Conflict of Interest A Sample Clauses
Conflict of Interest A. The Institution represents and warrants that, other than as set forth below, any of its directors, officers, or employees is not employed or engaged, whether paid or unpaid, in any of the following in a capacity that could allow any of its directors, officers, or employees to influence the Sponsor's or Sponsor’s affiliate business: as government official (including a relationship with a governmental official which could cause the official to influence the business of the Sponsor or any of the Sponsor’s affiliate companies; on or serving in an official service provider capacity to any reimbursement committee, pricing committee, drug approval committee, formulary or similar committee (e.g. State Office for Drug Control and Ministry of Healthcare) or health insurance company; in any other governmental position, including a position in an international governmental health organization, such as the WHO (World Health Organization) or UNICEF.
B. The Institution will advise in writting to the Sponsor any changes of the status described above in lett. i), ii) and iii) during the term of this Agreement.
C. The Institution represents and warrants that Contractor or any of its directors, officers, or employees shall not make any payment, either directly or indirectly, of money or other assets, including but not limited to compensation paid under this Agreement, to government or political party officials, candidates for public office, or representatives of other businesses or persons acting on their behalf, where such payment is for the purpose of influencing decisions or actions with respect to any aspect of Sponsor’s or Sponsor affiliates’ business. D. In the event of a conflict of interest arises during the term of this Agreement, the Institution and Principal Investigator shall disclose it to the Sponsor and shall immediately cease to work requested to do so by the Sponsor, and the Sponsor shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect upon notice to the Institution. E. For transparency reasons the Sponsor is entitled to inform any requestor about the Institution’s and Principal Investigator´s services under this Agreement as far as the Sponsor is requested to do so according to statutory law or any other public rule. F. The Institution has advised the Sponsor XXX, Principal Investigator, is a Member of the scientific council of Internal Grant's agency of Ministry of Health; Chairman of Committee for Oncology; Member of Accreditation Committee ...
Conflict of Interest A. The Institution represents and warrants that, other than as set forth below, its directors, officers, or employees is not employed or engaged, whether paid or unpaid, in any of the following in a capacity that could allow any of its directors, officers, or employees to influence Merck & Co., Inc. ("Merck"), the Sponsor's, MSD's, or MSD's affiliate business: (i) as government official (including a relationship with a governmental official which could cause the official to influence the business of the Sponsor or any of the company from the Merck/MSD group; (ii) on or serving in an official service provider capacity to any reimbursement committee, pricing committee, drug approval committee, formulary or similar committee (e.g. State Office for Drug Control and Ministry of Healthcare) or health insurance company; (iii) in any other governmental position, including a position in an international governmental health organization, such as the WHO (World Health Organization) or UNICEF.
Conflict of Interest A. The Provider of Medical Services represents and warrants that, other than as set forth below, none of its directors, officers, or employees are employed or engaged, whether paid or unpaid, in any of the following in a capacity that could allow any of its directors, officers, or employees to influence Merck & Co., Inc. ("Merck"), the Sponsor's, Company's (Merck, Sponsor and Company are hereinafter collectively defined as "MSD"), or MSD's affiliate business: (i) as a government official (including having a relationship with a governmental official which could cause the official to influence the business of MSD; (ii) on or serving in an official service provider capacity to any reimbursement committee, pricing committee, drug approval committee, formulary or similar committee (e.g. State Office for Drug Control and Ministry of Healthcare) or health insurance company; (iii) in any other governmental position, including a position in an international governmental health organization, such as the WHO (World Health Organization) or UNICEF. nebo jiných majetkových hodnot (společně „Platba“) jakémukoliv Veřejnému funkcionáři (jak xx xxxxx definován níže), jestliže xx xxxxxx Platba činěna za účelem ovlivnění rozhodování nebo jednání vztahujícímu se k předmětu této Smlouvy nebo jakémukoliv jinému aspektu podnikatelské činnosti Zadavatele. Termínem „Veřejný funkcionář“ se rozumí (i) jakýkoliv funkcionář nebo zaměstnanec vládní nebo veřejné mezinárodní organizace, (ii) jakákoliv osoba jednající v úředním postavení pro nebo v zastoupení jakékoliv vládní nebo veřejné mezinárodní organizace a (iii) jakýkoliv funkcionář politické strany nebo kandidát politického úřadu. Poskytovatel zdravotních služeb neprodleně oznámí jakékoliv porušení požadavků obsažených v tomto Článku Zadavateli a souhlasí s xxx, že zpřístupní Zadavateli a jeho zástupcům ke kontrole veškeré relevantní záznamy a další dokumentaci týkající se porušení. 23.
Conflict of Interest A. The Institution represents and warrants that to the best of its knowledge and information, other than as set forth below, any of its directors, officers, or employees is not employed or engaged, whether paid or unpaid, in any of the following in a capacity that could allow any of its directors, officers, or employees to influence, the Sponsor's, or Sponsor's affiliate business: (i) As government official (including a relationship with a covernment official which could cause the official to influence the business of the Sponsor or any of the Sponsor affiliate companies.
