.
Civil Leave. Civil leave (not jury duty) for any purpose other than State related business shall not be treated as time worked. If a court appearance is required as part of the employee’s work and requires the employee’s presence beyond his/her normal work day, all such time shall be paid in accordance with Article 18, Section 4. It is understood that this provision shall apply to an employee who is subpoenaed to appear in court primarily because of his/her employment role.
Civil Leave. ‌ Civil leave with pay will be allowed to permit an employee to serve as a juror or to testify in any federal, state or municipal court when a subpoena compels such testimony. An employee must notify the immediate supervisor prior to taking civil leave and provide proof of compulsion.
Civil Leave. Consistent with the provisions of Article 4 of this Agreement, the Civil Leave provisions of Chapter 14 of the Administrative Code shall apply to Bargaining Unit members except as otherwise provided in this Article. An employee shall be granted Civil Leave with pay when performing jury duty, when subpoenaed to appear before any public body or commission on a job-related matter when performing emergency civilian duty in connection with national defense, or when serving as a volunteer firefighter in the employee’s response area. An employee regularly scheduled to work the evening or midnight shift may receive Civil Leave, as described above, for their regularly scheduled shift when their court-ordered service occurs immediately before or after their scheduled shift. An employee subpoenaed in the line of duty to represent the County shall either be paid per diem or travel expenses by the County (and any fees received from the Court will be turned over to the County) or may retain witness fees and mileage received from the Court. Employees will be granted up to one hour off on election days when it is not feasible to vote before or after working hours.