Community Outreach Please describe all community outreach efforts undertaken since the last report.
Community Engagement The HSP will engage the community of diverse persons and entities in the area where it provides health services when setting priorities for the delivery of health services and when developing plans for submission to the LHIN including but not limited to CAPS and integration proposals. As part of its community engagement activities, the HSPs will have in place and utilize effective mechanisms for engaging families, caregivers, clients, residents, patients and other individuals who use the services of the HSP, to help inform the HSP plans, including the HSP’s contribution to the establishment and implementation by the LHIN of geographic sub-regions in its local health system.
Community We live and work in country communities. We are invested in the health, wellness and viability of country communities and the vibrancy, diversity and future of country WA.
Community Service Service to the wider community includes active participation in a wide variety of governmental, societal and community institutions, programs and services, where such participation is based on the candidate’s academic or professional expertise.