Conflict of Interest A. The Institution represents and warrants that, other than as set forth below, any of its directors, officers, or employees is not employed or engaged, whether paid or unpaid, in any of the following in a capacity that could allow any of its directors, officers, or employees to influence Merck & Co., Inc. ("Merck"), the Sponsor's, MSD's, or MSD's affiliate business: (i) as government official (including a relationship with a governmental official which could cause the official to influence the business of the Sponsor or any of the company from the Merck/MSD group; (ii) on or serving in an official service provider platnými a vynutitelnými v nejširším rozsahu povoleným právními předpisy.
Conflict of Interest A. The Institution represents and warrants that, other than as set forth below, any of its directors, officers, or employees, is not employed or engaged, whether paid or unpaid, in any of the following in a capacity that could allow any of its directors, officers, or employees to influence the Sponsor or Sponsor's affiliate business: (i) as government official (including a relationship with a governmental official which could cause the official to influence the business of the Sponsor or any of the Sponsor affiliate companies; (ii) on or serving in an official service provider capacity to any reimbursement committee, pricing committee, drug approval committee, formulary or similar committee (e.g. State Office for Drug Control and Ministry of Healthcare) or health insurance company; (iii) in any other governmental position, including a position in an international governmental health organization, such as the WHO (World Health Organization) or UNICEF.
Conflict of Interest A. In performing the required services under this Agreement, it is your responsibility to avoid: 1. any actual or apparent conflict between your duties or obligations to other parties, including the Federal Government, and such duties and obligations assumed under this Agreement; and 2. disclosure of information which would, or would appear to, violate such duties and obligations to third parties.
b. In the performance of this Agreement, Vendor shall not make or participate in any marketing calls or contacts with the Federal Government or others which might create the possibility or appearance of a conflict of interest.
c. It is understood that Vendor are not now consulting with matters which conflict or appear to conflict with the subject matter of this Agreement. It is agreed that, if subsequent to the execution of this Agreement, Vendor find that a conflict, or what may appear to be a conflict, develops because of a relationship created or intended to be created between Vendor and any third party, Vendor shall immediately notify ISSC who shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate this Agreement on twenty-four hours notice. Upon exercise of such right of termination, ISSC's only obligation to Vendor shall be to reimburse Vendor for services rendered to the date of termination.
Conflict of Interest A. The Institution represents and warrants that, other than as set forth below, its directors, officers, or employees is not employed or engaged, whether paid or unpaid, in any of the following in a capacity that could allow any of its directors, officers, or employees to influence , the Sponsor's, or Sponsor's affiliate business: (i) as government official (including a relationship with a governmental official which could cause the official to influence the business of the Sponsor or any of the Sponsor’s affiliate companies ; (ii) on or serving in an official service provider capacity to any reimbursement committee, pricing committee, drug approval committee, formulary or similar committee (e.g. State Office for Drug Control and Ministry of Healthcare) or health insurance company; (iii) in any other governmental position, including a position in an international governmental health organization, such as the WHO (World Health Organization) or UNICEF. ovlivnění rozhodování nebo jednání vztahujícímu se k předmětu této Smlouvy nebo jakémukoliv jinému aspektu podnikatelské činnosti Zadavatele. Termínem „Veřejný funkcionář“ se rozumí (i) jakýkoliv funkcionář nebo zaměstnanec vládní nebo veřejné mezinárodní organizace, (ii) jakákoliv osoba jednající v úředním postavení pro nebo v zastoupení jakékoliv vládní nebo veřejné mezinárodní organizace a
Conflict of Interest A. The Institution represents and warrants that, other than as set forth below, any of its directors, officers, or employees is not employed or engaged, whether paid or unpaid, in any of the following in a capacity that could allow any of its directors, officers, or employees to influence Merck & Co., Inc. ("Merck"), the Sponsor's, MSD's, or MSD's affiliate business: jednat v jeho zastoupení.
Conflict of Interest A. The Institution represents and warrants that, other than as set forth below, any of its directors, officers, or employees is not employed or engaged, whether paid or unpaid, in any of the following in a capacity that could allow any of its directors, officers, or employees to influence Merck & Co., Inc. ("Merck"), the Sponsor's, MSD's, or MSD's affiliate business: (i) as government official (including a relationship with a governmental official which could cause the official to influence the business of the Sponsor or any of the company from the Merck/MSD group; (ii) on or serving in an official service provider capacity to any reimbursement committee, pricing committee, drug approval committee, formulary or similar committee (e.g. State Office for Drug Control and Ministry of Healthcare) or health insurance company; (iii) in any other governmental position, including a position in an international governmental health organization, such as the WHO (World Health Organization) or UNICEF.
B. The Institution will advise the Sponsor to the extent the status described above in i), ii) and iii) above changes during the term of this Agreement.
C. The Institution represents and warrants that Institution or any of its directors, officers, or employees shall not make any payment, either directly or indirectly, of money or other assets, including but not limited to compensation paid under this Agreement, to government or political party officials, candidates for public office, or representatives of other businesses or persons acting on their behalf, where such payment is for the purpose of influencing decisions or 23.