Community Assessment Sample Clauses
Community Assessment. Each LHD immunization Grantee will conduct a community needs assessment
Community Assessment. Periodically collaborate in the assessment of community needs and resources.
Community Assessment. [Aging-Friendly Project Name] will prepare a community assessment, which will take into consideration conditions on the ground and the policies, plans and regulations in place within the municipality that either support or hinder age-friendly development across the following categories: mixed-use/center-based development; housing options; transportation choice; and availability of public facilities, amenities, and services.
Community Assessment. Periodically collaborate in the assessment of county-wide needs and resources.
Community Assessment. Task 2.1 Background Analysis
Community Assessment. CEUW will collaborate in the assessment of community needs and resources.
Community Assessment. The Program will facilitate three or more assessment meeting(s) with a local work group to include, but not be limited to:
Community Assessment. The primary goal of this project is to ensure New Haven Public School Head Start conducts a thoughtful and comprehensive community assessment process that identifies the community strengths and needs, aligned to the Head Start Program Performance Standards, that will ultimately inform program planning. The 2023 Community Assessment (CA) process is informed by the guidance and input of NHPS leadership and stakeholders from their immediate community. Every five years, Head Start programs are required by Section 1305.3, Title 45, Volume 4 of the Code of Federal Regulations, to conduct a community needs assessment with subsequent yearly updates. The community needs assessment process will comprise four phases:
1. Planning and Survey Development
2. Outreach and Data Collection
3. Comprehensive Data Analysis
Community Assessment. The OAUW will periodically collaborate in the assessment of community needs and resources.
Community Assessment. 11 TO 12 WEEKS, 1 TAC MEETING, 3 PAC MEETINGS